Enchantrix: On a New World

22 Gone too far

Misty walked out of the inn, heading in the direction of home. She was worried about the man in the inn. "Will he follow tonight?" She asked herself. She looked around into the shadows, fearful of the men that showed up every few nights. She walked faster. 

A bag came over her head out of nowhere, and she was roughly grabbed by strong, cruel hands. She cried out, but there was no one there to hear her terror. She was gagged, and dragged through the streets, knowing where she was going and shaking, terrified of what she knew was coming. 

"Did you miss me?" A cruel voice asked. She was being led downstairs. She couldn't see, but she knew. She was shivering. They roughly removed her clothing. She then felt her feet being moved apart and restrained. The knees were next. She was crying tears of resignation and terror while she had her waist strapped down. Her hands were strapped to a bar in front of her. With her hands attached, the bar was lowered into the water till, at full extension, she could barely keep her face out of the water. She felt the click of the bar being locked in place at the bottom of the tub. 

"Darling, darling. Don't cry. " Crooned a voice, "just a few more months, and your daddy will have paid off the debt. "I'll make sure of it," the footsteps told her, as he was leaving her tied up. She was sobbing helplessly for a long time, holding her head out of the water. 

Eventually, she hears footsteps and starts to cry, tears of terror streaming down her face. It's time, it's for real, not again. She feels something probing at her back lips, then spitting sounds and the rough sensation of saliva being rubbed around. The probing starts again, and she feels the intrusion, and her body tries to reject it. She is resigned, but her body fights back anyway. With her tunnel pushing at the intrusion, a hand grips her hair and, while she is panicking, her head is pushed underwater. She tries to hold her breath, but ultimately, she cannot hold it any longer and her body starts to fight to push her head up. The intrusion is going in and out slowly as if savoring the sensation of panicked movement. Just when she gives up on breathing, her head is pulled out of the water, and she is coughing and gasping desperately. Before long, she screams again as her head is pushed underwater again. That intrusion only relents when she blacks out. She always comes around spewing water while choking and gasping. That slow intrusion will sometimes change to a slightly different intrusion. The other dick. Then it starts over again. An endless eternity of agony and fear. 

System note: Karmic Vengence active


The seeming worked perfectly. Krag is nearing the edge. He wants to finish. I let my enchanted halter top loose, and it engulfs Krag's engorged shaft. My hands stopped gripping the straps that weren't tightened enough. My hands are free. My halter top yanks on his shaft when he reflexively pulls at it. He gives a howl of pain and falls to the ground. 

I hear the scream of the other guy. Trix just blasted his face with icy shards. She activates the shield again and switches her top, enchanted with force missiles. She blasts the man when he tries to rally. 

I unbelt my waist, free my knees, and move to free my ankles. Krag reaches for me, stopping his futile efforts to free his cock, and I give him a moderate shock with my electric glove, and he is stunned. They are wet, but that doesn't stop their magic. Freeing my legs, I turn to Trixy's fight. 

She wasn't doing quite so hot. The mage was peppering her with blasts of scalding liquid. Her shield was weakening, even with her dodging most of the spray. The mage didn't seem to be doing too well either. I shot a stream of fire that he blocked with a water shield. It boiled away, the steam burning the mage. I moved closer. Trix shattered her shield at the mage, giving me the opportunity to lunge and shock the piss out of him, making him helpless on the ground. 

"Use maximum force if he gets up. I have to prep Krag. We can make new enchantments if you have to overcharge. " I quickly move over to Krag and try to lift him. He is heavy... Then I realized I was being dumb. Put on my top enchanted with force hands and position him with them. In only another moment, he is helpless, bound in place. The same position he thought Misty was in. 

I go to the other man where Trix is standing guard. I pull Trix to my face, and we rub cheeks. "Nice work Trix. Perfect timing with that ice blast. We got both of them alive. Go have fun with Drowny-mc-Dickpants over there and I'll question tweedle de."

Trix gives me a confused look for a second, and bursts out laughing. "You are the best, Ria. Can I control that halter top? I won't remove anything, but it needs to be available in case he tries to get feisty. " I comply with my beautiful fairy.

I placed the items that would have enchantments swapped nearby. I used a few sheets of binding on the water mage and wove a seeming over him, making me seem like a beautiful loving angel.

The angel was so beautiful. She was rubbing those lovely mounds all over me while asking me questions. I answered her, of course. I was dead, and nothing mattered. I told her all about what Krag was up to. The blackmail, the bandits, the girls he tortured, and even the ones he killed. This whole establishment was a sham to make money off fake gems. She mounted my aching shaft. I had died before I got to finish.

