ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 1.4: ❤ Dormitory

Fortunately for Elaina, she already had the key to finding her dorm, quite literally. As soon as she pulled her room key from her pocket she felt it pulling her down the hall and up floors, and after a not so quick walk through the school she found her way to a sign indicating the west wing’s first-year dorms. Her key continued to beckon her through the open entryway, and she found herself inside of a common lounge, filled with sofas and tables hosting a handful of students. 

She had heard them from outside, the raucous joy of new Endrin students, but as she entered the entire room stilled both in movement and sound. Some students avoided her gaze, acting like they had all decided to stop talking for some entirely unrelated reason, but the majority of them stared. Elaina herself froze as she entered, clutching her key as she scanned the room. There was a mixture of boys and girls in the room, but thankfully none from her earlier group. Small blessings, she thought.

Her feet refusing to move forward, she was speaking before she knew why, “So, uh, there was a problem with my Awakening timing, something about stars drifting? Anyway, I’ll be having my Awakening in two days now, so…” The crowd didn’t seem to know how to react. The ones who were glaring before continued, and those who had bowed their heads now stared at her with confusion. Elaina could feel her face going red, still not sure why she was compelled to say anything at all. “But ya, I’m sorry for any trouble I caused. I’ll just— I’ll go now, I guess?”

Her feet finally moved, carrying her through the crowd and to the stairs, the stairs that were of course on the complete opposite side of the room. There were two sets, and her key led her up the left flight. She started up them, tripping on the first couple before catching herself on the handrail. Knowing she was still being watched, she sprinted the rest of the way. Once she’d finally gotten up and found her room, she fumbled the key towards the handle. Hand shaking, she finally managed to get the door open after realizing it wasn’t actually locked and forced her way inside. 

Her room was more tame than what she’d expected, based off what she’d seen so far, divided into two identical sections split by one window that overlooked the grounds. Each side had a small dresser sitting across from a bed, which was bigger than her bed at home and covered with fine linen, but not nearly as lavish as everything else she’d seen. 

Elaina sighed in relief as she noticed her two suitcases sitting next to the far dresser. The way her night had been going she wasn’t even sure her key had actually been guiding her anywhere, that she’d been hallucinating the entire thing until she’d found a random dorm to barge into. But her stuff was here, and she was here. Home, as the case was. 

She placed her key on the dresser and then went to open her suitcase before thinking better of it. Unpacking could wait until tomorrow. She walked over to the one crystal light in the room, mounted on the wall just next to her dresser. There was no dial like on an oil lantern, and she wondered for a moment how to turn it off. The only other crystal object she’d seen was the Awakening crystal, and that was touch activated, so—

Darkness, instantaneous as she tapped it. She jumped back, startled at the sudden change, no fading like a lantern being turned off, not even the faint flickering of blowing out a candle, but she soon composed herself.

The room was still faintly lit, fortunately, by the moon coming in through the window, so she had no trouble making her way back to the door to lock it. She stripped off her uniform and underwear before shoving them in her dresser and making her way to the corresponding bed and throwing herself under the sheets.

The sheets. She’d resented the use of fine linen on carpet, meant to be trampled on by hundreds every day, but these sheets were nothing short of magic, and for all she knew that was literal, as there were no mundane methods of weaving she knew of that could make such a thing. Rugs, no, but sheets? They were worth it. She wiggled in between them, lavishing in the feeling. Silk, maybe? She’d heard of it before, and could only assume this was it. 

Elaina was ready for sleep, sleep that would come easily with a bed this nice, but one thing had to come first. There was only one way she knew how to relax after the amount of stress she’d endured.

She pulled an arm out from the sheets and ran her hand along them, starting at her thigh, moving up herself, feeling both the fabric itself and it pressing into her body. It’s been… A long day. She closed her eyes as her hand moved up her torso, stopping as it cupped her breast. She squeezed, breathing in as the smooth material glided between her fingers, breathing out as her palm lifted and her fingers caressed her nipple through the silk.

