Enchantrix: On a New World

7 Tied down

“Well, that was amazing. I really needed that. It's worth a cloak at least. I could explain the theory behind my simple enchantments for you as well.” Jinni was red faced and lightly panting from her climax.

“That would be wonderful, Miss Jinni. I would love to see what you use, and how it is done. I have only created simple rune diagrams myself.”

“Is that so? Show me.” So, I brought out one of the sheets of binding.

“I call this a sheet of binding. It works like double-sided tape from where I’m from. See.” I placed the paper against a table and said the command word. “Adhere. Now you just put an object like so,” I took out a pencil from my inventory and placed it on the paper. “Try to pick it up.”

She reached over and tried to pick it up, but it wasn't moving. As she was trying to lift the pencil, her finger brushed part of the rune circle. That part of her hand was now stuck to the paper. “Yes, this is quite a bit of magic. Now… how do I get my finger off?”

I smirked. "Now I would have you trapped if I were some ne'er do well." I ran a finger slowly down her neck, and gave seductive smile, and a wink. "Good thing I'm not. Hyacinthe.” Immediately the paper stopped sticking to anything with the command word spoken.

Under her breath, she whispered, "I wouldn't mind being trapped by you." In a normal tone she replied, “Yes, it would make quite a trap. I think the substance you used made it easier for the mana to adhere. It takes a while longer to imbue mana without a medium and that is effectively what enchantment is. I used my Inscribing tool to imbue mana directly into the cloth to enchant it with a sigil of protection.

"I hear if you have more runes like an enhancement rune and a gathering rune, it can work more like a shield that lasts until broken. I just make my protective garments because I know how and they sell well,” She explained. That answered most of the questions that I had about it. I just had one more.

“Where might I get one of those inscribing tools? Does quality matter?” I was very interested.

“Weird how you haven't heard of them, since you created that,” She indicated the paper. “Traders sometimes come through with them, but the general goods store might have an extra. Might even have one of higher quality for sale. He likes to hoard.”

“Thank you for all your help. When can I get my clothes Miss Jinni?’” I asked politely

“Let me take your dimensions, and you should be able to have them by tomorrow afternoon.” She pulled out a measuring tape and demanded, "Strip," I undress giving her a wicked look. "Oh stop looking at me like that." I finish, and she measures me, nodding with each measurement. “Dress and come back tomorrow. I have work to do.” She smiled at me warmly, telling me it wasn't a rejection, just letting me know I could go.

The general goods trader had what we wanted, but it cost most of our current funds. It wouldn't take long to make back if I managed to use it properly. I went back to Jinni and asked for a pair of gloves. She let me have them for cheap and made me leave so she could finish my clothes. It seems it was time to try enchanting. I need some kind of weapon before I try my hand at monster hunting.

During the rest of my afternoon, I figured out how to enchant a glove. It’s too bad for Jet that he caused me to lose control during my experiment. I was hyper-focused on writing a set of three runes on a piece of paper, and he evidently didn’t recognize how close he was. As i changed followed the patterns of the enchantments I was creating, I moved around a fair bit. Jet was far too close, and i ended up bumping into him as I moved. I screamed from the unexpected contact, and lost control of the mana's flow.

Yes, I may have forgotten he was there, and I may have been the one to bump him but still, he shouldn’t have been that close. Burns are also quite displeasing. The unraveling of mana is like a battery fire with lots of energy expelled at once. Writing with mana is treacherous business, and once it starts unraveling you are, quite literally, in the fire.

He put out the fire and soothed my burns. He explained how he just suddenly knew how to heal minor injuries with soothing water. It was from his skill. It can also cleanse poisons. There was some actual damage to a finger, but nothing a little time wouldn’t fix. No more burns, but Jet needs some passionate teasing as retribution for hurting me. Maybe he would like what I had in mind. I still had a few of the binding sheets, so I decided to show both my gratitude for the healing and some wicked care for the fright.

“Jet,” with a coy smile I purr, “I would like to show my gratitude for healing the burn and putting out the fire. Would you please remove the covers from the bed and lay down.”

Jet had no idea what was going to happen, but he did have a smile that indicated his inspiring optimism. Not too long and I started to feel his very strong sexual desire. He followed each of my instructions as I empty the end table except for my gloves and inscriber.

As he lay down, I formally asked him to remove his attire. His enthusiasm and eagerness skyrocketed as the corners of his mouth went upward and a "friend" rose as if wanting to greet me. I drew out a sweatshirt from my inventory before throwing it over his face and firmly stated, "No looking."

