Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 768 The Privileges of the Grand Arcanist

After finalizing the basic information about the Gray Mountains, Matthew did not leave the Brave Continent immediately, but went shopping with Yaya.

They conducted inspections and research in various areas of the Gray Mountains and obtained a lot of key resource data.

By analyzing these data, Matthew came to a somewhat unexpected but reasonable conclusion:

"The content of rare metals is constantly increasing."

"The mineral veins everywhere, after absorbing enough elemental power, their scale and "gold content" are rapidly increasing."

What makes Matthew even more incredible is that the area of ​​some obvious mountain ranges and plateaus is gradually increasing.

Matthew had a vague feeling about this phenomenon.

The area of ​​the entire material plane will increase with the arrival of the elemental tide.

The size of the landmass and other things will also change significantly.

Matthew, who is keenly aware of this, is very fortunate to be himself and his territory, to promote the expansion of the territory, and to rationally exploit many resource points.

For a long period of time in the future, the quality and quantity of resource points and various mining plants will continue to improve.

Invisibly, the total number of resources obtained by the Gulf Territory will continue to increase.

However, this is not enough!

Thinking of the Titan Legion in the memory picture that could threaten the gods and their subordinates, Matthew decisively arranged the layout of some underground production bases.

"Take advantage of this moment to use the Cerebrate Fatty to attract the attention of the Abnormal Insect Swarm Kingdom and further slow down their expansion."

“At the same time, underground production bases will be developed and established beneath various resource veins and resource points.”

"Store supplies, produce appropriate parts, experiment with various technologies, and accumulate various data."

"At the same time, arrange for more goblins and kobolds to learn and use Mr. Mozi's abilities and knowledge."

"Using and learning these powers can continuously improve the effect of the unfathomable halo."

“All resources and parts produced in the future must bear this stamp.”


The unlucky halo was indeed invented by Mozi, but it was the Gulf Territory that carried it forward.

It can be seen that the halo of death will be experienced more and more in the bay, and the effect will become better and better.

Feili, who understood the specific situation, was full of confidence in the upcoming development plan, which was quite stressful.

She nodded very firmly and soon began to discuss with the staff.

They must complete the construction of various strongholds and bases as quickly as possible, and also construct multiple production plants.

They need to produce a lot of supplies and equipment to provide good logistical preparations for the upcoming adventurer teams and Gulf Territory elite combat teams.

After all, this is about to become a training ground for many combat units in the Gulf Territory. This is a good opportunity to make money and develop.

After another two days, Yaya started to work.

Matthew has returned to Bay City and is manufacturing various equipment in the underground laboratory.

Next, heading to the Netheril Empire, Matthew will show the identity and strength of the Grand Arcanist.

Naturally, he couldn't appear wearing a thunder magic armor like before.

After all, he still had to give face to other great arcanists.

However, this does not hinder the initial sales of Thunder Magic Armor.

That's right, in addition to being sold to adventurers, the Thunder Magic Armor produced by Gulf Territory has already sold its first batch of targeted customers.

Which customers?

Customers who have frequent transactions with Gulf Ling and provide many resources and contributions to help, and whose own strength needs to be improved to a certain extent.

Matthew is not worried about the Thunder Magic Armor being copied. The Gulf Territory's production technology and industrial concentration advantages have gradually shown its powerful power.

A set of thunder magic armor worth 5 million gold coins requires the enemy to spend more than tens of millions, or even more gold coins and resources, to barely produce it.

Well, create bound equipment that can only be used by that customer personally!

That's right, the Thunder Magic Armor currently sold in the Gulf Territory is a binding equipment with soul, gene, and consciousness lock functions.

Let customers buy with confidence and use with peace of mind.

Don't worry about it being used or taken away by force.

Such a considerate arrangement made many organizations and forces unhappy, but it also won a large number of special customers.

For example, some heirs who are in urgent need of security.

For example, a certain second generation is about to go to a dangerous battlefield for gold plating or training.

For example, the lords and nobles are currently in a state of dangerous competition and fighting.

Another example is some adventurous groups that are very powerful and specifically value the combat effectiveness of Thunder Magic Armor.

A variety of customers allow Bayland to gain a lot in this new market.

"Currently, 40 customers have completed the handover, and resources and gold coins have been received in full."

"The total value is as high as 200 million gold coins, and the profit has reached 170 million."

"84 customers have already placed orders and given corresponding deposits, and the transaction will be completed in one month."

"There are more customers who have expressed their ideas, but due to restrictions on conditions, they are temporarily unable to complete the application..."

