Ends of Magic

Chapter 12: Coordinating A City

The Heirs moved through the city more casually then they had before. With the golems mostly wiped out and most of the mages fled, the city felt safer than any other time Nathan had been in Giantsrest. The streets were littered with discarded belongings and occasionally the bodies of the victims of the golems, but now the Heirs could openly walk the streets without being attacked.

“My notification said that we’d destroyed all of the conscious golems.” Sarah said, looking disturbed. “What does that mean?”

“It means that the golems that weren’t digging weren’t conscious,” Khachi replied levelly. “Such as the two we destroyed this morning. They had no agenda beyond their territory. Likely they are broken in some way.”

Aarl shuddered slightly. “Davrar only rewarded us for destroying the dungeon when Nathan killed the last conscious giant. It’s like a Fortress Foundry, but any conscious construct could rebuild the Grave of all Giants? That’s a blasphemous enemy.”

“We’ll fight worse in the future.” Nathan replied with a shrug. “A lot of the dungeons of Davrar can expand themselves. You remember that first dungeon we did, the Sklian tomb full of undead? Even that one was built to spread if it wasn’t stopped. That’s why the Ending of History is so scary - every single dungeon is a threat if it gets a chance to build up steam.”

“Including the ones underground and in the sky.” Khachi said dourly. “Why are there dungeons in the sky?

“Why not?” Stella said sarcastically, then pointed ahead and waved as a group of eight people came around a corner. “Look, it’s Turbang! I think they’re here to show us the way.”

The ex-Elite waved back, a look of grim satisfaction on his face. The expression reminded Nathan of when he’d met the man after freeing him from enslavement magic in Halsmet. Turbang had been the one to warn Nathan that two of the freed slaves had warned Exea about his plans.

If that hadn’t happened, she wouldn't have been ready for us. Artha would be alive. But it would have been worse if we hadn't known she'd been warned.

Nathan took a deep breath and studied the seven others who accompanied Turbang. One was another elite who Nathan recognized as part of the army they’d ambushed and dropped a lake on. He’d broken the enslavement magic on the man, but never learned his name. The rest appeared to be newly trained fighters with crude but functional gear and a single mage wielding shadow and ice magic. Nathan recognized the older woman as one of Egall’s students. This was one of Halsmet’s homegrown Adventuring teams, and Nathan liked what he saw.

“Good to see you, Turbang.” He said, holding out his hand.

The large fighter clasped it and his smile broadened into something vicious. “Mage-breaker. You’ve done it.” He pointed his chin at the clear sky where the Academy had been. “Come. Myrla wants to speak with you quicker than any.”

“Let’s go.” Nathan said, falling into step next to the elite. “Who’d she bring with her?”

“Camran, her left hand. Liluce, her right hand, remains in Halsmet.”

“How’s Halsmet doing while I’ve been gone?”

The elite’s face split in a much more genuine grin. “It blossoms. Ah, but there is life there now. And we fight to defend it.” He rolled his head around to indicate his team of eight.

They made smalltalk about Halsmet as they walked through the city of Giantsrest, and Nathan noted a few curtains twitch as they passed. He felt mana pools behind many of those curtains. The reminder of that problem made him grimace.

Something to chat with Myrla about.

Turbang ushered Nathan into a good-sized restaurant that was located just outside the Chokiz estate. It was large but not especially luxurious, likely originally intended to cater to lower-income mages and wealthier slavemasters. Based on the flurry of activity it wasn’t hard to guess that Myrla had set the restaurant up as her base of operations.

The main dining room was even more chaotic than the outside. A dozen scribes were seated at tables, frantically writing messages to hand to runners flowing in and out from the desk in the center of the room. Myrla sat behind it, the matronly old woman looking in her element as she spoke to Gasc even as her quill flew across a page in front of her.

“...need to look for more food supplies, and get people working on the fields again. The land around Giantsrest has few monsters, and we must seize that opening.” She paused as the room slowed down, more and more people noticing the Heirs’ arrival. The old scribe gave them a glare, but the harsh expression was betrayed by the sight smile on her lips. “You’ve left me with a wakened dungeon.”

