Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 697 The final heartbreak! (8000)

Greedy and cold power.

Constantly devouring Spartacus's vitality.

The feeling of being squeezed and swallowed all over the body makes people feel a little panicked.

Spartacus remained unmoved by such a "crisis" and continued to exert force.

Whether he was transformed into a dragon warrior or fighting against the strange power within his body, Spartacus has withstood many tests.

Now that you have made up your mind, you must implement it unswervingly!

Tyler, whose vitality was rapidly weakening and soon almost nonexistent, had set a good example for Spartacus.

Spartacus felt his body grow weaker.

It seemed as if all the strength was about to be swallowed up.

The warm breath spread from deep inside the body.

The coldness began to subside, and Spartacus felt his strength gradually return.

A steady stream of vitality emerged from all parts of the body.

The life essence and high-concentration nutrient solution injected into his body are continuously nourishing his body.

The outside is constantly swallowing, and the inside is constantly releasing.

This special process gave Spartacus's body a different kind of baptism.

The body that was originally a little uncomfortable due to the transformation of the Dragon Warrior, and the strange power that rebelled from time to time, were gradually fused together under the stimulation of the threat of death.

Unknowingly, Spartacus' already powerful body once again underwent benign changes.

This is the little "surprise" of life, you can always find some special way out.

This is why Matthew wants to complete the universal career advancement.

In the shortest time, select the most talented people and lay a solid foundation.

Spartacus's special talent is not an exception. Some geniuses trained by the Bay Collar Professional Academy are also gradually emerging.

The better the recovery, the more confident Spartacus will be.

In severe pain, he carefully felt the changes taking place in his body.

The situation inside the body is exactly the same as when it underwent transformation.

The transformed organs and tissues greedily absorb nutrients due to damage and constant repair.

Not only does it put a burden on other parts of the body, it can even trigger a chain reaction.

The other organs of the body were working desperately, trying to restore the damage to the body, constantly absorbing nutrients, and trying to save his life.

It is during the violent fluctuations that the transformed organs and tissues are "tamed" and integrated with other tenacious body organs.

Spartacus had many "situations" that touched death, and was saved alive by the Lord.

Now, severe pain is still impacting Spartacus's mind.

The arrows flying from not far away hit the thunder magic armor with a "dinging" sound.

The attack prompt from the battle helmet made Spartacus wake up.

Even though his whole body was still in unbearable pain, Spartacus was able to endure the pain and initially gained control of his body.

Spartacus opened his eyes and realized that the extremely long pain only lasted a few seconds.

The Phoenix Guard rushed over, the freezing rays aimed at his head not far away, and the few surviving Cole Elf elite warriors all stared at him.

With a ferocious smile on his lips, Spartacus felt his body's weakness and rapid recovery, knowing very well that he had no power to activate for the time being.

However, this does not mean that Spartacus cannot control Taylor!

"Activate the bracket support system!"

The internal support of the Thunder Magic Armor was not disturbed or affected by Extermination Slash, and he quickly took control of the armor.

Under the panicked gaze of countless Cole elves, he grabbed Taylor's neck!


"Let him go!"


"Don't do anything."


The Phoenix Guard, whose eyes were a little panicked, immediately stopped.

Other attacks also stopped abruptly. Looking at Taylor who was not human after being controlled by Spartacus, there was a little daze in his eyes.

What happened just now?

The commander was captured by the enemy like this?

How on earth did he do it?

Is there any way to hurt him!

All kinds of complex thoughts filled Elf Cole's mind.

It was this delay of more than ten seconds that completely cut off their chance to rescue Cole Elf Commander Taylor.

The dark red light slowly extinguished.

Taylor, who was haggard and had a body like a skeleton, opened his eyes blankly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, more than ten gray-yellow teeth fell out.


My dry mind finally came to thoughts and ideas.

Taylor suddenly realized that he was not dead yet.

Spartacus, with a happy expression on his face, raised his combat auxiliary helmet, revealing a face that made many Cole elves exclaim.


