Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 780 Goblins and Murlocs

Bi Gao, who had just completed the development of the Thunder Demiplane and was specially sent out for repairs, was one of the managers of the Gulf Territory staff this time.

After performing the purification ritual, he took the initiative to strengthen awareness and anti-corruption training.

After passing various tests, Bigao was allowed to continue going out.

However, you cannot return to the thunder demiplane for the time being to avoid suffering its effects.

By the time the battle preparations are completed, Bi Gao should have completely eliminated the hidden dangers, so that he can continue to attack.

He knew very well that the Lord "valued" the evil demiplane of Thunder.

The main reason why Bi Gao chose to come to the Eastern Sea instead of dealing with the trolls in the Dark Forest or to recruit the barbarians in the Silver Moon River Plain was because there were a large number of goblin slaves here.

Although most of these goblin slaves have had their minds destroyed, it would be fine if they were goblins.

Goblins are gifted in mechanics, and even though most of them are unable to learn and grow, they can still serve as suitable workers and operators.

If you can meet a few goblins with outstanding talents, their mechanical skills and inheritance will be basically guaranteed.

Coupled with the increase in the number of goblins, the next generation of goblins who have received better and more complete education will inevitably emerge with more talents.

Although the Gulf Territory is not like other territories, all forces must compete for power and profit in order to survive.

But the desire for the right to speak, the idea of ​​influence, and the expectation for more compatriots to live a good life will naturally make everyone help as much as possible within their ability.

After all, this is also a contribution to the territory.

Bigo looked at the skinny goblin slaves, and his own life in those days appeared in front of his eyes unconsciously. He sighed slightly, and couldn't help but said happily:

"You are also lucky to meet our Gulf Territory."

"Next, be obedient, study hard, obey orders, and you will be satisfied with every meal."

Although the goblin language is sharp and difficult to pronounce, it makes the ignorant goblin slaves feel extremely familiar and friendly.

Although they don't think that with Bi Gao, they will be comfortable.

But the Gulf Territory is now giving them food and not cutting off their heads. This is already much better than they imagined.

"Let them eat well first, take good care of themselves, and at the same time promote the policies of the Gulf Territory to them."

"At the same time, arrange the employment form so that they can start working tomorrow."

"Of course we do what we can, such as cleaning up garbage in the city, filling potholes on the road, and letting them become familiar with the form and style of the Bay Area."

"Slaves who cooperate will be rewarded and encouraged, and those who are disobedient will be punished and dealt with."

"When they are no longer afraid and can obey orders obediently, we can arrange for re-education and work at the same time."

"There are no conditions here like in the territory, and they didn't actively join the territory, so naturally they won't get such good treatment."

"How much contribution you make and how much benefits you enjoy are the criteria for the territory to run well."


Bigo was not stingy with his advice to Chief Robert. Instead, he spoke in detail and explained everything thoroughly.

Chief Robert also nodded in approval very humbly, and made up his mind that after the development task was completed, he must study harder.

The longer I stay in Bayland, the more I feel I have to learn.

Just as the two of them were communicating with each other, a slightly noisy sound came from the teleportation array.

The two of them looked over subconsciously, and happened to see a few huge and burly swamp crocodiles, which caused some goblin slaves to panic.

The back of a swamp crocodile.

Bobo, who has grown to 5 meters tall, is wearing gorgeous and dazzling metal armor.

Slender limbs, big eyes that keep moving, and a proficient lingua franca.

To everyone, he doesn't look like a fish-man at all, but a human in strange clothes.

But Bigo and Chief Robert both know very well that Bobo is not only a fish man.

Moreover, he is a manager who joined the Gulf Territory earlier than the two of them and has a higher status and status than them.

Although Bobo is a fishman, his contribution to the Gulf Territory can be said to be many.

The various magic fish produced and cultivated, even with the increase in marine fish, still account for more than 40% of the magic food source in the entire territory.

Based on this alone, everyone must accept Bo Bo's favor.

Not to mention, the Dragon Blood Murlocs led by Bobo have already shown their prominence in various areas of the Gulf Territory and played a considerable role.

Especially in the recent battle between the Gulf Territory and the Naga army.

The murloc troops led by Bobo blocked the Naga army's intention to penetrate the Silver Moon River and the waters, and withstood the opponent's attack.

Bobo even captured a large number of elite fishmen and some deep-sea monsters and was preparing to raise them.

