Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 746 Gathering at the

The flames of destruction happily devoured these Japanese pirates.

As soon as the extreme fear showed in their eyes, they were burned to charcoal and torn to pieces by the violent flames.

Ordinary wooden warships also failed to survive.

Completely unable to withstand the destructive explosion, big holes were blown open.

The noisy sea water got in through the gaps and gaps.

The Japanese pirates hiding in the ship were drowned by water and fire amidst bursts of frightened roars.

Explosions followed one after another, destroying warships one after another.

Even those thick-skinned magic steel warships were unable to withstand this terrible destructive power, and were blown out one after another.

The Japanese pirates on the ship became completely confused.

Screams, shouts, and chaotic orders echoed on the sea over and over again.

Seeing this scene, Wildhammer quickly glanced at the entire battlefield, and immediately shouted to the magic steel warships that were not completely destroyed:

"Prioritize bombing of steel warships, these things are more dangerous."

The other dragon knights quickly adjusted their direction and rushed towards the steel warship again.

Above these flying dragon knights, there are more mechanical flying dragons, hiding in the white clouds and fog.

The pilots of the mechanical flying dragon also carried out precise bombings under the guidance of the flying dragon knights.

Thick bombs fell.

Even if he noticed the figure of the flying dragon knight and saw the falling bombs clearly.

The Japanese pirates also had no means of counterattack.

They could only flee in panic, either hiding in the boat and being submerged together with the turbulent sunken ship, or jumping into the sea and being directly destroyed by falling bombs.


The sound of the explosion lasted for more than half an hour.

In addition to the more than 20 smaller and faster wooden ships on the periphery, they quickly fled the battlefield and rushed into the smoke in embarrassment.

All the other warships have been turned into shreds.

The Cole Elf crew members who saw this scene were also a little stunned.

They never expected that they would have amassed nearly 200,000 Japanese pirates and prepared an army of hundreds of ships.

In just half an hour, the entire army was almost wiped out.

Even though there are still nearly 100,000 Japanese pirates who have not died, they are still struggling to survive on the sea.

But with almost all the magic steel warships destroyed, these Japanese pirates have lost their ability to fight at sea.

Running to attack the Breaker, which has a longer range, is simply a target.

Even Archaon, who was ready to attack, was "stupid" by these Japanese pirates.

"So many ships are crowded together, saying they are discussing the establishment of some alliance."

"It's good now. I was immediately taken over and established a bullshit alliance."

"These guys are so stupid..."

He looked up at the flying dragon knights in the sky and decisively gave the order to retreat:

"Let these Japanese pirates withdraw. Those who still have boats will block the sea, and the others will go deep into Dinosaur Island."

The other Cole elves who heard this nodded silently and stared at the flying dragon troops in the sky with great fear.

They quickly issued orders to the remaining Japanese pirates. They watched the scattered Japanese pirates rushing towards the interior of Dinosaur Island and started discussing:

"Is this another new weapon from the Gulf Territory? The power looks amazing."

"There are not many elements and spell casting fluctuations, only violent elemental energy impacts."

"Releasing attacks from the sky can indeed avoid most dangers."

"These dragon knights are somewhat like a simplified version of arcanists, using new weapons instead of spells."

"This also has several benefits. It reduces the damage and danger to spellcasters and allows them to continue to grow."

"Relying on the destruction caused by materials to weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness, you can always gain corresponding advantages."

"The success and results of the battle will allow the Gulf Territory to further invest resources in this area."

"Looking at it this way, the Gulf Territory has resource reserves, technological advantages, and productivity that has continued to develop over the years. It obviously has its own development strategy and long-term plan."

“Some in Parliament turned a blind eye and seemed prepared to continue feeding the tiger.”

"Their goals are the same, and the orders they receive are the same. Without more autonomy, there will be such passivity."

"Since there are advantages to doing this and we can continue to obtain the technology of the Gulf Territory, let's play with them."

"As time goes by, as prominent personnel in the Gulf Territory grow older or as younger people try to seize power, there will naturally be corresponding conflicts."

"At that time, won't all their development achievements belong to us?"

"It's really time to catch up. In terms of resource utilization, this production method is far better than it is now."


The discussions of these Cole elves were calm and clear, with clear understanding and judgment in all aspects.

They also showed great confidence, recognizing the advantages of the Gulf Territory and determined to continue to win.

Archaon breathed a quiet sigh of relief upon hearing their exchange.

"Sure enough, as long as we keep a clear understanding, the talented Cole elves will be able to emerge in waves of real people with lofty ideals."

"However, you haven't seen enough to understand the real threat posed by the Gulf tie..."

"It doesn't matter. You will have more time and more opportunities in the future."


The more he learned about combat and supplies, the more Archaon understood the importance of resources and talent.

He silently calculated the gains of this plan, and quickly issued the order for the stealth ship to leave.

Let those fools die, consume the Gulf Territory as much as possible, and expose more of its technology.

With the "foundation" provided by the Gulf Territory, Archaon knew what to do next.

The flying dragon knights continued to hunt down the Japanese pirates who escaped ashore.

Drive these gathered dogs into the dangerous dinosaur island.

