End Times Dust Light

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Build momentum

Sanliqiao has not been so busy for a long time. Everyone set up tables, chairs and benches in the courtyard, set up cauldrons and grills, cut a piece of meat from the beef, and rolled up the sleeves of the cook, and took out the things that they would not be willing to eat. Ingredients, burn out delicious dishes.

Lu Ziming is particularly knowledgeable about grilling food. This is all because he used to go out hunting with the villagers. After hunting, the clansman gave the food to himself. After a long time, he naturally learned the craft of barbecue.

“Who wants a half-ripe, half-ripe steak?” Lu Ziming held two plates of beef steak, one of which was placed directly in front of the insect.

“The old man has a bad mouth, and you can’t eat food that is too hard. Just try the half-rare steak you grilled.” Zou Qingmin smiled with only half of his mouth open.

“Brother, is my steak cooked yet?” Cheng Qianwan asked with her hand and Lu Ziming’s corner.

“Brother, and my steak, I want to be the same size as my sister’s steak.” Liang Houyi made a very big look, which caused everyone to laugh.

“Two little cats, the children’s steaks must be cooked before they can eat them, otherwise they will have diarrhea.” Lu Ziming scraped the small noses of Cheng Qianwan and Liang Houyi.

Soon, Lu Ziming brought a few plates of half-cooked and three-part barbecued meat and placed them in front of others. Cheng Qianwan drooled and looked at Lu Ziming and said, “Brother, where is my barbecue? Did you steal it? NS”.

“Little clever ghost, your barbecue is here”, Lu Ziming transformed a plate of barbecue from behind and placed it in front of Cheng Qianwan.

Liang Hooyi saw that Cheng Qianwan had meat to eat, but there was nothing in front of him. He stepped his face down, tears in his eyes.

“Who made our Liang Houyi upset? What do you think this is?”

A large plate of barbecue appeared in front of Liang Houyi, which was a full circle larger than the barbecue on Cheng Qianwan’s plate. Liang Houyi happily looked at the barbecue on Cheng Qianwan’s plate, made gestures with his hands, and found that his barbecue was larger than that of his sister. But when she saw Cheng Qianwan staring at the barbecue on her plate, she gritted her teeth and exchanged a plate with Cheng Qianwan.

Lu Ziming opened a bottle of “Budweiser” beer and said: “I toast everyone, thank you for your support and concern during this time.”

Cheng Qianwan raised a pair of oily little hands before Lu Ziming’s eyes and said: “Brother, are you going to stay and play with me?”

Zou Qingmin opened a bottle of “Moutai” wine and poured a glass for Cheng Chen, Tie Heyi and himself: “I haven’t drunk this wine before. I didn’t expect to have a sip when I was dying. I’m content to think about it.” Zou Qingmin raised his neck and drank a small glass of wine.

Lu Ziming smiled: “Grandpa Zou, the Yang family has a lot of wine. You can drink as much as you want, and I will drink with you when the time comes.” When the army was in the west of Qingpu City, they found a tobacco and alcohol warehouse, which contained more than a dozen trucks of various famous cigarettes and alcohol, and saved a little to drink for a few years.

Zou Qingmin poured another glass of wine and drank himself: “There are a lot of wine, but I don’t know if I can drink it?”

Lu Ziming was taken aback, and there was no sound around him, and he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, “Grandpa Zou, what do you want to say, do you have any scruples? Here are all my brothers and friends who were born and died with me. If you do something wrong there, Grandpa Zou, you can just say, no matter if it is right or not, I will accept it with a humility.”

“When people are old, they talk a lot. Young people don’t like to listen to the old man’s nagging. You call me Grandpa Zou, and I will nag with you today.” Zou Qingmin raised his neck and poured another glass of wine into his stomach. “Xiao Lu, who are you? We all see it clearly in our eyes. You are kind-hearted, smart, and have nothing to say about doing things, but you have thought about it. Why did Chang Guotai dare to rebel in the first place? ”

“Chang Guotai’s ambitions are swollen, thinking that he can replace me and control Yang Jiaji’s army…”

Zou Qingmin shook his head and said, “Xiao Lu, what you said is not entirely correct. Chang Guotai dared to do so. One is because you are not firmly established in Yangjiaji, and the other is because you are not young enough. Yangjiaji is now seemingly stable. But there are more and more people, and there will be more and more people like Chang Guotai, Xiao Lu, have you ever thought about it, what if someone else is preparing to rebel in the future.”

Lu Ziming was speechless, he had no time to consider these issues at all. Zou Qingmin’s words reminded himself, yes! What if there is a rebellion like Chang Guotai in the future, the key is why there will be a rebellion, is it really necessary to continue to kill?

“Grandpa Zou, what do you say?”

“The reason why Chang Guotai dared to instigate your opposition is not because you are young, one is inexperienced, and the other is no prestige. Killing Chang Guotai can certainly shock those who have ghosts, but these people will not give up. Wait for a while. After time, they will be ready to move again. These people can’t be killed. The key is to let these people die. They dare not have any prying heart about your position today. This is the long-term way.”

