Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 714: Destroy its vanguard (8000)

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A mighty army of rebellious machines surged from the valley.

They never stop and are not afraid.

They are ruthless and kill anything alive in their path.

They kill all flesh and blood creatures with cold blood and collect their flesh and blood.

This situation was naturally noticed by many people.

The goblin combat troops, who had been prepared for a long time, stared at their rapid incoming movements, their eyes gradually glowing with excitement.


The turbulent shells flew over from a distance and hit the center of the rebel machine hard.

The spreading deadly shrapnel brutally destroyed the rebel machines it hit along the way.

They make huge holes or stop due to exhaustion.

The rebel machines that were attacked immediately accelerated their running speed and rushed towards the direction of the fire.

Continuous artillery fire came one after another.

The rebel machine that rushed at the front was immediately blown to pieces.

Even so, there were still renegade machines glaring with strangely red electronic eyes and rushing into the cover of artillery fire without hesitation.

They have no will of their own and are not afraid of death.

Only a small number of renegade machines hidden among them have the thinking and ability to control and direct their operations.

Soon, the snipers in the Gulf Territory saw these unique renegade machines.

The other renegade machines were all advancing, but they were the only ones standing there, commanding the other renegade machines to die.

With such an obvious difference, it is natural to use a more sensitive combat power detector to take photos of them several times.

Soon, their differences became apparent.

Intelligent rebel machine, small structure.

Challenge Level: 15+Elite

Challenge suggestion: 10 fully armed high-level professionals are needed to rush into the beheading operation!

Basic attributes: basically the same as the rebel machine.

Combat rating: 150!

Ordinary rebel machines are elites, and they directly transition into elites.

There is no obvious difference in the appearance characteristics of the two.

Once they were marked, however, long-range artillery was already targeting them.


The fierce artillery fire showed the effect of precise strikes.

The intelligent renegade machine that was found was bombarded by at least three or four artillery pieces.

The extremely destructive artillery fire immediately cleared out the large area of ​​renegade machinery.

Most of the rebel machines were killed by gunfire, leaving only broken, dark metal fragments.

Compared with ordinary rebel machines, the intelligent rebel machines, which had no physical differences, were naturally killed.

The effect is quite obvious!

After the intelligent renegade machine was killed, hundreds of nearby renegade machines immediately became chaotic.

They were no longer as neat and uniform as before, advancing in a spread-net-like dispersed formation, but instead charged forward in a chaotic manner.

As a result, the renegade machines that charged in front all became a mess, charging and crowding together on the rugged mountain road.

Such a situation is just right for long-range fire coverage bombing.

A large area of ​​artillery fire came over, and more rebel machines fell.

If it were before, the rebel machines didn't have many countermeasures.

This time, things are completely different.

Some shrunken metal cannons were dragged out by the rebel machinery.

Aiming at the direction of the fire, they fired back.

The rotating cannonballs flew over from a distance.

"Artillery attack, pay attention to concealment!"

The artillerymen who had retreated in advance still hid in the bunker obediently.

The raging explosion not far away made them swallow their saliva involuntarily.

Many soldiers were very lucky. Thanks to their usual training and habitual obedience to orders, they were not killed by the opponent's precise and deadly counterattack.

Many soldiers felt strange in their hearts, and immediately recalled what the commanders had told them before the battle began.

"The enemy this time is extraordinary. Not only does it have tenacious vitality, it also has long-range attack capabilities."

"At the same time, there are more of them than there are of us."

"They'll even learn and imitate our weapons, so brace yourself."

"The battles between us and each other are the real scenes in which we usually train against each other."

"We must prepare accordingly and be more vigilant."

At this time, the soldiers immediately became alert.

The artillery commander, who was also frightened into a cold sweat, noticed the non-stop artillery fire from the opponent, and a little coldness flashed in his eyes.

He immediately issued an order based on the shooting elements sent back by the observer:

"Adjust the artillery and wait for the firing order!"

The clear voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every artilleryman through the team's communicator.

The gunners who were waiting in full position quickly completed the calibration and silently waited for the order to fire.

The violent shock of the distant artillery bombardment made them involuntarily nervous, but before they had too many thoughts, clear "shooting" immediately sprang out.