“Rather the opposite, actually.” Nathan said, strutting up to stand in front of the desk. “We just killed most of the golems. They were trying to reawaken the Academy, which was always a dungeon."

“Hmph.” Myrla responded with a disgruntled noise. “Well, it’s the task of an archmage, to calm this city. She glanced around at all of the people watching and her gaze sharpened. “Move, you Endings-damned fools! There’s work to be done!” Then she jerked her head at Nathan and the Heirs. “Come with me.”

She led them back into a private dining area. They were only accompanied by Camran, the man Turbang had named as Myrla's left hand. He was tall, thin and stern, but he was an able secretary for the woman who’d risen to lead Halsmet through sheer grumpy competence. As soon as the doors swung closed, Myrla pointed to Stella commandingly. “Muffle spell.” Once the spell was cast, she pointed to Nathan. “Mage-breaker, this is a victory beyond prophecy. You know that, and I don’t have time to praise your light. Nathan, tell me everything I need to know.”

Nathan blew out a deep breath and sat down in one of the comfortable chairs around the central table. “Short version. The Academy was a dungeon called the Grave of all Giants, and the fancy golems were part of it. Giantsrest had control over the whole thing. I broke their control, and the golems started attacking everybody. Badud and I fought, and he destroyed the Academy with his spells. I killed him and got a special notification from Davrar. He can’t come back for a generation.” Nathan hesitated, unsure if he should relate what Badud had said about the Endings.

Camran looked like he wanted to interrupt when Nathan mentioned killing the Questor, but a glance from Myrla made him sit back while Nathan thought.

“Badud had called most of the important mages and all of the archmages back to the Academy, and we had our fight before dawn. I killed four archmages and I think most of the rest died when the Academy collapsed. The city afterwards was chaotic, with golems attacking people, some mages settling grudges and others panicking and fleeing. I started freeing people and destroying golems, establishing this area as a safe haven. When the Heirs arrived we started killing any mages who tried to take control and then went after the golems.

“I don’t think there are many mages who want to fight left in the city. At least none organized. The main worry is the other cities, Lerwick and Skargess in the north, Ardglass and Azamar in the south. We were going to go south to deal with the organized resistance there. I figured taking out their leadership and war mages would do it, and then send the populations here because there won't be mages to defend them.”

He grimaced. “Faline went north, but…” Nathan let out another sigh before meeting Myrla’s level gaze. “She wanted to lead here, and I told her to get lost. She tried to murder a nursery full of kids, and her plan was to kill all of the mages left in Giantsrest. I don’t want the freed Giantsrest to start out that way. You need those mages, the artisans and the entertainers and the healers.”

“They still enslaved us.” Myrla responded, but it was without heat.

Khachi’s responding growl was low and deep. “The example you set will resonate through what you make of Giantsrest. Will this city be driven by hope, or by vengeance?” His tone left no doubt as to which the correct answer was.

Myrla waved an acknowledging hand at Khachi’s outburst. “We do need those mages, but their lives must change. This city must change, and that choice lies in my hands, yes?” The question was a challenge, a demand to know if they were imposing their wishes or merely advising.

Nathan shrugged. “I’d hoped you would take over. After we go south we’re probably going back to Gemore.” Myrla’s brows drew down, but Nathan kept going. “And then to Litcliff. To leave the continent.” Nathan glanced around the room again, checking to be sure nobody was eavesdropping. “Badud said he would start the Ending of History early, in a hundred or a hundred and fifty years.” He quoted the Questor from memory, communicating exactly what the man had said before Nathan had killed him.

“We’re leaving to stop it. I don’t think we can stay here to fight it, and stopping the Ending is more important than anything else. You’ll need to rely on the antimages I trained to free more slaves.”