"King of Slaves!"

"Why is it him?"

"He's not dead yet?"

"200 years!"

"He's here again!"

"Is he involved with the Bay Territory?"

"Damn it!"


The Cole Elf warriors recognized Spartacus.

I recognized this half-elf slave who had made a huge name in the Canterlot Mountains and even in the entire Elf Kingdom of Cole!

Especially his pair of red ruby-like eyes, which undoubtedly impressed all the Cole elves present.

With a start in his heart, two Phoenix Guards rushed over.

They both remembered very well that Spartacus never showed mercy.

The Cole Elf nobles who fall into his hands will be killed by him without mercy!

Taylor, who woke up with a start, kept making "ho ho" sounds in fear of death.

Spartacus looked at the fragile Taylor and showed a ferocious expression to all the Cole elves present:

"Yes, it's me!"

"Your retribution!"

With Spartacus's eyes showing the flames of revenge, Taylor was so panicked and frightened that he broke his neck without hesitation.

Then with a strong grip, Spartacus took off Taylor's head and threw it aside casually.

This is Spartacus's usual killing move.

It can effectively prevent the Cole elves killed by him from coming back to life through resurrection spells.

Taylor felt his vision suddenly spin.

The weakness and pain came to an abrupt end.

The roaring sounds around him became lighter and softer.

In his mind, an incredible and absurd thought emerged:

"I am of the Cole Elf royal family..."

"I am a talented Cole Elf senior mage..."

"I have a bright and brilliant destiny..."

"How could it be possible to die like this..."


The head fell to the ground and was crushed by the fleeing Spartacus.

The Phoenix Guard, who fell into a state of madness, urged the flaming phoenix to fly over.

The blazing phoenix flew over and burned Taylor's broken body to ashes.

Once blown by the wind, it disappeared without a trace.

Spartacus, who was pushing the flame jet backpack with all his strength, recalled the horrifying scene of the broken magic shield being instantly burned by the flame phoenix, and felt extremely happy in his heart:

"Fortunately, the combat auxiliary helmet can be controlled quickly, otherwise the designation would have been burned out."

"This firebird is too scary. I have never seen it before. Why is it so powerful?"

"Although the flame jet backpack is difficult to control, it is indeed very useful. I hope it can be strengthened in the future."

Feeling the weakness gradually disappearing, the cold and stinging condition was greatly relieved.

Strength and stamina are replenished again.

Spartacus completely shook off his weakened state before landing on the ground.

He ran wildly towards the Cole elf warriors who were caught off guard, ignoring the screams of the flaming phoenix behind him, and let out a heartfelt sigh.

"When manpower is eventually exhausted, magic equipment and machinery can always perform stably."

"Perhaps, you can give your advice to the Lord to further strengthen the intelligent auxiliary device."

The dragon warrior's recovery ability is super strong, but it is not unlimited.

Matthew informed almost every dragon warrior of his test results, regarding the limit of their ability to continue fighting.

This is a secret that belongs to each dragon warrior and their direct commander, and no one else knows it.

After reaching the limit of continuous combat.

Even with the supplement of life essence and high-concentration nutrient solution.

It still takes about half an hour to recover.

If intelligent assistance can help participate in the battle, it can be cleverly matched with the many weapons and equipment of the Thunder Magic Armor.

It should be able to alternately pass through the huge pressure of the highest intensity combat, thereby greatly improving the endurance combat capability.

The two complement each other and will definitely show stronger destructive power.

In this case, the half-elf transformed warriors can make up the huge gap with the Cole Elf elite warriors and gain a certain advantage.

"The enemy needs rest, we don't!"

"The enemy needs to recover, we never stop!"

Moreover, this is the most extreme situation.

For most battles, dragon warriors paired with thunder magic armor can recover while fighting.

Thinking of this, Spartacus easily killed several panicked Cole elf warriors.

Hearing the angry shouts of the Phoenix Guards, he couldn't help but laugh.

