Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 775 Magic Missile Dragon Fang No. 1

All kinds of data and information are continuously recorded by fairy tales.

While recording, she recorded various magic crystals during class, and carefully carved these information on stone slabs.

When she was recording these materials, all kinds of knowledge and stories were constantly enriching and improving her values ​​and character.

When the Gulf Territory laid the foundation for fairy tales, it was natural that they would not just use various stories and information about fighting and killing.

Matthew hoped to tell her more about the value and promotion of free will, the Gulf idea of ​​uniting most forces, and the basic policy of believing in science and striving for development.

"Most intelligent creatures are very rare. As long as they are willing to recognize the ideas of the Gulf Territory and abide by the laws and rules of the Gulf Territory, we can guide them to join as appropriate..."

When she saw this, Hua Xing vaguely understood something, that is, the lord still followed her thoughts.

Thinking of this, Fairy Tale's heart was vaguely touched, and he recognized Matthew and the Gulf Territory's development ideas even more.

"The pursuit of better development is not simply about military strength, technological innovation, or territorial expansion or population growth."

"More importantly, it is to make the territory safer, people's lives happier, quality of life constantly improved, stress gradually reduced, beliefs strengthened, and enthusiasm for development constantly increased..."

Regarding the implementation of these programs and the Gulf Territory, Fairy Tale, who is young but has a high IQ and has reached an extraordinary threshold of 20 points in intelligence attributes, quickly gave his own summary.

"Under the constraints of laws and rules, we will ensure everyone's independence of thought and freedom of will, while making everyone's lives better and allowing the Gulf Territory to continue to move forward on the road of science and technology and development..."

With such an understanding of the fairy tale, it naturally passed Matthew's observation and testing.

However, Matthew did not arrange fairy tales. He directly took charge of the pioneering base in the Thunder Plane and began to take over some things from the Gulf Territory.

In fact, Matthew arranged for Hua Xing to enter the professional training college first.

Let them learn and master the power of professionals, and have a deeper understanding and contact with the future people of the Gulf Territory.

In the evening, Butler Ralph would take fairy tales to various administrative departments in the Bay Territory.

The old housekeeper will explain to her in detail many management matters, techniques, modifications, bottom lines and other means.

After nightfall.

Even if Fairy Tale doesn't need a long rest, Yaya will take her to play happily

Fairy tales were able to learn about the lives of people in the Gulf Territory and enjoy the many beauties brought about by the development of the Gulf Territory.

Fairy tale grew up quickly and soon realized that he was independent in thinking and could master the power of a professional on his own.

And Fairy Tale will also feel that the Gulf Territory will not regard her as a tool or a threat, but will recognize her as a member of the territory.

The impact of speaking with facts is far more exciting than a few slogans and lies and deceptions.

When Fairy Tale began to gradually understand the world outside the Gulf Territory, understand other areas of the material plane, and learn the basic conditions of other countries and forces.

She immediately recognized the excellence of Bay Territory.

It can inspire the joint efforts of most people.

It can push the entire territory forward.

Let everyone enjoy the beauty.

Not to be abandoned or left behind.

Compared with the dangerous world of oppression and exploitation outside, this world is infinitely more beautiful.

Fairy Tale became more recognized as a Gulf Territory person, and with the encouragement of Matthew and Ralph the butler, he began to research, study, and discuss various policies and development plans of the Gulf Territory.

Matthew didn't think about letting Fairy Tale be in charge of all the development data and arrangements of the Gulf Territory. This was also a huge burden for her.

As an intelligent individual with self-awareness, even if the life form of fairy tales is somewhat special.

The Gulf Territory will also treat her like all intelligent creatures in the territory.

There is work, there are dreams, there is enjoyment, there is relaxation.

"Don't put all the problems and responsibilities on your own shoulders, but strengthen the abilities of others and let everyone work hard and contribute."

"The Gulf Territory cannot be separated from the contributions of everyone in the territory, and the territory will give back the beautiful results of everyone's efforts."

After Matthew had such an exchange with the thoughtful fairy tale, he began to let the fairy tale start from the most basic and important work.

Assist the land reclamation army of the Gulf Territory to develop the newly captured Silver Moon River Plain.

It is a fertile land that holds great promise.

In the future, wonderful food will grow, allowing everyone in the Gulf Territory to enjoy the joy and gifts of a bumper harvest.

