Enchanted (GL)

Chapter 28

Chapter 27

After hearing the cute name of Xiao Qiao again, Ji Xi couldn’t help but smile: “It’s not so exaggerated, I’m really not afraid.”

Qiao Zhiyu heard her say this, and said: “Go in.”

Ji Xi held the door frame and said, “Bring Xiao Qiao to play next time.”

Qiao Zhi paused, and asked: “When?”

Ji Xi was asked by Qiao Zhiyu.

She said this casually, just like a polite sentence when sending guests off to play next time. But listening to Qiao Zhiyu’s question, she didn’t mean to be reluctant, and discussed: “This Sunday?”

Qiao Zhiyu immediately responded with a smile, “Then I will bring her over to class on Sunday.”

“Good.” Ji Xi also agreed quickly.

Qiao Zhiyu urged again: “Go in.”

Ji Xi: “Yeah.”

The sound of footsteps in the corridor faded away.

Ji Xi closed the door gently, and then turned to look. The room was as clean and bright as ever.

After Qiao Zhiyu left, she suddenly felt a little deserted. She is accustomed to being alone, and never feels how deserted she is.

After watching the horror movie, there are still some sequelae. For example, Ji Xi took a bath tonight and washed faster than usual. After drying her hair in a hurry, she climbed onto the bed.

She left the room open at night without turning off the lights. Usually, even if the light is turned off, she will keep a night light and will not let herself be in a completely dark environment.

Ji Xi lay down on the bed for a while.

No sleep.

Just when she picked up her mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Qiao Zhiyu to ask if she got home, she received a WeChat from Qiao Zhiyu: “I’m home now, have you slept?”

Ji Xi replied: “I just took a shower and haven’t slept yet”

President Qiao: “I’m so scared that I can’t sleep?”

Ji Xi helpless: “No.”

After half a minute, Ji Xi thought that Qiao Zhiyu would not reply to herself again, but saw Mr. Qiao pop out again: “Look at the lucky cat, how cute I am afraid.”

Qiao Zhiyu found out at the first glance when he went to Ji Xina tonight. Ji Xi placed the lucky cat in the most conspicuous position on the head of the bed.

Staring at this sentence for several seconds, Ji Xi turned to look at the grinning lucky cat beside the bed, quite happy.

Sure enough, it’s much better.

She lay lazily on the bed, turned over, smiled and replied to Qiao Zhiyu: “Okay, good night.”

Putting down the phone, Ji Xi fell asleep quickly.

She didn’t dream of zombies this night, but had another dream. A dream that is familiar and hates her more than any nightmare.

In the cold winter, the wind and snow are arbitrary. From day to night, she curled up in an outdoor corner obediently, shivering with the cold, watching strangers coming and going, her dark eyes filled with ignorance and panic.

The snow just keeps falling, keeps falling.

Bury her little by little until no trace is left.

It’s like a thriller.

Jingle bell bell—

It was a loud alarm that pulled Ji Xi out of the nightmare. She opened her eyes, and the room was bright. The temperature of the air conditioner is too low and the quilt is not properly covered, so it is a bit cold.

She couldn’t remember how many times she had done this dream. Dreams are not terrible, but terrible after experiencing.

No longer think about the past.

Ji Xi touched Liang Sisi’s arm, and after a while, she got out of bed, stepped on the floor with bare feet, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and opened the dark gray curtains with a crash.

The scorching sunlight pierced over, and Ji Xi squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

There is no wind and snow at the moment.

Only the blazing sun.

a new day.

Get up, wash, change clothes, and then go to the downstairs line 3 to squeeze the subway to work. Every day is stylized. It’s a dull and tasteless one who has long been accustomed to.

When a person walks outside, Ji Xi has no expression on her face. After arriving at the company, her face will show a faint smile from time to time.

Almost all financial professionals are in this office building, so when they go to work, everyone wears meticulous formal attire.

