ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 1.22: ❤ Watching

“Please,” Elaina said, voice dripping in desperation. Had Carline heard her right? Activate [Peeping Carly], right now, and see everything? Was that really necessary? Was Elaina really not embarrassed enough yet?

Carline couldn’t imagine how. She herself was burning with embarrassment, and only from watching. Right in front of her was the most beautiful person she’d ever seen, someone prettier than Prisma Fireguard, cuter than anyone else she’d ever seen, and maybe even as sexy as the person Carline once thought no one could compare to. And she was sitting there, thinnest material in the world doing nearly nothing to hide her erect nipples, knees splayed with her dress hiked up around her hips, the only thing blocking Carline’s view of her most intimate and hidden parts being the hands that she was pleasuring herself with.

Carline was envious, in a way. She was playing with herself too, gently rubbing over her clothing, both the robes and the underwear she’d been given. She couldn’t have too much fun with her hands still burned and somewhat dirty from the emergency surgery, but she had to do something. Was she just supposed to watch one of the hottest things she’d ever seen in her life and not touch herself, even a little?

Gods though, it wasn’t enough. Carline liked watching, loved watching. Anytime a pretty girl would walk around while being just a little adventurous with her clothing choices, Carline had to stare. On the rare occasion she ended up in a shared bath it took every ounce of self-control to make sure her eyes only made quick glances at the beautiful women around her. 

But as wonderful as watching was, it wasn’t enough this time. Elaina, the goddess in front of her, was only the second woman that Carline had ever felt compelled to touch, to feel, to make love to. I could never ask her for that though. 

“Did you do it?” Elaina asked.

Right. “Uhm, I, uh…” Was it really okay? This had been Carline’s idea in the first place, only even brought up because Carline couldn’t resist after watching Elaina bathe herself. “Are you sure it’s alright?” 

“Yes,” Elaina panted. “I need it. Tell me when you do.”

Well, if Elaina needed it… But what if Elaina didn’t actually want it? Carline could just say she was doing it. That would be the proper thing to do. Just like not touching yourself while watching her would be the proper thing to do. 

Still, was lying proper? Lying to her friend? That’s what they were now, after all. No, Carline was terrible at lying. She’d have to actually do it. Oh well.

“I’m doing it now,” she said, reaching into her well of mana, activating [Peeping Carly] the same way she would her aspect. As she blinked, the change was instant. Elaina’s chest was bare, free hanging breasts, pink nipples standing at attention, all completely visible to Carline, all completely magnificent. The faintest essence of the dress was there, translucent as glass while it hung off Elaina’s body. That was somehow even hotter, knowing that clothing was there, but that Carline was the only person who’d be able to see through it. 

And for some reason, it turned Elaina on too. As soon as Carline had said she was activating the skill, Elaina’s body had begun racing. Carline could sense it all, had to sense it all, thanks to [Health]. Elaina’s heartbeat increased, her breathing intensified, and her arousal was out of control. Carline felt a little guilty, being privy to all the information, but she really didn’t have a choice. She was still using her aspect to regulate Elaina’s body temperature after all, and the awareness was secondary. Even when not using [Health] actively, Carline would always be somewhat aware of the people around her. It was just a part of being Aspected, of having a class.

Having a class though granted other things too though. “A {minor} ability to see through objects” is what [Peeping Carly], the mortifyingly named skill, gave her. Carline wondered how the System had chosen that skill name, if it was just a coincidence, or if it somehow knew about her old nickname. There’s no way it could know; only one person’s ever called me that. She wasn’t sure what exactly a {minor} ability was either, but it was no surprise Elaina’s dress was a valid target to see through, being almost as thin as paper anyway. What else could Carline do though? Elaina had asked for this, so it was okay to try and go further, right? She probably should test the skill while she had it active after all, so it should be okay.

She looked lower, gazing over Elaina’s stomach, following the lines of her waist as it curved in and then back out to her hips. Carline let out a moan herself, unable to hold it back as she saw what was below. Before, there had been no real view as Elaina had rubbed herself, hiding herself with those same hands, but now with [Peeping Carly] active that was different. It wasn’t a full view, but as Carline focused her eyesight Elaina’s hands faded away ever so slightly, still more visible than her dress, but faint enough to give Carline an actual look at Elaina’s last secret.

Carline could see Elaina’s clit as she rubbed it, could watch the opening below as Elaina pumped in and out with translucent fingers, her entire pussy wet with her own juices. Carline continued moaning despite her attempts to hold back. Elaina had to know what she was doing, but she wasn’t stopping. Elaina herself kept going, her body naked for all intents and purposes, as she ravished herself in front of Carline.

