Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 744 Three-Party Encirclement

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The crisp and melodious collision sound carries a soul-stirring power.

Even though he was two hundred meters away, Councilor Caledo still felt an inexplicable depression in his heart.

He sensed the collision power between Matthew and the Super Diamond Golem, which indeed exceeded the level of ordinary legends.

Even some legendary and advanced professionals cannot unleash such terrifying destructive power.

Councilor Caledo felt very fortunate that he did not join the battlefield rashly.

Otherwise, Matthew's sudden burst of terrible destructive power would most likely cause fatal injury to him.

Seeing the battlefield that was about to get out of control, and Matthew's momentum gradually rising.

Councilor Caledo completely gave up the idea of ​​solving him and issued the "attack" order very decisively.

Give an order!

More flying snake monsters fell from the sky.

They did not attack the Thunder Warriors who were raging in the dinosaur army. Instead, they rushed towards the distant Gulf Territory and the battlefield where the dinosaurs were trying to defend.

In the jungle on the other side.

A surge of tidal water gradually submerged the grass and bushes.

In the turbid water and mud, a large number of ferocious monsters roared and rushed towards them.

The giant crab has a thick carapace and raises its claws to tear up grass and trees. It is a domineering giant crab.

The tidal shrimp exudes a rich magical aura and is surrounded by the light of the water element.

The Naga sea monster roared and waved its giant weapon vigorously, slashing a path.

The location where they appeared was just to the side of where the overlord dinosaurs and triceratops people gathered, forming a pincer attack on the attacking dinosaur people.

Even if they look scattered and scattered, like a rabble.

But their huge size and powerful fighting power, as well as their number exceeding nearly 20,000, were enough to make Zhucheng and Duanjiao on the city wall look solemn.

Elona, ​​who was directing the soldiers to fight, waved her staff to summon several huge tree men.

Using its huge body and thick blood and high defense characteristics, it blocked the previously broken gap in the city wall.

She also noticed the movement over there, a little bit of surprise and vigilance flashed in her eyes, and she immediately said to Dale, who was in charge of the overall situation:

"Hurry up and contact the Wavebreaker, there are enemies surrounding us again."

"But the number of these deep sea monsters is average. It is very likely that the main force of the Naga army has not yet appeared. Be careful to be prepared for the opponent's surprise attack."

Although there are many enemies in front of them, they may even pose a threat to the dinosaurians' shallow defensive walls.

However, Alona can think further and be wary of the enemy's hidden backhand.

The Gulf Territory continuously learns, participates in discussing the deployment of battle plans, and simulates the enemy's thoughts and attack plans.

This allows the commanders of the Gulf Territory to consider issues from more directions when encountering changes and dangers.

After a few more experiences, a few more summaries, and a few more victories, you will basically be able to grow up and be able to stand on your own.

Dell naturally guessed this, and acted very calmly. He controlled the reserve soldiers to activate the golem armed truck and turned on the combat state. He continued calmly:

"I have sent a notice to the Wavebreaker, and they are ready to meet the enemy."

After hearing this, Alona felt relieved. She looked at the main cannon of the Golem Armed Truck that began to charge up, and chose to trust her friends in the Gulf Territory.

Just like they believed her!


The golem armed truck roared and opened fire, and the destructive flames that flew out instantly fell on the Naga sea monster army that had just appeared.

Small mushroom clouds rose up one after another, engulfing all objects within a radius of tens of meters.

The huge Naga sea monster was immediately violently attacked and screamed in the explosion of fire.

Although they are huge in size and have rough skin and thick flesh, they can only withstand one shot at most when facing the newly upgraded super-level magic cannon.

When the second shot fell mightily, their death was doomed.

The violent explosion caused violent shocks.

The stench of burning corpses continued to spread to the surroundings, which in turn aroused the ferocity of these deep-sea monsters, roaring and rushing towards them crazily.

The Naga maid, who was sitting at the rear and conducting the command, stared in disbelief at the large Sunburst magic cannon flying from the distance.

She could clearly sense that it was not the spell caster.

This means that the Gulf Territory has mastered the ability to use other means to release large-scale spells.

