End Times Dust Light

Chapter 75

Chapter 75: mutation

Someone once said that a woman’s IQ determines the man she associates with, not her girlfriend, Lu Ziming agrees.

Zhai Yuan was tied to the front seat by Lu Ziming. She was well-known for worrying about Zhai Yuan’s safety. After listening to Zhai Yuan’s general description, Lu Ziming had basically constructed the outline of Fang Yi’s small group in his mind. .

Survival in the last days requires not only courage, but also skill. More than a month after the virus outbreak, the old order is slowly being destroyed, and the new order has not yet been established. In this era of alternation between the old and the new, it is like a big wave rushing into the sand, and a careerist is like Sprouts sprout like bamboo shoots after the rain, evil and atrocities are quietly breeding, the road ahead is shrouded in a cloud of black fog, some people stop when they can’t see clearly, but some people plunge into the black fog and begin to explore new things. Way out.

Lu Ziming parked the car on the side of the road. After checking the road conditions, he gestured on the map: “There is still 5 kilometers to Panzhuang. If the road goes smoothly, we will be there in half an hour. Let’s rest here. Go again”.

“Eat something. I rarely feed others. Even if you are worried about becoming a zombie, I will make you die decently.” Lu Ziming sneered and stuffed Zhai Yuan’s mouth with a piece of dried meat. See Zhai. Yuan didn’t want to eat, she took out a bottle of mineral water and said, “It’s better to be a full ghost than a starved ghost. Obedient, good! Open your mouth and take a sip.”

“Smelly rascal, dead rascal, haven’t you also been scratched by a zombie? Why do you say that I must become a zombie, you won’t become a zombie, let me go quickly?” Zhai Yuan was helpless by a seat belt.

Lu Ziming shook his head and said leisurely: “Widows have their own gods to bless you, demons avoid all kinds of poisons, how can you mortals understand these principles”, Lu Ziming opened his chest and revealed a ten-centimeter claw mark to Zhai Yuan. Look: “This was the last time I was scratched by a Tier 2 zombie. I was lying in bed for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and finally escaped from the claws of death, so I am different from you.”

Zhai Yuan glanced contemptuously at Lu Ziming, who was running the train with her mouth full, her eyes rested on the zombie claw marks on Lu Ziming’s chest, and she was surprised: “You didn’t lie, you are really immune to the zombie virus, how did you do it?” .

“This is still confidential for the time being. You will understand when you become a zombie, but you were lucky enough to meet me. When you were in a coma, I gave you an ancestral secret recipe that I brought with you. As for whether you can survive, It depends on your good fortune.” Lu Ziming rubbed a small mud ball from his body in disgust, and shook it in front of Zhai Yuan’s eyes.

“Uh!” Zhai Yuan rolled her eyes and vomited three liters on the car window, “What did you eat for me, I will kill you”.

“Dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn’t know good people. Ordinary people don’t want me to give it? This is your blessing, so don’t agree with your body. You are not the lover of my dreams, and I have no interest in you…”

“When I become a zombie, I will kill you too!” Zhai Yuan twisted her body and bit her with her mouth open.

Lu Ziming evaded: “Are you a dog, stop! If you go crazy again, I will knock you out and throw you at the zombie.” He didn’t expect that Zhai Yuan had no humorous cells at all. This woman was cold. I don’t have any interest, I only know that to ask this question, it is mechanically rigid and calm, not a good communication partner.

“Do you think this can intimidate me?” Zhai Yuan stubbornly raised her white neck and gave Lu Ziming a comment: “You are not a bad person. Know how people like you survived.”

Lu Ziming touched his nose and drove the car nervously, looking at both sides of the road. He didn’t expect that Zhai Yuan’s instincts were so sharp and that he was still a good person in Zhai Yuan’s heart. “I just learned to drive, and I was very nervous. You talk, adjust the atmosphere, you always have a cold face, and we can’t communicate with each other…”.

“Huh!” Zhai Yuan turned her head and ignored Lu Ziming.

“The two of us tell a joke, let me tell you first…”

“An African underage lion cub was very depressed one day. The lioness asked what was wrong. The cub replied: “I just ate a man, it may be a Chinese.” The lioness was anxious: “Cannibals do not look at their passports!” I told you earlier that their chemical elements exceed the standard, melamine, Sudan red, meat injection, poisoned rice, poisoned leeks, waxed apples: can we hold our bones? “The male lion comforted him: “Don’t be afraid, Chinese people who can come to Africa to hunt, eat and drink are special gifts, this person should be… it belongs to green organic food.” ”

Lu Ziming turned his head to look at Zhai Yuan, and found that Zhai Yuan was still the exquisite dead face, “Since it’s not funny, why don’t you tell a good joke?”

“will not!”

Lu Ziming teased: “Since you don’t want to say it, I’ll say another one.”