"Of course, these lands need to be treated friendly and carefully cared for. Druids and professional farmers can tell you about this knowledge and stories..."

“Food is the most important thing for the people!”

Fairy, who also likes all kinds of food, immediately understood the importance of food to the Gulf Territory and all intelligent creatures.

She might be able to survive without supplemental food.

But she needs to replenish energy in order to continue better.

Moreover, a variety of delicious food can allow her to taste the beauty of her mind and soul.

That kind of different kind of pleasure was something that cold energy couldn't bring her.

The demiplane of thunder.


The surging thunder fell densely from the sky.

The erected lightning rods carried the impact of these lightnings motionlessly, and then guided them into the underground elemental aggregation array.

The constantly lighting up elemental aggregation array quickly controls, crushes, and reorganizes these manic thunder and lightning forces.

It will turn it into a thunder element energy block according to the prepared plan, or send it into the surrounding energy channels.

This energy is either stored, sent to various production factories, or used to charge golem machines.

The staff at Bayland were quite surprised by such transformation and improvement.

They worked hard to improve the effect of the elemental aggregation array, develop more of its functions, and make more contributions to the territory's development of the Thunder Plane.

Of course, they will also receive generous rewards and further improve their contribution level and strength.

Various rich harvests encourage them to continue to use their talents.

Bay Terriers never sit back and rest on their laurels.

In addition to these staff, there are also a group of more stubborn druids who are carefully studying the situation of the entire thunder demiplane.

They collected many soil and environmental samples from the demiplane of Thunder to further analyze their composition.

They will find ways to cultivate plants that can survive in the Thunder Plane, and then give life to this barren and dead land again.

Whether it is for the Druids or the Gulf Territory, such a large piece of land and world would be a waste of resources if they did not use it to grow something.

Alona, ​​who led the team, was very confident. She looked through the plant experiments collected from all over the Gulf Territory and was quite satisfied with the progress of their cultivation experiments.

"It will only take about three weeks for the first batch of plants that can survive in the thunder demiplane to be cultivated."

"They will gradually adapt to the bad environment of the Thunder Demiplane as they pass on and change from generation to generation."

"And they will use their weak but huge power to make changes little by little."

Laura, who worked hard to learn and understand, curiously watched one Druid laboratory after another.

She watched those lives taking root and sprouting, facing various dangers and challenges, and tenaciously persisting in surviving with a little bit of resources.

Although there are considerable sacrifices in the process.

But when Laura saw some plants actually surviving in the depleted and dangerous soil of the thunder demiplane.

An indescribable excitement and emotion still made her inexplicably happy.

"That's the power of hope, that they will get better and better and better in the future."

If it had been in the past, Laura would definitely have wondered whether it would have any bad effects if the Gulf leaders used such methods to forcibly screen out such plants.

But she remembered the deathly silence of the Desert of Death and the Thunder Demiplane, and couldn't help but remain silent.

The Gulf Territory will only use this relatively extreme method in such a place.

This place is already in bad condition. Any change in biodiversity will make this place better.

Alona looked at Super Talling 4's calculations and analysis of various data, her eyes shining with surprise.

She communicates with Super Talling No. 4 from time to time and asks her about improvement and cultivation plans for various plants.

This is not only for the druid experiment, but also for the birth of the wisdom of Super Tower Spirit No. 4.

Such a process of exploration and enlightenment has also made Alona gain a lot, and she has gained more understanding of the will of nature and the knowledge of life.

Laura watched their interaction in her eyes, thinking that after she first came into contact with the Gulf Territory, she was quite surprised and excited by the various magic equipment and weapons.

She would be thinking at that time, if she brought these back to her hometown, could she change the current situation there and make her hometown a better place.

But Laura soon discovered that such changes were a bit slow, far from being as rapid as the Bay Territory.

As a result, she transported various supplies to her hometown so that she could continue her adventures and studies in the Gulf Territory.

The results brought by those things are good, and there has indeed been a considerable improvement.

However, Laura learned from the feedback she received from her own people.

Its effect is rapidly weakening, and it may not be long before our hometown will change back to its original state, and it may even make the environment worse.

In this case, Laura felt a little confused and scared.

The same thing can make everyone, including adventurers, better in the Gulf Territory.

It would have a completely different impact in my hometown.

Therefore, Laura prepared to understand the difference between her hometown and the Gulf Territory from a deeper level.