Then, the questions got harder to answer. They were about me. About what I did. Her motions were so distracting. I had to tell her, but I sounded so bad. I would revive the girls for more amusement, and to let us abduct them again later. Dead girls were not fun. She was going up and down my entire length, this was paradise. I grudgingly told her how much their panic made us excited, and their shuddering brought us to release.

The angel stopped being an angel then. She had been pleasuring me, and with those last words, she had let me finish inside her, but she didn't stop. I was feeling so much. The sensation was too much. Let me up. Struggling wasn't helping, I started to scream out my agony, but then a garment choked off my scream, and I could no longer breathe. I was dying. There had been no angel. That was a succubus, taking my soul.

The mage, Franz, told me everything I needed to know and more. I'll have to think about getting the information out there somehow. Maybe with one of the other girls? I'll figure it out later. For now, I have a main course. 

The true monster, Krag, was exactly where I left him. I had to hurry somewhat. The enchantments from the first two items were moved over, but there was still more I wanted to accomplish with the potent crystal. 

I took the binding sheet and did something I had never done before. I pulled the runescripting off of it and attached it to a point in space. It's not as strong as an object, but it'll hold clothing. I adhered my force-hand blouse to it. 

Trix had been watching me, obviously enjoying my topless form. Gesturing at the blouse, she addressed a grinning Trix, "Hey Trix, try to use the force hands." I'm not sure if she can since she is so small. 

She frowns for a moment after getting into the blouse. Then she undresses and grins. "Yep, it works when I don't have any interfering magic." She pushed our doomed victim's head under.

"Remember, your job isn't to kill him until I say so. Other than that, do whatever it is you want. " She gets that look on her face, and I add exasperatedly, "To him, not me." She pinches her nipple and winks at me, then we get to work. 

I sit down between Krag's legs and position the brightly glowing crystal next to me. His member is teeny right now. Shriveled in fear. His gurgling is the theme, and his doom is my art. I take the balls gently but firmly in one hand and in the other hand I take a loose grip on his dick, savoring what is to come.


My hand strokes the shaft tenderly while my other hand holds the sac. "Don't be afraid," my hands are saying, "I'm here to love you." They are very convincing, as the Shriveled cock starts peeking out, getting excited as if to say, "Really?" My mouth continues the lie with a grip around his tip and quick movements of the tongue. The hand and mouth weave a lie that this monster's dick accepts. I am feeling the terror of his body writhing around and the rapture of his delusional cock thrumming with excitement. The sputtering gasps and gurgling are trying to tell his dick that this is not fun and something to be feared. "This is the worship I deserve," the cock throbs back. 

That tension builds so sweetly and is released in pulses of excitement. "That was fantastic. I'm all tingly and sensitive now, so you can stop. " But my hands don't stop. My mouth pushes on. This is what I wanted. My hands and mouth have a death grip now. Balls gripped tightly, pulling down, mouth firmly sealed. He is pumped and sucked hard. "Let me DIE," the body gasps and thrashes out. The cock is throbbing frantically. "I don't have anything left," it desperately pulses. 

My mouth and hands keep demanding more and more with increasing fervor, the dick keeps wailing futility in greater and greater distress, and the body keeps thrashing and drowning slowly. That is, until something shifts.


"Go ahead and keep him under Trix," I think to my kindred spirit. A few moments later, "Give him one more breath; I feel something." Trix complies, and I feel it again. Tension building I think of Trix, "I didn't know guys could have a second orgasm like this." 

"I'm not sure that's a good thing..." Trix sounds strangely uneasy about it, but she doesn't tell me to stop. 

I continue. This ramping was slower, which is why I almost didn't notice. The pressure is at a new agonizing peak. The body stops for a few endless heartbeats, then a soul-curdling shriek erupts from the water as the body starts thrashing, and his damaged cock pulses a combination of blood, semen, and energy. His body stops a few moments later. The body is already cold. I spit out the shriveled cock in disgust. 


System note: Holy shit. What did you do to him? Let me check...


I relay the information to Trix and pick up the new enchanted earring, which now has the crystal pulsing brightly between red and green, but before I can analyze it, the system returns. 


System note: You damaged his entry... it's..it's all garbled, it's still changing. Rechecking...


I began to feel wrong somehow. It's hard to describe, but it's getting more sinister. A soul-wrenching scream of absolute agony erupts from me as a new notification pops up.

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