Empty Nest

22 – A Good Soak

As I peel out of my filthy work clothes Heather draws me that promised bath. After dumping my clothes into the basket I slip into the bathrobe she’d lent me and head back out to the washroom. There I find the room steamy, the moist air smelling like a flowery meadow, with the tub slowly filling. Puffy mounds of cloud like bubbles grow with the rising water. From where I am standing just outside the door I could look into the kitchen where Heather was standing at the open fridge pondering what she was going to do for dinner.

When she catches me looking she smiles. “Mmm. I finally found something yummy.”


“You!” She chuckles with a wink. “A tasty snack if I ever saw one. Hey. Omelets okay with you?”

“Uh, yeah. That sounds perfect.”

“Omelets it is.”

“Good.” I stand there a second trying to think of something clever to say back to her, instead I just blunder into saying. “I, um, I think you’re yummy too Heather.”

She laughs and waves for me to get into the washroom. “Oh, I know you do. I told ya. No more honey!” She giggles. “You’re sweet enough just as you are. Now get in there and close the door before we steam up the whole house.”

“Uh, yeah. Of course.” I step into the washroom and close the door behind me.

Fuck. I’d never had much ‘game’ with the women but with a classy older lady like Heather I felt like an awkward fucking virgin all over again. I think you’re yummy? Yeesh! Not only was it painfully lame she hadn’t even heard it the way I meant it. To her it sounded as if I was begging for more honey, which I promised her I wouldn’t. With a sigh I pull off the robe and hang it on the back of the door. After a couple more minutes the bath is at the perfect level so I turn off the tap and step into the tub.

“Ohhhh.” I groan as I slowly lower myself into the hot bath. The enveloping heat of the water soothed my weary muscles like few other things could. Slumping down low in the big tub so that just my head, neck and the tops of my shoulders were peeking out of the suds I settle in for a good long soak. Gradually I feel a subtle yet unmistakable sensation come alive across my submerged flesh. It wasn’t a tingle or a tickle but a sort of pleasant glow, sort of an anti-numbness that was impossible to describe. It wasn’t nearly as pronounced as when I ate it, in fact it would have been easy to miss had I not been mindful of it, but the unique effects of Heather’s honey were clear to feel now that I knew what to feel for. “Oh, that’s nice.”

I’d only been soaking a couple of minutes when I a light knock comes to the door.

“Are you safely under your bubbles?” Comes Heather’s voice from through the door.

“Yes, Ma’am.” I chuckle as the door creaks open and she peeks through. “Though you’ve seen it all before.”

She grins. “I suppose I have.” Stepping through she quickly closes the door behind her so as not to let in the cool outside air. In her left hand she carried a large shopping bag which she sets down beside her as she comes to sit on the seat of the toilet. The way the tub and the toilet sat meant that she could look down on me face to face. “Don’t you look cozy.”

“Ohhh! I think I might be in heaven.” I sink a tiny bit lower. “Mmmmm.”

This gets a little laugh out of her. Leaning in she lightly pets my dusty hair. “My little workin man.” Before I could reply she turns to open the bag at her side. From it she pulls a box. “I got you some gloves and proper work boots like I said.” Opening the box she pulls out a heavy soled brown leather work boot. “The salesperson said these were the best that they had.” Setting it on her lap she runs her hand across the rugged leather, her fingers tracing the stitches. “They were a bit pricey but I thought you should have the best. Breathable but moisture resistant, good ankle stability, steel reinforced arch support and good quality leather. Once they’re broken in I guess you’ll never find more comfy boot, and they’ll last you for a few years even if you work them pretty hard. Your feet deserve to be comfortable and protected.”

My smile fades as I stare at the boot.

“I got a nine and a half, just like you said. They had a wide version but I didn’t think you’d need that. I hope they fit okay.’


“What’s wrong, Elliot? Don’t you like them?”

“They’re great but, um, Heather…” I sit up to look at the boot more closely. It was easy to see the quality that she spoke of. These were no department store brand footwear. “I wish you hadn’t of.”


“They’re too much.” I say, looking up at her. “You didn’t need to spend this on me.”

“I didn’t spend a thing that I won’t get back.” She sets the boot down beside her then places her hand on my chest and gently pushes me back laying against the back of the tub again. “You don’t have to pay me all at once. Whatever you can spare until they’re paid off would be fine. This is not charity, Elliot. It is an investment.” She rubs my chest. “I think it’s an investment worth making.”

“I’ll give you my first check.” I say. “Whatever it is, you can have it. It’s yours. For the boots and…everything.”

“And how are you going to get back to your feet if you’re giving all your money to me? Hm?”

“I…I don’t know. I’ll manage.”

Sitting back up but scooching forward to remain close she offers me her hand. From the water my suds covered hand rises to take hers. “You would really give me every dime you make?”

“Everything!” I say as I squeeze her hand. “Everything I earn.”

“I’ve heard this before, Elliot.” She says in a soft bittersweet tone. “I’ve had a man give me everything he had. And now I don’t have him anymore.” Squeezing my hand back she leans closer, gazing into my eyes. “Elliot, I need you to protect yourself. Okay, baby? I need that from you more than anything. If you can’t look after your heart you’re going to have to go.” She tilts her head, a smile playing at the edges of her full lips. “And I’d like to keep you around here for a little bit longer, if that’s okay with you.”

“I don’t…understand.”

“I think you do.” Her other hand slowly combs through my hair. “I talked to Lily about you today.”


“She’s worried about me. And you too.” She says. “She’s worried that we might fall in love.” She chuckles softly. “She’s a silly girl sometimes.”

“Yeah. Silly.” I whisper, mesmerized by her brown eyes and tender touch. I bring my other hand up to hold hers in both of mine. “Um, why is that silly?”

She laughs a warm, motherly laugh. “You are a silly boy if you have to ask that.”


“No more honey talk, now. Okay?”

“It’s not honey talk!”

“Elliot.” She whispers. “Please.” Sliding from the seat she settles down onto the bath mat, her side pressed against the tub as she lets me continue to hold her hand as she continues to pet my hair and gaze into my eyes. “Tell me about your day?”

I wanted to push the point. I wanted to say so much to her. But there was something in her tone, something pleading and vulnerable, that warned me not to press this right now. Heather was one for the honesty so when she said that I would ‘have to go’ if I didn’t guard my heart I believed her.

I sigh and relax an inch deeper into the water then tell her all about my day. I tell her about the grueling work, the gruff orders, the heat, the dust, the bawdy banter, the teasing, and finally how I felt that I might just have gained a bit of respect by the end of the day. With great interest she devours my every word with the last bit bringing another smile to her beautiful face.

“Respect is earned.” She says. “There’s no other way. You didn’t quit and you did your best, they could see that. You did that. You should be very proud of yourself, Elliot.”

“Thank you.” I say softly. “Um…are…are you proud of me, Heather?”

She chuckles then leans close to kiss my head and hug it to her bosom. “Yes, baby. I am SO proud of you.” Pulling her hand from mine she reaches across me to grab a bar of soap. Turning to face the tub she rises to a full kneeling position and grabs a cloth with the other hand. The soap and cloth she dips into the water then starts to rub them together. The next thing I knew she was cleaning my grimy face with the soapy cloth.


“Shhh.” She calms me with a soft swipe across my cheek. “Tell me more about your first day at work. I want to hear everything.”

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