End Times Dust Light

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Sister Qin

“Follow the law!” All the city administrators laughed, leaning forward and backward, laughing out of breath, laughing like a fox that only stole a hen.

Yan Biao suddenly picked up the woman in her arms, opened her big mouth that smelled like smoky dung, and put her vermilion lips in her mouth, unscrupulously sucking the fragrance in her mouth.

The woman was so breathless by Yan Biao that she kicked her feet wildly, and her fan fist struck Yan Biao’s solid chest desperately, as if she was tickling Yan Biao.

“Nima’s, the **** dare to bite Lao Tzu”, Yan Biao suddenly let go of the woman in his arms, reached out his hand and touched the blood on the corner of his mouth. “, slapped the woman’s face with a slap, and the woman was beaten like a broken kite and turned three times in situ, and fell to the ground to faint to death.

The city management who was laughing around was taken aback, and immediately reacted, punching and kicking the woman who was fainted underground, “Smelly bitch, I don’t know what it is, I don’t look at what it looks like now, let the zombies eat you if you are disobedient.” .

The other three women were immediately frightened and cried by the scene of **** violence, “Stop beating, please don’t beat Sister Qin again, Sister Qin will die.”

A city manager grabbed a woman who threw herself on Qin’s body, picked up the woman’s hair, and punched the woman in the belly. The painful woman “pumped” and fell to her knees at the feet of the city manager.

“What kind of stuff, stinky bitch, take off your pants and want to be a gangster, I stripped you naked and fed to the zombies.” Yan Biao became angry and picked up the fainted sister Qin on the ground. Sister Qin’s clothes were stripped clean and thrown on the front cover of a scrapped car. At this moment, no one cared about his life or death.

Maybe the front cover of the car was too hot from the sun, or it was severely dropped. Sister Qin, who passed out just now, woke up. She supported her injured body and wanted to get out of the car, but was rushed up. Yan Biao’s urban manager slammed into the car: “Team Yan, it’s too cheap, this bitch, let’s make the brothers happy first.” Before Yan Biao agreed, the urban manager rushed up in a hurry, under the sun. The evil is being staged.

Sister Qin didn’t know where her strength came from, she pushed away the man who was pressing on her body, twisted and “plopped” from the car cover to the ground. She got up from the ground with difficulty and stumbling forward. , Shouting loudly as he ran: “Help!”

“Rogue! Robber!” Lu Ziming gritted his teeth, firmly holding a bow and arrow in his hand, glaring at him, wishing to shoot this group of scum and scum.

Lu Ziming did not lose his reason. The group of city managers was discovered by Lu Ziming as soon as they appeared. Whether they were robbing shops or food, Lu Ziming didn’t want to control and couldn’t control it. Survival was their power. They kill the zombies. If they are in a hurry, Lu Ziming may also rescue them, because everyone’s goal is the same.

But they shouldn’t bully those women, let alone insult their dignity. They are weak and there is nothing wrong with them, it does not mean that anyone can bully them. Well, even if they were former police workers, are they deprived of their right to survive? They are humans, not zombies.

The injured Sister Qin ran towards Lu Ziming. The city management behind her was not in a hurry to chase after her. She laughed and watched the limping woman ran forward with difficulty. She let out a silver laugh, like a cat playing with a mouse, preparing. Enough play and eat one more bite at the end.

“Damn city management, a group of scum, a scum in society”, Lu Ziming hid behind the shop door, secretly raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed at the city management in front.

The urban management found that the injured sister Qin had run far away, waved her hand and raised the weapon in her hand and surrounded her from behind, preparing to drive sister Qin to the place where there were zombies.

The injured sister Qin looked behind her in horror, and saw the fierce city administrators chasing after her, turning around and crossing the road, preparing to get into the alley next to her. Seeing that the injured sister Qin was about to slip away, the city management behind her speeded up to catch up, preparing to stop Qin in the alley.

At this moment, an electric car rushed out of the alley and almost ran into Qin sister who was coming over.

“Help!” Sister Qin saw someone appear, like a drowning man, grabbed the straw, grabbed the man on the electric car, and shouted for help.

The city manager was shocked. He didn’t expect someone to come out of the alley at this time, “Get out of here, it’s none of your business. If you don’t want to die, leave me immediately.” The city manager waved the weapon in his hand and prepared to intimidate the electric car. The man on the road, let the man retreat.

City management of course is not believing in men and women, and will not be polite to men on electric cars, just because he sees a man carrying a bow and arrow on his back and carrying something bulging in his arms, so he does not want to conflict with the man.

The man on the electric car was Yan Hangguang. He didn’t worry about coming to Lu Ziming. He didn’t expect that he would just hit him on this fancy scene.

Yan Hangguang didn’t understand what was going on. Why a naked woman running on the road would shout to herself for help, behind her was a group of city administrators with weapons. Could this woman be a wanted criminal?

