End Times Dust Light

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Disagreement (3)

In a room of the guest house, the door was locked upside down, and the thick curtains blocked the sunlight in the house, making it gloomy. Zou Qingmin, who rarely smokes, was stuck in the sofa motionless, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper.

“Grandpa Zou, what happened? Did something happen to Brother Lu? Why did Wang Zhao and the three of them kneel? You are talking!” Chang Yan suffocated the question, and broke out after extreme panic. .

He Jianbiao walked around the house anxiously, his flickering eyes rested on Chang Linshan’s face from Chang Yan, “Master Chang, Yang Jiaji’s previous affairs, you may have heard Chang Yan say something…”.

Chang Linshan nodded and did not speak. For a long time, her daughter has always avoided the important and the slightest. She has guessed a little bit, but will not show it.

He Jianbiao continued: “When the Yangjiaji base was established, it was supported by the Lanzhou Military Region and promised to give us arms and food support. But so far, we have not received any material help from the Lanzhou Military Region. It was built by ourselves bit by bit. Three days ago, the Lanzhou Military Region suddenly landed an ancient regiment commander, the one you just met. The purpose of his coming to Yangjiaji is not clear, but he wants to dismantle the Yang family. Ji, we have been thinking about countermeasures these days.”

“I know their purpose,” Chang Linshan opened his mouth, and cast his stern eyes on the window projected from the gap in the curtain: “You probably don’t know that the Military Commission launched a National Day tribute military operation a week ago. There are about four in the country. More than ten divisions organized a general battle across the country, preparing to regain some small and medium-sized cities, but the battle was completely defeated. A large number of mutant creatures flooded into the wilderness from the urban area, and impacted peripheral cities and bases, causing the Millions of military casualties have been lost, the newly established base has been lost, and the strength of various military districts has shrunk unprecedentedly. At this time, they can only focus on the various civilian armed forces. This is the reason they came here.”

The defeat of the Nanyang base made He Jianbiao vaguely feel the seriousness of the matter, but he did not realize that the matter was 10,000 times more complicated than he had imagined. There were more than 40 divisions, millions of army casualties, and every piece of data was like a mountain. Can’t breathe, it’s no wonder that Gu Chengyi and Pang Xu both said to integrate Yang Jiaji’s military forces and immediately enter a defensive state to prevent mutant creatures from attacking Fang City.

He may not understand the meaning of a national defeat. He has never considered the problem at the level of Chang Linshan. This is not because of his lack of thinking, but because of his own limitations.

Some people are staring at their own baskets, some are thinking about how to increase their wealth, some are thinking about how to seek greater power, some people will find opportunities in a crisis, and they only think about how to protect their own things.

Seeing that He Jianbiao had not yet reacted to his shock, Chang Linshan continued: “This failure has made the Military Commission realize that this war for all mankind will probably last a long time. All military regions are secretly actively expanding their manpower resources. I am afraid that large-scale operations will be gone forever. A larger base is under preparation. You will become the target of various military districts. This time, my goal is the same.”

For Chang Linshan’s frankness, He Jianbiao responded with a tragic laugh, without the slightest excitement, “You are late! Yang Jiaji is now like a plate of scattered sand, everyone is in danger and don’t know what to do?”

“What happened? Is it because the Lanzhou Military Region is forcing you? Don’t worry about this. They don’t dare to mess around with me.”

He Jianbiao smiled bitterly and looked at the silent Zou Qingmin and said: “There was an accident with Lu Ziming. Seven days ago, he was going home to have a look. But on the way to Wang Zhao’s house, they met a group of black-backed spiders. Covering the three of them retreating, they were knocked down into the valley by a huge black-backed spider. Afterwards, they searched and found the black-backed spider, but Lu Ziming was nowhere to be seen…”.

“Brother Lu will be fine, you are lying!” Chang Yan’s trembling lips let out a sharp growl.

“Yan’er, calm down and listen to Platoon Leader He finishes.” Chang Linshan tightly hugged Chang Yan, who was trembling and weeping.

“The three of Wang Zhao searched in the valley for two days. It is impossible for them to lie. Just now, we sent someone to look for the incident, and soon news came back. Now the Yang family is panicking, no matter what. How about it? Lu Ziming used to be there and everyone is used to it. Now that this happened, the people from the Lanzhou Military Region and Nanyang Base are all in Yangjiaji, and many people don’t know what to do.”

Lu Ziming doesn’t have a high level of dominance. The Yangjiaji base is still under semi-military and semi-civilized management. When he was in Fangcheng, the panicked person urgently needed someone to stand up, even if that person didn’t understand anything. , They also grabbed a straw like a drowning man, and Lu Ziming was the straw.

Humans are a very strange creature. No matter whether Lu Ziming’s orders are correct or not, when everyone is at a loss, they naturally surround him, and gradually get used to Lu Ziming’s commands, subconsciously. Having recognized Lu Ziming, it is like knowing that there is no **** in the world and still praying to gods. This has nothing to do with his age and IQ.

Lu Ziming’s role is the spiritual pillar of Yang Jiaji. He does not have the ability of Zou Qingmin to calmly handle the relationship between humans and machines, nor does he use Bao Chengming’s ability to calculate carefully, and he does not have the command and combat ability of He Jianbiao and others. He only did one thing. This incident stood out in the panic and despair of everyone, and became the leader of these people by accident.

This kind of person is called a manager in a company, an officer in the army, a leader in the government, and a **** in the human spirit.

People need spiritual comfort and sustenance. Buddhism pays attention to the cycle of cause and effect. Christianity needs to pray and wash away their sins. The treacherous and evil people will also confess deep in their hearts and worship lifeless mud idols. It is the power of faith.

Chang Linshan is the soul of Division 0213, and Lu Ziming is the soul of Yang Jiaji. Suddenly all the sustenance is gone, and faith collapses and disappears in an instant.

“What are you going to do now? Have you thought about it? If…, I mean if Lu Ziming really can’t find it, what about Yang Jiaji?” A ray of light flashed deep in Chang Linshan’s pupils, his tone calm and powerful. Said: “Everything must be prepared in advance, I can send a helicopter to help you search, but you should face reality, Yang Jiaji can not just collapse like this, here is Lu Ziming’s painstaking effort, you continue to follow Lu Go down Ziming Road”.

“I am going to find Brother Lu, he will not die, I know he will not die, I can feel that he needs our help.”

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