She also understood why the queen did not choose to approach the northern continent and was ready to hand over this hard bone to the Dark Scale Kingdom.

While she was thinking, a huge wave of elements emitted from the inside of the city wall.

Another round of dazzling, scorching fireballs roared and shot from inside.


The explosions one after another prevented the tidal sea monster from approaching the city wall.

Looking at the large number of dead and injured sea monsters, the Naga maid took out a gray-brown conch and blew it without hesitation.

The rushing water emerged from the river behind, causing the slower-moving tidal sea monster to immediately accelerate towards the front.

The huge momentum immediately attracted Matthew's attention.

He noticed the movement over there, felt the solidity and power of the super diamond golem, and immediately issued a new attack order:

"Flying Dragon Troops, attack!"

In the mist above the Wavebreaker, hundreds of powerful flying dragons hovered there very quietly.

After receiving Matthew's order, Wildhammer was extremely excited, lightly tapped the combat helmet on his head, and shouted at everyone:

"Guys, let's go!"

The long-awaited flying dragon knights flew into the distance quietly.

The thick fog blocked the surrounding vision, but it was completely unstoppable. The flying dragon knights rushed towards the target.

They just need to follow the instructions on the combat helmet and move in the corresponding direction.

Wildhammer, who was leading the way, watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Sensing a target that was not recognized by "friendly forces", Wildhammer pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The flying crossbow arrows disappeared into the rolling fog.


The faint screams reached Wildhammer's ears, and he felt that the opponent had fallen. Wildhammer continued to lead the way, without any thought of going down to collect the loot.

On the main battlefield.

Although the order had been issued, Matthew's attack did not stop at all.

The various combat insights of the warrior profession allow him to better display his powerful physical attributes.

Even though he has four arms and two heads, when Matthew breaks through one side of his defense, the other two arms have to come over to defend.

Every time at this time, Matthew would decisively activate Mordenkainen's sword and savagely attack the knees of the super diamond golem.


The sword of Mordenkainen, which was activated with all its strength, exploded violently.

The violent magic power and sword energy wildly impacted the joints of the super diamond golem.

The behemoth's movements stopped immediately. Matthew seized the opportunity and leaned over, stabbing its chest with a sword.


The hardness of the Super Diamond Golem is very high.

But its intensity has not reached the legendary peak.

Faced with this continuous violent impact, there was a double loss in durability and health.

As long as the battle continues, this extremely powerful super diamond golem will be knocked out by Matthew!

Although its defense is strong, it can't resist the all-out onslaught of Matthew's spells and various combat power bonuses!

Councilor Caledo was obviously aware of this, and his brows knitted together involuntarily.

He knew that once Matthew found a flaw.

The latter's explosive power is so strong that people can't understand it. It often catches people off guard and even makes them unable to stand up.

The previous battle was like this, and the future battle will definitely be more "serious"!

"Huh, in their eyes, Matthew is just a pawn that they can use to achieve their desired goals."

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and Councilor Caledor did not hesitate any longer and immediately issued a defensive order to the Super Diamond Golem.

Sure enough, after Matthew noticed the movements of the super diamond golem, he further increased the intensity of his attack and behaved extremely "violently".

On the ground where humans and demons were fighting, deep cracks had opened up, and large pits had appeared.

The aftermath of the impact of power caused waves of turmoil and clods of soil.

The damage received by the Super Diamond Golem increased rapidly, which made Councilor Caledor a little frightened, so he activated another ability of the Super Diamond Golem.

This extremely powerful combat puppet immediately took back its heavy pressure on the surrounding environment.

It then showed quite good speed and quickly ran deep into the jungle in an attempt to escape from the battlefield.

Naturally, Matthew would not let it escape. After it did not exert gravity on its surroundings, it showed an even more terrifying attack speed, fully displaying its agility of up to 35 points.

Even if the Super Diamond Golem only cares about defense. He retreated quickly, without any intention of fighting, and his body was constantly flashing with sparks and the remaining energy of the sword energy impact.

In the end, this legendary and most powerful combat puppet successfully withdrew into the dense forest after having one of its arms cut off by Matthew.

