End Times Dust Light

Chapter 983

Chapter 985: Attempted beheading

“The army has arrived in Xincheng…?” Lu Ziming was taken aback by Alina’s words, but knew that Alina would not lie to herself, because it was unnecessary.

“Don’t ask me how I knew it. When the military commissioner arrived in Xincheng to negotiate with you, he had already prepared two plans. If you didn’t cooperate, you would use force. Two days ago, Liu Houxin just left Xincheng. , Liu Houxin provided a report to the Military Commission, thinking that your value to the Military Commission is very important, and hopes that the Military Commission can reconsider the attack on you, so the first wave of attacks was speculated for two days!”

Lu Ziming never expected that Liu Houxin would speak for himself and postpone the attack on Xincheng: “What did you just say about the first wave of attacks?”

Alina seemed to be telling a story that was not about herself: “Just yesterday afternoon, when you were still in the meeting room discussing when the Military Commission would attack Xincheng, someone sneaked into the vicinity of the municipal building and prepared to place a bomb. The power of is enough to destroy the entire municipal building. Of course, you may not die, but you will be seriously injured and taken away by others. Then the attack will begin to take over the entire Xincheng. In the cell of the Military Commission, the plan failed…”.

Although Alina didn’t say why the plan failed, Lu Ziming knew that Alina must have taken the shot in secret, because he didn’t even know that this assassination plan existed.

Alina looked up at the sky: “Just ten minutes ago, the second wave of attacks started. The target is the municipal building. Have you heard of the Scepter of God?”

Lu Ziming, of course, has heard that the Scepter of God, also known as the Scepter of God, is a space-based kinetic energy weapon system, a mythical weapon, but he did not expect it to exist.

It is said that the system consists of two satellite platforms located in low orbit. One of the satellites is equipped with a metal rod named “God’s Staff”. The metal rod is made of tungsten, titanium or uranium, with a diameter of 30 cm and a length of 6.1 meters. , Weighing several tons. The God’s Rod space-based kinetic energy weapon system will be launched in space. These high-density metal rods can be guided by satellites and use the huge kinetic energy generated by small rockets and free fall. The tungsten-rod projectiles launched can be at the speed of a meteor. (39000km/h) hits the target, its attack capability is strong, the strike range is wide, and it can carry out precision strikes at any time on high-value strategic targets in any area on the earth.

Before the end of the world, there were reports that a new type of strategic deterrent weapon called the “God’s Rod” was developed in China to counter the US Army’s “THAAD” anti-missile system. Because it mainly relies on kinetic energy to kill targets.

Lu Ziming doesn’t know what to say, should he be happy? I should still be happy. The Military Commission really looked down upon myself, and even used space-based weapons to attack him.

“Did you stop it?”

Alina turned into a smile: “One thing I can tell you, I don’t want anyone to destroy the beautiful earth. No one can. I can ignore the war between human beings, but I can’t destroy the earth!”

Lu Ziming felt a biting chill. For some reason, when he heard Alina talking about the earth, he finally had a very strange feeling.

“who are you?”

This sentence has been held in her heart for too long, and Alina did not want to say that Lu Ziming could not force her to say it, but she still asked.

“You will know when you arrive, and forgot to tell you. Because of two consecutive failures, the military commission’s army will launch an offensive tomorrow morning. This time I will not choose to help you again. I hope you can defeat the military commission’s army. I wish you Good luck!” After speaking, Alina’s figure disappeared from Lu Ziming’s sight, as if she had never appeared before.


Half an hour later, in the Xincheng City Political Conference Room.

“This is a real-time image of Jixiang northeast of Xincheng. Have you noticed anything?”

Lu Ziming suddenly called Zhang Yechang, Lao He and others into the conference room again, without saying anything, first opened the real-time surveillance screen of the drone for others to watch.

“It seems that there is nothing? It’s calm, can you let the drone get closer…”

“No need to get closer?”

“Can’t get close anymore? What does this mean…, is it… Hidden here… No way!” Rehmannia quickly put his head into the light curtain, but he didn’t notice anything unusual.

“It’s too small here, how could it be?”

Lu Ziming ignored Rehmannia, pointing to the road around the village: “It’s not only quiet, but also very clean. Didn’t you find that there is not even a corpse of a mutant creature inside?”

Old He slapped his head and said: “I remember, five or six days ago, we had a company who just cleaned up here. In order to lure mutant creatures, we usually leave some debris at intersections and villages. A few days have passed, here. Some mutant creatures should be gathered…”.

After Lao He’s reminder, Xiao Xia also discovered the strangeness in the picture: “Here…here…and here! There are signs of being levelled. Our army will not do these things. Look at here…there is obvious. The imprints are like being crushed by heavy objects. The waste here also has traces of being moved. It is really not easy to find if you don’t look carefully!”

Lu Ziming called up the 3D model of Jixiang on the combat console and contrasted the picture: “Have you found any difference in the threshing floor in the village?”

“it’s common!”

“Abnormal! Have you noticed that when the wind blows over the surrounding trees, did the outer leaves and inner leaves sway in the direction?”

“Yes… there is a difference!”

“Some people don’t want us to see the threshing floor. Fake projections are arranged around the threshing floor. The pre-recorded picture is still different from the real picture, especially when the wind blows through the threshing floor. At that time, the direction of the leaves fluttering was inconsistent, and the dust on the ground disappeared after being blown to the threshing ground. This shows that the threshing ground we see is different from the real threshing ground. What must be hidden inside?”

“The Military Committee is too cunning, and there is an ambush under our noses, Lu Shuai! How did you find this place?”

Lu Ziming recounted the fact that Alina had crushed the two attempted assassinations by the Central Military Commission: “Although it is impossible to confirm whether these two attempted assassinations are true, there are various signs that the Central Military Commission cannot only send ground troops. The decapitation is the most important thing. A good choice. If it succeeds, the entire Xincheng group of dragons without a leader will destroy themselves without attack. Therefore, for future safety, future combat meetings will be moved to Chiyou space to prevent the military commission from assassinating again!”

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