End Times Dust Light

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Fierce Battle (1)

There were only standing zombies, no fallen zombies, and even less retreating zombies. One zombie was washed down, and then countless legs trampled on the corpse, and the zombies on the ground were quickly stepped into meat sauce. At this time, they can’t tell what is their own kind and what is fear. There is only one word in their minds—food.

The food of zombies is naturally human. Zhang Pu doesn’t know that the densely packed soldiers on the ground also do not have pheromone, which can stimulate the nerves of the zombies. Of course, whether the zombies have nerve stimulation is yet to be known.

“Detonate! Carry out the prison battle plan…!” Zhang Pu’s hoarse voice echoed in the command post with vibrato.

As the order was passed on, the buildings on the edge of the city made a sound of explosions, and buildings collapsed, blocking the road from the city to the suburbs. Cement fragments and bricks covered a large area of zombies, forming a Block the walls of buildings more than ten meters high.

But when the smoke gradually dissipated, the ruins were covered with zombies, and they never stopped, as if they were a group of machines that never feared death and never knew tiredness.

Looking at the images sent back from the frontline drone, Zhang Pu’s face gradually turned pale. He bit his lips tightly, his body straightened, his hands behind his back, his nails already sinking into the flesh, wrapped in wrinkles. The eyes are getting tighter and tighter, and the depths of the pupils are constantly shining with fear and regret.

As the supreme commander of the army, Zhang Pu has an insight that ordinary people can’t match the progress and control of the battle, and he is more clear about what the meaning shown in the picture shows.

For the Nanyang Campaign to succeed, there is one of the most important prerequisites. The zombies on the entire battlefield must not rush out of the city at once. The rhythm of fighting the zombies must be within a controllable range. It is best for the zombies to rush out of the city in batches. Rather than thinking that 600,000 to 700,000 zombies spewed out all of a sudden, forming a fan with a width of ten miles.

Zhang Pu is very clear about the combat effectiveness of the 0468 Division. If the combat effectiveness of the entire division can be restored to 80%, this intensity of combat may not be terrible. “Twenty percent!” A stunned data constantly strikes Zhang Pu’s soul.

It is not unreasonable that the officers under    objected to it. Terrain, roads, and the entire space, each element may restrict the victory or defeat of the battle.

If Lu Ziming were here, he would at least suggest that Zhang Pu set up countless obstacles on the entire Hexi front, and coordinated with the army’s mine array, layer by layer hinders the rhythm of the zombie’s attack, and at least slows the speed of the zombie.

“Order a part of the Second Brigade and the Third Brigade to restrain the spread of zombies from the left and right!”

The number of zombies rushing out of the city is far beyond Zhang Pu’s expectations. The zombies on the battlefield seem to emerge from the ground all of a sudden, the attack surface becomes wider and wider, and there is a situation of anti-encircling the army. .

Today is definitely a good weather, the natural wind is very small, and there is no turbulence. The control of the pheromone drift has not been out of control, and it has not deviated from the original plan.

The smoke and dust shrouded on the battlefield has not been dissipated. Looking at a large area of gray from the air, the zombies are hidden under the smoke and dust, and there is no way to know the exact number of zombies, attack direction, and rhythm.

The horrified face of the helicopter captain suddenly appeared on the monitoring screen: “The ground command center, the battle situation is changing. There are still a large number of zombies pouring out of the city, forming a larger combat radius. There are too many of them…”

Zhang Pu grabbed the phone in front of him with trembling hands and yelled at the screen: “Give me control of the wind direction and lure the zombies back to the city. This is your task. Increase the wind speed immediately and promote the spread of pheromone into the city. be quick…!”

“Order the west, north, and south of the city to quickly close the exits of the entire city, and must control the zombies in the urban area. Order the helicopter formation to put pheromone in the center of the urban area…” At this time, Zhang Pu no longer considered Whether to destroy the zombies, but how can the loss be minimized, otherwise only the C combat plan can be implemented.

The staff is not unprepared at all. It also takes into account the worst result, that is, what should be done if the zombies cannot be eliminated?

But at this time, from the microphone, the helicopter captain’s anxious voice came out: “Master Zhang, the current situation has completely exceeded the expected plan, and the zombies that have not been affected by the pheromone have also begun to appear abnormal. It is an abnormal movement, in all directions. Unexpectedly, the zombies in the entire city are moving out of the city. There may be some kind of contact between them that we don’t know yet, and there is no need for the guidance of any pheromone at all. Now throwing any pheromone is useless,…Damn it! They are moving out of the city…Oh my God! This is horrible…”

There has never been a unified statement about how many zombies there are in the urban area of Nanyang. According to the population statistics before the virus, Nanyang has a population of more than 8 million, and the urban population has reached more than 3 million. It is conservatively estimated that the number of zombies is 2.5 million. Around the time, the number of small-scale hunts by the military was less than 100,000, and there were still more than two million zombies in the urban area.

Of course, the combat plan does not expect to eliminate all zombies in the urban area overnight, and the range of pheromone release is limited to the east of the city. At most, it can lure zombies within a million. This is already a significant victory.

If, as the helicopter captain said, the zombies in the entire urban area were pouring out, Zhang Pu would no longer dare to think about the consequences. This would be a complete disaster.

The pictures on the screen are constantly switching, and it is almost that there are many messy signals. The sounds from the various monitoring aircraft have been mixed together, and the intermittently can not be heard.

“We’ve been controlling…, but it’s useless… They are still moving… They are not controlled at all, there are too many of them… Oh my God!… They have already rushed to the north…, which **** made this Tamar plan The other… armies… can’t stop them… this is a disaster, the end of the world…, the command center,… request to stop operations immediately,… order all troops to leave the battlefield immediately…, immediately…, soon…, it’s too late , They rushed towards the base…”

“I’m going to shoot you guys, quickly control the situation, this is an order!…”

The blue veins on Zhang Pu’s forehead jumped wildly, his arms waved in the air, roaring fiercely, he should have been too hard, the intercom in his hand had already become a pile of scrap iron.

Behind him, a group of onlookers in the command post, all with horror on their faces, their expressions stern, shocked, panic, fear and panic.

“Base”, a fragile term, stung everyone’s nerves. Most of the troops have been transferred to the east, and the other three aspects have no power to stop the zombie’s attack. “It’s over…!”

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