Noticing that the half-elf warriors were about to scale the city wall, Spartacus immediately adjusted his goal.

He did not further distance himself, but continued to attract the hatred of the Phoenix Guards, leading them towards an area where the half-elf warriors had not gathered.

While holding back the Phoenix Guards, he wanted to drive away the defending Cole Elf warriors.

He wanted to attract more hatred and give the other half-elf warriors a chance to attack the city wall.


Artillery fire flying from a distance continued to bombard the protective barrier of the city wall.

Although the protective barrier was crumbling, it still withstood most of the long-range artillery attacks.

Spartacus felt a little pity. The Cole Elf's Lord's Mansion had excellent protection capabilities and the guards' combat effectiveness was also very strong.

The raiding force did not achieve full success, but only blocked and interfered with it.

However, for the first large-scale attack, such unprecedented results can be achieved.

Spartacus was extremely satisfied.

Compared with before, he led his half-elf slaves to hide in the dangerous mountains and forests, and had to avoid being chased by Cole's elven troops at all times.

Now being able to attack the Cole Elf city and kill the Cole Elf commander is already an unimaginable and huge improvement.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at the half-elf slave being rescued in the distance.

After the Flame Phoenix dissipated, Spartacus launched a counterattack against the Phoenix Guards with high fighting will.

The extremely angry Phoenix Guards naturally wanted to use the blood of Spartacus to wash away their shame.

They collided fiercely, with violent fighting spirit flying continuously, and the fierce destructive power made it impossible for the surrounding Cole Elf warriors to get close.

The first batch of half-elf warriors rushed onto the city wall.

The way they rushed up the wall was quite unique.

The half-elf warriors charging at the front held high their wide and thick metal shields.

Under the covering fire attack of the Cole Elf warriors, a ball of flames burst out from their backs, leading them to rush forward.

Shockingly equipped with an improved flame jet backpack!

The city wall, which was more than ten meters high, was useless in front of them.

"They can fly!"

"I need support here!"

"What kind of weapon is this?"



The half-elf warriors who had not yet jumped to the wall and suppressed the excitement in their hearts just followed the instructor's training and aimed at the Cole elf who was shooting arrows and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Whoops! Whoops!

The violent flames enveloped the entire top of the city wall.

Many Cole elf warriors were unable to dodge and were surrounded by raging flames.

Their bodies were stained with highly adhesive fuel, and the scorching flames burned their bodies.

The screams echoed from the top of the city wall.

Streams of flames spurted out from the hands of the half-elf warriors who rushed up the city wall.

The Cole Elf warriors on the city wall immediately suffered heavy losses.

The narrow space on the city wall even left them nowhere to escape.

They were either burned by the violent flames, or retreated under the wall to avoid the terrifying flames that could spray dozens of meters away.

For a time, a large number of Cole Elf warriors either died or retreated.

A large number of half-elf warriors took the opportunity to control a large area of ​​the city wall.

They immediately formed a formation, with their companions holding flamethrowers and shields as the front row, and advanced like other areas of the city wall.

Cole Elf warriors are not timid. Even if their companions suffer a lot of casualties, they still stick to their fighting positions and wait for opportunities to launch attacks.

Their archery skills are very good. Even if they cannot penetrate the shield's defense, they can still seize the opportunity to shoot other parts of the half-elf warrior.

Many half-elf warriors were injured as a result, and the light combat armor provided them with good defense.

As long as he doesn't get hit in any vital parts, his life is basically saved.

The half-elf warriors also reacted quickly. They immediately hid behind their shields, cleaned their wounds, and took blood-activating potions.

In more than ten seconds, they regained their fighting strength.

More and more half-elf warriors climbed onto the city wall.

In addition to the Pyros advancing in front, there are also many soldiers holding explosive armor-piercing bows and crossbows.

They specialize in shooting enemies that can withstand fire, as well as Kor Elf warriors who pop up from cover to shoot from afar.

Although their archery skills are not as good as those of their opponents, most of them have prepared shields for defense and can calmly aim and shoot at the enemy.