"3 rapid fire! Quick transfer!"

The gunner opened fire instantly, and the cannonballs flew out impatiently.

The loader immediately stepped forward, cleared the barrel, and loaded the shells.

The gunner opened fire again.

The loader connects extremely quickly.

Three times!

They decisively jumped on the seat of the self-propelled artillery. The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the entire group of artillery immediately moved to the right.

The whole process only took 30 seconds, which made the commander in control feel a little relieved.

He calculated the time carefully and silently looked back at the shooting position just now.

Two minutes later.

The artillery units in the Gulf Territory have redeployed and hid in the new shooting area.

Continuous shells roared past, covering the place where they were just now in a blanket of fire.

The artillery commander, who had received the opponent's reaction speed, breathed a long sigh of relief.

The opponent's response speed was already very fast, but it was far inferior to the artillery force of the Gulf Territory.

They train repetitive shots and transfers every day, at least hundreds of times a day.

Every time a mistake occurs, you will be asked to find the reason immediately, and you must quickly correct it in the following training.

If you cannot meet the requirements, you must enter the reserve team for further intensive training.

Here, new combat requirements and technologies replace their previous combat experience.

Many soldiers will feel confused and experience fluctuations in repeated training.

However, the Gulf Territory has never allowed various problems to be magnified.

The commander will find the person with the problem, have in-depth communication with them, and explain to them the importance and significance of each training.

Even so, training day after day and being unable to see the effects of their attacks often make these soldiers restless.

Can their current fighting method really work?

Fortunately, Gulf Territory has been traveling on the right path!

Various thoughts flashed through the artillery commander's mind.

He withdrew his gaze from the artillery bombardment in the distance and issued subsequent combat orders:

"Adjust shooting Zhuyuan!"

"3 rapid fire! Quick transfer!"

Continuous artillery bombardments hit every part of the rebel mechanical army with precision.

The area hit by the heaviest artillery fire.

Naturally, it was the rebel machinery that launched the charge at the front, as well as the opponent's long-range artillery unit.

In particular, long-range artillery units will be bombarded by targeted artillery units in the Gulf Territory every once in a while.

The huge destructive power of the dense artillery bombardment weakened the number of artillery and mechanical units time and time again.

Even so, their counterattack was still swift and powerful, and they were not affected by the attack.

This is the power of the mechanical army.

No matter when they are, how much damage they suffer, or how hard they are hit, they will execute orders stably.

Stability is also their weakness!

Every one of their counterattacks failed, and the amount of artillery fire fired from the Gulf Territory never suffered any decrease.

They did not change the way they counterattacked, and continued to launch counterattacks according to the plan they made before the war.

Of course, the continuous damage suffered by the artillery unit also naturally caused the rebel mechanical commander to respond.

Its response is simple, continue to add troops to the artillery unit.

Some of the modified mechanical dogs rushed to the center of the battlefield carrying metal cannons with a much smaller caliber and at least twice the length.

They have longer range, are more lethal, and can move faster.

For the commander of the renegade mechanical army, as long as the numbers overwhelm the opponent, victory will be within reach.

Unfortunately, it is too simple.

The backwardness of fighting methods cannot be compensated by the number of weapons.

The rebel army did have a large number of long-range artillery units, with a total of eight to nine hundred artillery pieces. The lethality of the covering fire was enough to smash open gaps in the thick city walls.

The bunkers where the artillery troops hide can also be directly destroyed.

However, no matter how fierce the firepower is, if it cannot hit the enemy, it will only be useless.

Therefore, even if they strengthened their firepower, they still did not cause any damage to the artillery units in the Gulf Territory. Instead, they suffered a more targeted concentrated fire strike.

In just ten minutes, the mechanical artillery unit was hit by five salvos of artillery fire.

Thousands of artillery mechanical monsters suffered a devastating blow.

By the time the commander of the rebel mechanical army reacted, there were not many artillery mechanical monsters left.

It was only at this time that the Gulf Territory artillery force, which had eliminated the threat, activated all its firepower.

Continuous explosions of fire quickly destroyed the vanguard of the rebel mechanical army.