Laura learned all kinds of knowledge promoted by the Gulf Territory, various laws promulgated, various products developed, and education and policies promoted.

After understanding these things in depth, Laura somewhat understood why the Gulf Territory has become so good.

I also learned from the exchanges with the teachers in the Gulf Territory why my hometown looked like that.

"The key lies in interests, the ideas of the ruling class, and the structure of the entire social system."

"Nowadays, other countries and forces follow basic humanistic thinking."

"Everyone wants more, especially the rulers who control the rules and enforce them."

"Under such circumstances, resources and wealth will only become more and more concentrated in their hands, regardless of whether ordinary people and grassroots people can survive."

"In the end, the entire social system will collapse, and people who can't survive will rebel."

"However, the knowledge, resources and power possessed by ordinary people, especially the extraordinary power represented by professionals, can easily suppress those who resist."

"After enough people die in resistance, the system of the entire country collapses, and is eventually destroyed by external forces."

"Even if they are really lucky and can succeed by chance, they will either become rulers who replace those evil dragons who oppress ordinary people, or they will be destroyed by other forces in the entire world."

“The stronger the supernatural power, the more stable the social structure and system will be, and the less change and resource flow will change.”


It took Laura some time to think clearly about the essential issue, and then she understood the real gap between the Gulf Territory and her hometown.

She thought about the problem carefully and found a solution to the problem in her hometown from the trading policies and systems of the Gulf Territory.

Laura or the forces she influences alone are not enough to change her hometown into a Gulf Territory.

If this is the case, then for the time being, we should strengthen our own strength, ride on the development of the Gulf Territory, and enjoy the wonderful results of the development of the Gulf Territory.

At the same time, Laura can also allow as many people as possible to be influenced and controlled by her just like the Gulf Territory absorbs the population.

Instead of ruining it for those guys, it's better to unite the power of more people.

When Laura masters more and more power, so much that she can easily crush other guys, she will naturally be able to follow suit and complete a transformation similar to the Gulf Territory.

Even if my hometown cannot completely transform into a Gulf Territory, as long as it develops and changes for the better, it is better than remaining unchanged for thousands of years.

Laura likes a slogan from Bay Collar very much:

"Science and technology are developing, knowledge is increasing, and technology is advancing. If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

Laura knew what it was like to be beaten, so she would naturally choose to form a powerful force for herself and her own forces.

There is another saying in the territory: "Only when the army is in hand can political power be established."

Therefore, Laura actively participated in the combat missions of the Alice Adventure Group and worked hard to learn from Captain Alice.

She also gathered a group of loyal men to join Alice's adventure group and learn the skills of combat command together.

He also did not forget to form a small-scale combat force and secretly handed it over to the Gulf Territory for training.

Seeing that the plan was progressing steadily and everything was moving in a good direction, Laura became less anxious.

She withdrew her gaze from Super Tower Spirit No. 4 and put an end to the temporary thought of adventure in her mind.

Among the principles of combat command, there is a crucial one.

"When choosing various weapons and equipment and mastering power, you don't necessarily need to use the strongest one, but the most suitable one."

At this moment, Chris shouted with joy, causing everyone in Alice's adventure group to look over.

"We have another combat mission, this time in a small valley 120 kilometers away from us."

"According to the information detected by the magic drone and the Druid Eagle Team, there is a large area of ​​distorted water elements gathering there, and it is suspected that there are elemental evil objects."

Elemental evil?

Everyone in Alice's adventure group widened their eyes in surprise. Naturally, they knew what the word evil meant.

Powerful fighting power, unparalleled destructive power, nearly indestructible vitality, and the ability to pollute the surrounding environment and creatures with special effects.

From the perspective of combat opponents, evil objects are undoubtedly one of the most difficult and dangerous opponents.

But it is precisely because of the danger of evil objects that the elites of Alice's Adventure Group are very concerned about it.

Challenging such dangerous opponents can allow them to understand the powerful combat power of the legendary rank in advance.

Whether it is accumulating combat experience or gaining insights from it, they can hope to further improve their strength.

What's more important is that Matthew has given extremely special tips to many elites in Alice's adventure group.

"The rewards for killing and sealing evil objects will include special powers that can change the characteristics of life."

"You can use this kind of power to carry out quite special transactions and breakthroughs."

"Choose to break through to the legendary level with the help and guidance of the Gulf Territory."

