Empty Nest

15 – What a Man

Heather holds me tight until the very last of my waning spurts and beyond. My moans of passion quelled I sit in the dark staring down at the wet circle in my jeans where my slimy load was soaking through the denim. With the orgasmic high behind me I am hit with the full brunt of my humiliation. Cumming in your pants from a single stroke of a single finger was no way to impress a woman. Fuck. Honey or no, that was pathetic!

“Good boy.” Heather sighs, her lips brushing my neck as she spoke. She holds me close as down below her finger continued to verrry lightly run up and down the softening shape of my penis. It all felt so nice. If only I could enjoy it. Sensing my shift she pulls her hand away from my dick to wrap me up in both her arms. “Talk to me?”

“I’m sorry.” I whisper.

“Nooo.” Her embrace tightens around me, her warm body squeezing tight against my back. “Don’t say that. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She kisses my shoulder. “It’s okay, baby.”

“It’s just…the honey…”

“I know.” She pets me. “I know. You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Her soft words and softer touch soothe my wounded ego like nothing else could. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out, pushing the shame and negativity out with the air.

“You said…that happens with some honey boys?”

“Mm hm.” She nuzzles and sucks at my shoulder. “I’ve never had it happen but my sister’s talked about it. Lily too. For some guys the honey seems to be extra potent.”

“Oh.” I say. “I must be one of those guys, huh?”


“I, um, I usually last a long time.”

I can feel her lips smile against the skin of my shoulder. “You are so cute.” Kiss…kiss…kiss.

“I’m serious. I’ve never cum that quick before.”

“Me neither.”

“You neither? Did you…?”

She giggles softly. “Yes. I had an orgasm. A little one, but a good one.”


“When my honey boy is feeling so good…mmm…I just can’t help myself.” Her left hand cups my pec and massages it lightly. “Nobody’s ever made me climax that fast. Mmmm.” I was stunned. Stunned and weirdly flattered, even though I hadn’t done a damn thing but prejac in my pants. Being with Heather was so, so, SO different than any other woman I’d been close to. She hums and smooches and whispers. “What a man, mmmm.” Her nose glides up my neck and into my hair as her caressing hands begin to explore my body once more. “Hmmmm.”

The honey already had my flesh alive to every sensation but in my floaty afterglow the good feelings were magnified just that much more. Her hands, her body, her breath on my skin was pure pleasure.


“That’s it. Let out all of your worries. I’ve got you nowww.” After a few lovely minutes of just petting me her right hand glides down my belly where it stops at my belt line. Her index finger taps the top button of my jeans. “May I?”

I hadn’t a clue what she had in mind but there was only one answer. “Yes.”

Reaching around me she unbuttons my jeans and pulls down the fly and peels the denim away to reveal the soggy briefs beneath. “Take off your clothes, Elliot.”

I hesitate only long enough to run her words back through my mind to make sure I’d heard that right before I am pulling my pants and shorts down off my hips and legs. She lets me go so that I can bend forward to remove my jeans, underwear and socks. As quick as I can I am relaxing back into her warm naked torso. She welcomes me back with yet another hug.

My feet, legs and dick exposed to the cool air brings another rush of elation. I felt self-conscious, as I always did being nude in front of a woman, but the way Heather held me erased any hesitation. This just felt too good to dwell on anything bad. The pungent smell of my seed fills the air. Her chin against my neck Heather take in long, deep sniffs to take it all in.

There is a rustle behind me before Heather pulls a bright white rectangle of cloth to my front. It was a pillowcase. Gently and affectionately Heather begins to clean the jizz from my body. With the cloth over her hand she starts at the penis where she tenderly swipes my mess from my shaft and tip. The smooth texture of the case felt nice but it was the gentleness of her touch that made this amazing. Totally still, totally silent, I watch the older woman clean my dick.

“Mmm.” With finger and thumb she lifts my cock from out of the pillow case to hold it and study it. Though I’d just nutted my member was nearly at full size, just a bit squishy. “Mmmm.” Wrapping her long fingers around it it nearly disappears in her encompassing grasp. It looked a lot bigger in Blair’s delicate hands. “Nice cock.”

“Thank you.”

“Mmm.” She gives it a light squeeze which makes it swell in her grip. “Hahhh, I do so love the feeling of a big cock in my hand.”

Though I remain still my spirit recoils at her soft yet mocking words. At five inches at my max and not particularly thick I knew damn well I wasn’t that I wasn’t big and I didn’t appreciate it being pointed out. My dick, responding to my deepest insecurities being stoked, palpably shrinks in her grip. “Please don’t tease me, Heather.”

“Tease you?” As we spoke she slowly, gently massaged my manhood.