This is what Carline’s class gave her? Carline wasn’t sure that Elaina even fully realized the situation they were in, how rare classes had been even before the Night Wars. The System had granted them the potential for untapped power, and here they were, performing mutual masturbation in the middle of a room that was doubtless a place of great, lost historic significance.

She didn’t care. Carline was wet before, but now she was soaking through her panties completely and even beginning to soak through the front of her robes. If this was the path the gods had chosen for her, she was only going to become even more devout than she had been before.

“Can you see me?” Elaina asked.

“Yes,” Carline said, hissing the end of the word.

“What can you see?”


“Gods fuck me,” Elaina said, arching her spine and throwing her head back. “I’m cumming.”

Elaina let out a cry, more primal than anything Carline had ever heard, more so even than the cries from the monsters before. Elaina froze in place, the fingers inside of her desperately wriggling to extract every last bit of pleasure they could as the one on her clit still managed to rub away.

Carline moaned out as well, her own orgasm flowing up from within her despite the barrier in between her body and her fingers. The sensation was almost too much, almost forced her to close her eyes in bliss as blessed satisfaction washed over her, but she couldn’t let that happen. She needed to see everything, until the end.

Elaina really did look like a statue of a goddess: unmoving, kneeling on the metal floor, naked to Carline’s eye, a blushing red face full of ecstasy and excitement as the giant door behind her shook open. Gods, please let me touch her. 

Carline’s orgasm finished first, fading as the door continued to open. She watched, breathless, as it lumbered out. Carline herself could go in, probably, but it had snapped shut so quickly last time, and there was little point in her going on alone anyway. This time though, the door didn’t snap shut. It crept open until it was at a ninety-degree angle from the wall it was attached to, then stopped. Elaina opened her eyes and leaned forward, heaving. “Gods, I can’t breathe. It worked though.”

She was right. The door remained open even as Elaina had obviously stopped using [Restraint] on it. The girl was sweating, a response that Carline should probably do something about to prevent the girl from getting frostbite. Elaina’s face was also burning bright red, but that was something Carline couldn’t do anything about, for some reason. She supposed it was because it was tied to Elaina’s emotions, not [Health]. Carline focused on her aspect, dulling Elaina’s need to sweat. It certainly wasn’t needed in the current environment. 

“Your eyes are pretty,” Elaina said. 

Carline looked up, shocked. “Wha— What?”

“They’re pretty normally too, when they’re green. But right now they’re blue, like crystals.”

Carline gasped, realizing she still had her skill active, and remembering the System had said there would be a visible tell. Elaina was covering herself up with her arms, having already pulled her dress down while Carline was focused on her aspect. She looked shy, glancing off to the side as Carline gawked at her might-as-well-have-been-naked body. “I’m so sorry!” Carline said as she dropped the skill. “I wasn’t thinking, I was trying to keep you warm and got distracted!”

“No, it’s fine,” Elaina said, a smile creeping onto her bright pink face as she dropped her arms. “I asked you too, after all. We had to do it, for the door.”

“Right,” Carline said. “The door.” 

Somehow, Elaina looked more beautiful now. Her gentle, smiling face, her gaze turned sideways, her heart that Carline could still feel set aflutter. That racing heartbeat had to just be the embarrassment, right? Carline had never been good at reading emotions, but this one she was sure about. There was no way Elaina would actually be interested in her. Not like that. 

“We should probably go,” Elaina said as she started walking. “I think we’re going to be past most of the danger though. The monsters probably came through that hole, but nothing would have been able to get by here with the door closed.”

“Right,” Carline said, picking up her staff and following behind. Stars, watching Elaina walk was such a wonder. The way her butt swayed, cheeks slightly peeking out the bottom of her dress every once in a while, was mesmerizing. If Elaina had said she had a second aspect to control people’s gazes, Carline would’ve believed her in an instant. For all the trouble this has been, it’s been worth it at least for—

Something else was there, the same level of strength as the monsters from before. Carline could feel it with [Health]. She turned, raising the tip of her weapon behind her, but saw nothing. It was there though, no doubt about it. 

A gust of wind came from the opening, and the presence grew. She’d been wrong. It wasn’t the strength of the monsters before; it had just been farther away. This was a strength even greater yet, but she still saw nothing. 

“What is that,” Elaina said from up ahead, “a storm?”

“No,” Carline said, fear welling up inside of her. “This is worse.”

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