On the contrary, they temporarily ignored the ships that were thrown into the fog.

Wildhammer, who had a keener grasp of the focus of tasks and goals, continued very firmly:

"Don't let go of those ships and supplies. If you blow them all up and sink them, your threat will be solved."

"Without food and weapons, these Japanese pirates are here to die."

Everyone agreed with Wildhammer's order and continued to carry out fixed-point "last hits" on the shipwrecks still floating on the sea.

Exploding fire, surging sparks and water jets.

It became a scene of despair for the Japanese pirates.

They howled in despair, staring directly at the flying dragon knights as they walked away with resentment and hatred in their eyes.

They tried to contact Archaon who gave the order, but they didn't know that he had already abandoned them.

Some carnivorous dinosaurs, who smelled the smell of blood and noticed the huge movement, were rushing here hungrily.

He is just a bitch, no matter how many times he dies, it will not be a pity.

The retreating Bay Leader Flying Dragon Knights did not rush back to the two battlefields. Instead, they rushed directly to the center of Dinosaur Island.

Wildhammer, who was extremely vigilant, recalled the Lord's reminder and kept the fatal halo generator on, and also asked the dragon knights to activate various safety protection devices.

The closer we get to the center of Dinosaur Island, the greater the sense of crisis emerges in our hearts.

Wildhammer stared at the gradually thinning fog in the distance, feeling the rising temperature in the air, with deep fear in his eyes.

It took about 10 minutes.

The fog that blocked the sight dissipated, and a huge white volcano appeared in the eyes of all the flying dragon knights.

The top of a bright white volcano is surrounded by thick white snow. The top of the mountain protrudes thousands of meters and is spewing thick white smoke.

The strange billowing white smoke seemed to be alive, rolling wantonly, changing into various shapes, and spreading around.

Such a strange scene immediately stopped the flying dragon knights, not that they were scared.

It's the training they received that told them they must do this!

When encountering unknown dangers, when the situation is not urgent, focus on collecting information.

Only after the corresponding tactics are formulated can one be ready to take action.

Wildhammer also immediately issued a "be alert" order and immediately reported the situation here to the Gulf Territory's combat command center.

At this moment, several knights became excited, put down their telescopes and scanning detectors, and reported to Wildhammer.

"A large number of creatures were found in the jungle at the foot of the volcano. The life information is similar to that of the Blood Thorn Dinosaur Man and the Swift Dinosaur Man."

"In the central area of ​​the volcano, there are signs of life for thousands of large life forms (body length 10 to 15 meters)."

"Strong elemental fluctuations and aura power are constantly converging on the volcano."

"The fluctuations inside the volcano are gradually becoming more active."


All kinds of information feedback indicate that something big is about to happen in this area.

The densely packed dinosaurs and large carnivorous dinosaurs quickly climbed up the volcano under the watchful eyes of the dragon knights.

Various huge dinosaurs immediately emerged from the tall trees in the lower and middle layers of the volcano.

They have a very obvious aggressive attitude towards the arrival of the blood-thorn dinosaurs and the carnivorous dinosaur army.

The fight between the giant beasts quickly started here.

These dinosaurs at the foot of the volcano are larger and have stronger fighting power.

They even know how to cooperate with each other, showing considerable intelligence.

However, their numbers are outnumbered by an army of tens of thousands of carnivorous dragons.

They often don't last long before they are torn apart by the fangs and claws that surround them.

However, the closer the dinosaur gets to the top of the mountain, the stronger it becomes.

Wildhammer in the sky even saw some super large tyrannosaurus and spinosaurus that were more than 10 meters high.

They are two or three times larger than the ordinary Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus. Whether they use teeth or rampage, they can easily defeat these large dinosaurs, not to mention the smaller carnivorous dinosaurs.

Fortunately, their defense power is not too high.

Facing the attacks of other carnivorous dragons that are not afraid of death, the wounds on their bodies are gradually increasing.

But there are not only super large carnivorous dinosaurs that appear here, but also Triceratops as big as a small hill and Ankylosaurus wearing thick armor.

Their appearance brought the invincible dinosaur army into a state of stagnation.

Almost the vast majority of carnivorous dinosaurs cannot cause any harm to them, and cannot even break through their thick armor.

Only the Tyrannosaurus with superior attack power and the Dinosaur Man with super peak strength can barely cause damage to them.

But they are too big, and the damage they cause is only flesh wounds at most, which cannot pose a fatal threat to them.

Especially the volcanic terrain also provides them with the convenience of defense.

The further up you go, the fewer locations there are and the fewer combat units that can attack these oversized dinosaurs.

At this moment, the leader of the Bloodthorn Dinosaurs, Red Scythe, whose whole body shone with red light, appeared with unspeakable resentment and anger.

It moved very fast and rushed to the center of the volcano in a few seconds, and its temper became even more violent.

All the carnivorous dinosaurs and dinosaur men blocking the way were torn to pieces by the red sickle.

Red Scythe stared at a very large triceratops with strong defense, and with its quite agility, he jumped on its back.

The sharp claws raised high, with a hint of dark red blood, slashed hard on the back of the super large Triceratops.


