End Times Dust Light

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Broken mirror

Lu Ziming has never used so much energy at once. Even if it is to inject energy into someone else’s body, it is an extremely slow process, and he has never experienced it before such a one-off burst.

If there is no error in the calculation, this energy is enough to shake the big tree in the enclosed space, even if it is a zombies above the third order, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist the impact of this energy.

The use of energy, although he is not as subtle, but he has his own views on the control and destructive power of energy. The maximum energy output of a third-order fireman is only 30 units, and it can easily kill a second-order zombie with one punch.

I’m now at the fifth-order Super Power, which is also energy output. It is the limit to output 100 units of energy at a time. It shouldn’t be a problem to kill Tier 4 zombies with one sword.

The wooden sword can’t withstand a hundred units of energy injection. Although he knows this, he has no choice. He doesn’t have a suitable weapon in his hand. You can’t use a dagger or an arrow as a sword!

His body was jerked by the vacuum vortex formed by the sword qi, and he almost didn’t stand still. He was not prepared at all. He didn’t know what a hundred units of energy output meant before, but he knew immediately.

He was still immersed in the sharp whistling sword aura, he suddenly felt the surrounding energy sway, there was no soft resistance at all, it was like a burning red blade slashing through the cheese.

“What’s going on”, Jian Qi didn’t tear a bigger gap, but disappeared completely in the boundary wall.

I still didn’t understand what was going on, and then I heard the sound of “kaka”, which filled the entire enclosed space, as if something was breaking apart. The sound is getting louder and louder, and there are “clicks” everywhere, and even the grass under my feet is trembling slightly.

“What did you do?” Could it be that the balance of the entire space was destroyed.

I thought about countless possibilities, but I didn’t think about it, being able to split the entire space with one sword. The energy of a hundred units is huge, and the power is not to be underestimated, but it has not yet reached the level of breaking the balance. If even this point is not calculated, it is not surprising that he is trapped here.

The sound of “Kaka” continued, “Could it be that the entire boundary wall collapsed”, he didn’t panic, it was useless to panic, he was in this space now, and if this space was really destroyed, it wouldn’t count. It is a question of how much energy you use and whether you can go out alive.

The energy that supports the entire space is huge, and it is not comparable to this insignificant energy in his body. Although he doesn’t know what happened, he has already begun to make the worst plans at this time. Maybe when the boundary wall disappears completely. In an instant, I still hope to escape.

But then the “click” suddenly disappeared, and the space was calm again. There was no sound and no wind. Everything just now seemed to have never happened.

“In the end what happened?”

He stretched out his hand to touch the invisible boundary wall in front of him, what about the boundary wall? He walked a few steps forward, but still did not find the energy fluctuations in the boundary wall, “the boundary wall disappeared”, how could this be?

He didn’t know why the boundary wall disappeared, maybe it was shattered by the sword aura, maybe the energy attack had an effect, but no matter what, the result made him see hope. Facts have proved that the energy sword energy attack is indeed effective. The boundary wall disappeared under a 100-unit energy attack. “If all boundary walls are destroyed, will the space still exist?”

A large amount of information is constantly pouring into the brain. Although many results have been envisaged in advance, and even considered that the entire space may collapse, when the boundary wall really disappears, he is still a little at a loss.

It’s not that his will is not strong enough, but that he didn’t expect the sword aura to be so sharp. The sword aura across the air has energy fluctuations that ordinary people can hardly detect. In the end, there is only a trace of vibration in the air, and the killing is invisible.

If you don’t have a weapon in your hand, just mobilize the energy in your body to turn your arm into a sword. What will happen? Will it still be as indestructible as the sword qi produced by the wooden sword.

His old problems have committed again. He aspires to become an engineer. He likes to root and stabilize everything. Fortunately, there is still a trace of energy in the body. He immediately wants to start experiments and eliminate the doubts in his heart.



“Stick again!”

“Cut again!”

He carried the sword in his hand, feeling the energy in his body transferred to the arm, and suddenly found that the density of the energy gathered on the arm was not enough, and the energy was rushing in the arm. Whether it is a wooden sword made by him or a real sword, the slender blade and sharp blade can gather energy together. Sword Qi is actually derived from the use of energy.

This reminded him of the area and pressure that he had learned in physics. The larger the area, the smaller the pressure. On the contrary, the smaller the area, the greater the pressure. The same principle can also be applied to sword aura. The sword is only a medium for energy use. The sword gathers energy to a line or point, the more sharp the attack power it produces.

As soon as one problem was solved, another problem emerged again. With the same energy, why do “thorns” and “cuts” exert different effects on the mirror wall. On the contrary, the effect of ‘stab” is not as obvious as that of line “cut”. Is there a mirror wall in it?

Although he didn’t quite understand the reason, he at least understood one truth. As a medium for carrying energy, a sword, the sharper the better, and the harder the better.

Judging from the effect of breaking the mirror wall just now, one hundred units of energy is not enough to completely break the entire mirror wall. To destroy a mirror wall all at once, at least about 120 units of energy is required. The wooden sword cut from the branches can bear it, unless one can precisely control the energy manipulation. At the moment when the sword is released, the sword power is already filled with energy, and the sword aura is excited.

Sword power and sword aura are in one body. Without sword power, there can be no sword power. When there is sword power without sword power, the attack power of sword power is powerful, and it is impossible to destroy the target.

Precise manipulation of energy requires a long time of training. Although it was also manipulation of energy in the past, it is at a macro level and cannot be compared to micro-level manipulation.

Now he can only accurately control the energy of one unit, and if there is more energy, there will be large fluctuations, such as outputting a hundred units of energy just now, but it is difficult to say exactly how much the result is.

The control and grasp of energy are also related to the use of sword qi. If there is no effect, it will not be able to break the mirror wall, not to mention more waste, and it is difficult to control the effect of the sword.

However, he was prepared not to care about these things. It would take half a year to gather enough energy to break through all the mirror walls, and preliminary calculations would take half a year, and during these half a year, he could not do anything except the energy that swallowed the mirror walls.

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