Compared with the full preparation of the half-elf warriors, the situation of the Cole elf warriors was much worse.

There weren't many bunkers on the city wall, and the half-elf warrior's shooting was enough to cause fatal damage to them.

If there hadn't been a steady stream of soldiers rushing to support them, they might have lost an entire city wall.

Even so, the half-elf warriors occupied more and more city walls.

Relying on the Pyro's almost rogue way of advancement, the Cole Elf warriors were unable to fight back in a short period of time.

At this moment, two huge fireballs flew over.

"Boom" hit the advancing Pyro.

The amazing destructive power of the fireball technique was undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment.

Even though the Pyro was holding a shield and wearing light combat armor, he still couldn't withstand the fireball bombardment.

The two Pyros who were hit directly died immediately.

Other warriors were also hit by the ferocious impact. They kept vomiting blood and were obviously seriously injured.

The spell caster hiding in the dark has not had time to be happy.

More than a dozen deadly crossbow arrows were already flying over.

Several warriors holding shields stood up and tried to block the crossbow arrows.


The seemingly inconspicuous crossbow arrow easily tore open the bright silver shield and penetrated the unresponsive Cole Elf warrior.

With ferocious blood, they slammed into the shield in front of the caster.


Dark and deadly demon-breaking patterns lit up on several rotating crossbow arrows.

The magic shield shattered instantly, and the deadly crossbow bolt penetrated the caster's body.

His eyes widened, and his face showed disbelief and unwillingness.

He underestimated the enemy, so he died!

Another spellcaster used a flickering dagger to avoid the crossbow arrows and barely escaped with his life.

However, under the threat of death, he did not dare to cast spells again.

The one who took action was the half-elf warrior holding a dragon-hunting crossbow.

They were specifically hidden.

There is only one mission!

Snipe the battle mage who kills the Kor elf.

The only thing that can change the battlefield situation is this unit that can release mass destruction spells.

The following Pyro immediately stepped forward, and other half-elf warriors rushed to rescue the injured Pyro.

Casualties did not deter the half-elf warriors from their determination to fight.

They looked at the collapsing Cole Elf warriors, their eyes filled with joyful vengeance.

The flames kept flying, and the shouts of killing continued one after another.

Spartacus waved his long sword to force the Phoenix Guards back, and took a moment to observe the situation, with a little joy in his eyes.

Under the fierce attack of the half-elf warriors, two city walls have been captured.

Even if a steady stream of Cole elf warriors rushed forward, they could only watch the city wall being taken away due to the disadvantages of weapons and terrain.

The explosions in the city have not subsided yet, and it is obvious that the members of the action team are still continuing to fight.

Looking at the two angry Phoenix Guards, Spartacus, who had fully recovered, showed real murderous intent in his eyes.

Spartacus and the half-elves were very determined to capture the elf city of Cole.

As long as the Cole Elf Kingdom dares not to provide support, they are determined to completely occupy the city.

Whether it's killing or capturing Cole elf warriors.

Seize the city's resources and wealth.

It can greatly boost their morale.

Such a victory can give the half-elves great encouragement and give them greater confidence to persevere.

Even if the Cole Elf Kingdom sends good soldiers to come to support, Spartacus will hold on as long as possible.

The real purpose of this battle.

Not only to test the training results of the half-elf warriors, but also to let them become soldiers who actually step into the battlefield.

It was also to destroy the Cole Elf production factory and rescue the half-elf slaves outside.

In addition to these, the battle of half-elves also has a crucial purpose - to create opportunities for others!

Create an opportunity to drive a dagger into the heart of the Elven City of Kor!

Spartacus looked at the Lord's Mansion, which was still resisting and persisting, and faced the Phoenix Guards who were howling and rushing over. He exuded twisted and violent fighting spirit, and roared and shouted:

"Haha, come on, you two losers!"

News of the death of Cole Elf Commander Taylor gradually spread in the city.

The Cole Elf warriors who were fighting couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts.

