End Times Dust Light

Chapter 949

Chapter 951: Heart-to-heart

The Xincheng defensive battle was the first battle that Lu Ziming experienced between ten thousand soldiers. It was inevitable that he was a little nervous, and his temper was a little impatient. He knew that Dashan was considering the defense of Xincheng, and reducing unnecessary kills was his bottom line. .

After the meeting, Lu Ziming and his party came to the front line. The bright moonlight shone on the ground, and the ground seemed to be covered with a hazy white gauze, looking desolate and cold.

The construction of the defensive city wall has just begun, leaving huge pits on the ground. As war will break out at any time, the temporarily constructed trenches are staggered in the night like an ancient beast with a huge mouth, revealing its hideous aura swallowed. Everything around.

The ground was silent, piles of burning bonfires made a “crack” sound, and little sparks drifted around in the breeze.

The soldiers hiding in the trenches stretched their heads to look in the dark direction from time to time. From time to time, there were dull blasting sounds in the distance. It was Jiutun who was laying mines on the front line ahead of time for tomorrow’s offensive.

“It seems that Jiutun is determined to attack Xincheng…” Lu Ziming stood on a huge gate and slammed a fist against the guardrail in front of him, unable to tell whether he was nervous or angry: ” Come on, for the sake of Jinzhong’s stability, is it too late for this battle?”

Xiao Xia, who has been responsible for the construction of fortifications, accompanies Lu Ziming: “Lu Shuai, peace is achieved, and patience will only encourage the enemy’s arrogant arrogance.”

Lu Ziming nodded in agreement with Xiao Xia’s words, and patted Xiao Xia’s shoulders and said: “You are right, the end of the world has become the soil of careerists, magnifying the weakness of human nature, but this is not a reason for war… We can’t. Because the opponent’s greed has a reason for killing, war is not a benevolent violence, but an extension of justice. If we launch war unscrupulously like the enemy, we will inevitably lose our minds and move towards the abyss of violence…”.

Xiaoxia stroked the giant plasma cannon (one of the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, plasma [plasma state]). This is a kind of laser heating deuterium to a high temperature of one million degrees. It turns into a plasma state, and then uses electromagnetic technology to wrap this group of charged particles into a ‘sphere” and launch a weapon that destroys the target.

“Lu Shuai is right. War is only a political last resort. We are in a politically weak position. Although we have the assistance of Chiyou in the military, digestion takes time. Without a stable environment for development, we will never have a chance. We must Eliminating the unstable factor of Jiutun is also the consensus of everyone in Xincheng.”

The technology of   Xinyou Space is several levels higher than reality. On the one hand, researchers are still unable to master these latest technologies. On the other hand, these technologies require a huge amount of energy support, so it is difficult to promote them on a large scale in Xincheng.

Lu Ziming has been searching for usable and extendable technologies from the Chiyou space technology tree, but he has no choice but to find that even the slightly higher electromagnetic guns and Gauss guns are subject to manufacturing technology and energy constraints, and can only be produced in Chiyou space. Greatly restricts the promotion and use of high-tech in Xincheng.

It is said that science and technology is the primary productive force, but it depends on the tens of thousands of people in Xincheng who want to return to the level of science and technology before the end of the world. Not to mention the various production technologies that need to be mastered, labor alone is not enough. This is also the biggest reason for the development of Xincheng. . Fortunately, Lu Ziming already has a scientific research team that has never been small, and with the scientific and technological support of Chiyou Space, as long as there is a stable development environment, it will not take long for Xincheng to establish its own automated production line.

The two sat down, Xiao Xia lighted a cigarette and handed it to Lu Ziming: “Lu Shuai, in fact, Da Shan’s opinion is not unreasonable. You don’t want to use weapons of mass destruction, but others think it is a sign of Xincheng’s weakness. Xincheng needs a tough image to be displayed in front of the world, and force is the best deterrent method to break the eagerness of those young people…”.

“Why some people in Jiutun dare to launch an attack on Xincheng unscrupulously? It’s not because we have repeatedly tolerated and accommodated in Jiutun, which caused them to have a wrong understanding. In addition, Jiutun has more troops than us, and we have been reducing troops. , Because quality is important and quantity has not been high, only then someone dared to make Xincheng’s idea. Should Lu Shuai adjust his decision a little bit?”

Lu Ziming smiled and said, “You are here to be a lobbyist for Dashan!”

There are many people who share the same ideas with Xiaoxia, and they tactfully criticize Lu Ziming’s decision-making mistakes: “You should communicate with Zhang Yechang more. Some concepts and understandings should not remain after the end of the world. Jincheng and Dingxian bases are the best. An example. We are now relatively weak, causing some people to have a wrong understanding. Jiutun also thinks so. But we have to take a long-term view. Blindly expanding our military strength will inevitably lead to a tragedy. The same is true. It will restrict the development of Xincheng and produce the reality of insufficient stamina. Why do you think I should separate the military from the administration?”

Most of the bases after the end of the world have adopted the idea of ******. With the rapid development of military strength, the civil administration is seriously backward, not to mention the quality of life, and it is basically a state of sitting and eating.

It’s not that no one recognizes this problem, but the situation is stronger than that of human beings. The cruel problem of survival makes people have to temporarily give up the opportunity of peaceful development, leading to a situation that is difficult to turn back. It is almost impossible to change it again. Rushed all the way along the road.

“Xincheng may have been the most difficult period in the past few years, and the development of military strength will be slow, but don’t forget that as long as we eliminate the Jiutun force, there will be basically no other forces in Jinzhong that can threaten us. If we At this time, I don’t want to focus on civil affairs and productivity. Do you think we still have a chance to change again in the future?”

Xiao Xia, who has already begun to get involved in the management of civil affairs, also feels the same. On the surface, it would be a loss to let an evolutionary detach from the military and take charge of civil affairs, but in the long run, civil affairs is the top priority of Xincheng’s future development. Lu Ziming is not. I hope that there will be a group of arrogant soldiers around me.

Xiao Xia thoughtfully said: “Lu Shuai, in this case, even if Jiutun does not launch an attack on Xincheng, you are also going to eliminate the Jiutun force?”

Lu Ziming has nothing to conceal: “It’s not that I want to eliminate Jiutun, it’s that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. The battle between Jiutun and Xincheng is actually inevitable. In fact, Li Juan has realized that both I and Li Juan I wanted to avoid conflicts as much as possible. I wanted to achieve this goal through exchanges between the two sides. Now it seems to be obviously wrong. As you said, only war can promote peace and completely kick some careerists in Jiutun out of the stage of history.” .

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