Enchantrix: On a New World

38 Small changes

I dress quickly in my enchanted slip, and Trix dresses in an unenchanted matching one. We opened the door. The visitor inside me is stiffening again. I clinch around him for fun.

I open the door to a stern-eyed Sophie with no mouth. She points to her mouth with an obvious demand for the return.

I oblige and reach out to remove the hidden portal ring, and her mouth returns like it was never gone. She feels her lips with her fingers and exclaims, "Thank God. Now can we have the rest back?"

"Are they still in the room?" I asked, ignoring part of her question.

"Yes, and what the hell kind of thing did you make now? I know the result, but it's very strange," she asks as I walk back, swaying my hips deliberately. It makes the trapped length of Jet stay hard.

"I call them portal rings. They are small rifts that connect two points. I can use them over a small surface area to make that area accessible from a long distance. I could put one by my money and the other end with me, and I could reach it through the portal."

"I have made them keys to my magical signature to make it difficult to activate or deactivate without my direct intervention." I finish my speech with a wink at Sophie. 

We go into the other room, and Jivana looks to have fallen back asleep. Jet looks at me with pleading eyes. I smile at him, as I always do, and clinch again. 

 I go over to between Jivana's legs and pull off the concealed portal ring, returning her lower lips. I give it a light slap, and Jivana startles awake.

"Who the fuck has the balls to fucking slap my pussy?" She exclaimed, then looked at me smiling sweetly and said, "Oh, well, you have to have brass balls bigger than my tail to steal my pussy. That little toy you have was interesting. You know your business. Fine magic. We should do it again sometime."

That dragon girl is a horny one, pun intended. I invited her partially because of it and partially because she is a half-dragon girl that kicks asses. She backed down pretty quickly. She has respect for my capabilities. I don't want her to fear me. I'll have to do something about that.

"There is a lot of potential for this new toy. I have some other things to finish. The new materials and the potential of the new partner we have are amazing. We will continue to travel across the desert." I explain, thinking of the advanced fabricator.

Making specialized resources out of basic things like sand sounds amazing. I am accosted by a slightly frustrated cat girl who is clearly trying to get my attention. I had been ignoring her.

I had been walking around the giant bed when she drove me to it with a pounce. I landed on my back with Sophie's ample chest on my belly. 

"You know what I want!" Sophie demanded. She was looking a little desperate for some reason.

"I have it right here", I say, scooting back and lifting my slip to expose her own slit, staring up at her where mine should be.

Sophie's head is now between my legs. The red-haired pussy between my legs was definitely hers. Her hands are around my waist, so she puts a cheek on it.

This leads to another interesting form of masterbaition. Sophie enjoys herself, and I let her. I play with her ears, giving her a few tugs that make her moan. We waste another 15 minutes or so. She brings herself nearly to a climax before I pull her head away.

She whines, and I let her continue licking and sucking, then stop her again. I sit up, then turn her over and play with her nipples for a bit. Nipple play isn't bringing her to a climax... yet. I decided to wait. Maybe we can get a Nipplegasm with a few days of edging.

I leave Sophie panting and writhing on the bed and go to my new companion in the third and last room. Sophie whimpers in pleasure and frustration as I leave the room.

"Tyra, my new friend. How was your night?" I asked the dungeon core.

"Nothing eventful happened. I have done some contemplation and light testing. If I claimed this space, I would have to claim the whole extradimensional space. I would then be able to expand it and have what seems to be a mobile extradimensional pocket as my domain. With an item similar to the one you hold in several pieces, I could make a maze. That can be added later."

Ria thinks for a moment before responding. "I would be happy to make another one. This one was made with the power of the boss you had. Speaking of her, want me to bring her out so you can re-bond her?"

I feel a sensation of affirmation without any words. It's more like an emotion than words being sent through something like telepathy.

I drew the Succubus out of my inventory only to be surprised by the result. I started to speculate out loud. "The enchantment to shrink her was supposed to be temporary. As a demon, her form may have been made of mana, so I potentially used the power that would restore her size in my enchanting."

The Succubus was tiny. Maybe 2 inches. Smaller than even Trixy, at 6 inches. The succubus was about 6 inches tall when she was trapped in me, but she is now only up to Trixy's waist.

I feel a faint connection to her. Very similar to the connection I stole. I tugged on that connection, and the Succubus smirked at me. Something changed with the tug, but I didn't get a chance to figure it out.

She started to speak, then stopped, realizing she now had a tiny voice. The smirk disappeared, and she just looked dejected. She knew her voice couldn't intimidate and would be a source of amusement.

"I'm tiny now, but I recognize you." She squeaked, looking at me. "You are the one who tricked me and my servants. You beat us at our own game. You even stole the artifact I used to control the dungeon and gave the dungeon autonomy. I'm not sure how that works, but no doubt you used a lot of power to do it."

I let her continue without interruption. "It appears you even have control over my size with that blasted spell you enchanted into me. I'm even somehow your familiar now. I sense you feeling it out. I haven't been a familiar. I shouldn't be able to be one. It's nearly the same bond as a dungeon boss bond, but more one sided."

"You have stolen everything from me, but I would have done the same to you. I'm yours until you die. I'll just have to accept that. My name is Nymlia (Ny-m-lee-ah)." She concluded. She was even mostly sincere. She would try to make that end come faster if given the chance, but she wouldn't be able to harm me directly. I sensed that much from the bond as she spoke.

"Ok, Nymlia, my little Succubus, I will find something for you. If you have needs, let me know. You won't be allowed to eat anyone, or intentionally cause death without my permission. I need to talk to your former master, and I don't really need you listening in." I finished my little speech, then picked her up.

She must have thought I would take her out of the room, but I didn't want her to have her freedom. I had already decided to put her in my inventory, but the only way for living things to get there is in my body.

She gave a little scream as I popped her into my mouth. I swish her around a bit. Decided she wasn't as tasty as Trixy, then swallowed her whole. She tried to resist, but since she wasn't allowed to hurt me, she couldn't get any kind of grip. She was now in my extradimensional stomach, waiting for me to bring her out again.

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