End Times Dust Light

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Escaped

“Boy, it’s best not to lie. If there is a half-line, I will hack you!”

A trace of excitement flashed in Sanal’s eyes, and the words were still so blunt, but his tone was much relaxed. The tight nerves seemed to relax suddenly, and the steel knife in his hand was inserted into the sheath: “Tell us about the situation at that time. How did Seltan kill the Wolf King, how did he save you, and why Seltan died and you are still alive, don’t want to deceive us”.

“Cheat!” Is it possible to not be deceived? Lu Ziming saw that if he said that the Wolf King was not killed by Celtan, he would die in the next second, and he was still unable to resist.

Although he didn’t know what would happen after breaking the boundary wall, he still made a lot of preparations, and even thought that he might not be able to escape the enclosed space, or nothing happened after breaking the boundary wall, and so on. However, when the last boundary wall was broken, the enclosed space began to shake violently, the big tree disappeared, the deep pool also disappeared, and finally the grass under his feet disappeared. He felt that he fell from the clouds all at once. Saw the purple vortex again.

Different from the last time I fell into the purple vortex, the body was stretched into a thin line for the first time. The thin line is like cells connected in series. The head and tail are invisible, and time and space have lost their meaning.

The second time, I was completely crushed into a point by the purple vortex, a point as small as a particle, kicked out by the purple vortex.

However, this time, there was no fainting phenomenon. Instead, in the blink of an eye, the eyes went dark. A dog ate **** and fell on the grass. The surrounding area was completely dark. Sometimes lightning pierced the sky, and the mountains and rain were about to come and wind up the building. , The dark clouds poured down along with raindrops the size of broad beans, dripping on the body and becoming wet.

He just wanted to turn his head behind him to check where he was kicked out. He was there now, and he felt a few dark shadows flying over his head, and then he heard roars and slashing sounds.

At that time, there was no time to think about it. The rich blood rushed toward his face. He crawled out of the dead, and the Ming Rui who was fighting the battle of life and death had already penetrated his bones. Although he was holding a wooden sword in his hand, he was extremely calm because of a little bit. His panic will bring disaster to the top. He doesn’t want to just escape from the tiger’s den and fall into the wolf’s den.

Facts proved that he really fell into the wolf den with grief, and before he could figure it out, a black shadow rushed over.

Just when he smelled the dangerous odor, a flash of lightning illuminated the sky. In the flash, he first saw a blood basin rushing toward his face, and then a huge figure passed over his head. The first wave of attacks was not directed at him. What came over was that he appeared in a position where he shouldn’t have appeared.

His appearance also stunned the black shadow. The two sides were not ready to fight, and he could see clearly when the black shadow landed, but he mistaken the black shadow for a few hellhounds, and it was too late to distinguish it.

As soon as the wild wolf landed, he turned and rushed towards Lu Ziming. In fact, the wild wolf also mistaken him for the person chasing just now, but it doesn’t matter if it is not, a delicious meal of human flesh is enough to evoke Does the ferocious nature of the wolf have anything to do with it? Does the misunderstanding still make the wild wolf give up the deliciousness of its mouth?

In the eyes of wild wolves, the people facing them seem to be easier to deal with, but they are a little thinner. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meaty.

For the wolf, he was just a dinner, but for Lu Ziming, it was a battle of life and death. From the shape of the wild wolf and the aura of the body, he immediately deduced that this might be a **** dog with a strength of about Tier 4, and he was not allowed to be careless.

“Too powerful”, Lu Ziming never dreamed that the current situation was not considered in the plan. He had just escaped from the enclosed space and there was still some energy in his body. This was his life-saving capital in the last days.

At this time, there was no choice. Just when the wolf had just jumped up, the wooden sword in his hand had a momentum of breaking the sound, instantly injecting 100 units of energy, which would not give the wolf any chance at all, or else Shots and shots are the most ruthless. The long-term battles of I live and you let him understand a truth. In those martial arts movies, the battles of several days and days are simply to attract the attention of the audience. The real battle may have ended before the battle started.

For example, facing the attack of the wild wolf, he had already prepared the worst in his heart. The fourth-order strength of the wild wolf corresponds to a 100-unit energy attack. When he shoots, he has 100 units of energy. Even if there is an error in his judgment, the wild wolf also loses its combat effectiveness. It will not give the wild wolf any chance to come back. This is the moment of life and death. It is impossible to keep tempting, he does not have such energy reserves, and the wild wolf will not give him such a chance.

Perhaps the wild wolf felt the sharp howling of sword aura in the air, his body stopped for a moment, and he let out a scream of sorrow, and his figure violently contemplated to avoid the sharp edge of sword aura, but it was too late.

A surging death aura that is invisible, but can be felt, passes through the body of the wild wolf like a broken bamboo, facing the skull, and then the huge body. A “crack” of bone cracking sounded from the wolf’s skull, a cloud of blood rose, and the wolf’s figure suddenly stopped in the air. The wolf, losing its power and life, fell like a sandbag on the grass. Tumbled and fell to Lu Ziming’s feet.

He threw off the wooden sword that had been broken into several sections in his hand, and drew a handle from the backpack behind him, steadying his mind and moving towards the surroundings.

Up to now, he has not observed the surrounding environment properly. If he hadn’t seen black shadows appearing, he even thought he was still in a closed space.

Now he can conclude that he has escaped from the enclosed space, but he does not understand why there is still a grassland under his feet, shouldn’t it be a valley? Before he could think about it, another black shadow rushed over. He didn’t know how many shadows remained. The energy in his body was running out. If he was under siege, he would be looking for death by doing so.

But he couldn’t see exactly how many shadows there were around him, he had to solve the immediate crisis first, and then consider whether he should run away.

Two legs can’t run on four legs, but he has no choice, and he doesn’t even figure out the situation, run there!


He swung his sword and slashed another dark shadow. He didn’t have time to think about it. He saw a figure fighting a bigger wolf in the lightning. Maybe this person can tell himself where it is.

He also saw that there was a war horse next to the man. Although he did not know how to ride a horse, it should be no problem to take him to escape, so when he killed the second shadow, he did not consider other issues at all.

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