Enchantrix: On a New World

13 Willingly into the fire

I set off down the river before I can change my mind. How to approach them? Do I pretend to be selling goods? I could go and try to sell my services. I don't want to give away too much, so enchanting is probably out. Direct conflict without surprise sounds like suicide.

Starting to talk out loud, "Scout around till I get captured, and hopefully, get taken to their leader. I think for me to win this, subjugating the chieftain will be required. OHHH. I have it. This will be devious. Only a plan an Enchantrix could pull off. Now I'm getting excited," the bubbliest giggle comes out of my lips as I'm saying, " My magical amazing slip will protect me from anything they can do." I get a serious face, "but that doesn't mean I should try to get killed. Just because I can come back from death, doesn't mean Surviving isn't important." At this point, I notice I'm talking to myself, but I simply let it continue happening as I'm walking downstream.

It's a day's journey. Did they mean by boat? I should have asked more questions. it's only been an hour, and I'm bored. On the trip out to where I encountered the bandits at least had Jet to talk to. Someone to talk to is crucial for passing the time. I choose to hum for a while before I remember my phone. I have music. I can listen to music.

One moment, I'm minding my own business, singing, "A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it! You going down d..." The next moment, I'm being mauled by an enormous cat. "HOLY FUCK!" I exclaim as I try to figure out which way is which. I need to get my gloves on it before it rips me apart. I activate my flame glove when I think it's in front of me, and it only gets a slightly scorched side. It does filch back, giving me room to get my bearings.

The cat roars at me from three inches from my face. This is my chance to get my hand in the way, and potentially shock the bastard. I am just quick enough. The cat moves to bite my face off, so I touch it, causing a shocking burst. "Way too close" I pant. The cat is stunned. I have to finish it before it recovers. I put my right hand in its mouth and shoot a powerful jet of flame burning out its insides. The cat dies instantly. 

It was a beautiful creature with glossy black fir. sadly, I had to put it down. I try to add the body to my inventory before I get the feeling that it won't work. No message, just failure and a sense that it's too large to fit. "Damnit, now I can't even take its pelt. I have no idea how to skin a cat!" I know there must be many ways to do it. I chuckle. I might just be a little crazy.

My clothes are hanging in tatters, and some of my insides have become outsides. It hurts, but like a bee sting hurts. One of my traits must be protecting me somehow. Adaptive body? Probably. I can see my skin knitting together. It's unsettling. I decided to focus on the clothing that has shreds dangling from it. No materials seem to have been lost, so I activate the repair function of my enchanted slip. 

The magic seamlessly brings the fabrics back together. Watching, I notice the fabric reached out and pulled its ripped section back into place. The result was seamless. My skin felt like it was almost back together. The crawling sensation was giving me goosebumps, and not the good kind. My headphones pulled themselves together too. I didn't even notice that they were damaged.

I'm several hours after my encounter with grumpy cat, jamming out with only one earbud in. That's when a boat appears. It appears significantly closer than it should have. Was I paying attention? Probably not. That was a good song. I had been singing "Kiss me... Beneath the milky twilight. Lead me, out on the moonlit floor." It's pushing slowly against the current. I squint at it before I discover it moving to shore, and tusked green men are yelling at each other. I quickly store my phone and headphones.

I see the orcs disembarking. Theatrics are the order of the day. I give a little scream of fear and begin to run blindly away. I make sure to remove my Gloves and Panties. I don't want them to think I have magic, and the gloves are easily taken, and not easily recovered. The orcs saw me and gave chase. My bright clothing, cleanliness, and pretty face must have made up their mind. They chase me down and roughly drag me back to their boat. I try talking my way out of it without actually trying. Stuff like "Please let me go," and, "Why are you doing this?". Nothing that will actually stop them. I was surprised when one of them answer when I said "Let me go home". He responded with, "Ok". My genius follow-up was a disbelieving, "Really?" I hated that I said it. The, "no," followed by mocking laughter was too much. They were making fun of me. Having been shoved into a cage, I sat down and pouted. They made me feel ridiculous, and I didn't even want to be let go.

