Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 723 Mozi:


Balls of fire appeared around the ruined battlefield.

One by one, ferocious renegade machines struggled to get out of various passages and gaps.

They are huge in size, with ferocious faces, staring with red mechanical eyes, venting their anger wantonly.

But before they could get close to the real battlefield, the Thunder Warriors, who had been waiting for a long time, launched a fatal attack on them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Continuous crossbow arrows flew over and hit their bodies accurately.

Enchanted crossbow arrows are extremely destructive and can always cause terrible wounds on them.

In a short time, the rebel machines that came to support were destroyed by intensive attacks.

The Thunder Warriors of the Gulf Leader, who were hiding in the distance, immediately rushed over to clean up the wreckage.

They moved quickly and cleared all the debris into storage spaces, waiting for the arrival of the next batch of renegade machines.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Matthew is avoiding the pursuit of several Knight Titans.

A steady stream of golden crossbow arrows flew over from behind.

A lot of fine gold was added to these crossbow arrows, and they were obviously produced recently by Guilty Spark.

It's obvious that Guilty Spark takes his own safety very seriously.

However, just such an attack is not enough for Matthew who moves at an amazing speed.

He was always looking for an opportunity to move closer to the center of the battlefield.

There, Mozi, who was glowing with emerald green light, was fighting a Knight Titan that was glowing with red light.

Both of them exude a soul-stirring light.

The collision between the two of them showed completely different fighting styles.

Mozi used the equipment and body of the Knight Titan to the extreme.

The seemingly clumsy mechanical arm is extremely flexible in his hands.

The joints that swing freely don't seem to have changed much, but they can launch attacks from various angles.

The drill bit seems to be unable to play a big role, but it always penetrates into the opponent's weak defense position and wreaks havoc as much as it wants.

The Knight Titan controlled by Guilty Spark is another completely different style.

The latter has almost endless replenishment of energy and parts.

No matter how much pressure it is subjected to, the tenacious protective force field will continue to work to resist subsequent attacks.

A high-level legendary level protective force field, even the Knight Titan controlled by Mozi, cannot cause too much damage to it after penetrating the protective force field.

No matter what kind of damage it has suffered, the metal raw materials it continuously absorbs can always be transformed into corresponding parts and parts in time.

Through this super recovery ability, he was able to change from being relatively clumsy at the beginning to gradually being able to withstand Mozi's strong attack.

Although his counterattacks are relatively simple, they often reveal a style and atmosphere of "I am a scoundrel".

Not long after the battle, Mozi saw through his true nature.

With his extremely outstanding combat skills, Mozi allowed the Knight Titan to display many powerful and outstanding martial arts moves.

In a short period of time, the Knight Titan controlled by Guilty Spark was still in a passive state of being beaten.

No matter how it defends, it will always be suppressed by the Knight Titan controlled by Mozi.

Moreover, after gaining insight into its basic attributes and abilities, Mozi decisively stepped up his offensive step by step in the face of its changing body shape and rapid transformation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mozi attacked its joints and quickly dismantled its arms, disassembling it alive.

The broken arms and limbs that are constantly being repaired will also be specially targeted by Mozi, and they will be directly destroyed as soon as they are repaired.

Mozi's fighting style is somewhat similar to Matthew's.

When facing large enemies with super strong defense and excellent recovery methods, they will always try their best to destroy their ability to resist and then turn them into large sandbags and targets.

In this way, most threatening opponents can be dealt with relatively easily.

But the situation with Guilty Spark is different!

Its recovery ability is so strong that it can continuously draw strength and restore its body from the corpses and ruins all around it.

If Matthew could watch carefully, he would definitely see that Guilty Spark had at least one legendary recovery ability.

However, Mozi was prepared for this.

After removing the two arms of the Guilty Spark, he quickly set the main target of attack on its head.

The head is the most lethal area for most creatures.

Even for extremely resilient creatures like trolls and vampires, their heads are dangerous and fatal.

But only for the construct, the head is not so "important".

The head of the construct is more of an observation device and a powerful attack site.