The rebel machinery they finally rushed forward suffered a devastating blow immediately.

This renegade mechanical exploration team, numbering more than 8,000, could not withstand the increasing casualties from artillery bombardment, and had no choice but to retreat backwards.

In the process of retreating, they suffered artillery bombardment from everywhere.

The idea of ​​bringing back the bodies of the renegade machines fell through, and even more remains were left behind.

In the end, only more than 3,000 rebellious mechanical monsters escaped from this smoke-filled, artillery-fired Death Canyon.

It was only then that the Mohist disciples, who were waiting for the fierce battle in the fortifications, realized something at a loss.

The battle is over!

They didn't even take serious action. Only dozens of people who acted as guides for the Gulf Territory participated in the battle.

However, the Gulf Territory was still very generous and shared the remains of these renegade machines with the Mo family.

The Mo family disciples who rushed to the battlefield looked at the densely packed wreckage in silence, feeling a little excited but also a little confused.

The combat effectiveness and fighting methods displayed by the Gulf Territory far exceeded their imagination and expectations.

They still have a little bit of confidence against the rebel machines.

But if they encounter the Gulf Territory, they may be like these fallen rebel machines.

Death is unclear and unclear.

They understood that this was the work of the Gulf Territory Artillery.

But I never imagined that the Gulf Territory's artillery force of 2,000 men and 280 artillery pieces would have such powerful lethality.

Several leaders of the organ city immediately made up their minds after a brief and rapid exchange.

Exchanges and cooperation with the Gulf Territory must be intensified and deepened.

This was just an attack on the area controlled by the Gulf Territory, and it was the vanguard of the rebel mechanical army in the north.

On the eastern battlefield, a fierce battle is taking place.

This place is not like the long, narrow and deep valley in front of the city. It is a group of mountains.

The rebel machines launched attacks from multiple roads, preparing to encircle the three passes in the eastern part of the Gulf Territory.

The charging rebel machines were also blasted to pieces by the surging artillery.

However, because the mountain peak is not high enough, the slopes on both sides are not steep enough.

Therefore, the renegade machinery can attack from the front from the hillside.

The Gulf Territory has laid many "traps" here.

A specially dug flat road.

Yes, the Gulf Territory has dug a path for the renegade machines to attack.

Therefore, the rebel machines will naturally continue to move forward along these dug roads.

There are no traps on this road, but there are dwarf artillery targets that have gradually reached a range of 3 kilometers.


The violent explosion caused heavy losses to the rebel machines crowded on these roads in the first place.

Their first reaction when attacked is to keep rushing forward.

The dwarf artillery did not fire at them, but extended backwards and covered them.

Until they bombed all the rebel machines on the entire road, killing 1/3 of their number and destroying the remaining 1/6, basically destroying their offensive strength.

When the remaining scattered rebel machines continued to charge forward.

The Gulf Territory combat troops, who had already ambushed them, immediately cleared them away.

The powerful dragon warriors, combined with the fixed-point shooting of long-range crossbows, can easily deal with scattered rebel machines.

This also resulted in the fact that although the offensive of the rebel machines was fierce, they did not achieve much results.

Instead, they suffered a steady stream of blows during their march, resulting in a large number of combat unit losses.

Finally, all the renegade machines that rushed over were cleared away.

In order to deal with the continuous bombardment of artillery troops.

As soon as they pushed the mechanical artillery unit forward, they immediately suffered a counterattack from the Gulf Territory.

Some artillery units from the Gulf Territory ambushed on the sides of the defense line and carried out covering strikes on them.

The sudden and violent artillery fire caught them off guard, and almost all the mechanical artillery was wiped out.

Although the slower-moving rebel machinery continued to advance, it was still swallowed up by the firepower network defense line deployed by the Gulf Territory.

They kept moving forward, but could never go any further.

The command center of the rebel machinery chose to take a detour.

Most of them are made of steel, but they are not strong either.

The rogue machine's rare flexibility is definitely enough to deal with the vast majority of defenders.

Building defense lines, fortresses and passes in mountainous areas is a huge project in itself.

As long as you don't take the initiative to attack it and advance around it, the opponent will have to fight his way out of the defensive building.