His eyebrow sloped down and confusion struck before his face was out of my sight. Again, he tried reaching for my sweatshirt, but I insistently repeated in a firm but sultry voice, "You need to do as I say, or else there will be no surprise. So, no looking, Jet."")

He complied, but still asked, “why?”

“Sweet Jet. Sweet delicious Jet. For your reward of course. Soothing the burn was amazing,” I said in a too-sweet voice. He had no idea what was happening except it required him to be naked. “Now, no more talking. Just do as I say.”

I am beginning to enjoy this sweet authority over someone. I look down, and his sword was starting to wilt, so I started brushing my hand down one leg, teasing his skin, before moving it to the side a little and putting a binding sheet below his calf. I placed a binding sheet under the other calf before trailing fingers up his leg, and around the rising erection. I lifted his ass up and slipped the paper below his ass.

He couldn’t contain himself as he asked, “What are you doing?” He clearly didn’t remember the rule. I remained silent. I was almost done preparing. “Ria?” he was shivering slightly. Probably from my fingers trailing up his stomach, around a nipple, and up an arm.

Dragging his hands together above his head, I took out the final sheet, and explained “To answer your question,” I placed the last sheet of paper below his hands, I then slipped the command word into the answer. “I am Adhere-ing, you to the bedframe so you cannot do anything about your reward.” He was now attached to the bed, and couldn't move more than wiggling his toes and moving his head up and down.

“You see,” I started to monologue, “You did great healing my burn, and putting out the fire,” I pause for a beat, “Buuuut you also frightened me. So this is for me. I’m sure you will enjoy it too, but I need to feel better after you caused the accident.

"I didn't want you moving, and We both know you can't really hold still on your own, so I used magic. I also need to finish enchanting, and don’t want you to accidentally ruin a second attempt."

His manhood was at half-staff. I couldn’t have that, so I resolved to get make him fully erect again. I leaned my head down and started to lick. I brushed my tongue up his length tasting his smooth texture. He stopped moving again, clearly confused. “I am very confused.” His obvious statement didn't stop me. I continued my tongues journey around his silky smoothness till he was rock hard.

Now I took off my panties and placed them where I would be able to reach them. I took the end table and placed it so it straddled his chest where I could easily reach it after I mounted him. I was getting excited. Why was this so erotic? I was going to do magic with a man inside me. The thought sent bolts of erotic pleasure through me.

I had read so many books about a guy dominating a woman, and a couple where women have all of the control, but none of them tried to do magic during the act. I was feeling giddy and aroused beyond belief. I decided the stern tone was best for the mood, “You will hold still and be quiet, or I will have to gag you,” I cautioned. “These gloves will be to help us hunt monsters, and I don’t need you distracting me.”

“What?” he started to reply, “That's for after right? I mean... definitely not during. That would be foolish..."

"Are you calling me foolish," Interrupting him indignantly. 

He panicked, "No, of course not, but you can't seriously believe..." He kept talking, so I grabbed the panties and pushed them into his mouth.

“I told you to be silent.” Now I was taking off my shirt to tie around his mouth. “So now I’m gagging you.”

After his blabbering was handled, all I could hear was the unintelligible sound, but that stopped after I mounted him, and slowly slid his smooth, and very hard phallus inside me. This new body had never had sex before. It was very tight going in, so I took my time, acclimatizing to every sweet, and delicious inch.

Jet started to moan around his gag. Which were my panties. I shivered at the thought. I did that. I stuck my panties in a guy's mouth. He had started feeling panicked after being gagged, but that fled as I inched deeper. I didn’t much like the feeling of his panic. This pleasure was much more arousing.

I started grinding his shaft slowly, feeling everything we both could feel. The gripping sensation of my body on his taught erection. The fullness of him inside me was my muse, and it drove me delightfully higher. I wanted him at the edge of climax before I started enchanting so moved insistently, closing my eyes and grinding my sensitive jewel against his groin with his rigid hardness filling me up. It did not take long for us to reach the precipice of climax, so I slowed. Keeping the edge of climax right there, not letting it go over, it was time to enchant. 

I started the first rune with barely a trickle of mana, and I suddenly got a notification. With a whisp of fire, that didn’t even make a noise, I stopped balancing on that knife's edge of climax and magic. I would look at the notification letting the feeling naturally ebb for me and the moaning mess of desire below me.

 Unique Action Triggered Class Evolution.

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