Bigo felt the slightest curiosity about Bobo's sudden arrival, but was not too surprised.

The reason is simple. More than 80% of the various slaves here are goblins, but about 15% are murlocs.

According to Bi Gao's observation, these fish-men are very special. Although they are not as tall as sahuagin, they are more intelligent.

For Bi Gao now, intelligence is the best talent.

He did not expect that the goblins in the Gulf Territory could occupy such a large territory and control as much power as the original goblin empire.

But at least I hope that the knowledge and civilization of the Goblin Empire can be passed down, even at the cost of integrating into the Gulf Territory.

At least, the goblins will not become slaves who can be abandoned at any time like they are now.

These intelligent fish people are indeed the reason why Bobo came here.

It's rare to meet some fishmen with better qualifications, so don't you have to act quickly?

Dragon blood baptism is too dangerous. Even if you are prepared, only 1/3 of the fishmen can survive.

Even if there were a large number of murlocs, it would still take Bobo a lot of energy and time to cultivate elites with slightly higher intelligence.

At present, these fishmen are quite outstanding in all aspects, so naturally they need to start early.

Moreover, after understanding the vastness of the sea, Bobo became very interested in this endless stretch of water.

He immediately realized that the fishman army in the Gulf Territory could make greater contributions in the sea.

For example, raise more magic fish, cultivate more magic plants, and feed more fishmen.

The power brought by the Naga army's huge murloc mass made Bobo very excited.

Although he no longer wanted the fishmen to be allowed to grow, he did not exclude the emergence of more fishmen.

The more people there are, the more likely they are to encounter a fishman with good qualifications.

After all, as the Gulf Territory becomes larger and larger, the population increases, and the number of intelligent races becomes more and more prosperous.

Bobo also felt increasing pressure.

If they just keep their head down and develop, the development speed of the fishmen will be far less than the expansion speed of the Gulf Territory.

Murlocs must, like other races, participate more deeply in the development of the Gulf Territory.

Bobo has made up his mind to invest more energy in the islands occupied by the Gulf Territory in the eastern sea.

After making such a decision and coming here again, Bobo naturally did not do it without plans and preparations.

He first arranged for a group of dragon-blooded murlocs to carry out propaganda and education specifically for these murloc slaves.

Although it will take some time for them to be effective in specific jobs.

Bobo still patiently drew the pie for them first.

"If you want to eat well, follow the territory."

"If you want to eat more, don't talk about the hard work."

“If you want to grow your brain, you must engage in education.”

"If you want to change your bloodline, your merit will increase quickly."

"You don't have to understand now, but you must remember first that I don't have that much time to study with you."

Bobo, who had a slightly irritable style, spoke to the ignorant murloc slaves and handed them over to other trained Gulf Territory staff.

In order to achieve better results, Bobo Land also invited a group of dragon blood murlocs to assist.

There are many things he has to do now, in addition to normal urban reconstruction, dock construction, port deepening, and fortifications and other construction tasks.

Development tasks must also be handled by him.

Resource exploration on the island.

Minerals, magical plants, and magical creatures must be carefully explored and then the corresponding production and development facilities constructed.

Detection of materials in peripheral sea areas.

The biological richness under the water, water flow speed, sea water temperature, underwater minerals and resources.

A variety of information detection, although it is not possible to fully develop it immediately.

But we will also formulate corresponding long-term plans for sustainable development.

In the future, the island will have more people, more energy and resources, and will be able to develop and grow rapidly according to the plan.

In addition to farmland and recyclable food production plants, they must be constructed as soon as possible.

Bobo's most important task is to complete the construction of the ocean fisheries around the island.

"You must explore the surrounding fishing species as quickly as possible."

"Magic fish and magical creatures are the most important, followed by large quantities of edible fish, single rare creatures last, and dangerous sea monsters last."

Bobo's expression was relatively serious, which put a lot of pressure on the other dragon blood murlocs.

The dragon blood fish people who understood Bobo's methods obediently led the Gulf Territory staff to quickly go to various surrounding areas.

They have all kinds of detection machines.

Some of them were made from the technology "taken" from the Netheril Empire's technology library openly after Matthew became the Grand Arcanist.

Some were excavated, copied, and improved from the Goblin Empire and ruins inherited from the Gulf Territory.

There are also some that were developed and created by the Gulf Territory themselves under various trends that encourage invention and creation.

