ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 1.6: ❤ Control

Content Warning:



Elaina lost control of her body with nothing but a flick of Waine’s wrist, her arms and legs freezing in place. “Control,” he said. “A powerful aspect, just like old Stormshine said. A godlike one, really. If you were actually Aspected, you’d be able to resist it, even unawakened, but we all know what you really are. Still, I wanted to give you a taste of what a real Aspected can do before we send you packing. Though, there might not be much packing you have to do.”

Ivis, Daly, and Nyla all chuckled, but even beyond her lack of mobility Elaina was still frozen. She could tell she had control over her mouth, eyes, her neck even, but all she could do was stare as Prisma reached into her uniform pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors. 

“You make clothes, right?” Waine continued. “You should know a pair of fabric scissors when you see them. Prisma here is going to make some alterations to your outfit, make it into something more fitting for someone like you.” The other three laughed even louder.

“What?” Elaina choked out. 

“Someone that isn’t actually a student here, he means,” Prisma said, walking forward with her shears. 

The uniform. “No! Please!” Elaina shouted. “Someone, help—” 

“Don’t scream like a child,” Prisma said. “No one’s going to come help you. Not here, not tonight.” 

Prisma was right. Though not as loud as before, Elaina could still hear the faint shouting of some of the other students; she was just another tree in forest. She looked into Prisma’s eyes. Cold. Every trace of warmth, friendliness, and caring was gone from them. “Why are you doing this?” Elaina asked.

“We told you not to embarrass us,” Prisma said, looking down at Elaina’s skirt. “I’ll start with this?”

“Up to you,” Waine said. “Just makes sure she gets the message.”

“Right.” Prisma opened the scissors and bent down, slashing the blades down the front of Elaina’s skirt. Elaina looked down, seeing her already short skirt split up to the center, right below her underwear.

“Whoo!” Ivis shouted. He was holding some sort of flat, rectangular crystal in his hand. “Prisma, move to the side, I want a better shot.”

Prisma whipped her head back, glaring at Ivis, but Waine spoke up first, “Not while Prisma’s in frame, you idiot. You can have plenty later.”

Prisma turned back to Elaina and carried on, making cut after cut around her skirt, quick sweeps of the blades across the material as she walked around her prey. Elaina struggled, tears welling up in her eyes, to move her hands, to cover herself, to place her hands over her crotch.

She had to cover that. She couldn’t let them see her wetness. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move either hand even an inch.

There was a loud rip as Prisma took the blade up through the back of Elaina’s jacket. That was it, the entire uniform set ruined. Even with her sewing skills, Elaina knew she’d never be able to wear it again.

When Prisma came back around to the front with one more slice across the side of her skirt, Elaina looked into her eyes once again. In the darkness, she thought there was maybe a bit of pain in them, a tinge of regret.

“Prisma, please, I’m really sorry! I know I embarrassed you all, but I didn’t mean it, I didn’t know! If I did, I wouldn’t have even gone up there.”

Prisma frowned, stopping her hand mid movement. “We told you not to drag us down. And it’s my job to teach you what happens when you don’t listen.” Two quick strokes. The front buttons of Elaina’s jacket popped off, and the garment fell down each of her arms in two pieces, catching on her immobilized wrists, hanging on her by the sleeves.

Prisma moved onto the shirt next, cutting open the front, slowly this time to not cut Elaina’s skin as she moved across the tight-fitting chest area. With careful precision there and a few quicker cuts on the looser section below, Elaina’s first real bit of exposure crept out. She looked down at her chest, her black bra pushing her breasts together, the lace at the top barely covering her areolae as the outline of her erect nipples pushed the thin fabric out.

“Holy shit,” Nyla said, cackling. “Her tits are bigger than yours, Prisma.” Nyla and Daly were both on the smaller side themselves.

“It is a shame,” Waine said. “She’s actually hot enough to be a noble.”

“You like cow tits like that?” Daly asked, laughing away as well. Prisma gritted her teeth and did another circle around Elaina, cutting along the backside of her shirt as well. When she came back around, she looked at the tattered piece of fabric around Elaina’s waist once more before slicing across right at the top, leaving only a small sliver of skirt above Elaina’s exposed underwear.

Ivis whistled. “Those are some nice panties,” he said, circling Elaina as well. “They’re even see-through in the back! How’d you afford these?”