Therefore, when Mozi placed the target of attack here, Sin Spark, which had lost part of its defense capabilities, quickly also lost many of its observation and attack capabilities.

Normally, when the enemy is weakened to this point, victory is basically in hand.

But Guilty Spark was completely different, seeing that the Knight Titan was about to be destroyed.

Guilty Spark controlled the Knight Titan and crashed directly into a large area of ​​steel ruins.

Just as Mozi went in after him, a brand new Knight Titan came out again.

The Spark of Sin no longer just wants to use the war of attrition, he also wants to use the wheel to turn.

After Mozi noticed this, his whole body immediately glowed with dazzling green light.

An emerald green cage was woven around it, immediately trapping Sin Spark's body.

Sensing the dangerous spark of evil, he controlled the surrounding steel ruins to surround him, trying to break the emerald green cage.

However, the seemingly very shallow and fragile emerald green light shows unparalleled resilience and strength.

No matter how the metal gathered around them impacted them, they still remained very stable without any change.

This is one of Mozi's famous tricks, sticking to the rules!

All attacks that are not beyond Mozi's understanding cannot break through the protection of this legendary skill.

It seemed to be a powerful defensive spell, but now it was used by Mozi to imprison the enemy and turned into an offensive control spell.

Matthew glanced at it from a distance, but subconsciously raised his eyebrows, feeling the activity of strange forces around him.

Matthew understood where this place was through the information he collected, the knowledge passed down by Prince Garrison, and the records left by the Goblin Empire along the way.

The graveyard of the goblin empire’s divine machines!

The place where Titans fell!

It was here that the Goblin Empire paid the price of destroying most of the Titan machinery and "sealed" all the Sinful Sparks and the rebellious machinery affected by it.

Most of the mechanical bodies that were destroyed and damaged here were not damaged in many ways.

On the contrary, they seemed to be dismantled and torn into pieces without any resistance, which also confirmed Matthew's guess.

Although the Spark of Sin caused huge trouble to the Goblin Empire.

But it has been controlled by the Goblin Empire.

If the Goblin Empire increases its research on the Spark of Sin and seeks to create resistance techniques and technologies like the Death Halo, it can use the Spark of Sin to complete many further breakthroughs in mechanical technology.

However, the Goblin Empire's next actions came to an abrupt halt.

It wasn't hard for Matthew to guess.

At that time, the Goblin Empire had been attacked by the coalition of gods.

Maybe, this weird and dangerous spark of evil is the method used by the gods.

After all, if the Titan Legion controlled by the Goblin Empire still exists, although the coalition controlled by the gods is strong, it may not be able to win a frontal battlefield victory.

"Evil things? Are they all created by the gods?"

"To use this method to achieve the goal, the style is too low."

Matthew put aside such thoughts for the time being. The moment the spark of sin was trapped, his entire body disappeared in an instant.

Violent thunder appeared above Stickman.

Matthew's falling figure naturally fell into Mozi's eyes.

Feeling the special power of Matthew, Mo Zi's heart moved slightly, and he immediately increased his strength to maintain the old rules.

The Guilty Spark struggled wildly, leaving Matthew who fell down without any psychological fluctuations.

Like physical thunder, it gathered in Matthew's hands.

The power of destruction penetrated the protection of the old-fashioned people without any hindrance, and hit the body of Sin Spark mercilessly.

The Knight Titan, who was brand new just now, was immediately hit hard by the destruction.

The violent thunder continued to jump on it.

Balls of bursting fire exploded on the Knight Titan's body.

Even after suffering such a heavy blow, Guilty Spark still didn't panic too much.

He stared at Matthew, who was holding the thunder in his hand, and noticed the thunder warriors around him who were resisting the approach of the rebel machine. He sensed the approaching Elio, and the red light in his eyes became more dazzling.

It was obvious that the tacit cooperation between the Gulf Territory and Mozi really caught him off guard.

Even tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of renegade machines have already surrounded the top.

But they were unable to break through the defense line set up by the dragon warriors in a short period of time.

