Enchantrix: On a New World

32 Reunion

The morning after was amazing. I let Trix out, and we almost started a second round. We were touching and caressing when Sophia's stomach gave a great rumble.

"Guess I need to eat," Sophia complained. "I'll get some food out. You all want some?"

Sophia was a bit of a carnivore, so breakfast was pan-seared steak. she liked to keep extra food and cooking implements in her inventory. As a fire mage, she was quite good at cooking anywhere.

"This is delicious; whatever you did makes me think of the tender flesh of the muffalo back home. It's dripping with juice. So good. " Trix said, tearing another bite out of her comparatively huge portion.

"I'm not used to steak for breakfast, but I couldn't agree more. Thank you for breakfast, Sophie. " I agreed with Trix. She knew what she was doing, and I had no idea how she did it I just know it was tender, and melted in my mouth.

Sophia preened at the compliments, "You are so kind, it was nothing. Thank you for having me," She gave a sultry look at us, then added, "on your journey, " She is wanting more, but we have things to do after breakfast.

Not long later, I was examining my laptop. Issac, the mysterious "caretaker" from yesterday, gave me so many questions, and some key answers. Other worlds can be reached, and I can make anything out of anything.

I need some kind of signal reader. I need some way of reading incoming signals from other places, or a way to find those signals and relay them here. I had a sense of what it felt like to have magic reaching beyond this world. I need to recreate it on purpose. My other earring is the best conductor of magic. I just need to fuel a great enchantment.

As we are getting closer to Pinely, two figures are walking in this direction on the road. One is a burly figure in unadorned chainmail, and the other is a robed figure of average build. I thought I recognized the robe.

"JET!" I exclaim and start waving. Trix appears to have gone covert.

"Ria?" He responds in a confused tone.

We close the gap and take a good look at each other. Jet is a bit ragged, but smiling. His outfit has seen better days. It's somewhat clean but has patches of thin fabric, and other marks of use. My clothes and outfit were impeccable as always.

His friend has smooth skin on his face, and his chainmail is clean, but a few links need to be repaired. His boots are in good shape. It seems well put together.

I greet Jet, "Good to see you again. I see you made it back to town alright and seem to have made a friend." I turn to the stranger and introduce myself. Formally, I say "I am Ria Neri, from earth. Who might you be?"

In a voice deeper than I thought he would have, he responds, "I am Carac Duststone, of Korax, the same as Jet here. We knew each other. I worked as a guard in the same town he lived in. Jet recruited me to help rescue you, but you were already gone."

Jet cuts in, "Yes, I was very worried. We found the other bandits dead in their camp. The camp was cleaned out, but there was a rock that seemed like it had held an enchantment under one of the bodies."

"That was me," I responded, "I played the victim, and they learned that just because a girl seems helpless, doesn't mean she is. I'll tell you all about my last week if you wouldn't mind guiding us back to town. Still staying at that inn?"

The two men walked with us back to town as we exchanged stories. I learned that Jet found Carac the morning after I didn't return from hunting bandits. They have been going out to try and find evidence of me but have only learned about the orcs' strange fate. They handled the goblins that Jet and I were going to hunt, and Carac has been getting Jet more used to combat.

Jet has learned light magic and can combine water and light for some very useful distraction and healing spells. He has very little in the way of combat spells except for close-range high-pressure water. It makes for a great set of elusive defenses and healing.

Carac is a close combat specialist that uses a hand and a half sword, also known as a bastard sword. He has Bracers that act as his shields. His sword dance looks very intricate and is full of unusual motions. It is an unusual fighting style.

They have a home they have been living out of for adventurers provided by the town. Those actively doing jobs can get a room for a small portion of the value of jobs you complete. That seems like a great plan for wandering adventurers.

This will be a good enough place to get my wagon enchanted properly. I need magical materials to provide foundational magic. I could get general enchantments in place on the major components, but I want it to be special.

No... I wanted this one to be special. That was before I decided on a fabricator. The wagon will get a set of enchantments, but not my best. Still, I will need some good gemstones or mana crystals for gathering the power to keep the enchantments active.

The next few months were a whirlwind of activity. Here are a few of the highlights.

The old wagon is refitted with gear necessary to go out on adventures, and she loans it out to her adventuring parties. It has activatable static defenses and a mana reserve that is greater than most casters out there.

Ria established a reputation as the best courtesan in town. There was a brothel in town, and it was decent, just not extraordinary. Ria looked into the fantasies of her patrons and played them out. The cost was always something they could afford to give.

For some, she was a domineering woman that made you do what she wanted. For others, she begged and pleaded for everything imaginable. anything that her customers desired would be fulfilled for a night or day. She left everyone exhausted, and satisfied. The number of enchantments that were woven was staggering.

A fabricator was her first major project, and upon its creation, she gained a new class, but it immediately combined with her Fae classes. She may have cheated a bit in the interface creation, and it resulted in some unique effects.


Unique Action Triggered Class evolution

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