End Times Dust Light

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Rout (1)

“Beat me fiercely, kill these bastards…!”

The young officer was excited, shooting and still in the mood while joking: “Look, this is a group of idiots without brains. They are not worthy of being human opponents. After the battle is over, Lao Tzu is stepping on this group of garbage corpses. Accept promotion and awards, and then we will be together…!”

The impassioned words suddenly stopped, and the expression of the young officer solidified in an instant…

“There are no bullets, it’s not good to get stuck!” The coolness that penetrated the whole body instantly made the brain extremely awake.

The young officer suddenly raised his head, and what caught his eyes was a swarm of mutant creatures like a sea tide. At such a close distance, you could even see the faces of those hideous creatures, roaring, roaring and rushing forward.

The group of monster-like creatures are like ten thousand-year-old fierce beasts crawling out of the demon world. They have mouths with long teeth, and keep fishy mucus. Their sharp claws are shining in the sun, and howling pounces at them.

“Come on, shit!” The young officer cursed the last rage, drowning in the tide of mutant creatures.

There is chaos in the command post.

The situation on the battlefield changed instantly. The position that had just been stabilized was instantly swallowed by mutated creatures like tides. There was no clear dividing line between mutated creatures and the army, just like the flood of a bank bursting with mud and sand, and it was impossible to distinguish between zombies and mutant creatures. Still a soldier.

The officers in the command post ran and shouted, mobilizing all available power. There were scattered documents on the ground. At this time, no one thought of any **** secrets, and rushed to the command platform in a panic with papers all over the floor. There was a continuous screaming screams from the intercom, stinging everyone’s nerves, and crying for help from various positions one after another, continuous, with the interference of audio “rustling” from time to time, and an extremely urgent request for firepower. The rush of calling.

“The 4123 regiment requested fire support. Our regiment has lost its forward position. The mutant creatures have rushed toward the defensive hinterland. The casualties of officers and soldiers exceeded 30%, and they requested reinforcements.”

“The 4532 regiment requested air strikes. Our regiment’s defensive positions have collapsed, armored vehicles have suffered heavy losses, and more than half of the officers and soldiers have suffered casualties. The remaining officers and soldiers have retreated to the second line, no! The second line has also been lost and is retreating to the third line.”


“Request for reinforcements. Our regiment suffered heavy casualties. The officers and soldiers were mixed with mutant creatures and could not retreat at all. We urgently need reinforcements from the super battalion. All the soldiers and I coexist and die with the front positions!”

is all calls for reinforcements, and there are calls for reinforcements everywhere.

Zhang Pu looked solemn and walked slowly to the window. He just walked for a long time after a short distance of three meters.

From a big victory to a small victory, from a small victory to a tragic victory, now there is no hope of victory. This kind of blow makes Zhang Pu unable to stand up. He knows what will happen next, he knows better than anyone else.

Mutated creatures have penetrated into human defense positions across the board, and the annihilation of zombies has turned into a massacre by mutant creatures on the human army. They are like the tide of a bank bursting against the human position, cutting off the connection between the various troops, disrupting the original defense situation, the unobstructed transportation line is blocked by the corpses of zombies and creatures, and even the tanks of the king of land warfare are trapped in the sea of corpses. middle. Logistic supplies are not available. Soldiers without ammunition can only use their bodies to fight with their bodies. Body enhancement is not popular among soldiers. Even low-level officers are ordinary people, and their individual strength is far less than mutant creatures, and they cannot resist the swarms. Mutated creatures attack.

Mutated creatures completely use absolute quantitative advantages to tear the entire line of defense alive, overwhelming human technology with their numbers.

Some of the preliminary plans in the original combat plan did not have any chance to play at this time.

Facts have proved that incendiary bombs cannot kill mutant creatures that are not afraid of death. The flamethrowers on those front positions have become decorations, and even the explosions caused the mutant creatures to easily penetrate.

The   helicopter formation has been attacked by mutant flying creatures, and it has been unable to form an effective air strike. The bombers of the Air Force flew over the battlefield, and the bombs dropped could not stop the attack of the mutant creatures. Some pilots couldn’t tell where was the position and mistakenly dropped the bomb into the human position.

The number of troops participating in this battle reached 40,000, including civilian logistics personnel temporarily recruited.

Through remote sensing monitoring, combined with the demographic statistics before the virus, the number of zombies in the entire Nanyang urban area has reached more than two million, which does not include the sudden emergence of mutant creatures. The number of mutant creatures encountered on the eastern battlefield is estimated to be 150 With more than 10,000 yuan, Zhang Pu only realized at this time, why his subordinates strongly opposed this battle?

Yes, these zombies, or mutant creatures, have contact methods that humans cannot understand. Their living habits, why they stay in the city, what they rely on for a living, and what their internal structure is, no one knows these at all. .

The military generally believes that this is a virus unknown to humans, which can infect human genes and cause mutations in human genes. In essence, they are infected people who have no thinking and are not at all concerned.

But in fact, this is not the case at all. Some zombies have evolved low-level thinking, have a strict hierarchy, and have a strong social character, but these voices are too weak to be ignored at all, even Zhang Pu thinks it is nonsense. The talk is about the hallucinations produced by those soldiers because of fear. But is this really the case? Without a strict division of labor, these mutant creatures can easily break through the defenses of the army, organize flying creatures to attack helicopter formations, and directly penetrate the rear defenses, causing the entire forward position and the rear to lose contact. All of this points to an answer.

What exactly is a virus? Why can a very small number of people be allowed to become superpowers? Why those mutant creatures will become stronger and stronger and evolve so fast? Only in myths and stories can the answer be found.

If these mutant creatures can be eliminated in a short period of time, why doesn’t the General Staff allow the army to use more mass destruction weapons? Some battlefields have not already used controllable tactical nuclear bombs, and why they suddenly stopped using them? A series of questions Flashed through his mind like a tide.

If these mutant creatures really didn’t evolve intelligence, why would the battle suddenly fall to their side, why would they suddenly emerge from the city? This is completely beyond the battle plan.

Understood, but it was too late.

“Master Zhang, the position has been lost. The entire defense line has collapsed. Retreat to Xiangyang and Wuhan. It will be too late?” Peng Biao looked outside nervously with his briefcase.

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