Regardless of whether the opponent comes out or stays stationary in the defensive building, Renegade Machine can accept it.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the number of defense lines deployed by the Gulf Territory.

Their movements naturally fell into the eyes of the Gulf Territory Flying Dragon Knights.

"Regiment 12, Regiment 16, Regiment 18, move to defense zones 3, 5, and 6..."

"Regiment 3, Regiment 7, Regiment 9, move to defense zones 11 and 19..."

After detecting that they were withdrawing again and changing their marching route.

The combat troops in the Gulf Territory completed the transfer of fronts at a faster speed.

Whether it is the small transportation track that has been prepared long ago or the regional chain space array that can carry out short-distance transmission, it can allow the Gulf leadership to move quickly.

The speed of the Gulf leadership's deployment and departure reached a very alarming level.

In just 15 minutes, nearly 50,000 Gulf Territory soldiers successfully completed the transfer.

They hid quietly and quickly prepared for battle, waiting for the mutinous machinery to step into the prepared trap.

The mutinous machinery marched on a new path forward, and there were no traces of the defensive line deployed by the Gulf leadership.

Thousands of renegade machines advanced rapidly, but occasionally a few unlucky ones fell into the pit or were destroyed by the arranged alchemy bombs.

Some sporadic combatants used artillery and long-range crossbows to launch a counterattack against the rebel mechanical army.

The flying dragon knights came from a short distance away and were fighting with the mechanical flying dragon in the sky.

The sporadic traps and the small number of enemy troops made the rebel mechanical command center breathe a sigh of relief.

Without any further hesitation, the rebel machine moved forward with all its strength.

A rare opportunity not to be missed!

So, the rebel machines rushed over in a swarm.


Balls of fierce fire shrouded the charging rebel machinery.

Thousands of artillery fired at the same time, and the path of the rebel mechanical charge was completely plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

The few remaining mechanical flying dragons did not see any enemies moving, only tens of thousands of enemies suddenly appeared from all over the mountain.

Dwarf artillery, magic artillery, dragon-hunting crossbows, heavy armor-piercing explosive crossbows, and various powerful long-range weapons can cover the rebel machinery.

Of the thousands of renegade machines that were charging, more than 1,000 fell in an instant.

The smoke from the explosion, the billowing black smoke, and the surging firelight plunged the entire battlefield into chaos.

By the time the renegade machine army recovered, more than 2,000 renegade machines had been lost.

Even so, the renegade mechanical army, which was greatly weakened, tried to continue fighting by relying on long-range firepower.

But the area they were in was narrower than the road they had advanced on before, and the mechanical artillery troops couldn't move aside and were passively crowded together.

As soon as they opened fire, they attacked the nearest gulf territorial defense line.

Bombing artillery fire from all directions immediately lit up, and they were jointly bombed from various directions.

A large number of artillery shells continued to fall like raindrops.

The mechanical artillery unit suffered heavy losses immediately, but had to obey the order and continue to advance with the rebel mechanical army.

Every time they advance and fire, they will be greeted by precise covering fire from the Gulf Territory artillery force.

Their counterattacks are getting weaker and weaker, and their numbers are getting smaller and smaller.

After struggling for several minutes, he was torn into pieces under the indiscriminate bombardment of fierce artillery fire.

They did not even cause any substantial casualties to the artillery units of the Gulf Territory.

The reason why the Gulf Territory artillery force is so powerful is not only because they are well-trained, have rich combat experience, and have powerful combat skills.

It has already recorded the shooting elements in all surrounding areas.

Moreover, unified combat command, unified combat coordination, and perfect coordination of unified data calculation.

That's the real reason why they can perform so well.

The form of fighting is no longer the same.

After losing about 2,000 more mutinous machines.

The renegade mechanical vanguard in the east tried to retreat back.

However, the Gulf Territory did not give them a chance this time.

By teleporting and deploying around the rear, the Gulf Territory combat troops surrounded them from the rear.

There are flying dragon knights in the sky, and artillery fire is flying from all directions.

The mechanical artillery unit with the only counterattack capability had long been destroyed.

All the mechanical flying dragons in the sky were also killed.