Lu Ziming has never thought about the things Zou Qingmin said, how old he is this year, and how impatient he can be there.

However, what Zou Qingmin said is not wrong. Chang Guotai is the best example. Shi Shengguang is not another example. Will there be other Chang Guotai and Shi Shengguang in the future, “Grandpa Zou, what should I do? “Lu Ziming has no experience in this area. When it comes to life experience, no one can see it more clearly than Zou Qingmin.

Zou Qingmin looked at the people sitting around: “I have discussed this with Cheng Chen during this period. Your biggest weakness is your youth and lack of prestige. Young is certainly your capital, but it is also your Achilles’ heel. There is no way to change it now, but you can start from prestige. You can use the banner of Lanzhou Military Region as a tiger skin, which can be shocked for a while, but it can’t last for a long time. You have to build your prestige. Today you kill Yanniu. You can take advantage of everything. Cheng Chen and I have thought about it. Yang Jiaji needs a strong character, and survivors also need a hero. In the last days, strength represents everything, as long as your strength is sufficient. Strong, no one dare to have the heart to spy.”

Lu Ziming nodded. Zou Qingmin was right. He was still too young, inexperienced, and insufficiently threatening. Sooner or later someone would jump out to challenge him. This is indeed an unsolvable problem.

“Grandpa Zou, what should I do now?”

Cheng Chen then said: “Building momentum! Through today’s Yanniu’s matter, you will be shaped as an invincible God of War, so those who want to challenge your current status have to consider whether you have such strength or not. This is deterrence. , As long as you nod your head in agreement, the rest will be left to those of us.”

Zou Qingmin nodded and said: “We people are sitting in the same boat as you. I thought that this old man will be like this in my life. I didn’t expect to be able to do such a big thing when I grow old. It’s enough!”

Lu Ziming smiled secretly. He never thought that he could go to this point. He said that the times make heroes, but why not be carried forward by the torrent of fate. Zou Qingmin’s words are correct. He represents the interests of a group of people. Only if their position today is preserved can they survive better.

“I have no opinion, you can handle this matter! Tomorrow everyone will go back to Yangjiaji. Master Cheng will be responsible for Yangjiaji’s industry. We will discuss some things later. Tie Heyi will be the platoon leader from now on. I will stay in Sanliqiao from tomorrow and be responsible for the formation of the fourth row of 0523 company. Grandpa Zou is getting older and do some easy things. From now on, the administrative personnel work of Yangjiaji will be entrusted to Grandpa Zou, what else do you see? Thing?”

Yan Hangguang tugged at the corner of Lu Ziming’s clothes, and meowed Qin Qin next to him with his eyes, secretly anxious.

Lu Ziming pretended not to see anything: “Grandpa Zou was right what he said just now. He is too young to think well about many things. It is inevitable that mistakes will occur. You should exercise more.”

“Qin Qin is already 20 years old this year, and is not young anymore,” Yan Hangguang said anxiously.

“I’m talking about you, I didn’t talk about Qin Qin!”

“Boss, I followed you from birth to death, can’t you be so ruthless, right?”

“Qin Qin will take over the work of the medical soldiers in Bao Yelan’s hands. As for you?” Lu Ziming looked at Yan Hangguang and said, “It depends on your love for following me without any regrets. I’ll leave it to you.”

“What? Your back”, Yan Hangguang cried his face and beat his chest and said: “No sense! Boss, how can you treat your siblings like this? I’m so loyal, you can’t abandon me.”

Qin Qin couldn’t stand it anymore, and grabbed Yan Hangguang’s ears and said: “You can use the pig’s brain, okay? Captain Lu asked you to be his guard. Can you do it for anyone?”

The people on the table laughed loudly. The smiling Yan Hang flushed with red ears and buried his head in his crotch.

“After returning to Yangjiaji, I am going to set up a guard squad. Yan Hangguang will be the guard squad leader. There are no comments now.”

“Boss, what you said is true, I love you to death”, Yan Hangguang grabbed Lu Ziming’s hand and kissed him disgustingly.

Cheng Qianwan raised the plate in her hand and said, “Brother, what shall I do?”

“Are you?” Lu Ziming lovingly hugged Cheng Qianwan on his lap and said, “When you grow up, you will establish a Boy Scout, and you will be the head of the Boy Scout, how about?”

“Really? Like my brother, can I kill a monster as big as a mountain?” Cheng Qianwan gestured, and found that it was still too small. After thinking about it, she stood on Lu Ziming’s lap and compared herself in the air. Draw a bigger picture.

“Brother, I also want to join the Boy Scouts”, Liang Hooyi looked at Cheng Qianwan in Lu Ziming’s arms enviously.

“Okay! When you grow up, you will all join the Boy Scouts. Let’s go fight monsters together, okay!”

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