Empty Nest

19 – Good Morning

Gradually I become aware of an annoying, invasive and ever rising light piercing my cozy darkness. No matter how I squinted or turned my head the pale glow would not go away.

“Rrrm.” I grumble and turn my side, curling into a ball as I pull the blankets over my head.

Hold on. Where was I? What was happening? Something wasn’t right.

I was in bed. Alone. And the last thing I could remember was…being held in Heather’s arms with her nipple in my mouth.

I lay back flat and poke up out of the covers. Opening my eyes I discover that it was morning! What the hell? When did that happen? One moment I was there and the next I was here.

As I lay there staring up at the ceiling I am struck with how empty and lonely this room felt compared to what seemed like just a minute ago. The sheets felt soft against my naked flesh yet not nearly like they felt while riding the honey’s high. I felt no adverse aftereffect except for a sense of loss at missing those heightened senses. As I stare into nothing the events from the night before play out through my memory. The microwave, the company, the dinner, and then…the ‘reward’.

To say that was a night unlike any other didn’t even come close to expressing how different that had been. The way Heather spoke to me. The way she touched me. The way she held me and soothed me and caressed me. The gentle way she brought me to orgasm and the way she cradled me afterward in just the right way at just the right time. The way she made my inside feel as good as the outside. The way she made me feel cared for and appreciated and desired. Even before the honey it had been incredible but add the effects of her nectar on top of it and…it defied description. It was easily, EASILY, the best night I’d ever spent with a woman. And we hadn’t even had sex!

Despite all of that I also felt deeply troubled by what had happened. I’d humiliated myself by cumming like a two-pump chump, twice, and I had debased myself by acting like a fucking infant. That was no normal titty suck I gave her last night and I knew it even as it was happening. I’d been nursing on her teat. Like a babe I’d allowed myself to be nursed right to sleep. What kind of man does that? I knew that she cared for me and yet how could she ever look at me as anything else but a child after last night?

Only after my thoughts are lost in all of that do recall the extraordinary fact that…Heather had a massive fucking cock! What the hell was that about? Was it real? Did that really happen? Did I actually see and feel what I thought I did? My recollections of last night did have a soft and fuzzy film over them. Had I dreamed it all? It didn’t seem like a dream and yet it didn’t seem quite real either. I never did see her member outside her panties, had she been messing with me? For the life of me I couldn’t figure why she would. The strangest thing about it though was that it didn’t even seem to matter. She was such an incredible person. The fact that she had a penis, massive as it was, was way down the list of things that fascinated me about her. Though it did get my curious imagination wandering in interesting new directions.

A quiet creak from the door draws my attention that way where I see Heather peeking through the crack. When she sees that I am awake the door swings wide and she enters the room.

“Good morning, handsome!” She says in a bright, warm way that made me want to hear it every morning for the rest of my life. She was already dressed and done up for the day in a very fetching white blouse and paisley skirt combination. Sitting at my side she is positively beaming as she reaches to gently tease my bangs from my forehead. “Somebody’s a sleepy guy. I let you sleep as long as I could.”

I clear my throat and whisper. “What time is it?”

“6 o’clock.”

“6! Oh shit. I’m supposed to be there at 6:30!”

“It’s okay.” She pats my chest. “It’s nearby. You’ll make it okay.”

Gazing up at her radiant smile takes my god damn breath away. “Heather…about last night…”

Her smile beams even brighter. With a playful finger she traces my jaw and taps my chin. “Yes, my handsome honey boy?”

“Um…I just, um…”

“It’s okay.” She says. “You don’t have to say anything. It was wonderful. It was magical. We’ll always share that special memory.”

“I don’t want it to be a memory.” I say. “I mean…just a memory.”

“I know.” She says with a stroke of my cheek. “You want more honey. It’s normal. But as I said…”

“No.” I say, trying and failing to find the right words to say. “The honey was amazing but…I don’t care about that. Not really.”

“What are you trying say, baby?”

“Um…um… You don’t have to treat me like a baby, okay?”

“Who says that I did?” Her laughter makes my heart happy. “You mean the booby suck?”

“I’m a man, Heather.”

“So men aren’t allowed to enjoy a little suckle from time to time? I don’t remember seeing that law.” Her soft hand strokes down my neck and shoulder. “Didn’t you like it?”

“I did like it. I loved it.” I sigh with growing frustration at her not understanding.

She shatters my frustration with a light hearted quip. “I wish you coulda been sucking on something else too.” She rubs her tits. “You got quite a mouth on you, Elliot.”

“Pfff!” I laugh at the unexpected joke. “Heather!”

She laughs and pats my chest again. “Come on, sexy man. Up and at ’em.”

“Wait.” I say, grabbing her hand and holding to my chest. “Wait.”

Patiently she waits. God she was beautiful!

“Um…” Again, the fucking words wouldn’t come. Even I didn’t know what I was trying to say right now. With nothing presenting itself I just blurt out the first thing to come to mind. “I don’t usually cum that fast.”

“Elliot! Are you still going on about that? I thought it was fun. I thought it was cute.” She winks with a smirk. “It is verrry flattering to know that I can have that effect on you. He he he.”

“Heather. Listen.” I sigh. “I just…I want you to know that’s not how I usually am. I’m a man. I know that I’m not a great lover but…”

“Who says you’re not? Hm? Is that pity I’m hearing?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“You know my rule about pity.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Elliot, I thought you were incredible last night.” Her hand rubs back and forth across my pecs. “I came away a very satisfied woman. Okay?”

“Okay.” I whisper.

“Elliot. Stop trying to live up to whatever this is that you’re trying to live up to.” She says. “If I’m dissatisfied about something you will hear about.” She chuckles. “Oh, you’ll hear about it.” Leaning in she gives my cheek a little kiss. “I’m not exactly shy ya know.”

“Yeah.” I smile. “I know.

“Now come on lazy bones!” She gives me a shake. “You’re gonna be late for your first day!” Before she gets up she stops me with a firm point of her finger. “Morning routine?”

“Shower, shave, teeth, clean clothes.” I say. “Then smile and say something nice about myself.”

“Good man.”

“You mind if I go piss in there at some point?”

She laughs. “I suppose we can make allowances.”

The next ten minutes is a blur as I dash out of bed and hurriedly go through my new morning ritual. For my affirmation I look myself in the mirror and say. “She likes me. I am likable. I’m…a good man.”

Out in the kitchen I find that she had made me a toasted egg and tomato sandwich half wrapped in parchment paper for easy grab and go. It stops me in my tracks. “You…made that for me?”

“And I’ll swing by later to bring your lunch.”


“Unless I’d embarrass you around the guys.” She says. “I remember how funny Liam used to get about that. You can just tell them I’m your doting old landlady or whatever.”

“No. I wouldn’t be embarrassed. That would be…wonderful.” I stare at her. “I, um, I don’t know what to…I don’t know how to…I don’t…um…” Again I give up trying to summon the words that were all jumbled up inside and simply say. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” Taking the sandwich she thrusts it into my hand then grabs my shoulder to turn me toward the front door. “Work hard and make me proud. I’ll see you after work.” She gives my bottom a hard swat. “Now go!”

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