Ji Xi is very suitable to wear a shirt, cool and cold, and has a kind of restrained abstinence. In fact, she feels cold when she is not wearing a shirt, her temperament is a manifestation of her personality, and it seems that she has nothing to do with her dress.

“Ji Xi.”

Someone shouted behind him.

Ji Xi turned around.

Lu Feng ran towards her.

“Good morning.” Lu Feng wore a light blue shirt with a suit jacket over his arms, carrying a briefcase in one hand and a bag in the other to eat.

“Morning.” Ji Xi also said hello.

“Remember to eat breakfast.” Lu Feng handed Ji Xi the breakfast in his hand.

Ji Xi looked at him, not ready to answer, “No, thank you.”

Sometimes saying thank you is a big distance.

“You have taught me a lot of things these days. Thank you for this. You can accept it.” Lu Feng did not withdraw his hand.

Newcomers in the group need to be brought by someone. Now is the time when the group is busy, so Ji Xi and Lu Feng hand over some basic things.

The two have dealt with each other more recently.

If it is purely because of this, Ji Xi is willing to accept it, but if there are other things in it, Ji Xi is not willing to accept it.

Lu Feng wanted to chase her a little bit, Ji Xi faintly felt it.

“I’m sorry if you don’t accept it.” Lu Feng said, “I still don’t understand in the future. I must bother you often.”

Ji Xi thought for a while: “Thank you. I’ll accept it this time, don’t send it out in the future.”

“Yeah.” Lu Feng nagged intimately: “Don’t always drink coffee on an empty stomach.”

Ji Xi smiled and didn’t answer anything.

Turn around to take the elevator.

Lu Feng followed closely, stabs all kinds of protection Ji Xi, for fear that Ji Xi would be touched by some stinky man again.

There are a few more sticky notes on the computer.

Ji Xi has a habit. He likes to write the things he has to do on the sticky notes, and then arrange them from left to right in order of priority, tearing off one after finishing one. The more sticky notes are posted, it means the busier the time.

The questions for the last round of assessment are coming down, the old rules, independent completion of a project analysis report, the project is randomly designated, all interns do the same. Which is better or worse, the contrast is obvious.

This time the results will account for 50% of the overall assessment results. It is equivalent to a decisive assessment. This form of assessment is the old tradition of ZY, and it is basically the same every year.

This year’s topic is very unfriendly to Ji Xi. It is a project in the field of medical technology. Ji Xi’s understanding of this field belongs to a layman’s level, and it takes a lot of effort.

If you don’t understand the project itself, you will definitely not be able to make a competitive in-depth analysis.

Fortunately, she knew a few friends who knew this aspect before, and she should be able to help her a lot.

Ji Xi truly realized what it was like to be too busy, and he couldn’t wait for it to be three-headed and six-armed.

Now she not only has to complete her daily work, but also squeeze out extra time to make assessment reports. What makes her headaches is… Lu Feng will “openly ask” her some questions from time to time.

Overtime has become Ji Xi’s normal this week.

She doesn’t hate the feeling of being busy, at least, not so boring.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Ji Xi went out of the field to return to the company, turned on the phone, and continued to squat with the report, holding a thick note. She will do her best to stay in ZY. As for whether she can stay in the end, we will talk about it when the time comes.

Busy for a while, a little tired.

When Ji Xi walked to the tea and indirect coffee, only a few steps away, he felt terrible heel pain.

The shoes grind to the feet, and the road is too long in the afternoon, and a piece of skin is rubbed off the heel.

It’s okay to walk without paying attention to things like grinding your feet. Once you rest and continue walking, the pain is often more obvious. All kinds of uncomfortable.

Lu Feng is also working overtime, to be precise, he is working overtime with Ji Xi.

Chasing girls, you must work hard, not to mention the slow heat like Ji Xi.

