Empty Nest

10 – Feeling the Pressure

With a bag of groceries in each hand I walk at Heather’s side as we stroll home through the bustling park toward her cozy home. The soccer kids were out again with their parents cheering them on, a big multi-generation family was setting up picnic on one of the hillsides, and the group of dudes tossing the frisbee were back again as I found out as the disk skidded to a halt by our feet.

“Bro!” Calls one with his hands out. Setting down a bag I pick up the frisbee and with snap of my wrist send it back straight and true. He shoots me a thumbs up as thanks and I give a nod back as a you’re welcome.

Heather smiles and waits for me to collect the bag again before continuing. “Strong throw.”

“Mm? Yeah. Lots of practice.”


Casually we wind through the park taking in the sights, sounds and smells of another lovely evening. Heather seemed quite content having some company with her on her walk home. I was pretty darned content myself. It was nice having a beautiful woman at my side, even is our ages didn’t quite match up right. Along the way we bump into a couple that knew Heather through a soap carving class done through the library and she is only too happy to once more introduce me as her friend and brag up my heroism from earlier in the day. It was more than a mere introduction though. The way she unconsciously pet my shoulder and arm as spoke about me so warmly it almost seemed as if she were showing me off to them like a proud mom. To them and the whole park. As if she were saying to the world, ‘look at this fine young man’. I was flattered by the attention to say the least. And I am about to get to experience it all over again as we pass by Ms. Hancock who was out pruning flowers next door.

“If it isn’t young Mr. Elliot.” She says as we near. “I thought you were just passing through.”

“Uh, yes ma’am. Mrs. Hutton let me stay one more night.”

“Elliot’s work has him here for awhile, it turns out. They need him on that big project over on Aspen.” Heather boasts as her hand lightly touches my back. “He’s in construction, you know.”

“I did not.”

“Oh yes. He’s very handy. Really hard worker.”

“A good man to have around.”

“Indeed.” Heather glances over at me for a long moment before saying. “I…um…I think he might be staying for a couple more days actually.”

“Oh!” My eyebrows rise at the unexpected offer.

“That’s nice.” Ms. Hancock smiles as she snips off another dead head.

“Just until he finds a place of his own, you understand.” Heather is quick to add. “I can’t have him here too long. I need my space and…so does he. If you hear about any rentals in the area…”

“You’ll be the first to know.” She says. “Sounds like it was real stroke of luck that Liam’s mama happened to live in the area, hm?”

“Er, yeah.” I say as I try to contain my smile. She was going to let me stay! I didn’t know for how long but I’d take every day that she would give me. “I am one lucky guy.”

Slipping her arm into mine Heather pulls me close to her side. “If you’ll excuse us. I’ve got a hungry man to feed.”

“Ha! Take care.”

With that we make our way into the house.

“What you said back there, Mrs. Hutton, I just want you to know…woah!”

The moment the door latches behind us Heather spins and pushes me up against the wall. With my arms weighed down by grocery bags I can’t balance myself and end up falling into it clumsily. No worries though as she was there to keep me upright. Leaning in, so close that her breasts press against my chest and I could feel the warmth of her cheek within a fraction of an inch to mine, she takes in a long, deep breath through her nose. She holds her breath a moment before slowly letting it out through her mouth. The warm air caresses my nearby ear.

We stay like that for close to a minute before I speak. “Mrs. Hutton?”

“Sorry.” She whispers. Taking a step back she smiles and fans her blouse. “You make it…” She swallows. “…difficult.” She looks me in the eyes and lays a hand over my chest. Lightly she nibbles at her plump bottom lip while her fingers ever so gently grip my pec. What thoughts were swirling behind those chestnut brown eyes I could only guess as she says nothing. Taking another step back she pulls her hand away and finally speaks. “I’m letting you stay a FEW more days. That’s it. You have to find your own place as soon as you can. Okay?”


“And I still…expect you to earn your keep, Elliot.” Her words were halting, difficult to get out. “I’m not…running a charity here.”

“Of course.” I say. “I never thought otherwise.”

“Good.” She nods. “Good! You have a microwave to repair I believe.”

I flash her a grin. “Yes, ma’am.”



“Um…” She takes a long breath. “Thanks for walking me home.” I’m not sure what she meant to say just then but I don’t think that was it.

“Anytime.” I go to move but the moment I do she pushes me back against the wall again with surprising strength, her brown eyes ablaze. Deeper and deeper her gaze probes into my soul. Her body seeming to move on it’s own she begins to lean in closer and closer and… “Um…M-Mrs. Hutton?”

“Sorry!” Shaking her head she spins away from me then strides hurriedly for her bedroom. “I’m…just going to freshen up. Be a dear and put the groceries away for me.”

Before I could even answer she was out of sight. Bam! The door slams shut behind her. A couple seconds later there comes the sound of classical music from beyond the door. I stand there, bags still in my hand, stunned about what had just happened. There for a moment, just a split second while she had me pinned against the wall, I swear she’d been about to kiss me! Had I not opened my big mouth I might have been kissing her right now! Stupid, stupid Elliot!