Many Cole Elf commanders and nobles could not help but turn pale.

If the city cannot be protected, even if they can escape the battlefield, they will face extremely terrible consequences and punishments.

Being caught off guard, they no longer chose to hold back, and without hesitation issued the order to attack and attack with the entire army.

The Cole elf soldiers, who were also a little "scared", also began to work hard.

Feeling the pressure, the raiding team members did not attack the Lord's Mansion and retreated one after another.

They are not in a hurry to achieve their goal, they just want to attract the attention of these Cole Elf warriors and create more pressure on them.

Some of the action personnel retreated into the underground tunnel.

They prepared a trap here and had a "head-on" collision with the Cole Elf warriors who came down.

They waited for the number of Cole Elf warriors outside to decrease before relaunching the attack and continuing to attack the Lord's Mansion.

They must cause more damage and learn more about the Cole Elf Lord's Mansion.

The Cole Elf commanders felt a great headache. The huge pressure on the city wall and the fighting situation of various key areas being attacked made them feel unprepared.

The seemingly large number of troops has been drawn away and has become passive.

Fortunately, they will soon no longer have to choose where to defend.

Under the influence of Spartacus, half-elf warriors wearing light combat armor rushed to the city wall one after another.

Moreover, at an astonishing speed, they suppressed the elite Cole Elf troops who came to support them.

More and more half-elf warriors, wearing light combat armor produced by the Gulf Territory, climbed onto the city wall.

They took advantage of their commanding position to support the fighting below the city.

The dwarf artillery has even been moved to the city wall to bomb and shoot at designated areas and Cole Elf warriors.

For a time, the city was filled with the sounds of fighting and explosions.

Realizing that something was wrong, the deputy commander of the Cole elves immediately mobilized a large number of troops in the city and rushed to the city wall for support.

If the city wall is completely occupied by the half-elf warriors, the Cole elves' army blocked in the city will become a turtle in the urn.

Some powerful Cole Elf elite warriors put on fire shields and anti-fire barriers and led the team to rush to the city wall to provide support.

The battle mages who were ready for battle again hid and released various combat auxiliary spells.

Under the attack of Cole elf warriors regardless of casualties, the speed of half-elf warriors occupying the city wall is gradually slowing down.

While the Cole Elf warriors had no time to care.

The raiders who had taken cover came out of their hiding places again.

They launched another attack on the guarding troops everywhere.

And this time, they no longer held back.

The dragon warriors, who had not taken action before, wearing thunder magic armor, led the charge.

They faced the lord's mansion wrapped in a magic circle.

Large-scale manufacturing factory.

Warehouses storing supplies were resolutely raided and destroyed.

All the supplies that could be taken away were not let go.

The enemy who can be killed will be killed without hesitation.

Equipment that cannot be taken away can be destroyed directly by throwing time bombs.

In just a few minutes, multiple targets that had been unsuccessful just now suffered devastating blows.

The sound of explosions one after another and the sharp and noisy sounds of battle echoed in the huge city all the time.

In fact, it was not only the Kor Elf city that was raided.

The three nearby Cole Elf factory cities were also covered by artillery fire.

The situation there is not as serious as here.

A damaged production plant cannot be restored in a short period of time.

The half-elves, who had been bullied and enslaved for a long time, let out angry roars and roars tonight.

More than 50,000 half-elf warriors appeared in these battle areas.

The Cole elves, who underestimated the number of enemies, could not bear the consequences of more damage to the production factory at this critical moment.

After receiving the news, the Cole Elf Council decisively sent a number of elite troops for support.

After detecting the fluctuations in the use of the large teleportation circle and the movement of forcibly breaking through the dimensional anchor blockade.

Hall immediately issued an order to "retreat the entire army."

Their mission has been completed!

Seeing the last uncaptured city wall, Spartacus, although a little regretful, still chose to retreat.

The other half-elf soldiers were equally unwilling.

But they all kept the orders and disciplines in mind, and fired at the Cole Elf warriors in the distance to suppress them.

