End Times Dust Light

Chapter 943

Chapter 945: Cut one finger

Lu Ziming had also heard of the two. They were just a small battalion commander before the end of the world. After several years of hard work, they were entrusted with an important task because of their bravery in combat. Unexpectedly, these people had the same ambition and strength.

“But Brother Lu doesn’t have to be nervous. It’s not surprising that Fu Tao and Han Chentao came to Xincheng. It would be strange if Jiang Li of the second division came to Xincheng.” Lu Ziming didn’t know much about these three Jincheng rebels. Zhang Yechang borrowed The machine gave Lu Ziming an analysis: “Jiang Li has the same personality as the Big Four. He is cautious and suspicious because he does not see the rabbit or the eagle. Often a simple matter can arouse his suspicion, so Jiang Li does not have many friends. Even Fu Tao and Han Chentao were unwilling to talk to him…, so it is difficult for the Military Commission to make him send troops.”

“The situation is similar to what we estimated. Fu Tao and Han Chentao did not bring many troops this time. They were able to bring more than a thousand troops to attack Xincheng. They all wanted to make a profit from the military committee’s mouth. If the war goes smoothly, they will not rule out taking advantage of the fire. Possibility. And the most important point. Fu Tao and Han Chentao sent troops to attack Xincheng, but Jiang Li didn’t move a single soldier. What would make them think?”

Talking to Zhang Yechang is tired. This old man actually learned psychology in his early years. Not only would he hang his appetite, but he also knew how to figure out the minds of others. Combined with his knowledge of military affairs, he had a clear analysis of his opponents.

In fact, fighting is to analyze the opponent’s psychology. Temper can sometimes determine the characteristics of an offense, whether it’s a fierce fight or a step-by-step strategy. The personality further affects a commander’s combat deployment. Suspicious people always think that others are as complicated as others and never dare. People who are rash and impatient tend to fight first before talking. Those who are prudent always like to be cautious and probing, and those who are deep are usually the last ones. Zhang Yechang took the commanders of the three rebel forces into a cocoon to speculate on their next move. .

Seeing Lu Zi Ming calmly looking at him, smiling and not speaking, Zhang Yechang squinted his eyes and said: “If you say that these three people are one heart, I am afraid it is a bullshit. The reason why there has been no infighting for so long is entirely because they are evenly matched. The reason is that no one is sure what the other person will think when attacking other people. These three people like to contain each other. If only one person comes, the other two people will probably copy this person’s back path. As a result, we saw this time. Two people came instead of three?”

Lu Ziming finally understood that the commanders of these three rebel forces were clearly fighting in the dark, and they didn’t mind if the opponent was injured. People.

The problem is that these seem to have nothing to do with you!

I can’t even care about it now. What is the relationship between the bad things in other people’s homes and me? Isn’t the old man Zhang going too far?

Looking at the problem, Lu Ziming suddenly heard Zhang Yechang say: “Now the situation is delicate, we can’t wait or even count on it. Is it the best policy to attack the unpreparedness and surprise?”

“What is the best policy?”

Zhang Yechang replied slowly and confidently: “A raid on one of the two rebels will cause a rift in their triangular balance. Even if we do not attack them, they will be in chaos within themselves. As long as there is a chaos within them, this The three rebels will destroy themselves without attacking, and then Jiutun will be isolated and helpless, and will no longer pose a threat to Xincheng?”

“Go and attack one of the two rebels? Just now…?”

Lu Ziming felt that Zhang Yechang’s strategic thinking was too crazy. You must know that it is almost noon. Tomorrow, Jiutun will launch an attack on Xincheng. Of course, it is still unknown whether the attack will be possible. After all, the plain base has just been destroyed, and the morale of Jiutun It has a certain impact, but it is not certain that it will not launch an attack.

Reconnaissance shows that Jiutun is ready for a full-scale war, and it is possible to attack at any time, or even launch an attack in advance.

Sneak attack on one of the rebels at this time?

All right! Lu Ziming admits that this is a feasible method, if it is proposed a day earlier, he will agree without hesitation, and even madly kill both rebels.

From now gathering the army to rushing to the battlefield to launch an offensive, and then rushing back, the distance of more than a hundred miles, how can it take about 8 hours to go back and forth plus the fighting time, there can be no mistakes in the middle, let alone There will be emergencies, do you think the goddess of luck is raised by Lu Ziming’s family?

Zhang Yechang, who clearly knew Lu Ziming’s concerns, laughed: “Is it worried that there is a problem with the time, and if Jiutun discovers that we are attacking the rebels, will the attack be launched in advance? If the plan does not go well, for tomorrow Will Jiutun’s offense have an impact…”.

Lu Ziming’s eyes lit up, since Zhang Yechang had considered it, that is to say…

“Relax! These concerns are normal. If you don’t even consider these, you won’t be a qualified soldier…”

Looks like he is not a soldier, alright! Lu Ziming continued to patiently listen to Zhang Yechang’s analysis for himself?

“First of all, it won’t take more than 8 hours…, you don’t need to look at me like this, you forgot that the Chiyou space you control can always be by your side…”

Lu Ziming slapped his head and understood Zhang Yechang’s plan. He must first assemble the army into Chi You’s space. While assembling the army, he rode Taxue to the vicinity of a rebel garrison point, and then moved the entrance of Chi You’s space. His own army immediately appeared in front of the rebels, then suddenly launched an attack on the rebels, and immediately returned to Xincheng after the fight. The whole plan took less than three hours, and there was still time to wait for dinner before the day after coming back.

Speaking of Zhang Yechang’s plan is so amazing, why didn’t he think of it.

“Misunderstanding of thinking! Accurately make this plan a replica of your plain base plan, but you have not had time to sort it out!”

Just now, why is this plan so familiar? It turned out that he had used it a long time ago, but Zhang Yechang just changed it a little bit, essentially making the whole plan more compact.

This mode of combat is too crazy. What if the opponent also used this method to attack Xincheng?

Lu Ziming suddenly discovered that he had opened Pandora’s Box. This is a brand new military strategy. It is even more blitzkrieg than blitzkrieg. As long as he is fast enough, he can attack multiple targets at the same time with the least force in one day. With a double-edged sword in his hand, will he back himself when attacking others?

I don’t dare to think about it anymore. Once such a form is adopted in future wars, what else is safe.

You have to know that there are many ruins in the world, and there are probably not a few that can be moved. In the future, will Xincheng suddenly open a ruin and continuously rush out invaders from it? This is definitely a nightmare.

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