Lu Feng was in a daze while observing Ji Xi’s every move secretly. When he recovered, after seeing that Ji Xi’s feet seemed to be worn out, he immediately ran to the convenience store downstairs to buy band-aids.

There was a voting meeting in the evening, and the high-level differences were quite big, and they discussed for a long time. It was not until nine o’clock that Qiao Zhiyu came out of the meeting room.

When she returned to the office, she happened to meet Ji Xi who was walking towards her with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“What’s wrong with the feet?” Qiao Zhiyu saw that Ji Xi walked unnaturally, and then looked down at her feet, the heels seemed to be bruised.

Ji Xi whispered, “It’s okay.”

Qiao Zhiyu looked at the cup in her hand again, and said briskly, “Drink less at night.”

Ji Xi nodded “Yes”.

A short conversation in three or two sentences, which ended in a hurry. Ji Xi and Qiao Zhiyu are very separate from public and private. In the company, they are used to keeping a distance, and they are “like strangers”.

Ji Xi returned to the work station and just sat down. A shadow was cast around him, blocking the light.

“Use this to stick on the heel, it’s all worn out.” Lu Feng handed Ji Xi a band-aid, and even the package carefully tore a hole.

Ji Xi became more and more sure that Lu Feng meant that to him. As an ordinary colleague, it would never be so caring for another person.

Lu Feng handed a band-aid to Ji Xi, and he was moved in his heart. He thought he was so warm-hearted. If he was a girl, he would even want to marry.

Ji Xi glanced, decisively did not answer, unclear involvement is equivalent to giving the opponent a chance. “No. Thank you.”

Lu Feng watched Ji Xi not answer, so he silently put a whole box of band-aids next to her computer.

Ji Xi returned the box of band-aids to Lu Feng. She stared at the computer screen like a robot, and said flatly, “Don’t disturb me.”

Lu Feng: “…”

A little hurt.

It was the first time that he took a warm male route for a girl, who knew that the other party didn’t buy it.

Lu Feng still accompanies Ji Xi to work overtime, but just sits aside without interruption, paying attention to him silently, until he sees Ji Xi preparing to shut down and get off work. He asked cautiously: “How are your feet? Or take my car. I’ll see you off.”

Ji Xi didn’t speak this time, but shook her head towards Lu Feng. She thought that with her attitude, Lu Feng should be able to understand what she meant.

Qiao Zhiyu walked out of the office and saw Lu Feng turning around Ji Xi, but Ji Xi looked cold and ignored. Qiao Zhiyu’s face became cold…Is this kid here to learn something and also to find a girlfriend?

“Are you still off work?” Qiao Zhiyu approached and asked Chao Jixi and Lu Feng.

Ji Xi said: “Ready to get off work.”

Lu Feng smiled brightly at Qiao Zhiyu: “Qiao always walks slowly, see you tomorrow.”

Qiao Zhiyu gave him a white look and left.

Ji Xi also guessed that Lu Feng’s background was very hard, because in the company, no one dared to have such a hippy smile with Qiao Zhiyu.

Seeing Ji Xi’s reluctance to ride in her own car, Lu Feng didn’t bother to ask anymore, chasing people must grasp the scale, and once he goes overboard, things will be reversed. Since Ji Xi is warming up slowly, he should also be warming up slowly. In the same office, there are still many opportunities.

Chasing Jixi is the idea that Lufeng slowly began to produce. The more you touch, the more you like it. Including Ji Xi’s cold glance at him, he liked it all.

Lu Feng felt that his brain was flooded, and there were so many girls who were enthusiastic about him, so why didn’t he seem to be lukewarm to him.

It might be because of love.

This has no solution.

no way.

Before Ji Xi left the office, she received a WeChat message and she took a look.

President Qiao: “Come on the third floor, I’ll take you back.”

Ji Xi adheres to the principle of not troublesome: “No trouble.”

After a while, Ji Xi saw that Qiao Zhiyu only returned her four words: I am waiting for you.

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