Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 19: Testing Limits

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Credit where it's due, I originally got a lot of the ideas in this chapter from last chapter's Patreon comments a couple months back. 

He starts off by slowing down a bit. How do you even go about testing something like this? He certainly doesn’t want to spook her. But she’s enjoying the way he’s taking charge so Lucien figures he’ll go from there…

With her hands already trapped in his grasp above her head, Lucien firms up his hold on her wrists and then slows down even further, until he’s moving with careful, deep, penetrating thrusts in and out of her. Kori gasps. She pants. But also, her eyes flicker open as she looks at him. He pulls back from kissing her and just smiles down at her knowingly, his hand resting on her breast but only to cup it, not to grope it.

“… Please… more…”

She’s not tired enough to be done yet. Despite already experiencing half a dozen orgasms upon his cock, she wants more from him. But then, to be fair, Lucien has made sure to make this the best sex Kori has ever had. His powers are frankly bullshit when it comes to intercourse. He can feel every inch of her with his abilities. He knows what makes her tick. He knows what makes her wet. He knows what to refrain from doing and what to give her more of.

But he doesn’t give her what she wants in this moment. Instead, he moves his hand from her chest to her neck. He wraps his fingers around her throat, where a collar likely once stood. He feels her heartbeat race as he holds her by the neck and watches her eyes widen ever so slightly.

“Mm… should I? Do you think you’ve earned it, Kori?”

Kori blinks for a moment as Lucien carefully tests the waters. The whole world seems to go still for a split second as he waits for her to react to his words… and then she blushes and her pussy walls flex around his cock as the use of the word ‘earned’ definitely lights up the pleasure centers in her brain. Far from getting angry at him for the direction he’s taking this in, Kori bites her lower lip and whimpers as she flutters her eyes at him.

“Mm… please sir… if I haven’t earned it yet… how should I?”

Well, that was a good start, wasn’t it? He considers how to progress for a moment, even as the beautiful orange alien lays under him, squirming and wriggling. He’s able to turn half a second into quite a long time to think on how he wants to continue this. At the same time, he’s also thinking about Blackfire… and how he might get her on board with a more lenient fate for her sister.

In the end, he smiles at Starfire, still pinning her in place.

“You should ask. Properly.”

The Tamaranean Princess tightens up at the use of the word ‘properly’ as well, Lucien notices. Gurgling out a moan, she nods her head as best she can with his hand firmly latched upon her neck.

“Y-Yes… yes sir. Please… please fuck me more sir. Please fuck this horny little alien tart with your big fat human cock some more. I want it. I want you.”

Lucien raises an eyebrow at the use of species-based terminology in her words. Curious… had Starfire had fantasies about being an alien slave to a human after coming to Earth? If so… Lucien imagines that she would have probably fantasized about Robin being that human master for her. Until he’d dropped the ball and Lucien stepped in to pick it up.

“You only… want me, pet?”

The use of the word ‘pet’ also makes Starfire react in a positive manner. Under him, Kori moans and squirms, shaking her head.

“I NEED you, sir. I need your cock. Please…”

He could push further. He could push harder. But he doesn’t want to accidentally go too far. It’s telling that the Tamaranean hasn’t used the word ‘Master’ yet. Even if she has sexual fantasies of this nature, ‘Master’ is probably still a pretty bad trigger for her.

Instead, Lucien gives Kori what she wants. Lunging forward, he slams his lips back against hers again, kissing her deeply once more. As he’s dominating her tongue with his own yet again, Lucien also begins to pick up the pace, fucking her hard and fast just like before. One hand continues to hold her wrists above her head, while the other is firmly wrapped around her neck. He only squeezes down enough to remind Starfire that his hand is there. He doesn’t squeeze down hard enough to choke her out.

Still, the effect of their little verbal exchange is pronounced. The beautiful alien beneath him cums another half a dozen times in rapid succession, even faster than she did before as Lucien dominates her a bit more roughly this time. It’s not so soft or subtle anymore. Now it’s rather overt how he’s controlling Starfire, how he’s taking charge of their time together. And it’s rather overt how much Kori is enjoying it as well.

She moans, squeals, and even screams into his mouth as she creams herself on his thrusting prick again and again. Until finally, Lucien finds himself on the edge. He can’t hold back much longer. Technically there’s no need to worry… he’s not going to impregnate any woman unless he wants to, thanks to his powers. But… he sees an opportunity.

Disengaging from their lip lock again, Lucien whispers to Starfire as she pants noisily under him.

“I’m going to cum soon, Kori. I want you to take it in your mouth for me.”

It takes her a second to process his words, but once she does she’s quick to give her assent.


They both move as one, with Lucien pulling out and dragging Starfire up off the bed. In a few moments, the beautiful alien princess is on her knees before him. Lucien still has her wrists held above her head in one hand, while his other hand rests in her hair, his fingers sliding through her locks. Looking up at him with those beautiful green eyes of hers, Kori leans forward and takes him into her mouth.