Butler Ralph's eyes showed a little excitement.

The initial "opening" of the Dragon Warrior transformation and Thunder Magic Armor allowed the Gulf Territory to attract many valuable and capable customers.

Not only did it successfully break the blockade of the Cole Elf Kingdom, but it also greatly enhanced the reputation of the Gulf Territory.

Throughout the northern continent, the name of the Gulf Territory has gradually spread, and it is almost the same as some famous medium-sized kingdoms.

Whether at the upper or lower levels of society, the goods and creations of the Gulf Territory have gradually been circulated and are deeply loved by users.

Especially in the past two days, Butler Ralph, based on Matthew's reminder, spread the news that he became the Grand Arcanist throughout the northern continent.

Many caravans and forces that were still hesitant have stepped up their purchasing efforts, preparing to store more goods and production lines before a possible crisis.

Bay collars will not hide most dangerous information and will be very keen to "share" it with everyone.

Believe it or not, the Gulf Council is happy to inform you.

Matthew and the Gulf Territory will not use this information specifically to intimidate everyone and take the opportunity to sell more and more expensive goods and supplies.

However, there is no shortage of smart people in this world. After the previous few Gulf Leader announcements, they will naturally cooperate well.

After hearing this, Matthew looked through the data belonging to the first-generation Thunder Magic Armor and various modification records, nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Are there any organizations or forces coming to purchase the production line for Thunder Magic Armor?"

After hearing Matthew's words, Butler Ralph immediately understood his attitude, nodded and said:

"The Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Kingdom of Lordaeron Knights and the Kingdom of Kor Elf have the idea of ​​purchasing."

"The price given by the former is very high. They are two small mithril veins."

"They have been great to work with and are clearly ready to take things a step further, especially Baron Dale who has purchased three sets of Thunder Magic Armor."

"Makarn, the Grand Knight Commander of the Lordan Knights Kingdom, is preparing to provide 100 super-level Rexxar war horses to purchase the production line of Thunder Magic Armor."

"In addition, they are planning to let Mordenkainen Research Institute research a set of magic armor for war horses for them, and they are also willing to pay a high price."

"These 100 Rexxar war horses are all young war horses of good quality and capable of fertility and reproduction. Each one is worth more than 500,000 gold coins."

"As for the purchase idea of ​​Cole Elf Kingdom, they were contacted through the Black Tower Organization. They are very stingy..."

Matthew was a little surprised by these two partners.

In his impression, the subsequent situation of both kingdoms was quite unlucky.

I didn’t expect them to be so courageous. It seems that the influence and changes brought about by the Gulf Tie are indeed growing.

In other words, the influence of the Grand Arcanist has made the value of the Gulf Territory even higher.

Matthew took the bill handed over by Butler Ralph, glanced at it briefly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly:

"It's really too stingy to be willing to give only 4 legendary spells."

"Moreover, it is just an ordinary legendary spell, not a special legendary spell..."

"Reject them, you can buy it, but you have to offer a sufficient price."

"Moreover, the production line must be arranged within our designated area and produced by dedicated Cole Elf members."

Subconsciously his eyes widened, Butler Ralph hesitated for a moment, noticed Matthew's dull expression, and asked straightforwardly:

"By doing this, the Cole Elf Kingdom will most likely be able to decipher its secrets..."

Matthew shook his head slightly, with a hint of expectation in his dark eyes, handed over the information in his hand and said:

"For the Cole Elf Kingdom, they often don't cherish things that are too easy to obtain."

"We have to make them pay enough to make them pay attention to the production of Thunder Magic Armor."

“The more resources they put into it and the stronger the effect they present, the more divisive it tends to become.”


Butler Ralph took the information handed over by Matthew and read it carefully again.

He soon discovered that the thunder magic armor provided by the Gulf Territory was specially used by melee professionals in the Cole Elf Kingdom.

For professionals such as shooters and even rogues, the huge and heavy thunder magic armor cannot bring much increase to their strength.

After all, although the defensive and offensive capabilities of Thunder Magic Armor are excellent, they are just artifacts after all, and require continuous learning and integration by the user.

The Thunder Magic Armor requires a lot of resources, especially rare magic resources, but the melee units of the Cole Elf Kingdom benefit the most.

From the perspective of the overall strength of the entire force, this is undoubtedly a very good reinforcement and supplement.

Having a reliable enough front row will undoubtedly allow the Cole Elves' archmages to exert greater destructive power.

However, Matthew really wanted to see whether the Cole Elf Archmage would be willing to give up these resources.