Most of them have one characteristic: production is relatively simple, and can be produced by all major production factories in the Gulf Territory, and even in cities across the Gulf Territory.

Its technical level is quite high, it is difficult to imitate, and it can be kept strictly confidential.

In fact, most of the other inventions and creations in the Gulf Territory also follow this rule.

Production technology and design technology are two thighs.

On the one hand, improve production technology as much as possible.

Research and development creates more and better metal alloys, rare materials, production machinery, production experience, and production science.

On the other hand, we should try to improve and organize the design technology into a system as much as possible.

Provide better and better support for everyone’s production, research and development, creation, and invention with various tools, theories, technologies, etc.

Every Gulf Territory staff member is very happy because the rewards for exploration missions are very generous.

Some lucky people with good luck and strength can even obtain a large amount of achievements and rewards based on one or two exploration results.

There are even some elite personnel who have been promoted by the territory and successfully obtained the qualifications to become managers through the results of an exploration.

The reward is so generous, naturally because the task is very difficult.

Crossing mountains and ridges is just a trivial matter, diving into abyss and sea is nothing.

Therefore, they are also very careful.

In addition to various detection tools, he also carries a lot of weapons and protective equipment.

Most of the areas they want to explore are already controlled by the Gulf Territory, but there are also various dangers.

If you are not careful or encounter an accident, your life may be in danger.

Because of this, they not only have excellent professional abilities, but also have good combat effectiveness.

Most explorers will form scout combat teams similar to those in the army or adventure groups.

In addition to helping each other, they will naturally apply for corresponding combat units to escort their exploration missions.

If they encounter dangerous units that are difficult to deal with, they can also apply for the army or an organized armed unit to complete the cleanup with overwhelming strength.

The Gulf Territory has always placed its highest priority on everyone's safety.

There are not many dangers around this island. Japanese pirates and pirates living here have already cleaned it up accordingly.

I don’t know how many years of repeated cleaning have eliminated most of the dangers here.

Just three or four hours later, the investigators in the Gulf Territory returned a lot of "good news."

Bobo looked carefully and noticed three or four large iron ore and copper mines, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As long as there are mines, Gulf Territory will not hesitate to invest manpower and resources.

He looked around the sea area, his bright eyes immediately widened, and he sighed in amazement:

"What a treasure island. In the hands of these guys, it's a waste. It should belong to our territory."

Because the waters around the island are not only very gentle, but also have huge seagrass vegetation and other resources on the seabed.

Several small ocean currents converge, bringing abundant plankton and small fish and shrimps.

There are as many as three locations suitable for building "fishing grounds" that have been explored.

Such rich fishing resources can allow the island to support a larger population living here.

Based on a survey of the dilapidated ruins of the city.

Bobo knew that the port city controlled by this island could accommodate tens of thousands of pirates and millions of slaves living here.

It all depends on the abundant fish resources.

"You can cultivate millions of acres of wasteland outside the city for nothing, tsk tsk tsk..."

Bobo spent most of the past two years in the misty swamp farming.

In his spare time, he likes to study with the farmers next door and the druids in the breeding area.

Mainly learn and exchange various planting and breeding techniques.

From the beginning, Bobo felt that these knowledge and technologies were wonderful.

The "partnership" life of various creatures and plants can actually benefit all creatures, which makes him feel an incredible sense of joy.

Bobo, who was interested in this, began to study harder and practiced under the guidance of the druid.

Bobo also took a number of exams and passed them with good results.

It was precisely because of these growths that he was able to coordinate the management of the island as the top manager of the pioneering city.

He looked at the gradually enriching image of the island and said in a very firm tone:

“Our reputation as the leading fisherman in the bay started from here.”

Lao Liu, who was sleeping soundly next to him, suddenly raised his head, widened his eyes and nodded excitedly.

Its strength has climbed to the peak of the super level, and it is just waiting to make achievements and see if it can be lucky enough to receive a reward from Lord Yaya or a transformation from Lord Lord, so that it can complete its transformation.

At this juncture, Lingzhi has grown into the sixth child and dares to bare his teeth at any enemy.

The Gulf Territory staff and pioneers who came out of the teleportation array were busy all the time without having time to rest.

They had rested long enough and had been preparing for quite some time.

Each of them is very excited and hardworking, because they have a share in the development results.

The goblins and slaves who were recuperating saw the Gulf Territory staff operating huge golem machines.

The expression in his eyes gradually changed from fear to curiosity.