With no hands, she bobs up and down on his cock, her lips sucking at his length and her tongue swirling this way and that. Meanwhile, the entire time, she maintains direct eye contact with him, managing to convey a level of submissiveness and subservience that honestly takes his breath away. Even now, even without him inside of her cunt, he can sense her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down around a phantom cock as the beautiful Tamaranean moans around his cock all the way to completion.

Grunting, Lucien proceeds to cum, his seed spilling out into Starfire’s mouth right there on the spot. The gorgeous heroine swallows his load, drinking it down as her neck convulses. She drains his balls and Lucien thoroughly enjoys the look of almost worshipful arousal on her face as she enjoys the taste of his cum. Obviously, he made sure it would taste amazing to her. Every little bit helps, in the end.

Finally, she finishes and pulls back off of his cock. Lucien’s hand leaves her hair and goes down to take hold of her chin as Kori gleefully tilts her head back and lolls out her tongue, opening her mouth wide to show him the last portion of his load. She lets him enjoy the view for a moment and then pulls her tongue back in and makes a show of swallowing that too.

In that moment, Lucien knows he can’t do what Blackfire wants him to do. He has to find another way. Kori doesn’t deserve the pain that her sister wants to put her through. At the same time, just from talking to both alien women, Lucien gets the impression that Blackfire didn’t deserve what SHE was put through either. She suffered greatly and even though it wasn’t Kori’s doing, it was still in part because of her. Blackfire’s hatred of her younger sister is misplaced, but not entirely surprising given the greater context.

They both need help. And maybe Lucien isn’t the right man to give it to them, but he’s the only option they have at the moment. So he’s going to have to thread this needle. Very, very carefully.

With that in mind, Lucien pulls Kori back up off of her knees and into his arms, making her squeak in surprise. He pulls her back onto the bed with him, cuddling her against his side as she quickly finds her place under his arm. With her head resting on his chest, she quickly falls asleep listening to his heartbeat. Lucien, on the other hand, does not. He has plans to make. And only so much time in the day to make them.


“Oooh f-fuck! Nngh! H-Harder, damn it! HARDER!”

Grunting, Lucien fucks Blackfire from behind with a good, solid speed. He pounds into her pussy hard and fast, holding her arms back behind her and using her wrists to hold onto so he can fuck her even harder. In response, the dark-haired alien woman growls in enjoyment, her pussy spasming around his cock from the rough treatment.

“Fuck yeah… bet… bet my weakling little sister can’t take you like I can. Bet she’s all lovey dovey, isn’t she? Way too soft to really take your big fat cock like me.”

It’s been a few days since Lucien slept with Kori and came to the simple conclusion that he can’t give Blackfire what she wants. He’d left Titan Tower the very next morning and flown into upper atmosphere before checking with a careful application of his powers to see if he had any bugs on him. Obviously, he couldn’t actually sense electronics, but just like with the nanochip in his father’s clone, he could detect the absence of life. And wouldn’t you know it, Robin had indeed slipped a device onto him that seemed capable of both tracking him and recording him.

Lucien had destroyed it, of course. And then he’d gone about his business. He hadn’t immediately returned to Blackfire though. Instead, he’d gone and done some… research.

See, Lucien had an idea. A plan, if you will. He wanted to convince Blackfire to change her mind willingly. But in order to do so, he needed options for her. Well, he had those options now.

Grunting, Lucien pulls out of Blackfire for a moment and flips her over onto her back before slamming right back home into her cunt. The Tamaranean gasps as she shudders her way through another orgasm beneath him, her eyes half-rolling up in her skull. Once she’s recovered and he has her attention, Lucien finally speaks.

“About your sister. I want to change our plan.”

Blackfire blinks, fighting through the pleasure as his words manage to penetrate the foggy haze of bliss threatening to overtake her mind.

“W-What? What do you mean?”

He’s well aware he needs to approach this carefully, but he’s already planned this out in his head. He supposes in some ways, he is his father’s son. Plots within plots. Lies within truths.

“Breaking her is a waste. Not just of Starfire herself, but of the Remedy Persona as a whole. I’ve managed to ingratiate myself with the Titans at this point.”

And indeed he had. He’d even gone on a couple patrols with them since that first day and fucked Kori a couple more times besides as well. Of course, he’d fucked Blackfire even more. Getting a feel for both women. Getting them more and more relaxed in preparation for the implementation of his plans. That’s almost certainly why Blackfire doesn’t explode at him right now. Though she’s less than inclined to appreciate what he’s managed so far.

“So… so what? Bunch of… fucking idiots.”

Lucien shakes his head and gives her a meaningful look.

“Blackfire. I’m quite sure I don’t need to tell you the value of having inroads with the Titans. You’re much too smart to not see the upsides.”

