End Times Dust Light

Chapter 887

Chapter 889: The rain is coming and the wind is full of buildings

The situation described by Xiao Cao is the usual practice of various bases after the end of the world. This approach may seem barbaric, but it has certain rationality and helpless practical reasons.

Imagine that if you want to recognize the property ownership before the end of the world, let alone the operational difficulties, it can be realized and it is impossible to implement it. On the contrary, it will cause new disputes and contradictions, and even cause unpredictable turbulence.

After all, in fact, there is no such thing as private property in China, and even your own will does not belong to yourself. It is simply impossible for others to respect your private property.

After the end of the world, the entire social order disappeared, all resources were transferred from individuals to the hands of those in power and the army, and redistribution became inevitable.

Whether it is because of operability or because the actual situation does not allow it, the property before the end of the world will not be supported at all. This is what Gucheng understands, knowing that it is impossible to do it, it is either stupid or there is. The ulterior motive is obviously the latter.

What purpose is the arrival of Gucheng, in fact, there is no need to guess at all, because he is a resolute opposition, opposing the integration of the two sides, and opposing Li Juan’s excessive reliance on Lu Ziming. In Gucheng’s view, Li Juan should take his own path of independent development, break away from Lu Ziming’s influence, establish his own prestige, and restore the glory of the former Jincheng base.

Different from other opposition groups, Gu Cheng is a staunch supporter of Li Juan. He always considers Li Juan and his loyalty is beyond doubt.

Lu Ziming classifies Gucheng among the stubborn opposition. From a personal point of view, he admires Gucheng’s loyalty, but from the perspective of his own interests, Gucheng is an out-and-out stumbling block and a roadblock.

“It’s impossible for Li Juan to know about this matter, but from Gucheng to Xincheng, it is difficult to say whether it was Li Juan’s instruction or his own intention. But one thing is certain is that some people want to use this matter to make a fuss. It doesn’t matter to the two, one destroys the relationship between the two parties, and the second takes the opportunity to make trouble…”

“This seems almost the same!” Di Huang scratched his head and said.

Lao He slapped Dihuang and said, “If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense. The two are essentially different. The first is nothing more than alienating each other’s relationship and don’t want to have **** with each other. But the second is ill-intentioned, not only It is as simple as destroying the relationship between the two parties, and I want to take the opportunity to provoke the incident, and I may fantasize about occupying Xincheng, but I don’t know!”

“It’s so complicated, no wonder that politicians are more dirty than businessmen, killing people without seeing blood”, Di Huang stuck out his tongue.

Da Shan said: “From the current situation, I am afraid that there is a deeper meaning. Want to take the opportunity of the Military Commission to go to Jiutun immediately to isolate us and make us foul?”

“Don’t worry about this,” Lu Ziming shook his head slightly, and said wishfully: “These people in the Military Commission are not fools. profit!”

“Then what shall we do now?”

Lu Ziming thought for a while and said: “If there are only some people who want to destroy the relationship between the two parties, they are not afraid. It is just that they will not be in contact in the future. The only worry is that some people will be frenzied and attack Xincheng. It is their excuse for launching an attack. If this is the case, do you really have to worry about it?”

“Will Li Juan support launching a war against Xincheng?” Lao He raised his own question.

Dashan Gang Lu Ziming replied: “If Li Juan can really control the army in Jiutun, this kind of thing will of course not happen, but if there is a compelling reason? For example, if a war has already started, the direction of the war and the will of the army will be difficult to tell? ”

Lu Ziming is also distressed about this matter. It is not impossible to wipe the gun and misfire. Judging from the current situation, some people hope to provoke a war.

Don’t think that Li Juan will not launch an attack on Lu Ziming. The several rebellions at the Jincheng base once again proved the truth. In the last days, whoever has the fist is the boss.

“It’s better to contact Li Juan as soon as possible on this matter. Both parties should keep the information unblocked and avoid wiping guns and misfires, especially…” Lao Hezheng said, and found that Lu Ziming was suddenly taken aback, his face gloomy. Come down: “What’s wrong, what happened?”

Lu Ziming’s face changed, he suddenly opened his eyes and tried to calm himself down: “I just received the news that an army in Jiutun is attacking the auto repair shop. The situation is extremely critical and urgently needs rescue!”

It was so sudden that everyone didn’t react at once: “Could it be a misunderstanding?”

“Impossible!” Lu Ziming took a deep breath: “The auto repair shop is defending the entrance of the giant spirit world. It is impossible to conflict with the army in Jiutun. This matter is probably because someone wants to provoke an incident. I will go right away. One trip to the auto repair shop, you stay in Xincheng to strengthen your guard to prevent a sudden attack in Jiutun.”

Compared with Jiutun, in addition to its population advantage, Xincheng’s military strength is slightly inferior to that of Jiutun. Don’t look at Xincheng’s superiority in weapons and personal equipment, but the difference in numbers determines Xincheng’s military strength. Weakness on the top.

If only defending Chiyou space, Xincheng’s armed forces are no worse than any other army, but Xincheng’s situation is different. First, there is no complete defense system, and second, the defense range is too scattered. Jiutun only needs to touch four or five thousand people. Attacking from all sides of Xincheng at the same time, Lu Ziming will inevitably lose sight of defeat.

“Wait a minute!” Lao He immediately stopped: “Team Lu, you can’t come forward now. The auto repair shop is still unclear. If Jiutun is deliberately provoking the incident, he must be prepared. Pushing myself to the cusp of the storm, things will not only expand, but there will be no room for maneuver. It is better to let me lead an army to the auto repair shop for rescue. Even if there is something, it will not expand the contradiction. Contact Li Juan immediately to ask about the cause of this incident, and exercise restraint as much as possible!”

Lu Ziming is right to think about it. After all, he now represents the entire Xincheng. If there is something, it will immediately intensify the contradiction. This may be the result that the person who caused the incident most wants to see.

“Okay! Lao He led the No. 1 Mechanized Battalion to the auto repair shop, and Qian went to the auto repair shop first to find out what happened. If the situation worsens, don’t entangle with the Jiutun army, and immediately get all from the auto repair shop. Withdraw all of them to Xincheng!”

“What? Team Lu, you want to give up the entrance to the giant spirit world, this is absolutely impossible!”

“It’s just an entrance. After all parties know that the giant spirit world exists, it has become a hot potato. I am still thinking about how to get rid of it smoothly. Since Jiutun wants it, I will give it to Jiutun in favor of it.” , The giant spirit world has been paid attention to by many forces and may evolve into the focus of competition between all parties. At this time, participating in it will only put yourself and Xincheng at the center of the hurricane, and just take advantage of this opportunity to throw the baggage to Li Juan.

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