Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 332: Submission of Jeanne (part 2)

Jeanne d’Arc was a proud woman. As the reincarnation of the Saintess Jeanne, bestowed with a powerful Sacred Gear, exceptional swordsmanship, extraordinary magic skills, and a striking beauty, she had every reason to be proud.

She was also a resilient woman. In her past life, she held unwavering faith but was falsely accused and sentenced to be burned at the stake, dying in great indignation. Therefore, in this life, she vowed to take control of her own destiny.

She developed her Sacred Gear, honed her swordsmanship, mastered magic, and tirelessly worked to become stronger and stronger.

She climbed the ranks, and eventually earned the respect of Cao Cao, becoming one of the cadres of the Hero Faction in the Khaos Brigade. Power, status, authority… she had it all. She was no longer the miserable Saintess of her past life.

However, just as Jeanne D’arc was reveling in her success, she fell into the clutches of Kamiya Tenraku. Her precious Sacred Gear was taken from her, and she became a captive, even her cherished chastity was forcefully taken by that despicable tyrant!

Most women would have long succumbed to despair and submission, but not Jeanne D’arc. It was just a Sacred Gear, just her chastity. That damned tyrant, he shouldn’t underestimate her, Jeanne D’arc. She would not yield so easily!

She would stand strong! She would resist! She would reclaim her freedom!

Whip her? Brainwash her with magic? Come, bring it on. Miss Jeanne is not afraid of any of it! She had prepared herself to endure any form of defilement and abuse and silently vowed that she would not yield or beg for mercy.

However, what crushed Jeanne D’arc was that Kamiya Tenraku did not use a whip on her, nor did he forcibly brainwash her with magic. Instead—

He played with her! Over and over again! That damned Sex Dragon Emperor!!!

In this realm where time seemed to almost stand still, Jeanne d’Arc was ruthlessly defiled and possessed by a certain devil. She screamed, she cursed, but it was all in vain. Every time, she would be played with until she fainted!

How many times had she already fainted? At first, she could barely keep count, but later on, the number became too vast for Jeanne D’arc to remember. It must have been hundreds if not thousands of times!

She hadn’t collapsed yet despite enduring such treatment. Jeanne D’arc thought it was a true miracle. But, this miracle wasn’t because of her own strength, but because that devil prevented her from breaking down, from dying.

Whenever Jeanne D’arc felt like she was on the verge of breaking, Kamiya Tenraku would use his Sacred Gear’s power to restore her body, even infusing her with Spirit Energy to rejuvenate her spirit, and then—

He would continue to play with her!

Jeanne D’arc believed herself to be a resilient woman, but even the strongest have their limits, and this devil, Kamiya Tenraku, had repeatedly pushed her beyond hers!

So, Jeanne D’arc began to question her existence. Who was she? Where was she? What was she supposed to do?

At some point, Jeanne D’arc started to beg for mercy. Though she told herself it was a strategic surrender and not true submission, she couldn’t help but plead. Being repeatedly broken and then restored, she was nearly going insane!

After making some concessions in her heart, what infuriated Jeanne D’arc was that even though she had begged for mercy, that devil still didn’t let her go!

Struggling, despairing, begging… it was truly a nightmare!

As time went on, Jeanne D’arc began to feel a growing sense of terror. Though she felt extreme humiliation in her heart, her body was experiencing immense pleasure, an unimaginable joy.

She wanted to be played with, to be possessed, to be conquered! This feeling grew stronger with each passing moment!!!

Jeanne D’arc knew that her body was beginning to yield, submitting to Kamiya Tenraku, regarding being played with by him as natural, even something she craved!

And once her body was completely under the control of this devil, the next thing to be taken would be her soul…

This couldn’t continue!

Jeanne D’arc struggled and resisted more intensely, but it was all in vain, except to further excite someone. She couldn’t do anything except be played with and dominated by this devil! She could only watch herself fall, step by step, into the abyss of darkness.

“Ah!!!” Kamiya was enraptured, his head held high. At that moment, when a wave of humiliating pleasure suddenly surged in the depths of her soul, Jeanne D’arc knew—

She was finished…

As the Time Domain dissipated, Tenraku finally crawled out from the land of warmth and tenderness. Though he was weary, the training of Jeanne was finally complete. Covered in the filthy marks of those sinful acts, Jeanne D’arc lay on the bed with vacant eyes.

She had submitted, every cell, every strand of her soul, marked by Tenraku. Both her body and soul had completely surrendered.

But it wasn’t just Jeanne D’arc. Semiria and the other girls also lay on the bed, each showing signs of being thoroughly exhausted. This was Tenraku’s punishment for them, taking the opportunity during Jeanne D’arc’s training.

“Jeanne, freshen up. I’ll be waiting for you in the grand hall,” Tenraku said condescendingly, caressing Jeanne D’arc’s beautiful cheek.

“Yes, my master,” Jeanne d’Arc replied, her eyes regaining a glimmer of light.

Having undergone the Baptism, she now felt nothing but a fervent, twisted adoration and submission towards the man before her.

With an evil grin, Tenraku said no more and, after dressing, he left the room.

A sickly blush painted Jeanne D’arc’s beautiful face as she mustered the strength to get up and prepare to clean herself. However, after just a few steps, she stumbled and collapsed to the ground.

It couldn’t be helped. After all, enduring what that devil had done to her, who knew how long it would take for her legs, which had been played with countless times, to regain their strength…

In the grand hall, Tenraku sat with his hands propped on the throne, waiting for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Jeanne d’Arc, now cleaned and dressed, emerged.

“Greetings, master,” Jeanne d’Arc said respectfully, giving a slight bow.

“So, Jeanne, how does it feel? I told you that you would submit,” Tenraku said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Blushing, Jeanne D’arc lowered her head. She thought to herself, encountering such an evil and domineering devil like you, my master, how could I not submit?

“You all may come out now.” With Jeanne D’arc completely under his control, Tenraku no longer teased her, but instead called out to the side.

At Tenraku’s words, a dozen or so uniformed girls walked out from the other side of the grand hall. They were the captives who had also been brainwashed and trained by Katerea and had now also submitted to Tenraku’s Hero Faction.

“It’s you?”

“Lady Jeanne!”

Without needing to ask, they could guess what had happened to each other. However, meeting former companions and acquaintances here filled Jeanne D’arc and the girls with great joy and excitement.

After allowing them to catch up, Tenraku spoke again, “Jeanne, from now on, they are your subordinates, and you will lead them as before.”

“Additionally—” With a snap of his fingers, several copies of the Gods and Demons Scripture, along with sacred Demonic Swords, materialized in the air. Jeanne d’Arc and each of the uniformed girls received one.

“These are bestowed upon you. The Holy Scripture will Baptize your souls, and the sacred Demonic Swords will be your weapons.”

“Train yourselves well, and let your power be used for me.”

Locking eyes with one another, Jeanne d’Arc and the girls understood their fate. They accepted the Gods and Demons Scripture and the sacred Demonic Swords, then knelt down:

“Yes, master!”

To be continued…

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