“I- I made them,” Elaina stammered out. She knew she shouldn’t even be speaking, but for some reason she felt compelled to answer.

“Aww, just for us?” Waine said, walking up to her. At his approach, a shiver ran through Elaina’s body, true fear. “I knew you were a dud, but a slut too? I wonder how they feel.” He reached out a hand to grab her breast.

“No,” Prisma said, catching his wrist before he reached his target. She glared at him with an intensity that exceeded even the look he’d given Elaina the night before, when she’d failed to awaken. “That’s not part of the lesson we’re teaching.” 

Elaina stared at Waine’s hand, heart pounding, stomach turning. She’d been okay up until that, up until he had tried to touch her. Another girl, Prisma, she could deal with. She’d dealt with worse before, anyway, but Waine? Elaina felt like she was going to vomit. 

Waine glared back at Prisma, his wrist struggling inside her hand, Prisma’s knuckles white with effort, until finally he snatched his hand away. Elaina exhaled in relief. “Fine,” Waine said. “Hurry up and step away from her so we can get the portraits.” 

Portraits? Prisma stepped aside, away from the the group as Ivis pulled out that same rectangular crystal from before, Nyla, Daly, and Waine doing the same. Waine pointed his at Elaina, touched it with a finger, and then a flash of blue crystal light erupted from it, blinding Elaina for a moment and fading immediately.

“Crystal portraits,” Waine said, walking back up to Elaina. He turned the crystal around, and Elaina’s eyes opened in shock as she saw the front of it. It was a portrait alright, the most realistic one she’d ever seen, of her standing in her ripped uniform, both her bra and panties exposed entirely, the only undamaged pieces of clothing being them, her brown boots, and black thigh high socks. She couldn’t believe how slutty the image of her was: tits out, legs slightly spread and arms off to her sides while she looked straight ahead in absolute obliviousness. 

Her pussy clenched when she realized how pathetic she looked. At least her panties being black was hiding how wet she was, for now. 

She watched, dumbfounded, as Waine stepped back and the rest of the group started taking pictures of her as well. Each time a flash emitted from one of the crystals, another image of her in the most humiliating state of her life was being recorded. Fortunately, all she could do was watch. At this point she was thankful she was being held back by Waine’s aspect, because she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep from pleasuring herself in front of them at this point. Gods, how terrible would that be? They’d have so many portraits of it…

At first, Prisma just followed the group around, staying out of frame and watching as they took pictures, but eventually even she joined in taking pictures as well. Elaina squirmed even harder when she realized that.

“Okay,” Prisma finally said. “We have enough. I’m gonna finish up now.”

‘Fuck yeah,” Ivis said, pumping his fist.

Nyla smirked. “Yeah, even I’m gonna enjoy this I think.”

Daly shoved at Nyla’s arm, smiling even wider herself. “You damn pervs.”

Elaina watched in horror as Prisma took out the scissors again and approached. “Prisma, stop! I get it, ok? I don’t belong with your group, I don’t belong in this school!”

Prisma stared back with a blank expression. “You don’t deserve to wear any part of that uniform,” she said. She cut away the sleeves of her jacket, it being the first thing to fall to the ground, followed shortly after by what remained of her shirt and skirt. Prisma even went down to her socks and boots, cutting them up with some difficulty and pulling them off as well. Every single bit of Endrin-issued clothing in tatters, Elaina stood there, the only thing protecting her modesty being the small pieces of lace fabric she’d made herself. 

Prisma stared at Elaina’s chest. She opened the scissors up once more and brought them up, taking them to the front of Elaina’s bra before stopping. The whole forest seemed to freeze, even the distant screams from the other test of courage participants stopping momentarily. The blades closed with a snip, right in front of Elaina, leaving her bra unharmed. Prisma tucked the scissors away in her jacket. “Alright, we’re done here,” she said.

“What?” Ivis asked, holding out his crystal portrait. “You can’t stop now, it’s just getting good!”

“No,” Prisma said. “She’s got the message, and we have proof we gave it to her.” She circled Elaina once more. “But we need insurance. If she tries to tell anyone about this now we’ll probably just get a slap on the wrist, but if we go further even we might get in actual trouble. She’s going to stay quiet though, because next time, this—” Elaina yelped as Prisma pulled her bra strap out and let it smack back into her skin— “and this—” Elaina let out an “Eep!” as Prisma yanked the back of her panties up into her ass cheeks— “aren’t going to be spared if we have to do this again. Right, Waine?”