I grumble to myself as I put the groceries away. Just a day ago, when I first saw her, I thought Heather nothing but a hefty middle aged busybody. But now…now I very much would have liked a taste of those full, pink lips and a feel of the thick, ripe body. My kink had never been for milfs, but Heather was so much more than just a mature lady. She was kind. She was generous. She was caring and supportive. And she was sooooo fucking sexy! Damn it, why did I have go and spoil that moment.

After the food was put away walk to the spare room to find my tools. Just as I pass by Heather’s door the symphony that had been playing reaches its conclusion and the mellow voice of the radio host cuts in to introduce the next song. It was in that pause that a noise catches my ear. It was the sound of heavy breathing accompanied by a subtle and very regular rhythmic rustle. The breathing was a clue but it was that steady rhythm that gave it away. Heather was masturbating!

If I had any doubts a stifled yet lusty moan finds my ear to erase them. “Ohmmmm!”

A swell of brass and drums drown out the sounds I was never meant to hear. My heart pounding and my face flushed I hurry along and get my tools. As I replace the part with the new one all I could think about was the fact that Heather was a room away rubbing her pussy. She couldn’t even wait for bed time? I’d heard that women got hornier in their forties but, wow! The mere thought of her doing that right now was so fucking HOT!

I was just putting the microwave back together when the music stops and Heather comes swishing out of the room, her cheeks rosy and her eyes twinkling. She was much more relaxed now, almost giddy. A good orgasm will do that.

“How’s the repair?” She says in an upbeat sing-song voice.

“Almost done.” I say. “Freshened up?”

“Ohhh, yes.” She sighs then lets out a jolly laugh. “Very much so. Whooo!” I startle as she pats my bum. “Just had to work off a little steam there.” She wasn’t even trying to deny it!


Her bum pat turns to a pinch. “If I don’t do it twice a day things get…intense.” Her hand runs up my back. “And having a handsome honey boy around sure doesn’t make things any easier, I can tell you. I might have to sneak an extra one in at work while you’re staying here.”

As I blush I glance over at her. “Twice a day?”

“Minimum.” After a beat she just blurts the quiet part out loud. “Yes, I’m talking about orgasms.”


“And yes, I was thinking about you, sexy man.”


“Ha! Your blush is adorable. Please, never change.” Crossing her arms she leans back against the counter beside me. “It’s just another thing with women like me. If that makes you uncomfortable…”

“No!” I say. “No, um, I mean. Whatever you gotta do.” She was so strange! “I thought…sex was difficult for, um, your family.”

“More complicated than difficult.” She says. “Masturbation is no problem but things get tricky with other people involved. With great power comes great responsibility, and all that jazz.”


“You’ve felt it.”


“Mmm.” She nods. Running a flirty finger down my arm she says. “Speaking of, I’ve got some more for you. If you still want it.”

I turn to her. “Yes!”

“So eager. Come here.” Taking my hand she pulls me into a hug and plants a long kiss on my cheek. “This is the last time. Okay?”

“Okay.” I whisper. “Last time.”

“Mmmm.” She nuzzles my hair and kisses me again.

I wrap my arms around her and lean into her soft, cozy embrace. Her voluptuous body felt so good against mine and she smelled amazing. As I hug her I allow my hand to slide down over her big booty. She does not try to stop me. So big. So round. So full. With Blair I could engulf one of her perky cheeks with but a grope of one hand. With both hands I couldn’t have done it with Heather’s fine ass.

Stroking my hair, her lips brushing my ears, she whispers. “You earned yourself something a little extra today, my crime fighting champion.”

“What?” I gasp.

“You’ll see.” Her hug tightens then releases me. “First we should find out if you fixed the oven.”


“You even being here tonight is riding on you having that oven fixed, remember?”

“What!?” I pull back and look at her. “You’re not seriously gonna kick me out after today.”

She laughs and pinches my cheek. “That was the deal, handsome. And if I am anything I am a woman of my word.”


“Although…I suppose, I have taken a liking to you.” She sighs. “Fine, since you did everything I told you today and you did so good…you can stay.”


“But no microwave…” From a pocket she pulls a tiny stoppered glass vial which she waves back and forth. “…no honey for you.” Looking closely I see inside of the vial there was about an ounce of crystal clear liquid. That was a lot more than last night!


“That’s the deal.” She slips it back into her pocket. “Take it or leave it. I shouldn’t even be giving you more anyway.”

“I’ll take it! I’ll take it!” I look to the microwave. I was eighty percent sure I’d fixed her problem but until we tested it there was no way to be sure. That twenty percent chance of being wrong was suddenly looming large. “Talk about pressure!”

Sliding her hands up my back Heather massages my shoulders. “I believe in you, Elliot.”

Picking up my screwdriver I tighten the last two screws and I pray.

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