Under the watchful eyes of Councilor Caledor, Matthew put the debris on the ground into the storage space and quickly returned to the battlefield.

The main reason why Matthew wanted to return to the battlefield was to block those Naga sea monsters.

Just relying on a dozen golem armed trucks and 30 artillery pieces, although it can cause a lot of damage to them, it is impossible to destroy them all in a short time, let alone stop their advancement.

Flashes of thunder spread along the turbid sewage.

The unsuspecting deep sea monsters were surrounded by jumping thunder, and they all trembled and twitched.

It took them a while before they struggled to recover. Before they made any other moves, more destructive thunder quickly roared down.


In a flash of electric light, Matthew, who was holding the Sword of Destruction high, fell down, and with every move he made, there was a bloody storm.

No matter it's the thick carapace, the mana shield from talent, or the huge body, they can't resist the destructive power that reaches the peak of legend.

The high-level sea monsters couldn't withstand Matthew's sword, and their heads were either cut off or their vital organs were pierced.

His valuable body will be put away by Matthew to prevent it from being destroyed.

The Gulf Territory's habit and style of thrift and diligence were inherited by Matthew.

The higher-value super-level sea monsters had absolutely no power to resist when faced with Matthew, who was stronger than them, faster than them, and whose spellcasting ability overwhelmed them.

In the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of sea monsters fell under Matthew's sword.

The dinosaurs and Gulf Territory soldiers defending on the city wall immediately felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

They watched the scene of Matthew killing everyone, with unspeakable excitement in their eyes.

Especially the dinosaurs, who had never enjoyed many benefits such as friendly support, magic potions, aura amplification, spell enhancement, etc., all roared with excitement.

Their roars carry a special power that enhances the combat effectiveness of Gulf Territory combatants.

Of course, the Gulf Territory combatants who had relaxed a little took advantage of the gap time that Matthew had bought and continued to reinforce the city walls and defense lines.

The figure of Matthew easily killing the sea monster naturally fell into the eyes of the Naga maid.

She looked at his figure wrapped in thunder, with deep confusion and fear in her eyes.

"Every time you attack, you use all your strength. You have been fighting for more than an hour. Why don't you feel tired yet?"

"Is this Thunder Magic Armor really that powerful? Can it provide such excellent defense and combat capabilities?"

"No, even some combat puppets cannot sustain high-intensity bursts. Are these all the capabilities of this human being?"

"We can't let him continue killing like this. If his physical strength can hold on, I'm afraid he can kill all the tens of thousands of sea monsters by himself!"

Even if these sea monsters have been "abandoned" units, they must still be used to their maximum value.

The Naga maid recalled Councilor Caledor's plan and decisively sent some of the faster-moving sea monsters back the way they came.

Especially the flying snake that attacked before. She took a quick inventory and found that nearly 1/3 of the original number of 3,000 had been lost.

Such shocking and huge casualties gave the Naga forces a deeper understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Gulf leadership.

She let the remaining thick-skinned sea monsters continue to attack, creating pressure on Matthew and the dinosaurs.

Councilor Caledo, who realized that the battlefield here had reached a stalemate, clearly saw through this.

He gave the flying dragon knights the order to retreat very simply, but he did not leave, preparing to continue to contain Matthew.

With him here, Matthew can't leave!

A legendary spellcaster is naturally intimidating!

At the same time, Councilor Caledo kept thinking:

"The battle over there should have already started."

"I hope the plan goes well!"

On board the Wavebreaker.

All 208mm naval guns are firing fiercely.

The newly built fort on the shore was also spitting out scorching flames.

Even the ground around the fort was filled with artillery that was firing.

All combat troops in the Gulf Territory have opened fire with all their strength.

Their enemies have surrounded them!

sea ​​surface.

There are densely packed murlocs, sea monsters, various large deep-sea beasts, and ships approaching from afar.


The huge Hydra and the Japanese pirate army, the giant water elemental led by the spiritual master.


Naga's flying snakes, Kor Elf's flying dragon troops and dragon hawk troops.

Together they launched an attack!

Three parties encircled, vowing to seize the Wavebreaker!

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