After all, the Gulf Territory did not use this terrible weapon to attack or kill them.

On the contrary, they gradually learned to use labor in exchange for more and more food.

After seeing the Gulf leaders punish slaves who broke the rules, they gradually learned to abide by the rules and be obedient.

Especially after Bigao saw Bobo's move to accept the murlocs, he also stepped up his efforts to educate the goblin slaves.

"Our goblins are at least richer than our ancestors, so we can't let the murlocs compete with us, right?"

After thinking about it, he began to prepare to build a steel smelting plant and a mechanical processing plant at the request of Chief Robert.

Under his leadership, the goblins gradually became busy.

Participating in education and training, learning basic knowledge of various machines, my body and mind are recovering quickly.

The city's interior and exterior are changing rapidly, and the movement in the sea is getting louder.

Tens of thousands of murlocs, led by dragon-blooded murlocs and Gulf Territory staff, made corresponding changes to the surrounding sea areas and the seabed.

They want to make the growing conditions here better and turn the small "fishing ground" into a larger "fishing ground".

At the same time, various "experiments" will be conducted to come up with better breeding formulas and resource cultivation.

The cultivation process in the misty swamp and the water cultivation experience in the underground desert of death allowed them to accumulate a lot of inspiration and data.

Now that we have obtained such a large territory and have such good conditions, we naturally have to boldly implement it.

Although most murlocs do not have high intelligence, under the training of Bobo and the dragon-blooded murlocs, those brought out are basically obedient.

There is another surprise like the murlocs. The murlocs and druids headed by Bobo are confident that they can complete the corresponding research tasks.

What happened on this island also happened on other islands taken by the Gulf Territory.

The steel fleet of the Gulf Territory rampaged all the way and killed most of the magic warships gathered by the Japanese pirates.

Dozens of adventure groups from the Gulf Territory followed behind or in front of them to attack the city and occupy territory.

At the beginning, they occupied every island, quickly established teleportation arrays, and arranged the development and production of the city.

But before the previous work was completed, good news came frequently from behind.

Under this circumstance, they quickly made up their mind and secured the first batch of peripherally occupied islands.

In the middle of a large island, several large islands were taken as base points.

Finally, after the Steel Fleet stopped advancing, they captured a large area of ​​valuable islands in the inner ring.

Taking care of all the front, middle and rear, cooperate with the steel fleet to lay a defensive foundation, and then slowly turn around to digest the islands and sea areas surrounding it.

The Japanese pirates were caught off guard and immediately lost a large number of ports and island cities on the front line.

The largest number of arsenals and shipyards were gathered there, and a large number of elite pirates were expelled and killed by the Gulf Territory's steel fleet.

The rest were gathered by the Cole elves and thrown into the seemingly invisible demiplane of thunder.

In a short period of time, the Japanese pirates, who suffered heavy losses, were completely unable to resist the attack of the Gulf Territory.

Even if the islands occupied by the Gulf Territory have weak defenses, they will not be able to launch a decent counterattack.

The Gulf Territory stopped continuing to expand and turned to digesting the situation.

After learning about this situation, the Japanese pirates and the Cole Elf Kingdom originally wanted to cause trouble for the Gulf Territory.

As a result, the second batch of 20 steel magic warships from the Gulf Territory arrived at the periphery, and all kinds of thoughts temporarily disappeared.

News of the large-scale development of the island quickly spread to all parts of the Gulf Territory.

Many enterprising residents and adventurers soon decided to go there.

As long as you get through the early dangers and hardships, you can have a very prosperous and good life.

It's worth the risk!

The big commotion caused by the Gulf Territory shocked other organizations and forces.

How many troops and combatants are there in the Gulf Territory?

This becomes a thought-provoking puzzle.

After realizing the "real strength" of the Gulf Territory, many forces that wanted to cooperate in research and development couldn't help but send more caravans and personnel.

In the eyes of these forces, the latter is a certificate of surrender given to the Gulf Territory, and the benefits obtained from the former are the benefits that can be truly obtained.

At a time when the Gulf Territory was aggressively attacking, attacking everywhere, and carrying out large-scale development and advancement.

Matthew and Yaya have been in the underground laboratory in the Bay Territory.

They must digest the divine power and divinity obtained in the thunder demiplane as soon as possible to complete the further improvement and consolidation of strength.

Especially Yaya!

Matthew is preparing to let her take up the legendary profession - Demon-Sealing Swordsman!

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