“The history teacher asked his classmates: “Does anyone know why ancient women bound their feet? The class was lost in thought. Suddenly Xiao Ming said loudly: “I’m afraid they will go shopping.” The history teacher was a little unhappy and then asked: “Why don’t women bind their feet now?” Xiao Ming continued to answer: “Because there are Taobao, Jingdong…, it’s useless to bind your feet!” The teacher roared, “Get out of here!” “”

Zhai Yuan looked out the window and sneered, “Do you usually coax girls like this?”

Lu Ziming smiled and said, “Do you think I have a girlfriend?”

“That woman knows you, and she has lost her life for eight years. Fortunately, the sky has eyes. You shouldn’t find a woman for a lifetime?”

“You don’t need to say that you are so vicious, I am your savior, and you have no intention of repaying me with personal promises!”

“Huh! Even if the men all over the world are dead, I won’t look at you!” Zhai Yuan gave Lu Ziming a back of her head and stared out of the car in a daze.

The car basically stopped and stopped along the way, and the speed of the car could not be raised at all. This was just in line with a novice driving like Lu Ziming. Several zombies rushed out from time to time along the road, all of which were ordinary zombies. Lu Ziming got off the car. After its kill, look for crystals and strengthened meat. No zombies above Tier 2 were found on the road. This is similar to the evolution of animals. The more the zombies gather, the faster the evolution of the zombies, and the less zombies there are, the zombies have not changed much.

This phenomenon was discovered by Lu Ziming very early. Although it is not clear what the inner connection is, it has been verified a lot during the hunting of zombies. The observation post in the urban area also proved Lu Ziming’s guess. A few days ago, the observation post found zombies above Tier 2 in the urban square. The evolution speed of zombies in the city was twice as fast as that in the suburbs.

“What are you doing?”

“Of course I am killing zombies,” Lu Ziming pretended to be confused.

“I’m asking you, after you killed the zombies, why did you dissect the zombies? Are you looking for something?” Zhai Yuan found out that Lu Ziming had something to hide from herself. She always dissected the zombies mysteriously behind her back, as if Find something in the zombie.

“I am studying whether the various habits of zombies have changed after people become zombies, such as what zombies like to eat, women or children, and what are the needs of the opposite **** for zombies. These are what we researchers need to understand. Data”, Lu Ziming said nonsense.

“Cut! Don’t tell me if you don’t want to say it, don’t think that others are stupid, thinking I didn’t see it. You find something from the zombie’s body and put it in your pocket. This must be a very important thing, maybe it’s what you said. Immune medicine?”

“It’s really smart, with a full score of 100. After you become a zombie, I will also study your body to see if I can find any good things.” Lu Ziming looked at Zhai Yuan’s body obsessively, revealing an evil Smiley face.

“If you dare to touch my body, if I become a ghost, I won’t let you go. You will go to eighteen layers of hell, go to the pan, and never live beyond life,” Zhai Yuan cursed viciously.

Lu Ziming grinned at Zhai Yuan, pretending to be pitiful: “I’m so scared! Please let me go, I won’t dare anymore.”

“Go to death, I curse you for not finding a woman in your life?”

“I will drag you if I can’t find a woman! Make you a mummy, a wax figure, and let you stay with me forever! Jie Jie…” Lu Ziming smiled and looked at Zhai Yuan’s delicate face and stretched out greedily. His tongue licked his lips disgustingly.

“What are you going to do, don’t come over!”

“Squeak…! It’s the station, the chatting time with the beauties is fast, and it’s here before you know it.” After more than 20 days, Lu Ziming still vaguely remembered the location of Li Zheng’s villa and turned a small hill. From a distance, I saw a small white three-story building standing there.

The car parked at the door of the villa. No one came out. It looked a little deserted. “Is Editor Li at home?”

Lu Ziming yelled a few times, and the door of the villa squeaked open a crack. A boy with a childish and weak face poked his head out of it, watching Lu Ziming nervously and said: “You Who is it, what are you going to do with Editor Li?”

Lu Ziming recognized the boy at a glance, “Gu Wei, don’t you recognize me? This is Lu Ziming. Twenty days ago, I stayed in this small building for two nights. Have you forgotten? ”

“It’s Lu Ziming? I remember.” Gu Wei jumped out from behind the door and shouted behind him: “Lu Ziming is back, not a gangster, come out!”

Five young people of about the same age walked out of the villa one after another. Lu Ziming’s eyes were sour, and there was an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling in his heart, “What’s the matter, editor Li went there, did something happen?” .

A few young people stared at the backpack behind Lu Ziming, saw the weapon on Lu Ziming’s body, wanted to get closer but were a little scared and said, “Lu Ziming, are we still alumni?”

Lu Ziming nodded, not knowing what they wanted to say, but seeing their yellow and thin faces, they had already guessed something: “I still have some food here, take it all.”

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