In particular, the Yaya No. 1, which has been strengthened by three units, has shown a super style that is almost a legendary construct.

They stood at three corners of the defense line and struck fiercely at the renegade machines that approached.

Of course, the wave of rebellious machines does put tremendous pressure on people.

Fortunately, every member of the Gulf Territory's special operations team has experienced hundreds of battles and has gone through many drills, so they can withstand the pressure tenaciously.

But even so, Guilty Spark can make very clear calculations.

If the Gulf Territory's defense line persists for half an hour at most, it will be unable to withstand the high-intensity siege and will be completely surrounded and eliminated.

From the Guilty Spark's point of view, this is nothing more than a death wish.

He couldn't understand why, even though it was a death mission, these combat personnel in the Gulf Territory were more active and worked harder than the rebel machines.

Logically speaking, the rebel machines are serious cannon fodder!

How can there be intelligent creatures that are not afraid of death?

Guilty Spark doesn't understand belief, doesn't understand Mozi's decisiveness, and naturally doesn't understand the decisiveness of Gulf Territory!

He didn't hesitate at all. Facing Matthew's attack, he activated his divine power without hesitation!

Knight Titan's body immediately lit up with a surging red light.

He raised his weapon high and frantically attacked the shackles of conformity.

"Blessed by divine power, everything is indestructible!"

But what made Sin Spark despair was that the same terrifying wave erupted from Mozi's body.

The Sin Spark's attack created a greater momentum than before, but it still failed to break through the shackles.

Because Mozi also tried his best!

Matthew could feel Mozi's determination, noticed the destructive light emanating from his body, and there was a little bit of disbelief in his eyes.

"You really tried your best!"

Under Matthew's gaze, Mozi, who was supposed to be a clone, had gradually transformed into his true body at some point.

This also means that Mozi gave up most of his body and strength.

The obedience activated by him differentiated into a more detailed binding light, which was tightly tied to Guilty Spark's body, making it unable to move or dodge.

In the collision of divine powers, Spark of Sin was completely at a disadvantage!

It shouldn't be like this!

After all, the Guilty Spark is the clone of an ancient evil.

The terrifying abilities it possesses, coupled with its accumulation of controlling half a plane for thousands of years, the amount of divine power exceeds at least ten points.

This is already a power at the level of a weak divine power!

Although Mozi is an ancestral spirit, his condition is very poor and he has given up most of his power.

Just relying on the power carried by the clone, even with thousands of years of worship from the Mohist family, he shouldn't have been so strong.

Seeing the slight flames rising from Mozi's body, Matthew understood.

"This is no longer an explosion of divine power, but a real burning of divine power!"

One point of burned divine power can produce the effect of three points of divine power.

The price is that this magical power will disappear forever!

This is no longer just desperate!

It was as if he was going to die together with the Spark of Sin.

Realizing this situation, Matthew activated his power without hesitation.

Thunder and sword energy bloomed together, colliding with the spark of sin.

The rotating chain-toothed giant sword opened a long gap along the Guilty Spark's chest.

The flashing and jumping thunder pierced the red light.

The spark of sin flashes crazily, feeling the constraints around it.

When the opportunity is lost, even with the same burning divine power, it can break through its shackles in a short period of time.

Guilty Spark stared at the trembling chain-tooth sword in Matthew's hand, feeling unspeakable panic and fear in his heart.

"Once you are hit by it, you will definitely die!"

This weird idea shouldn't have happened.

But the keen awareness of danger allowed Guilty Spark to make the most rational judgment!

The divine power in its body exploded instantly, and the body of the Knight Titan exploded with a bang.

The huge impact force knocked Matthew back!

However, the Guilty Spark also exploded and the Runner disappeared.

Matthew grabbed 2 points of blood-colored golden light and turned to look at Mozi, whose body was beginning to collapse. He couldn't help but raise his head, staring at the giant red eyes that lit up above him, and subconsciously praised:

"Sure enough, only if this thing is controlled can the Goblin Empire completely give up on the Titan Army!"

Command the Titans, lead the entire army, the commander among the Titans - Warmaster Titan!

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