He first activated the smoke generator on his body, then activated the flame propulsion backpack, and jumped off the city wall.

Location not too far from the city.

More than thirty Golem armored trucks were firing continuously.

Provide fire support to the soldiers as they retreat.

After Spartacus jumped off the city wall, he was in no hurry to leave.

He looked at the legendary professionals on the city wall exuding dazzling fighting spirit, and issued a blatant provocation.

"Haha, this is the death you want most!"

"This is the revenge of our half-elves!"

"Today is just the beginning, in the future you will all die!"

The longer Spartacus delayed.

The battle on the other side will be more beneficial.

call! call! call!

The violent fighting spirit squeezed out the surrounding air.

The legendary professional brought up a dark cyan light and shadow, aiming at Spartacus.

Spartacus, whose body was stained with blood and broken marks, felt the pleasure of fully recovering from his injuries, and the violent sword energy soared into the sky.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the opponent, he used the same sword energy as the opponent!

Phantom clone chop!

I can too!


Explosions one after another destroyed the excavated passage.

Not only can it kill the Cole elves that rush down, but it can also block their pursuit.

Hall looked at the fast-moving light spots on his watch, with a little anticipation in his eyes.

"The potential of half-elves is really strong!"

One after another, the magic shells hit the magic circle barrier of the Lord's Mansion ferociously.

The sudden violent explosion caused the Cole elves in the fortress to panic.

Hundreds of Cole Elf warriors rushed anxiously from the other side of the street, trying to rescue the Lord's Mansion.

The gray elf transformed warriors hiding in the corner all showed ferocious smiles.


call! call! call!

The gushing flames lit up the dark night sky.

The sudden spurt of deadly fire snakes enveloped the entire street.

The unsuspecting Cole Elf warriors were immediately engulfed in flames.

Except for a handful of Cole elf warriors who activated their spell shields, they fled away in a very embarrassed manner.

The other warriors were ignited by the terrifying flames and burned alive into smelly charcoal.

Seeing the miserable condition of these companions, the Cole Elf warriors who were struggling to support themselves inside the city lord's palace showed deep despair in their eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The innermost floor of the Lord's Mansion.

Strong walls were destroyed.

El elves wearing thunder magic armor rushed in excitedly.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the Cole Elf warriors, they destroyed them and even the walls.

More than a dozen Cole Elf elite warriors, covered with injuries, bravely faced him.

Then, they were surrounded by the El Elf Transformation Warriors.

After only holding on for a few breaths, their limbs were hammered off, and they completely lost their ability to resist. They could only lie on the ground helplessly and howl.

The Cole Elf Commander stared at the failed teleportation circle in disbelief, trying to protect the attacked control center, muttering to himself:

"This is impossible!"

Aini, who was leading the team, smashed his head with a wave of his hand and threw him into the capture device.

Listening to the sporadic sounds of fighting outside, Aini signaled the El Elf transformation warriors to fight quickly.

More than 10 seconds later.

The dilapidated Lord's Mansion returned to calm.

On the wall of the fortress in the distance, the magic barrier that had been persisting immediately shattered.


High-explosive artillery shells flying from a distance.

It hit the city wall violently.

The Cole Elf warriors who did not react were completely engulfed by the explosion of fire.

The more the city wall was attacked, the more Cole Elf warriors rushed forward for support and defense.

They knew very well that once the city wall was lost, the entire fortress would be taken away by the enemy.

At that time, they still cannot escape death.

Of course, they naturally did not dare to use their flesh and blood to fight against the roaring magic artillery.

They just hid behind the city wall tremblingly, looking in vain at the exploding light in the sky, with panic and uneasiness in their eyes.

The El elves actually possessed such powerful weapons, and immediately launched revenge on them!

The roar of artillery echoed in the valley!

It represents the roar and revenge of the El elves who have been oppressed and plundered for thousands of years.

They are the daggers inserted into the heart of Cole Elf!

8000 today

Asking for monthly ticket


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