If it is not given up, then the various forces in the Cole Elf Kingdom should give Matthew a big surprise.

If they give up, the Gulf Territory will not suffer too much.

The Cole Elf Archmage does indeed pose a considerable "threat". Instead of letting them waste these resources by seeking death, it would be better to give them to the Cole Elf melee professionals.

This way, they can last longer.

Matthew carefully explained the conditions and continued manufacturing and research.

A set of legendary equipment such as mage robes, spellcasting accessories, mana bracers, amplification belt, and arcane crown.

In addition, weapons such as staffs and spell books are definitely indispensable.

Without preparing a gorgeous and powerful outfit, how can you show the wealth and status of the Grand Arcanist?

As for power, the Grand Arcanist himself is the representative of power!

There are only 3 days left until the New Year.

Matthew completed the manufacturing of all the equipment, took the staff of the Gulf Territory, Mordenkainen, who was preparing to try to break through the Grand Arcanist, and some of the arcane masters trained by the Gulf Territory themselves, and went to Svenden in an open and honest manner.

The Sewington Council was shocked by Matthew's arrival, and after heated discussions, decided to prepare a grand welcome ceremony for him.

The streets were specially tidied up, and hundreds of arcanists and councilors lined up to welcome him.

The Grand Arcanist of Kennoman, who returned to Sewenden one step ahead of schedule, and another Grand Arcanist presided over the welcome ceremony.

Countless pairs of eyes were watching Matthew and the others on the various magic screens purchased from the Bay Territory throughout Sewington.

Undisguised exclamation, unspeakable envy, and extraordinarily joyful excitement.

A variety of emotions made the entire Seventon come alive.

The smiling Grand Arcanist of Kennoman took Matthew slowly towards the parliament hall while introducing Matthew to the also very young Grand Arcanist next to him.

"This is the Grand Arcanist of Karsus, your neighbor, and I came specially to greet you."

Matthew looked at Karsus, who was handsome and unrestrained, with a gentle smile on his face, radiant and without any pride or dissatisfaction, and couldn't help but feel inexplicable emotion in his heart.

It’s actually Karsus!

This super-genius great arcanist, who has been busy building the floating city recently, has a deep connection with Matthew.

His name is resounding throughout the northern continent.

From then on, the stories about him made the entire material plane "awe".

In the first half of his life, he was a worthy son of the plane.

The most talented super genius!

The youngest Grand Arcanist!

The illegitimate son of the goddess of magic!

A legendary figure who can establish a sect!

In the second half of his life, he was able to rival the ruling class of the Goblin Empire alone.

The strongest king of death!

The great arcanist who loves to cause trouble!

The most short-lived and crazy god ever!

The most arrogant and ignorant spell caster!

Destroyer of the Netherese Empire!

His legendary and wonderful life once made many players, including Matthew, "applaud" for him.

With this trouble-making guy around, everyone will never be bored at all.

We can often receive various unexpected tasks from the area where he is located, bringing various surprises or shocks.

Of course, when this macho man who fell from the sky met his glorious and tragic ending.

The year of turmoil that officially started has made the entire material plane and all players announce their arrival.

Only then did the players gradually understand his inability to control himself, as well as the deeper conspiracy and story.

But alas, it's too late!

Matthew calmed down the memories in his mind and saw Karsus nodding and smiling at him.

After glancing at the clothes he wore that were equally gorgeous and exuding dazzling magical aura, Matthew responded with a bright smile.

The Grand Arcanist of Kennoman was in a good mood, with a smile on his face.

In addition to the Grand Arcanist Iolum, he is the only Grand Arcanist who has Grand Arcanist students.

The surprise that Matthew brought him started a few years ago and reached its peak at this moment.

The arcanists from the Gulf Territory who followed behind looked curiously at the people around them, their eyes full of surprise.

Li blinked slightly, met a pair of burning eyes, and curiously asked Liana next to him:

"The number of spellcasters here is more than our professional training academy. It is worthy of being the capital of the Netheril Empire."

Lianna shook her head gently and answered straightforwardly with a confident tone and tone:

"It won't be long before we can surpass them easily."

Tightening the staff in his hand, Shu You felt a completely different mood than when he left. There was also a bright smile on his pretty face, and he strongly agreed with Lianna's statement:

"Yes, even though almost the entire Netheril Empire is concentrated here, including spellcasters from surrounding kingdoms and regions."

"It won't take long. With the graduation of more than ten batches of spellcasters from the professional training academy, the number will quickly catch up."

Shu You didn't say the next words, but the other two young arcanists could understand.