Death to death Yan Hangguang could not have imagined that in broad daylight, a group of city officials would **** a woman on the road. This is impossible in a civilized society, and it is naturally difficult to connect the two together.

“They want to **** me!” Sister Qin firmly grasped Yan Hangguang’s arm, for fear that Yan Hangguang would abandon herself.

“Strong* to blow you up!” The term is a bit strange, a bit remote, and it is difficult for Yan Hangguang to understand the meaning of it all at once.

“Yan Hangguang, take that woman quickly”, Lu Ziming jumped out from behind the door, aiming his bow and arrow at the frontmost city pipeline: “Stop, take a step forward, don’t blame me for the ruthless arrow.”

“Boss, what is going on?”

Lu Ziming slowly approached Yan Hangguang, and had no time to explain to Yan Hangguang what had happened. He tore off a sheet from the tree next to him and threw it to Sister Qin, “put it on, Yan Hangguang will take her on, and leave here quickly.”

“This little brother, please save my sisters.” Sister Qin, who put on the sheets, did not leave immediately, but begged.

From the bottom of my heart, I don’t like these city managers or women who worship money. If these city managers hadn’t done too much, I wouldn’t have tried to save Sister Qin. Now Sister Qin asked herself to save a few other women and let Luzi. Ming couldn’t make up his mind for a while.

Yan Hangguang looked up at the city management and the woman in the hands of the city management in the distance. He seemed to understand a little bit, “Boss, are we not zombie hunters? It is our duty to save people from danger. These people don’t look like good people, we can’t I can’t save you from death”.

“When did Yan Hangguang start to feel righteous, he still found it in his conscience. Why didn’t I find this?” Lu Ziming was a little depressed. Yan Hangguang’s glorious image was much higher than his own, reflecting his narrow and lack of humanitarianism.

Chengguan suddenly found that there were two more people on the opposite side, with weapons in their hands, and they were a little uncertain about whether they should chase them well or not!

“Team Yan, what do you think about this?”

Yan Biao frowned, things are a little bit turbulent, not because Yan Biao is beginning to be afraid, this is an era of disorder, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss. Yan Biao was worried that the situation would get out of control. The two young men with bows and arrows looked difficult to deal with. If there is a conflict, he does not have much chance of winning.

After repeatedly weighing the pros and cons, Yan Biao shouted at Lu Ziming: “Friends, the well water does not offend the river, there is no need for a woman to hurt everyone’s peace, this little lady is yours, you go.”

“Go!” Lu Ziming sneered: “Let me go, let the other three women go, we will leave immediately.”

Yan Biao obviously did not expect Lu Ziming to be so unsure of good or bad. He had already made concessions, but the other party still wanted to make an inch. Does he really think of himself as a soft persimmon?

“Little things, shame on you, what do you think you are, you tell me to let people go, I will let them go, brothers give me up, and teach these two little bunnies who don’t know how high the earth is.” Yan Biao waved his hand to let him go. The surrounding city management was surrounded on three sides. Yan Biao didn’t really want to tear his face with Lu Ziming. He had left an alley for Lu Ziming to escape. As long as he knew what was good or bad, he would choose to go from the alley. Leave.

Yan Biao completely underestimated Lu Ziming’s dislike of him. Under normal circumstances, there is indeed no need for both parties to fight to death and life, but these scumbags made Lu Ziming panic. It is not difficult to imagine the women who fell into their hands. What kind of fate will there be, Lu Ziming feels that he should do something, at least not to let these women be ruined.

Lu Ziming was not mad, but rather calm. He saw the city management hiding his body behind the car and the tree, and slowly outflanked it from three sides, and immediately understood Yan Biao’s intentions.

“Yan Hang shoots them in the legs. Don’t hurt their lives as a last resort.” This is not to say that Lu Ziming is kind, nor does it mean that Lu Ziming is the benevolence of women. Killing is not the same as killing zombies. Once you start to kill, it is very It is easy to break through the final moral bottom line. The ability without restraint is violence. Lu Ziming does not want to become a criminal who is addicted to fighting.

“Boss, I got it.” Yan Hangguang didn’t forget the hero to save the United States, and said to Sister Qin behind him: “Hurry up, it’s dangerous here.”

Sister Qin didn’t know what would happen next, “I’m not going, I’m going to stay here with you”.

Yan Hangguang listened to Qin’s words, as if a divine help was out of control, I didn’t see how accurate the archery was usually, but now, more than 20 meters away, an arrow hit the leg of a city manager.

“Ah!” The injured city administrator screamed, clutching his injured thigh and rolling on the ground.

“Squat down and look for cover!” Yan Biao did not expect that the other party would really fight to death. He quickly hid his body behind the car and shouted to Lu Ziming: “Little brother, we have no grievances in the distant future. Qiu, why are you doing this? Isn’t it just a few women? If you want to, just say it, don’t hurt your peace.” .

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