Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 219: Dragon God of Infinity Ophis

“Rias, are you all okay?” Tenraku asked upon finding Rias and her group of girls.

“We’re all fine, but Gasper got injured. Asia is treating him,” Rias replied while wiping the sweat off her forehead.

After eliminating the nearby enemies, Rias dispelled the Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor – Boosted Gear: Scale Mail armor she had on and was further relieved when she saw Tenraku and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

They immediately joined the battle after being attacked by the Khaos Brigade.

The strength of Rias and her girls was unquestionable, but what surprised Tenraku was Gasper’s contribution this time. He assisted everyone with his ability to use Evil Eye, making the enemy Devils suffer greatly.

However, this drew the attention of the enemy, and he ended up getting injured.

Although he was a hybrid, Gasper was still a Vampire, with a constitution far superior to that of an ordinary person. Under Asia’s treatment, he quickly recovered and was now full of energy.

“Gasper, well done,” Tenraku praised as he patted Gasper’s head.

Although Gasper was once a timid boy, he was slowly changing himself. If he continued to persevere, he would surely grow in due time.

“I will continue to do my best, Lord Tenraku!” Gasper nodded vigorously, filled with excitement and gratitude.

He was finally able to contribute and help everyone, and Gasper’s heart was filled with joy.

“Older brother and Azazel seem to have not finished yet. Tenraku, let’s go and help them,” Rias suggested after taking a short break.


Meanwhile, on the other side–

“Ophis, if we defeat you here, will peace finally come?” Azazel’s voice targeted Ophis as his eyes flashed with a hint of danger.

“That’s impossible. I am invincible,” Ophis replied with a blank expression on her delicate face as she looked at Azazel.

She wasn’t being arrogant or conceited; she was stating a simple fact.

“Yeah…” Azazel shrugged in response, admitting that what Ophis had said was the truth.

Whether it was him or Sirzechs, even if everyone present here joined forces and fought against Ophis, they would still be no match for her.

This so-called Dragon God of Infinity was indeed a game-changer!

“Ophis, what is your purpose, and why did you become the leader of the Khaos Brigade?” Sirzechs questioned with a deep voice.

“The world, a peaceful world. I want to return to the fissure of dimensions, my homeland, and enjoy a peaceful world. That’s all…” Ophis looked towards the sky, finally showing a trace of emotion on her face—seemingly longing, seemingly lonely…

For Ophis, the fissure of dimensions was her true home, while this real world was a cage that confined her wings. No matter the cost, she had to return there!

Having exchanged glances, Sirzechs and Azazel now knew some of Ophis’s motives.

The fissure of dimensions was currently under the control of the True Red Dragon God Emperor. If Ophis wanted to return there, she would inevitably have to contend with the True Red Dragon God Emperor.

If these two legendary Dragon Gods were to engage in battle, the world would be devastated by their power and nothing would remain alive!

Although it was still too early to worry about such things, it was crucial to prevent it. Just as Sirzechs and Azazel were preparing to say something, Tenraku, and Rias, along with her group of girls, flew over from a distance–


“Rias, Tenraku-Kun.”

Stopping in front of Sirzechs and Azazel, Rias couldn’t help but be astonished when she saw Ophis on the other side:

“A child?”

Dressed in a cute outfit, appearing to be only around seven or eight years old, Rias wondered why such a young child would be there.

Moreover, whether it was her imagination or not, both her powerful older brother and Azazel seemed… wary of this little child?

“Rias, that’s no ordinary child. That’s Ophis, the leader of the Khaos Brigade,” Tenraku explained, observing the innocent and harmless-looking Ophis.

“O-Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity?” Rias couldn’t help but exclaim in shock when she heard Tenraku’s words.

Not only Rias but Akeno and Xenovia also displayed an expression of disbelief.

Being at the top of the world with the Power of Infinity, shouldn’t the legendary Dragon God be more majestic and awe-inspiring? Yet, here stood a pure and innocent-looking adorable little girl, making everyone uncontrollably want to hug and cuddle her.

Of course, the girls could only think about it in their hearts, as no one dared to act on those thoughts.

They didn’t want to bring disaster upon themselves…

While the girls were on high alert and nervous, Tenraku flew forward.


“Don’t go, Tenraku-kun!”

Not knowing what Tenraku intended to do, the girls were taken aback, and Sirzechs quickly tried to stop him.

“Hey, kid, if you act recklessly, even you won’t come out unscathed.”

Azazel, on the other hand, wore an expression of curiosity on his face but kindly offered a warning.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything reckless.” Signaling that they need not worry, Tenraku flew in front of Ophis.

“Ddraig, Albion, I sense their presence in you.”

Ophis spoke as she looked at Tenraku.

“I’m Kamiya Tenraku, the current host of the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Sovereign, Ddraig and Albion.” Tenraku introduced himself with a beaming smile and then raised his hand, producing an oversized lollipop.

“Here, try this.” Not just Rias and her girls, but even Azazel almost fell from the sky when they saw Tenraku’s action.

What was this guy doing? He actually offered a lollipop to Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity!

She must be angry, surely she would be furious!

Everyone seemed to be able to envision Ophis unleashing her wrath, and they tensed up, preparing for battle at any moment.

However, what shocked everyone was that Ophis actually took the lollipop, and she took a bite.

“It’s delicious.” Her gem-like eyes sparkled as Ophis honestly expressed her evaluation.

“If it’s delicious, then have some more. From now on, we’ll be friends.” A radiant smile appeared on Tenraku’s face, and at this moment, he seemed like a mischievous rogue.

But instead of deceiving a child on the street, he was trying to win over the Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis!

“Friends?” Ophis seemed to not fully grasp the concept of friendship, but she couldn’t be bothered to think about it.

Summoning a black snake into her hand, Ophis handed it to Tenraku in front of her.

“Is this my gift?” Tenraku asked with an amused expression on his face, and Ophis nodded.

“It’s for you. It’s all I have.” Although it was just a small portion of power that Ophis casually extracted from her body, Tenraku had no doubt that the Magic Power contained within the black snake was enough to instantly elevate a Low-Class Devil to the level of a Great Satan!

Of course, if a Low-Class Devil were to accept Ophis’s power, the only outcome would be their body exploding and dying!

“I don’t need your power, Ophis. Didn’t we agree to be friends?” Tenraku chuckled and shook his head as he declined Ophis’s power.

It wasn’t that he looked down on it, but his ambitions went far beyond that!

A hint of perplexity appeared on her face, but Ophis didn’t dwell on it, and with a grasp of her palm, she retracted the black snake back into her body.

“I’m going back…” Seemingly no longer interested in staying here, Ophis said and then vanished without a trace.

She left just like that, without any hesitation.

Shrugging his shoulders, although Tenraku hadn’t achieved his goal this time, he wasn’t particularly disappointed.

He had acquainted himself with Ophis for now, and he could deal with the rest next time.

Turning around, Tenraku was surprised to see that everyone was looking at him with strange gazes.

To be continued…

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