Blackfire frowns but can’t disagree with him without sounding stupid. So she just stays quiet instead. Well, a given value of quiet seeing as he’s continuing to fuck her hard and fast, making her grunt and groan and moan in equal measure. Still, after a moment he continues.

“I want us to turn Starfire into our personal little sex pet. Rather than breaking her and tossing her aside, leaving the Titans to hate Remedy and do everything in their power to help her recover from her heartbreak… you and I could own Starfire instead.”

Blackfire’s eyes widen slightly, though she does a good job of keeping her reaction to that suggestion off of her beautiful face. However, her pussy doesn’t lie. She clenches down hard around his cock and Lucien can see through his powers how much Blackfire likes the idea of owning her sister once more. Of course, she almost immediately grits her teeth and shakes her head.

“She’d never go for it. The little bitch doesn’t know how good she had it when I held her leash. I tried to be nice. I tried to… nngh, I made an effort, o-okay?”

Blackfire would be surprised. Just given Lucien’s own talks with Starfire, he didn’t think she’d hated being Blackfire’s pet as much as the older Tamaranean thought. That said, Lucien also didn’t think Starfire would ever go back to the previous dynamic Blackfire and her had. One of complete ownership and dominion. And Lucien wouldn’t push for that either. But Blackfire didn’t need to know that.

Leaning in close, Lucien grins and wraps a hand around Blackfire’s throat, making the Tamaranean go still as he holds her in place with his enhanced strength.

“You’d be surprised. She already calls me sir while I hold her by the neck and fuck her into her bed.”

Blackfire’s cunt clenches and the pleasure centers of her brain light up again at that. Lucien smiles at the sight, able to appreciate it more after his recent… experimentation these past few days. He’s able to tell that she’s turned on by the thought of her sister being held in such a way though, not because HE’S holding her in such a way.

After a moment of her pupils dilating as she imagines it, Blackfire recovers enough to glare at him.

“… Even if she calls you ‘sir’… how do you propose we get her to call me Mistress, hm? Last I checked, she still hates me and has no idea I’m with you.”

Kori doesn’t hate her sister. But it’s true that she and the Titans still have no clue that he and Blackfire are working together. Fortunately, Lucien has thought up a plan. And he’s got options, as previously mentioned.


Blackfire blinks, making Lucien grin as he explains.

“You say you’ve developed amnesia and don’t remember anything from before trying to kill your sister that first time. You seek out Starfire and the Titans because you don’t know where you are but you recognized she was on the news. And from there… we work together to seduce Starfire into submitting to you, her big sister, once more.”

As Lucien explains, Blackfire’s eyes get wider and wider… until they narrow in thought. But he can already tell she likes the idea, even as he continues to pound into her. However, she might not like this next idea. This was where Lucien introduced the choice that Blackfire had to make. And it was HER choice. He would never do this to her without her express consent.

“Of course, the Titans will be suspicious no matter how well you sell it. And Robin in particular will no doubt try to trip you up over and over again. He’ll do whatever he can to try and make you snap and reveal your true knowledge of the situation. However… he wouldn’t be able to do that if you actually had temporary amnesia.”

Blackfire’s eyes widen all over again at that, and flick down to his hand around her neck as it flexes for a moment purposefully.

“I could put a block on your memories. Give you amnesia until I reverse it. Then, it would be real. You wouldn’t have to sell the act, because it wouldn’t be an act. You would actually be an amnesiac. The Titans would still poke and prod, but they wouldn’t find anything but the truth. Of course, you would have to trust me.”

She’d have to trust him with an awful lot, in fact. But Lucien felt like he was already proving his trustworthiness by giving her the offer in the first place. Especially since…

“… You can do that?”

Blackfire hadn’t known the full extent of his powers. As far as she was concerned, he was a healer with a super strength and flight package. But he’s telling her now because he needs her to trust him. Even if he’s lying about other things.

But one thing is true. He wants what’s best for her and her sister. He wants a world where he doesn’t have to hurt either of them. That’s why he’d sought out some truly unrepentant scum the past few days and experimented on them. He’d never touched another person’s brain before with his powers, seeing how it seemed incredibly dangerous. But now he had plenty of practice messing with the minds of would-be rapists and muggers. He’d put everything back the way he’d found it when he was done of course, but he hadn’t wanted to risk anything going wrong.

Nothing had gone wrong though. In fact, his power had worked just as intuitively on their brains as it had on every other aspect of their biology.

And so, one hundred percent honestly, Lucien can look down at Blackfire and say the following.

“I can, yes. And you don’t need to hide it from me… I can tell you like the amnesia plan, Blackfire.”

The alien villainess flushes at that but doesn’t deny it.

“All that’s left to do is decide whether you want to fake it… or make it real and your cover unassailable.”

Blackfire hesitates for a moment under him, even as Lucien waits for her answer, having stopped fucking her entirely by this point. Finally, she makes her decision.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Blackfire decides to pretend to be amnesiac - 6%

[X] Blackfire trusts him enough to make her temporarily amnesiac - 94%


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