The journey upriver continues through the night. In the morning, they give me food, and tell me, "you belong to the Charging Rhino clan now". You are pretty, so Chieftan will want you. You lucky. Most girls get shared by all, but you will be Chieftan's plaything, and I will get great reward for bringing you unhurt. Now you will sit and wait. Be back at Camp in two days. Then you meet Rino".

I couldn't access my inventory, so I started examining my surroundings I discovered the cage had a unique kind of enchantment. It blocked the use of an inventory. I tried to take a closer look, but there was a bit of a haze about it. Like it was obscured. I didn't know you could do that. I need to learn that one. I had nothing else to do, so I passed the time contemplating which enchantment I would add to my dress. I have two powerful offensive options with my gloves. I have Cleanliness, healing, and repair with my undergarments. My overgarments should have many more variations. Obscuring magic would be good. Some kind of camo might work, but my dress is too flashy. flashy is probably what I should play into though. I make a good-looking victim.

I keep thinking about the kinds of enchantments I could make. I eventually settled on a wave of force that would have been useful against that cougar. I will want to make it a little more compilated, and have it push away anyone that isn't a friend or ally in my eyes. I have an intent in mind and a few runes that should work. This will be a 4-rune enchantment. More complex than I have attempted, but what I have in mind for Rino will be at least 5 runes, so I had better be comfortable with this. 

The orcs seemed agitated at the end of this day. The empty camp must be where they were headed. About an hour after nightfall, I was able to begin enchanting. I had thought it would be noticeably harder than the 3 rune base, but this one was not difficult at all. once finished, I examined my work.


Enchanted Midi Dress, Dense enchantment: This Dress was made with care by Jinni, and enchanted with a force defense enchantment. 3 uses per day.

May push anything and everything within 10 ft, back out to 10 ft, knocking most creatures prone. Causes moderate damage if stopped abruptly.

May push only Enemies out to 10 ft. knocking them prone. Causes moderate damage if stopped abruptly.

During a surprise attack where at least some damage is done to the dress, automatically activates option 2.

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and item. either of the first 2 options can be increased by an order of magnitude.


Undeniably a solid enchantment, and exactly what I tried to make. It seems as though when I enchant while living out a Sexual fantasy, the items come out stronger than intended. That's what the evidence seems to indicate. Guesswork is so tiresome. I have one example of a moderate increase, and 1 example of a substantial increase. Not enough to build a complete understanding, but more partners equal more power? WAIT. My Entantrix class said something about this. I totally forgot. With intent, I thought Enchantrix.


Enchantrix: This Class is capable of using any kind of matrix magic. Enchantments or rune formations created by you last longer and hold denser mana. This can be amplified by sharing the burden with others. This sharing for an enchantress can be invoked by beings entirely focused on you. That focus can take many forms, as long as it is caused by you.


That is it, now I understand. I love understanding. Why is this turning me on? Glairing down between my legs, I whispered harshly, "Calm down you whore". That showed her. She was calming down, so I giggled to myself thinking "What a pussy". I know I'm not funny, I'm delirious. Must be more difficult enchanting. Tired now. laying down.

I slept till breakfast was brought. It was still disgusting, but I ate it. I knew something changed. Maybe we moved from the river to a lake. That seems likely. I knew we were getting close when one of the orcs came up with an iron collar and told me to put it on. "What is it?" I inquired meekly.

"It's yur new necklace, now put it on" The orc growled. I hurried to comply as if he scared me. It had the same kind of magic as the cage. I guess I still wouldn't get my inventory. It's a good thing I can do things most people have never heard. Now, onto the orc camp. Coming in without my inventory, and only a slip and dress seems like a recipe for disaster... if I wasn't me. 

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