Yes, this she could get used to.

One hand continued to massage her breast as the other slipped down below her waist, brushing against her lips, already smooth to the touch. Who even knows how long I’ve been this wet. She rubbed there but was more focused on her chest. She’d always loved playing with them, massaging her tits and pulling at her nipples, but this was different. It had always been direct touch before, because why wouldn’t it be? The less in the way the better.

That was before she’d found something softer than her own skin though. She grinded her left fingers with her waist, but the sensation across her torso was the true star tonight. She’d had mixed feelings about her chest before, the size drawing looks from basically anyone she’d met, but they’d also proven quite sensitive when she was alone. That sensitivity was still there, only amplified by the strange new feeling, and tonight the size only meant there was more of her to touch the silk that was giving her such pleasure. 

After teasing herself enough, she finally entered with her fingers, letting out a small moan. She didn’t know how thick the dorm walls were, so she had to be careful, but she couldn’t quite stop every sound, now could she? Fuck me, I’ve needed this. Relief surged with each and every thrust of her wrist, every pinch of her nipple.

Her mind drifted of course, like always. Every little embarrassment she’d suffered today. The teasing from the group when they’d first met, her standing in front of the entire school, realizing that she wouldn’t be Awakening, the laughter after she was called a dud in front of everyone, the stammering explanation she gave her classmates just minutes before. There was only one way to get these thoughts out of her head, only one way to deal with the humiliation.

She heaved as she picked up speed, biting her lip and rubbing her chest with her entire arm instead of just a hand. She breathed out a heavy sigh, opening her eyes to look down at her own body lit by only the soft moon, pulling the sheets down to her waist to finally give her chest the direct touch she needed to finish herself.

She froze, covers pulled down near to her groin as something caught her eye. She turned to her right, to the other bed in the room, a bed that had been empty when she laid down, but which was now very much occupied. Fuckfuckfucknononono. Who the fuck was this person? Her roommate, obviously. How did she get in? A key, of course. How did Elaina not hear her? Because she had been oblivious to anything outside of her own bed. Had she seen, had she heard? There was no doubt that her roommate had seen something, heard something, the only question was how much. But for now, the newcomer was in bed, seemingly asleep, head turned away from Elaina, completely still. 

Elaina looked down at herself, her exposed chest. She was so close to having exposed everything to this girl. But… I didn’t? And she seems asleep now. She resumed softly thrusting into herself and rubbing her exposed tits. The roommate was still motionless, completely oblivious. Elaina had already gotten this far, so she might as well finish, right? After all, there was no way she could sleep now with this new knowledge, even more mortified than she’d been before. She stared at her roommate as she pleasured herself, just making sure that she didn’t wake.

Fuck it. She closed her eyes again. She didn’t want to see the back of her roommate’s head. She wanted to imagine it, being walked in on by a stranger she’d have to live with as she was inside of herself, wailing in pleasure. She would know she should stop, but she wouldn’t be able to, the ecstasy too intense, just like she couldn’t stop now. Eyes still closed, she tossed the sheets off her waist and down to her knees; she didn’t care if she was seen or not anymore. She built back up to her earlier speed, choking out soft moans. When it finally came, it was explosive, and she let out out a near cry as wave after wave of relief washed over her entire body. 

As soon as the relief stopped, the shame returned. Elaina opened her eyes and yanked the sheets up to her neck in a panic. Her roommate was in the same position, facing the opposite wall. Did… Did I really not wake her? There was no way to know, not tonight anyway. It’s over. Whatever happened, it’s over. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. She closed her eyes and let herself sink back into the bed as her face continued to burn, now even harder than before. At least I still have nice sheets, she thought.

They were nice. Really nice. She ran her fingers across the material once more, stopping as she reached her chest again. Her eyes flicked back over to the other bed, the girl in it still asleep. Elaina’s other hand drifted back down. One more won’t hurt anything, right?

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