End Times Dust Light

Chapter 931

Chapter 933: Cast a net for fish

The fat cat’s sudden surrender allowed Lu Ziming to remove all the important materials in the plain base without disturbing any party. At first, Lu Ziming was still wondering that his own action of looting the ground warehouse was not considered concealed. It is reasonable to say that it was early It was discovered that they were “hunted and killed.” Although sporadic troops harassed Lu Ziming’s great removal work, overall the removal work went very smoothly, to the point where it was suspicious, otherwise Lu Ziming would not personally stare at the removal work.

Now I realized that when I heard Jiang Chaowei’s news, it turned out that there was a tripartite unrest in the base. Lianhai rebellion attacked the Big Four, and then Director Tian attacked Lianhai and the Big Four. The three parties were happily fighting, and there was no time to control Luzi. Ming this hardworking rat.

Lu Ziming’s stealing behavior was not hidden, but the soldiers didn’t know what Lu Ziming was going on. They thought it was the other party involved in the rebellion taking advantage of the fire and looting. After the battle, they found that they had no hope of winning and retreated.

Moved in a muddle-headed manner for a long time, and finally found out what was going on, and now I know why no one stopped my theft.

According to the original plan…I don’t know how many times the plan has been revised. Anyway, the plan has been changing and there is no original plan anymore. Maybe this is called adapting.

According to the previous plan, when Lian Hai and the Big Four calculated each other, Lu Ziming unknowingly carried the materials from the plain base into the Chi You space, and before the victor found it, quietly evacuated the plain base. Don’t shoot. !

But after hearing that after the death of the Big Four, the three parties who launched the rebellion had been unable to deal with each other, and the entire barracks had no leader, Lu Ziming found that his chance had finally come.

Lu Ziming appeared at the Plain Base for two purposes. One is to find a plan for cooperation, to join forces with the Big Four to fight against Li Juan and the Military Commission, and the other is to look for opportunities to weaken the strength of the Plains base and make the Plains base unable to support after the cooperation fails. The military commission’s combat plan for Xincheng has plunged the plains base into an unprecedented crisis of shortage of supplies.

At first, Lu Ziming thought that his appearance would make the Big Four feel threatened by Lian Hai and Li Juan. He did not expect that the Big Four would not treat themselves as a dish at all, dreaming of seeking their own interests between Li Juan and the Military Commission. However, I never thought that the Military Commission would not give the Big Four this opportunity at all. The so-called co-ordinated technique is just a joke in front of the Military Commission.

When the Big Four died, Lu Ziming knew that his chance was coming. If the Big Four did not die, Lu Ziming would not dare to make the idea of a plain base anyway.

Lu Ziming can mobilize not many troops now. In order to prevent Jiutun from launching a sudden attack, Lu Ziming infiltrated the plain base with only three or four hundred people, which is nothing compared to the seven or eight thousand troops in the plain base. Can play tricks of theft and create some chaos in the plains base.

But the current situation is completely different. After the death of the Big Four, there was a huge vacuum in power, and Director Lian Haihetian did not have the prestige of the Big Four at all. Even if Lu Ziming does not exist, it is definitely not an easy task for any victorious party to regain control of the stable base in the plains.

Because of this, Lu Ziming immediately changed his identity, turning himself from a spectator to a game participant.

“I am Dashan. I am looking for talents useful to Xincheng in the rich area. I will arrive in five minutes!”

The search in the mouth of the mountain is a bit violent, but this is also no way. You can’t expect those people to go with them obediently!

“I’m Zhu Chentao. The general area is now very chaotic. The rioters are looting civilians and shops. The situation is completely out of control and uncontrollable. Please allow the use of force to suppress it.”

“All means are allowed to suppress the insurgents! If necessary, they can be shot on the spot…, try to ensure the stability of the general area, the civilian evacuation plan is terminated, and the next step is waiting for instructions!”


Except for the transportation brigade that is still busy carrying warehouse materials, as long as the combative personnel in the Chiyou space are organized, they can’t act as a human-shaped flagpole to wave the flag and shout to create momentum!

Since the occupation of Xincheng, people who had a stable residence moved into their new homes. Now there are very few people staying in Chiyou Space, but they use Chi You Space as a refuge. Lu Ziming will know that this will happen, the situation has exceeded expectations, and then return to Xincheng to organize the army, one time and one time at the fastest two or three hours, there is absolutely no time, you can only do your best, just watch Can I fish in troubled waters if I am lucky?

“Dashan’s mission is to continue to create chaos in the barracks, and at the same time be responsible for bringing the captives into Chiyou space!”

“Lao He led all the combat troops to besieged the enemy forces with a crushing force, forcing them to surrender, and handing them over to Dashan!”

“Leng Meiren leads people to occupy the commanding heights of the barracks and block the middle and high-ranking officers of the barracks. They must not be allowed to unite against us!”

“Old Qian is responsible for finding out the specific hiding location of Director Lian Haihetian, and notifying Leng Meiren to be responsible for killing!”


“Jiang Chaowei! You are familiar with the situation in the barracks. Together with Xiaopan, you lead a group of armored vehicles to besiege the barracks that have not participated in the unrest, and also send the prisoners into the Chiyou space!”

“Xiao Cao is responsible for accepting prisoners in Chi You Space, and detaining diehards in isolation, to see if we can quickly form a prisoner army, don’t have much combat capability, as long as we can disturb the military’s mind…, see. anymore question!”

Lao He raised his worries: “What if the enemy does not surrender?”

“Send someone to persuade you to surrender first. If it doesn’t work, then we will destroy it as quickly as possible. We don’t have much time. If we cannot suppress the unrest as quickly as possible, once the enemies unite, our situation will be passive!”

The four to five hundred people gathered temporarily have to fight against an army of seven to eight thousand. Everyone unless they are Superman Rambo, Lu Ziming’s sudden attack can catch the opponent by surprise, but he will definitely not be able to overcome the chaos in a short period of time. Enemies together, time is not on your side.

Old Qian found that Lu Ziming seemed to have no task assigned: “Team Lu! You won’t stand by and watch the fun!”

Lu Ziming raised his foot and scared the old money, he shuddered, and hurriedly shouted: “I just said by the way, don’t be so serious!”

“Military Committee Lu Tianxing is still in the barracks. In order to prevent Lu Tianxing from secretly uniting all forces, I must find out Lu Tianxing as soon as possible and disrupt Lu Tianxing’s attempt to reintegrate the plain base!”

Lu Tianxing has always been a factor of instability. It is not yet known whether Lu Tianxing has received the news of the death of the Big Four, but he should already know it. Unsurprisingly, as long as Lu Tianxing’s IQ is a little higher than the table, he must use his identity as a military committee to try to control the plains base, and then confront himself. This is in line with Lu Tianxing’s current goals.

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