"You can also master and comprehend stronger power and knowledge in the process of digesting these special powers."

Matthew didn't say it clearly, but it didn't hinder these elites' yearning for legend and stronger power.

They set off quickly, not forgetting to call out the Thunder Warriors.

Only with the cooperation of the Thunder Warriors can they have the confidence to fight against legendary enemies.

One after another, the Golem armed trucks rushed towards the target.

Alice sat on the more flexible Land Rover, browsing the desolate scene around her, and carefully inspected the Thunder Magic Armor.

Chris, who was sitting next to her, carefully looked through the information on the behemoth that was suspected of being an elemental evil.

The body is 21 meters long and 4.5 meters wide. Its body shape is close to that of a crocodile, and it has the characteristics of an unstable body shape of elemental evil objects.

Brief information and some blurry images, but Chris watched it carefully and repeatedly.

Alice next to her was talking to Leon.

The latter has taken over the command of the Thunder Warriors and brought an action team of swordsmen and monks with them, specifically looking for evil creatures in the Thunder Demiplane.

Now that I have finally found one, I will naturally not miss this good opportunity.

An hour and a half later.

Under the guidance of the golem drone, the convoy arrived at a valley shrouded in mist.

Densely packed distorted water elements were scurrying around in the mist.

They exuded a little bit of cold air, leaving a little bit of frost on the dry stone road.

Alice and Leon painstakingly counted the number of these distorted water elements. After confirming that there were only 1,345 of them, they began to adjust their battle plan.

A few minutes later.

On the scattered golem armed trucks, the debugged cannons slowly rose upwards.

A bright luster gradually appeared around the dark barrel.

Energy is accumulated and cannonballs erupt!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The scorching flames of destruction instantly bloomed inside the valley.

The distorted water element that was directly hit was torn into pieces before it could make any resistance or struggle.

The huge movement shook the entire valley.

The blurry water mist that was originally lingering slowly spread to the surroundings.

The distorted water element entered a state of chaos, roaring and running in all directions.

But they had no idea where the attack was coming from, and instead started attacking each other.

The adventurers, who were not too worried about their actions, continued their roaring bombardment.

First use long-range firepower to suppress the opponent and weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness and quantity.

Once the threatening enemies strike first and acquire their basic attributes, they can launch attacks more calmly.

The huge number of distorted water elements did not pose much threat to the adventurers. Under the fire impact of fixed-point bombing, they turned into wreckage all over the ground.

What confused the Thunder Warriors was that the large and powerful elemental evil did not react to the movement, but continued to hide deep in the valley.

Without much hesitation, they quickly cleaned up the distorted water elements and sent the coordinates inside the valley to Alice.

Alice, who was already familiar with the performance of Land Rover, activated the main gun weapon system very simply:

"The missile system is activated and the shooting location is being confirmed."

"Confirmation completed, yes/no to launch?"

Without any hesitation, what Alice chose decisively was that the launcher rising from the top of the Land Rover suddenly spurted out scorching raging flames.

The magic missile with the words "Ryuya No. 1" printed on it flew out with blazing flames.

Many pairs of eyes stared at the Dragon Tooth 1 disappearing in the clouds. They couldn't help but widen their eyes and look at the battlefield scene on the side of the vehicle.

Dragon Tooth No. 1, which could be caught by their naked eyes when it flew out, was barely noticed by them the moment it landed.

They only saw a ball of rising fire, which instantly transformed into a small mushroom cloud representing the light of destruction, as well as shock waves surging in all directions, occupying the entire scene in the blink of an eye.

Even the magic drone that recorded the footage was shaking in the aftermath.

Looking at the big mushroom that had burned for several seconds and still hadn't dissipated, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The aftermath of the impact shook, and it was only at this time that it spread layer by layer.

Alice, who took action, was also a little disbelieving. Looking at the remaining Ryuga No. 1 magic missile in Road Fighter, she couldn't help but murmur to herself:

"It is indeed a weapon of destruction that costs 1 million gold coins per shot. The effect is really powerful!"

The fire gradually extinguished, but the surging smoke has not yet dissipated.


A huge, tattered object rushed out from the billowing smoke.

It is the target of adventurers and thunder warriors, an elemental evil object with legendary strength.

The originally intact and ferocious body was missing a piece here and a piece there.

Leon, who had been waiting for a long time, led the Thunder Warriors to greet him.

Just straight up!

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