Myrla absorbed the news like a rock facing the tide. She was silent for a few seconds after Nathan was done, then spoke with a dry voice. “Exceptional news.” She exhaled for a long moment, slumping in her chair before sitting back upright and pinning Nathan with a stern gaze. “We need three things before you leave. I yearn for more, but three are needed.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

“First, there are thousands more slaves that need the enslavement magic removed. Your students can’t do it fast enough. We’ve been gathering them around the city. Camran, the locations?” The thin man pulled a map from a folio and handed it to Nathan. “The longer you can stay, the more of a help it will be. Coordinate with Camran before you go somewhere, we will need supporters ready to help.”

“I can break slavery magic.” Khachi said from the side.

Myrla pursed her lips. “Coordinate with Camran. It will help, and we appreciate it, but you are also not staying.” She turned her attention back to Nathan. “We need more antimages. At my request Shom has taught more students the Insights behind [Regeneration].” She winced. “Though his success rate was lower than yours. We have three students. Hear me but we need three more antimages.” She looked questioningly at Nathan, giving him space to object.

He worked his jaw for a moment, thinking. He’d carefully selected the people he'd granted antimagic to, choosing students who were tough and dedicated. He wouldn’t have that chance with the three new candidates. But he trusted Shom - the kid was shy but smart and responsible. He’d soaked up everything Nathan had said like a sponge. Additionally, Myrla’s responsibilities had ballooned since the fall of Giantsrest. She needed the tools to solve all of those problems. “I’ll meet with them at least. I trust Shom to have done a good job.”

Myrla held his gaze for a moment, then nodded. “Third. I need your help with a few fortified locations. Some mages design their homes to resist attack, and they’ve been firing spells at everybody who approaches. If you wish to avoid a massacre, then strip them of their magic.”

At Nathan’s raised eyebrow, she explained. “We already have some mages who will speak to us, but they are unsure what the future holds. If we take the holdouts without devastation, and with prisoners as proof, then most of the mages still in the city should surrender.”

Nathan nodded to accept the explanation, then turned to look at his friends. “Does a few more days in the city sound good?”

Sarah pursed her lips. “Your deeds are required, but we can’t help. If you get us a list of the remaining golems then Stella, Aarl and I can clear them out while these two are being responsible.”

Camran spoke up. “I have a group cross-referencing sightings and have sent out scouts for confirmation. We don’t have all of the locations yet, but we will.”

Myrla rubbed at her face. “Good. There are so many things going wrong, but at least the golems won’t be one.” For a moment she looked absolutely exhausted, and Nathan wished he could share some energy with the old woman. “Aught else? Ah, Nathan. Yesterday we met a strange trio on the road that claimed they knew you. They were led by a young mage named Yelun. One was an ex-slave who claimed you freed her. Suse?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

Nathan exhaled a relieved breath. “Yeah, they were in the Academy. I freed Suse and told them of the evils of Giantsrest then sent them to Halsmet before the Academy collapsed. Yelun is archmage Declan’s daughter, she’s skilled.” He paused. “You said three? Who was the last?”

Myrla frowned, consulting her memory. “Hibor.”

Nathan winced. “Guess Roni didn’t make it. Send them to Egall.”

“I already did. Thank you for confirmation.” Myrla made a short note on a piece of spare paper, then waved her hand in dismissal. “Camran, coordinate Nathan with Shom. Go, go, let’s be about it.”

A few minutes later Nathan and the Heirs left the building, seeing a sudden swell in the chaos as Myrla and Camran whipped up a frenzy of messengers. He looked down at the map, where a route was traced out for him. “You know, I’m kind of terrified of Myrla’s competence sometimes. And of the faith she had in us. Based purely off a [Message] she brought most of Halsmet’s military and a bunch of support personnel here.”

Aarl punched him in the shoulder lightly. “To repeat prophecy, you’ve accomplished some weighty deeds.”

Nathan shrugged. “Meet you all back at the house we’ve been using after sunset?” Upon receiving a series of nods he took to the sky, heading towards the first of his assigned locations. He moved fast, stressing his skills with constant effort to reach the next location as soon as possible. The magic from the slavery enchantments provided all of the Stamina he needed to move at top speed for hours.

Acceleration 10 achieved!