“I know I’m not big, okay? You don’t have to lie.”

“Elliot.” She croons. “Who told you that?”

“Blair.” I say, my voice hushed. “But I already knew I was small.”

“You are not small, Elliot.” She says. “You’ve got a big cock.” She gives me a slow squeeze and a stroke. “A big, beautiful, beefy cock. A man’s cock. Long…thick…powerful…mmmm.”


“Elliot.” She cuts me off before I could protest. “Do you remember I told you about the genetic condition that runs in my family?”

“Um, yeah. Of course.”

“Part of that condition, at least for some of us, involves a, erm, smaller than average vagina.”


“My pussy’s small, baby.” She chuckles. “I know you wouldn’t know it to look at me. Big broad like me with a tight little snatch.”

“You’re not big. You’re…perfect.”

“Sweet man.” Ever so daintily she lays my penis to the opposite side from the smeared cum. Taking the pillowcase she start daubing and wiping the jizz from out of my pubes and off my skin. “Big, small, in between. It’s not just the dick but the woman handling it. It’s all relative. So when I say that you’ve got a big cock, I do mean it.”

“Um, huh.”

Pausing her cleaning Heather leans out to look me in the eyes. I turn my head to meet her gaze. “Elliot. Don’t you ever let anybody make you feel small, okay?”

“Um…okay.” I whisper, bewitched by her beauty in the moonlight.

She brushes the back of her fingers across my cheek. “Promise me?”

“I…um…I promise I won’t feel small. Not anymore. Never again. I promise.”

With a proud smile she gives me a nod. Shifting back she pulls me into herself and finishes cleaning my load. She folds the pillow case and sets it to the side, likely keeping it nearby ‘just in case’, then returns to caressing my body. Now she had much more bare flesh to work with. It felt…amazing.

In a sort of pleasure haze I rest back against her and let her have her way with me. “Heather?”


“I think there’s something between us.” I say. “You must feel it.”

“Is there something in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?”

I laugh. “That’s one way to put it.”

She chuckles then sucks at my shoulder. “The pillows bunched up when you were squirming around.” Her hands lightly stroke up my thighs. “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Worry? Ohhhh! Under her tender affections I hadn’t a care in the world.

“Hah!” I gasp as her right hand drifts from my thigh over to my balls. With the tips of her fingers and thumb she oh so delicately strokes, strokes, strokes my sensitive scrotum. “Ohhhh, wowww!”

“Mmm.” She hums as she watches my cock surge back to full arousal. Being very careful not to touch my dick, probably worried about my honey induced hair trigger, she keeps all her attention focused on my testes and the area around my groin. This just kept feeling better! “Elliot?”


“May I ask you a personal question?”

“You’ve literally got me by the balls, ask away.”

She laughs and gives my freshly emptied nuts a soft squeeze. “I guess I do, don’t I. Elliot, did you and Blair ever…experiment?”


“Try different things?” Her fingers begin to migrate lower, from the front of my scrotum to below.

“Like what things?”

“Stuff.” She nips at my shoulder. “Butt stuff. Giving or…” Her inflection rises. “…receiving?”


“Mmm. It can be very pleasurable for men, so I’ve heard.” Her other hand claws up my leg. “Do you own any toys, Elliot?”


“Do you have a dildo to suck or….hrmmmm…fuck? Hahhh.” Her hot breath washes across my shoulder. “You can tell me, Elliot.”

“I’m not, um, gay, Heather.”

She giggles and rubs her thumb across the shaft of my rock hard dick then lets it go to let it wobble back and forth before stopping again at 12 o’clock. “I kinda figured that out, handsome man. You don’t think I see the way you look at me? And what’s that got to do with my question?” Her middle finger strays from my package to glide down my taint where it begins to rub, rub, rub. “It’s a simple question. Do you enjoy anal, Elliot?”

“No.” I reflexively reply even though the truth was I’d never tried it, neither giving nor receiving. It just seemed so…dirty! The instant I say that her fingers glides back up again to return to massaging my plums.

“Mmm.” She hums with a tinge of disappointment. “That’s too bad.”

“Why…um…do you ask?”

“Curiosity.” She says, her long middle finger tapping against my left nut. “We’ve already crossed a couple of lines I didn’t expect to. Since this was your last taste, well, I thought you might want to…” She press her lips into my shoulder for another lingering kiss. “Hmmm. Let’s just say that I’ve heard it from good authority that what my honey does to a man’s prostate is…intense.”

“Intense?” I whisper.

“How did Alexander put it? Something about the force of a thousand suns.” She chuckles. “But you’d probably have to enjoy butt stuff in the first place to enjoy it.” She says as her fingers drag back to my thigh to join her other hand in my full body caress. “I was only curious.”

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