End Times Dust Light

Chapter 935

Chapter 937: Strength comparison

Of course Lian Hai would not know, and would never know what Lu Tianxing threw over in the future. A loud “bang” sounded above Lian Hai’s head. The explosion sound was not too loud, similar to a grenade, but Lian Hai felt as if the internal organs in his body had been torn apart, but Lian Hai didn’t have much time to experience this painful tearing sensation.

As the explosion sounded, Lian Hai first felt the internal organs continue to tear apart, and then found that there was also a bomb in his mind exploding at the same time, instantly twisting Lian Hai’s brain into tofu flowers, no more painful taste .

This kind of bomb is called a shock bomb. It is the latest weapon developed by the Military Commission. It mainly uses the shock waves and infrasonic waves generated after the explosion to kill the target. Even if there are a few more meat shields on the sea, it will not be able to stop the shock waves and infrasound waves.

In other words, Lu Tianxing knew that he would not easily succeed, and even expected that Lian Hai might use the human sea tactics. This is the only way to deal with high-level evolution.

However, Lu Tianxing must kill Lian Hai. As long as Lian Hai stays in the plain base, the turmoil in the plain base will not stop for a day. This is the inevitable fate of Lian Hai.

Lu Tianxing had already withdrawn from the encirclement circle when he threw the concussion bomb. At this time, Lian Hai’s fate had been decided. Lu Tianxing naturally did not hesitate to immediately pull out and rush out of the surrounding crowd, disappearing in full view.

As soon as Lianhai died, things were much simpler. There will not be many people desperately fighting for a dead person. Coupled with Director Tian and himself on behalf of the military committee to come forward to appease, the situation is unlikely to continue to deteriorate.

Lu Tianxing thinks this way, and will do it again according to this plan. If…there is no disruptor Lu Ziming, but if…the reality often does not develop according to the scenario set by the script. There are too many uncertain factors in it, just like Lu Ziming’s plan. Change and change will never keep up with the changes in the situation. No one knows what will happen in the next second?

Just as Lu Tianxing hurriedly returned to Chief Tian’s defense zone, a sniper rifle scope had been placed on Chief Tian’s head.

should also go out and kick the head of the Field Chief. He has been hiding in the dark field head like a bow snake shadow. After learning that Lu Tianxing was preparing to attack Lianhai, he felt that his future was bright. On a whim, he prepared to personally appease the remnants of the Big Four. If he has been showing a bluff, not to mention what Lu Tianxing would think in his heart, even his subordinates would not obey him from the heart.

Chief Tian, who wanted to do something, ran out of the bunker in casual clothes. Chief Tian might not have thought of it in his own dreams. A sniper rifle had been aimed at him at a distance of less than five or six hundred meters.

Things are so weird, even the sniper himself did not expect that the one surrounded by the guards in front of him was Director Tian, who only knew that he was an important person.

Lu Ziming didn’t know whether the field was long fat or thin, tall or short. Naturally, it was impossible to distribute photos of the high-level leaders of the plains base to every sniper. This sniper instinctively believed that this must be a betrayal. It’s natural that a high-ranking official in the army was killed by a high-ranking rebel official anyway.

Director Tian didn’t know why he died until he died, but on a whim, an officer who was going to betray under the Big Four was sent out of the bunker enthusiastically. As a result, he would never see the sunrise again.


With a gunshot, the quick-reacting guard rushed to Chief Field Chief and pressed Chief Field Chief to the ground, but found that the Chief Field Chief on the ground had lost half of his brain, and his brain was covered with tofu flowers. on the ground.

The guards around were all stupid at once, Chief Tian died strangely like this, and he was too frustrated if he died!

The head of Tian Huo, who was standing next to Chief Tian, buzzed and crashed. After a few seconds, he looked in the direction of the sniper, and ran towards the sniper with a roar.

It was not until after the war that Lu Ziming knew that Chief Tian was killed by his own sniper gun. He sent people to search for a long time, and finally confirmed the credit of a dead sniper. Killing a senior commander was considered dead. Its place.

In other words, Lu Tianxing never dreamed that Chief Tian would die so quickly, so he rushed to Chief Tian’s defense area without a ringing.

Lu Ziming also didn’t know about the killing of Director Tian, and was busy rushing to the Lianhai Defense Area. The two found the opposite person almost at the same time, because they were so fast that they had no time to stop. When they reacted, The two waited until they met in the air to see who each other was.

Lu Tianxing frowned. The last thing he didn’t want to meet was Lu Ziming. It wasn’t that he was afraid of Lu Ziming, but that he didn’t want to have extra branches.

Contrary to Lu Tianxing, Lu Ziming must find Lu Tianxing. As long as he exists in the plain base for one day, it is a threat to Xincheng for one day. The situation in the plains base is now very favorable to Lu Ziming. It is said that these were caused by Lu Tianxing, but when Lu Tianxing should end, Lu Tianxing was unwilling to leave. This is how Lu Ziming thanked Lu. Tianxing’s “what it did”.

Doing good things should not be named. Although Lu Ziming did not use Lu Tianxing’s ideas, Lu Tianxing did cause the current chaotic results in some way.

As soon as Lu Tianxing wanted to get close to Lu Ziming, Lu Ziming quickly moved away from Lu Tianxing’s line of sight. After the first encounter, Lu Ziming already knew the characteristics of the opponent’s skills.

If you don’t want to be suppressed by Lu Tianxing’s skills, you must prevent the opponent from judging your offensive line. Otherwise, once you are locked in by Lu Tianxing’s gaze, your strength will be affected, and even your strength will be covered by his skills. Can’t play normally.

As for the other weaknesses of Lu Tianxing’s skills, Lu Ziming is unable to know, but even so, Lu Ziming cannot guarantee that he can escape under Lu Tianxing’s eyes.

Lu Tianxing was also taken aback. I didn’t expect Lu Ziming to find a way to crack his skills so quickly, but could Lu Ziming be faster than his own eyes?

All right! Even so, Lu Ziming will always attack, Lu Tianxing does not believe that Lu Ziming can launch a fatal attack on him without stopping.

Similarly, after Lu Tianxing and Lu Ziming met for the first time, he also carefully analyzed Lu Ziming’s combat skills and combat characteristics. Although not all of them, judging from the reaction of the sudden attack, the two combat methods There are many similarities with the characteristics. First of all, Lu Tianxing is a combination of long-range attack and close combat, and it does not seem to be weak. On the contrary, Lu Ziming’s combat characteristics and skills have been suppressed by Lu Tianxing. [Gravity] skills can affect the performance of Lu Ziming’s vigor shield. The seemingly ordinary spikes have the greatest damage to the armor. This is the same as the body armor. It is difficult to prevent the spikes of daggers from being the same. Lu Tianxing is clearly aware of the characteristics of his weapons. In the end, Lu Ziming’s sword aura is easily interfered by Lu Tianxing’s skills and poses little threat to Lu Tianxing. This is the strength comparison between the two after the first contest.

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