Void of Magic has leveled to 628! You have broken slavery enchantments on thousands of people!

A few hours later Nathan walked back into the humble home he’d been sharing with the Heirs here in Giantsrest. Aarl was busy in the kitchen, and the smells that wafted out indicated he’d found some fresh ingredients.

Nathan fell into one of the padded chairs with a groan. Nothing hurt. He didn’t ache all over. But it felt like he should after all of the fighting and running and the last few hours of constant movement and focus. His abilities meant he could keep going, but there was a level of tiredness that no amount of healing, Stamina, or Focus could erase. He was emotionally exhausted from everything that had happened.

It’s been pretty much nonstop since the Heirs and I were roaming around the area south of Gemore. First there was the Fortress Foundry, then Badud kidnapped the other Heirs. Ever since then it’s been me against Giantsrest, or me helping people I’ve freed from Giantsrest.

A hesitant voice spoke up from the side. “Nathan? Are you ok?”

Nathan opened his eyes, realizing he’d completely missed seeing Shom sitting at the dining room table. He was glad to see the dark-skinned teenager. “Hi, sorry.” He shook his head and blinked a few times, waking back up and getting ready to have a conversation with his favorite of the four Antimages he'd trained before he left Halsmet.

I am tired, if I missed even seeing him when I came in. I think I gave myself permission to turn off as soon as I walked into the door. That’s another reason to leave - if I don’t take a step back I’m going to burn out and die to something stupid. I hope I can take a break as we travel.

He turned his attention fully to Shom. “Yeah, what’s up. Where’s Hetal?” He’d only rarely seen the siblings apart.

The shorter boy shrugged. “Busy out in the city. They need us for many things. Opening magically locked doors, fighting mages. Breaking slavery enchantments. Enough mental magic to fill a dungeon.”

Nathan nodded. “Yeah, a lot of that going around. Funny that it feels like a chore, to give somebody their freedom back.”

“Any action repeated often enough will lose its luster.” The way Shom said it made it sound like a quotation. “I got a message that you wanted to speak to me?”

Nathan nodded. “Yeah. Myrla said you had some students who were ready for Antimagic. Are they really ready?” The look he turned on his student was tired, but penetrating.

Shom swallowed, then gave a shallow nod. “They all have [Low-tier Regeneration]. They all want to help people beyond all else, and being an antimage is the best way to do that. There is no reason to delay.”

After another moment of evaluation, Nathan nodded. “Ok. I trust you. We’ll do it tomorrow. Do you want to stay for dinner? Aarl, is it ok if Shom stays for dinner?”

“Only if he tells me where to find Shai!” Came back the amused answer from the kitchen.

Sarah emerged from upstairs, wearing some lighter clothes that looked more comfortable than her typical armor. Her tone was mocking. “Brother, don’t burn yourself on that fire. If you do, I will mock you past the Endings.”

Shom was surprised at Nathan’s easy acceptance, but accepted the dinner invitation and slowly slipped into the Heirs' banter.

Khachi arrived back even later than Nathan had, but he was positively glowing with satisfaction at the day’s work.

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Arcane Nullfield 6

Permanent Talent 2: Immortal Body 4

Permanent Talent 3: Airwalking 7

Class: Void of Magic level 628

Deepened Stamina: 11720/19140

Void of Feeling

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Magic Anathema

Airborne Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Voluminous Aura

Denial of Wizardry

Mana Severance

Class: Spellslayer level 472

Regenerative Focus: 4009/4820

Catastrophic Blows

Battle Stealth

Mage Infiltration


Sneaky Blow

Antimagic Stealth

Magical Manipulation

Lethal Index

Wizard Resistance

Magic Jammer

Controlled Failure

Utility skills:

Wizard’s Meditation 7

Inspiration 6

Acceleration 10

Wizard’s Detection 6

Alertness 10

Wizard’s Understanding 7

Effortless Dodge 9

Mental Vault 3

Tutoring 4

Parkour 7

Visibility Control 2

High-tier Disguise 3

Mid-tier Battle Cry 10

High-tier Aura Manipulation 10

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