Enchantrix: On a New World

34 Dungeon part 1

Dungeon discovered: Watery embrace


The opening room of the dungeon was a ten-foot-wide hallway. The seamless wooden walls of this hallway were covered in paintings. Touching them didn't show any difference in texture, which told us this was made by the dungeon.

The paintings depicted a small, horned figure that looked like it might be a woman. It seemed to depict the figure doing battle with water elementals.

We decided on having close combat fighters at the front and back. Jivana took the front, and Carac guarded the rear. Jet followed Jivana just in case his water magic would be useful. Sophie was in the middle and took up the position just in front of Carac and behind Sophia. Her tail was so mesmerizing.

"This is the fanciest dungeon I have ever seen," Jivana greedily said, and added, "This is definitely a high-tier dungeon. I can almost smell the treasure from here."

As if speaking were a trigger, what looked like indigo water elementals poured from the walls all around us.

I moved instantly, pouring a disruptive mana burst from a ring I had made. It seemed to stun the elemental that formed between me and Sophie, but it didn't lose cohesion. I angled myself to put the elemental between me and the wall, and I followed up with a flame burst to engulf it. It burned away somewhat, then fell into a puddle.

Sophie was stunned for only a couple seconds, then she cast something that acts like the Haste spell, increasing Jivana and Carac's reaction time and speed. She followed that up by casting water resistance on the whole party.

Carac was facing off against four elementals. No... three elementals, One had gone down to his enchanted bastard sword. He had their attention and didn't seem to be in any danger.

Trix assisted Carac by pelting the elementals with magic missiles, timing her shots to distract rather than kill. A disruptive mana burst was timed just right to prevent an elemental from landing a hit. She had his protection in hand.

It was Jivana who was overwhelmed. She had no less than a dozen in front of her and was being pelted relentlessly. Some were throwing balls of glowing indigo water, and others were throwing themselves at her. She appeared to be breathing hard, but she was just standing there.

Jet had created a shining bubble of water to block the hallway. It was holding the water elementals away for now, but he was pouring everything he had into that defense. That protection couldn't last much longer.

Something I hadn't considered when Jivana joined us was the synergy between a half-bronze dragon and an augmentation specialist. That specialist also happens to love fire, and the spell she was casting on Jivana was building. Jivana was panting harder now, and Sophia just finishing her spell.

The relatively tame jet of flame that Jivana normally produces was replaced with a roaring blaze of fire that blasted from her mouth. It engulfed all the elementals, boiling them away into nothing in moments.

Carac and Trix were handling the rear quite nicely. They were down to two opponents, so I discharged another flame attack. This time it was a line of fire at the one Trix was distracting. It died as Carac finished off the last one.

The suddenly very humid air was uncomfortable to breathe. Evaporating that much water, let alone that many elementals was quite a feat. I looked to Sophie and Jivana for an answer.

"What the hell was that?" I asked them.

Sophie spoke first, "I knew Jivana could breathe fire, so I gave her inner fire some fuel and whispered soft words to it." Sophie explained slyly. "I stoked tenderly till it burst forth."

Jivana started to say her part with a confused tone mixed with ardor," I felt like my insides were being stoked like a bellows by hands of velvet. Fuck, it felt like one of my best fucks, except I orgasmed out of my mouth. It was amazing and confusing as hell."

Sophie explained properly this time, "I used my flames of passion talent to stoke her flame breath. I had been thinking about how the spell would have to be formed and made a snap decision. The area in front needed a wide-area attack, and that seemed like the best option. It worked beautifully, don't you think?"

Jivana gave Sophie a sultry look, and I decided to get us back on track. "We can celebrate afterward, for now, let's get back in formation," I ordered.

This long hallway had murals that seemed to depict a struggle. In one of the depictions, the horned figure came into clearer focus. It was a voluptuous figure with purple skin, and a pair of demon horns forcing the water to her will.

"That demon will be the final boss," I said with confidence. "Those drawings are telling a story. We are going through her servants. There will be some other kinds of water-based creatures to try to stop us before we find her."

Sophie and Trix were nodding. "That is what the murals say," Sophie confirmed. "At least that's what dungeon theory tells us in my homeland."

Jivana added, "I'm pretty sure that this is only true for the powerful dungeons. I have read quite a few books on everything my father had in his collection. Dungeon lore is a skill I got from reading it."

Proceeding down the hallway, it opened up into another room with a large pool in the center. There was a walkway around the outside where we would be vulnerable to anything in the water.

"Ok, " I said exasperatedly, "obvious trap is obvious. Does anyone have a good way of handling it?"

"I could fly over and distract whatever it is while you cross," Jivana offered.

"I'll go with her. I have ways of getting attention." Trix affirmed.

"Let me buff you first; it should last a couple minutes," Sophia added, and she gave Jivana a boost to strength and speed. Sophie augmented her flame breath as well. That made her start panting out tiny jets of flame again and start growling softly. "Focus Jivana. We need to survive this, and maybe I'll give you some special treatment." Sophia purred at the dragoness.

She gave Trix a mana and speed boost, as well as a more subtle perception enhancement. The two of them were ready to distract whatever might be in the pool. I really appreciate that all my friends seem to get along. I would be joining in on that celebration with Sophie and Jivana when we were done here.

We were ready. It was tense when the girls took off and started flying across the watery pit. When they got halfway through, we started to relax. It wasn't until they landed that a geyser of water shot up, and a figure emerged. A giant womanized octopus with huge purple breasts and the beak of a Kraken took up the center of the room.

Trix says in my head and to Jivana, "Hold back for a moment. I'm going to try something. "

She conceals herself and uses an item I made for her that is just like my blouse with force hands. The giant Kraken woman was just getting her bearings when Trix struck. She could generate hands at a short distance and used them in a very unique fashion.

What the rest of us saw was a set of blue hands appear and start poking and stroking areas on the massive figure. The effect was instant. She started laughing uncontrollably.

I was feeling phantom tickles, remembering what she had done to me in a bathhouse. The memory almost made me start laughing myself before, Trix ordered, "Cross now while she is incapacitated."

This was just too easy. The boss was flailing about, but nothing we had trouble dodging. She wasn't able to aim and was mostly falling deeper into the water. With the boss defeated, there was a stairwell not far into the opposite hallway.

We proceeded to the second floor.

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