The horny armor, which was half a meter thick, was cut open with a long gap by the red sickle.


The super-large Triceratops, which was in pain, raised its head high and howled incessantly.

The super-large Triceratops is more intelligent than ordinary Triceratops, and it shakes its body vigorously.

Seeing that it could not get the red sickle down, and instead suffered more wounds, it crashed into a big tree without hesitation.


The ferocious collision angle, which exuded metallic luster, instantly smashed a big hole in the tree.

Its huge and heavy body hit the big hole hard, and the entire tree was directly broken.

The heavy tree trunk fell down and hit its back hard.

Grasping the red sickle on its back tightly, its eyes glowed with bloodthirsty red light.

Not only did it not dodge to the side and escape, but it quickly climbed up and jumped onto the neck of the Super Triceratops.

Sensing the danger, the Super Triceratops tried to raise its head and throw the red sickle down.

But the fallen tree trunk pressed hard on the Super Triceratops' back.

Its huge body trembled, and some of the tiny spikes on its back were broken off.

The Super Triceratops, which had lost control of its body, felt a sharp pain coming from the back of its neck while shouting in panic, and then lost control of its body.

The huge body suddenly fell down.

Its body began to roll down the mountain, crushing some dinosaurs and carnivorous dinosaurs that could not dodge along the way.

The red sickle let out a sharp roar, stared at the sky fiercely, and roared angrily.

Then, it rushed towards the next super-large dinosaur!

Just when the red sickle led the dinosaur army to charge upward.

After receiving the news, Matthew quickly arrived in the area.

He calmly watched the large group of pterosaurs rushing out, screaming and fighting fiercely with the army of dinosaurs that came up, with a little regret in his eyes.

"These pterosaurs are too seriously polluted. Otherwise, they can effectively supplement the territory's air power."

After hearing this, Wildhammer shook his head with regret, then blinked again and asked curiously:

"We also saw Naga's flying snakes before, and there were quite a lot of them."

Matthew naturally understood what Wildhammer meant, and also understood the burning in his eyes. He nodded and explained:

"Flying snakes are of average size, but they are very fast. They do have quite good potential for cultivation."

"Whether they are combined with druids or light units like halflings, they can have quite good effects."

"However, the specific domestication methods and cultivation methods are temporarily difficult to obtain, and further communication with Naga is needed."

Wildhammer nodded excitedly. He already regarded himself as a member of the air force, so he was thinking about these things.

Matthew looked at the crater that exuded a strange aura, feeling the oppressive yet surging power. He smacked his lips and said:

"It seems that the first target of the Cole Elf Kingdom and the Nagas should be the secret hidden on Dinosaur Island."


Doubts arose in Wildhammer's heart. Before he could ask, he suddenly saw the mist thousands of meters away, torn apart by a terrifying force.

Feeling the familiar and terrifying fluctuations, all the flying dragon knights present could not help but stretch out their hands to comfort their fighting partners, staring at the shining figure with admiration.


The True Dragon Fang, which has gathered countless gazes and beliefs, exudes the power of a real dragon, and is opening its mouth to spit out the flames of destruction.

The targets of Yaya's attack were surprisingly several large legendary sea monsters.

The dragon's breath of destruction, which was enough to easily vaporize steel, burned through the back of an oversized crab, instantly taking away its life.

Watch as its thick gray-black shell quickly turns red under the burning light of the fire.

All the dragon knights vaguely felt that the air seemed to be filled with the smell of burnt grilled crabs.

The rushing water and the dragon's breath of destruction were burned out.

The rolling white steam quickly surrounded the battlefield in the distance.

Yaya pounced down and started fighting with several other legendary sea monsters who were about to enter the water.

Yaya's body size has ushered in further growth.

Even if they are one against four, they still firmly have the upper hand.

The huge movement even caused the smoke from the volcanic eruption to roll up as if disturbed.

"Naga is going to take the water route. Do they also know that the Storm Dragon King is sealed here?"

"Why did the Elf Kingdom of Cole evacuate?"

"Or are they hiding in the dark, waiting for someone to follow?"

Matthew withdrew his gaze and watched the red sickle and the large number of swift dinosaurs rushing towards the crater. He involuntarily drew out the Sword of Destruction and rushed straight down quickly.

Whatever their purpose!

Matthew will interrupt their plans!

Overlord and Triceratops in the valley.

Duanjiao noticed the noise and turmoil on the sacred mountain, with a little expectation and solemnity in his eyes, watching the stalemate battle situation outside, and continued slowly:

"Behind us, there is a secret passage leading directly to the sacred mountain."

"However, there are many dangerous monsters in the secret passage. If you are not afraid of death, you can go from here."

"Thank you for your information. Let us leave the next thing to the Gulf Territory!"

Leon arrived at the battlefield quietly, with strong curiosity and expectation in his eyes. After saluting the broken horn, he walked directly to the rear.

A group of heavily armed swordsmen and monks silently followed Leon's footsteps and walked towards the depths of the dark and dangerous cave.

Duanjiao exhaled slowly, with a little bit of relief and relief in his eyes full of wisdom.

"So, is this what it feels like to let go of your mission?"

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