In addition to quantity, strength can easily exceed here.

Before coming, they had a deep enough understanding of Sewenden.

Although this place is known as the Holy Land of Spellcasters, it is the center of the entire Netheril Empire.

However, for the training of spellcasters, the conditions and environment for spellcasters to learn and grow are not as good as those in the Gulf Territory.

Of course, this is just their initial impression.

They are ready to take a good look and understand, work hard to learn and study the outstanding places of Netheril, and let the Gulf Territory strengthen and improve it.

This is one of the reasons why they come here.

There is also a deeper purpose, to strengthen the voice of the Grand Arcanist Knonom and Matthew, and participate in the vote on certain resolutions.

Enter the council chamber again.

Matthew, who had been sitting below, now stood on the stage, feeling the extremely complicated gazes around him.

He kept smiling and sat down on the left side of the great arcanist Kenoman.

The seat made of white marble lit up with a warm light, gradually revealing a breathtaking luster.

The position of Grand Arcanist!


Many lords and arcanists blinked.

It wasn't until this moment that they really confirmed it.

Matthew is indeed a genuine Grand Arcanist!

The entire parliament was very quiet. Only Kenomanor spoke, and the others didn't even dare to fart.

This is nothing like before!

"Now, to proceed with the floating city proposal resolution, Matthew the Great Arcanist and the Gulf Territory need to build a new floating city."

"Show of hands please!"

Matthew's flat eyes swept over the familiar or unfamiliar faces. No one dared to look at him, including those guys from before.

Similarly, when the voice of the great arcanist Kenoman fell, everyone raised their hands without hesitation.

No matter how unwilling they were, no matter what they thought, at least at this moment, they did not dare to refute.

This is what the Grand Arcanist is about!

This is also the privilege of the Grand Arcanist!

As long as you have enough wealth and resources, you can directly apply to the parliament to build a floating city!

No matter what the circumstances, the Council will prepare a Mythra Core for the Grand Arcanist!

With this Mythra Core, the floating city will become possible!

As for the subsequent construction technology, the Grand Arcanist needs to learn, research, build, and display it himself.

Every floating city in the Netheril Empire represents the abilities, thoughts, and ideas of the great arcanist!

If there is not enough accumulation and solution in this regard, the Grand Arcanist would rather not proceed with the construction of the floating city for the time being.

The Grand Arcanist of Kennoman, who has not yet owned the floating city, is at this stage.

He has many expectations and visions for his floating city.

It is precisely because of this that he became the target of the Cole Elf Kingdom.

There is no Grand Arcanist in the Floating City, he is just a very powerful legendary professional.

And the Grand Arcanist who owns the Floating City is someone that even the Cole Elf Kingdom is not willing to fight head-on with!

After successfully obtaining a Mythra core, the smile on Matthew's face became brighter. He met Karsus' clear eyes and nodded slightly at him, thinking of his recent predicament.

Karsus, who was curious in his heart, recalled the shock of the past few days, and nodded to Matthew in a friendly manner.

Creating the floating city cost Karsus too much energy and resources.

Now, he might need some help!

After finalizing the most important goal, the Grand Arcanist of Kenoman began to advance his new plan.

He pulled out the request for help report from the Ellasco plane and said in a serious tone and tone:

"This is a provocation to our empire, and they must be dealt with as soon as possible to quell the chaos there."

"Now, make a decision to support the Ellasco plane!"

"We need to send a Grand Arcanist to take charge of the overall situation!"

A great arcanist!

Regarding this decision, countless eyes and thoughts gathered, and countless long-buried conspiracies and malice continued to surge.

Everyone carefully watched the information from the El Lasco plane and saw a large number of enemy troops, as well as some destroyed outposts and fortresses.

Currently, the defenders of the El Lasco plane are engaged in a fierce battle with the local rebels.

The rebellion developed very quickly, and in just a few days, the entire El Lasco plane was in turmoil.

Many people can realize that such a huge momentum definitely requires long-term preparation and astonishing ambition.

Everyone raised their hands one after another, looking at the serious Arcanist Kenoman, and agreed to this resolution.

Just when everyone was thinking that the Grand Arcanist Kenoman, as the temporary speaker of the parliament, would personally lead the team.

Matthew, who had been silent, stood up and said amidst countless nervous and shocked eyes:

"The Gulf Leader and I will take over this task and complete the pacification of the Ellasco plane."

Is the Gulf Territory ready to take action again?

Everyone’s minds are a little confused!

Where did they come from so many people? (End of chapter)

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