Subsequently, the intelligent renegade machines that were good at commanding operations were eliminated by the artillery units at targeted locations.

The rebellious mechanical monsters left with only a scattered pile of sand have completely become turtles in a jar.

They only lasted for more than half an hour before being overwhelmed by continuous long-range attacks.

Their remains and some of the survivors became trophies for the Gulf Territory combat troops.

The Gulf Territory deployed 30,000 men on the eastern battlefield.

This news and intelligence was passed to Guilty Spark by Renegade Machine.

The vanguard of the rebel mechanical troops to the south and west are launching an attack forward with all their strength.

Their mission is the same as the previous two rebel mechanical forward armies.

Try to ascertain the Gulf Territory's defensive arrangements everywhere.

To put it simply, they are cannon fodder sent by the Guilty Spark.

Their death is doomed!

The difference lies in how much useful information they can detect.

Facing these mutinous machines to the west, it was the goblin combat troops that cooperated with the Gulf Territory artillery troops.

What’s interesting is that the goblin troops’ best combat method is to lay out various ambushes and traps.

For a long time before, the goblins could only rely on this fighting method to fight against the rebellious machines.

To the west is a stretch of low hills.

There are dozens of small slopes and ravines there.

Great for hiding troops everywhere.

The rebel machine's forward army of nearly 10,000 troops advanced eastward from here.

They entered the rolling mountains and were quickly attacked by various traps and attacks by the goblin troops.

Various types of long-range artillery fire will attack these advancing rebel machines.

Once they are attracted, the goblins will explode the surrounding cliffs or cliffs.

While blocking their retreat, they will also kill as many of them as possible.

When they encounter a small number of rebellious mechanical monsters, they will rely on their numerical advantage to surround and strangle them.

Artillery units hidden everywhere will provide advance artillery support to help reduce the risk and pressure of close combat.

Due to manpower reasons, the Gulf Territory only sent some artillery unit trainers to help the goblin combat troops.

Ensure that they can form a certain amount of long-range artillery support combat effectiveness.

The scattered advancement caused considerable damage to the rebel machinery.

Approximately more than 1,000 rebel machines were lost, and the rebel mechanical vanguard only advanced 1/4 of the way.

Faced with attacks from everywhere and messy roads.

The renegade mechanical forward army regrouped, formed a combat force of more than 8,000 people, and moved forward together.

In doing so, they happened to fall into the siege tactics laid out by the goblins.

In sporadic combat, the goblin combat troops who need to conduct raids will inevitably suffer a certain degree of damage in order to obtain more loot.

But now, the rebel machines are all gathered together.

The Gulf Territory Combat Forces with the assistance of long-range artillery can carry out long-distance artillery bombing at the area where they gather.

They can inflict massive losses on rebel machinery with little or no precise aiming.

Moreover, the trajectory of the cannonball's flight comes from the corners of hills and crevices everywhere.

After each shooting, he will leave the original position as quickly as possible, reposition and shoot.

Then, before the opponent's counterattack arrives, the goblin artillery troops will provide rapid support and transfer through the passages dug underground, the golem trains in the bay area to support them, and the teleportation arrays deployed on various battlefields.

The renegade machines scattered in pursuit of the surroundings will soon run into various traps and lose the trace of the goblin troops.

More than 30,000 goblin combat troops came out, using small team combat methods to "surround" the renegade mechanical forward.

They were not at all anxious to engage in a head-on battle with the rebel machines, and used various long-range attacks to chip away at the opponent's numbers bit by bit.

The renegade machinery's long-range counterattack also caused some losses to the goblins.

The reactions and combat literacy of the goblins are still far behind the professional soldiers of the Gulf Territory.

However, the goblins' fighting will is quite firm.

Even though there were many casualties, they still tenaciously followed the plan and worked hard to stop the rebellious mechanical forward.

Seeing the renegade machines that kept falling down, many goblin warriors were very excited.

With the help of various weapons in the Gulf Territory, they finally have the ability to fight against large-scale rebel machines.

Although the sacrifice of their companions made them feel sad, it also inspired them to move forward.

Regardless of casualties, the rebel mechanical vanguard failed to break through the defense line of tens of thousands of goblins.