Waine considered for a moment before putting his own portrait device away. “She’s right. Getting the dud naked sounds fun, but it’s too risky. Stormshine seems to have taken a liking to her for some reason. Come on, let's go.” He turned away and began walking back towards the school. “My aspect will wear off in a couple minutes, let’s get going so we don’t have to show up with her.”

Nyla and Daly both shrugged and turned around to follow. Ivis stared at Prisma, his crystal still in hand. “Damnit,” he said, finally putting it away and following the group.

Prisma stayed for a moment, looking at Elaina but saying nothing. Her eyes were distant, the change in them as stark as the change was in Waine’s when he’d tricked Elaina into coming out here. Elaina knew which was the real Waine, but couldn’t help but wonder which was the real Prisma.

Prisma glanced over her shoulder to make sure her friends weren’t watching before taking out her crystal portrait one more time. “You really do look so cute like this.” She took one more picture before putting the device away and walking off, leaving Elaina hanging alone in the clearing.

It was indeed only a couple of minutes before Waine’s aspect fell off and Elaina fell to ground, having grown used to not having to hold herself up. The first thing she did was shove her fingers into her panties, vigorously rubbing her sopping pussy. They’re probably gone now. Even if they weren’t she couldn’t stop herself. She had to deal with this now. Portraits of me. Prisma had said they were “proof” that they’d taught Elaina a lesson, so they were going to show them to others. How many? Just a couple of other nobles? The entire school? Gods, she hoped it was the latter.

She came almost immediately. In fact, she was pretty sure she would have earlier if Prisma had finished stripping her naked, even without any touching. “Gods, okay, I needed that.” She lay on the ground, panting in the middle of the clearing. She looked around, half thinking the group might still be there, but they had been gone for minutes at this point. “I really wish someone had seen that.”

Did she really just say that? Out loud. Fuck me. She covered her face with her cum-soaked hand, trying to hide her blushing from the world. She’d always known, deep down, thought it in the back of her mind without ever truly admitting it. She didn’t deal with humiliation by fucking herself, she dealt with the absurd levels of horniness that humiliation gave her by fucking herself. It had been terrifying at first, especially when Waine had come to touch her, but once Prisma had stopped him… That was the best experience of my life.

With the thought of the pictures of her being spread around school creeping back into her mind Elaina was about to strip off completely. She’d had no time to earlier, but she could be naked for round two. Just as she reached the back clasp of her bra, running her fingers over the spot Prisma had snapped and relishing in the small pain it gave, the bell rang. Midnight. 

“Shit,” she said, abandoning her attempt to strip and standing up. “I have to get back.” Embarrassment she would have to admit she liked, but she still didn’t want to be punished for breaking curfew. She looked back at the strips of her uniform, dirt stained and in tatters on the ground around her. Actually, curfew might not be the biggest of my problems. She’d have to deal with that later. For now, she sprinted off towards the school.

She immediately stepped on a rock, stumbled in pain, and tripped over a branch, sending her rolling across the ground. She tumbled into a small opening she hadn’t seen before, rolling for a good deal of time downhill before landing in near pure darkness.

She grabbed her left foot, stretching it out to check for serious damage. She tried putting weight on it before crying out in pain. Fuck, it’s not broken, is it? 

The pain brought Elaina back to her senses, to a reality unclouded by her own pathetic arousal. She'd just been attacked, stripped, humiliated. She should have never come out here, and if it hadn't been for Prisma, the one person she was sure she could actually trust here, she wouldn't have. She’d been wrong, and she couldn’t trust Prisma. But… she seemed hesitant, like she regretted it. No, it didn't matter if Prisma regretted what she'd done; she'd done it anyway.

Elaina felt around and found a small boulder she could use to support herself and started to pull herself up, wincing as she moved her bad ankle. As she leaned against the rock and grabbed the top, blue light flashed from it, crystal light.

“System initializing,” a monotone, inhuman yet vaguely feminine voice said. “Time since last boot: nine hundred and twenty-one years, three months, four weeks, two days. Scanning potential System User.”

A thin, concentrated line of blue light shined across Elaina, causing her to fall onto her butt as she tried to back away on her bad foot as the light moved up and down her body.

“System User confirmed as Star Blessed. Status: unaspected, classless. Age: twenty years, zero months, zero weeks, zero days. Happy birthday. Initiating protocol: Class Assignment.”

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