The rebel mechanical forwards have advanced to about 1/2 of the way, and have lost more than 2,000 in number.

There are only more than 5,000 rebel machines left that can continue to fight.

Unable to continue advancing, they chose to retreat.

The excited goblins chased them, sabotaging their efforts to recover the corpses of the renegade machines, and weakening the speed at which they could restore the number of renegade machines.

In the end, there were only more than 3,000 rebel machines and they barely escaped from the battlefield.

They retreated temporarily.

But next time, they will definitely go all out.

It is different from the western battlefield with mountains and ravines.

The southern battlefield is a flat plain area.

What was once a fertile farmland area has now become an endless wilderness.

All kinds of dangerous monsters roam here, including terrifying mechanical behemoths.

The goblins could only watch as this fertile land lay waste, without the ability to develop it.

The renegade machines will often set up various traps specifically to hunt hungry goblins.

Obtaining food itself is an extremely difficult task, let alone cultivating it.

The renegade mechanical forward here advances the fastest.

However, they soon ushered in the strongest fighting force in the Gulf Territory!

A team of Gulf Leader Thunder warriors led by Matthew, and 200 Golem armored trucks.

These 200 golem armored trucks are loaded with the newly developed magic artillery.

They have an attack range of over 3 kilometers.

Can shoot 50 magic shells with the same power as "Fire Sun Explosion".

The improvement of this technology comes from the technology recycling of the improved version of Death 2000.

Their modification price is 1 million gold coins each, which makes the price of the improved version of the Golem Armored Train rise to 4 million gold coins each.

It has advantages in mobility and range over the mechanical artillery monster of the Rebellion Machine.

After the opponent approaches the shooting range, you can fire immediately to cover the target.

Tens of thousands of rebellious mechanical monsters gathered together were immediately surrounded by an explosion of magical fire.

While they're in the chaos of the explosion.

Matthew and the Thunder Warriors easily broke into the rebel mechanical army through fixed-point teleportation.


Raging thunder fell from the sky.

The lightning spreads and jumps in the rebel machinery.

The renegade machine that was hit erupted with balls of sparks and dilapidated violent magic power, and fell to the ground tremblingly.

Matthew charged forward, and the Thunder Warriors followed suit.

Because of the obstruction of the rebel machinery, only a small number of attacks could fall on the Thunder Warriors.

The thunder warriors holding shields rushed in through the gap opened by Matthew.

Each of them is armed with a bolt gun, specializing in shooting the fish that slip through Matthew's side.

Several modified Death God 2000 models rushed over, but were riddled with holes in a burst of fire, and were easily split in half by Matthew.

Before the rebel machines could react, Matthew had already led his team into the mechanical artillery unit.

In the absence of a legendary construct like the Death God 3000 Experimental Body.

Matthew and the Thunder Warriors who appeared in the long-range mechanical artillery unit carried out a devastating massacre on them.

In just the blink of an eye, the mechanical artillery team turned into broken pieces of metal.

Target eliminated.

Matthew led the Thunder Warriors and rushed outside the battlefield.

Ordinary rebel machinery was completely unable to prevent their evacuation.

Especially Matthew, who rushes to the front, can often kill large swaths of renegade machines by himself.

The Thunder Warriors, who raised their shields to defend themselves, stood firm amidst the dense attacks.

On the surface, their defense is strong, but in fact, they have companions to replace them at any time.

If it weren't for the renegade machine with improved weapons, it would be an armor-piercing crossbow that could pose a threat to the Thunder Magic Armor.

Matthew and the Thunder Warriors even wanted to kill all the tens of thousands of renegade machines by themselves!

Of course, this is just some "bragging" rhetoric from some Thunder Warriors.

But even so, without the mechanical artillery troops.

This renegade mechanical forward can no longer pose any threat to more than two hundred magic armored trucks.

They could only quickly disperse in all directions during a burst of bombardment, escape and retreat.

Matthew and the Thunder Warriors did not pursue them.

They need to replenish and repair the protective energy and structure consumed by the Thunder Magic Armor.

So far, in just over three hours.

The four vanguards of the renegade mechanical army were crippled and destroyed!

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