ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 1.8: ❤ Streaking

Equal Nations Friendship Academy. What a corny name, Elaina thought as she climbed out of the cave she’d fallen into. Corny a name as it was though, it was remarkably strange, convenient that it shared the same initials as Endrin National Fortress Academy, her actual school. Interesting as it would be to ponder that particular mystery, and the numerous others she’d stumbled into, that would have to wait, because she had a hole to escape.

She was surprised to see how steep the exit was, a gradual but stark change from the small incline she’d started from at the bottom. Still, her strength and dexterity had to be on some massive dose of adrenaline, as she made it out with little difficulty.

The clearing she emerged in was the same, fortunately. At least I didn’t end up climbing up the wrong exit by accident. She looked down at herself, shivering as a gust of chilly spring wind hit her near naked body. That was definitely her most pressing problem, curfew aside. She could do this though. No students would be out, so she just had to make sure she avoided any faculty. Were there faculty roaming the halls at night, the grounds, looking for half naked students late to bed? Elaina hoped she wouldn’t have to find out.

She gathered her bearings, fortunately remembering the way she came here by the position of the stars, and almost took off sprinting before she noticed a small glint of light on the ground. My key! She reached down and picked it up, mouth slack jawed at how screwed she’d almost been. It must have gotten flung over here when Prisma was ripping off my jacket. She looked around for the scraps of her clothes, but couldn’t find any. It is pretty windy. They’re probably scattered across the forest by now. That was fine; there was no hope of restoring the uniform anyway.

She darted off towards the castle, clutching the metal in her hand, happy that one thing had finally gone right for her tonight. Well, a second thing, I guess. She was still processing the fact that she’d just been granted a class, but of all things that could have happened to her, tonight or in her life at all, she definitely couldn’t say that was a bad thing.

Should I tell anyone? The immediately obvious answer was yes, tell everyone, but something in the back of her mind was stopping her from fully settling on that conclusion. First off, explaining how she’d been granted a class, why she’d been out so late, that was off the table, so she’d have to lie to begin with. And second, something was off about that device, the System it had called itself, herself? The System seemed more of a she than an it, but Elaina couldn’t quite call it “she” yet, not without getting to know it better. It reminded her of the school automatons, if they could talk. 

It wasn’t just the System itself though; the entire situation was off. Could she actually even hide her class, or would her Awakening tell everyone for her? If that happened then that was that, but if it didn’t, who would she even tell? If things had gone differently she could have told Prisma, but that ship had sank. She could tell Alonse, Headmaster Alonse, but to be honest, he was kind of creepy in his own way. He seemed kind, but, So did Prisma.

“Gah!” Elaina shouted into the woods as she ran, forgetting her imperative to maintain stealth. Why couldn’t she get Prisma out of her head? She’s a jerk, no, a bitch! No different than Waine, no different than the girls she’d once called friends back home. Still…

Before Elaina could finish the thought, she emerged from the forest, slowing to a halt as she took in her location. She was in almost the exact same place they’d entered, and from her perspective she’d also made good time, great time in fact. Huh, I feel good too. Guess the adrenaline still hasn’t fallen off yet. The only thing to do in this situation was to use that adrenaline burst to its fullest, so she started off towards the school again, at a jog this time instead of a run to make sure she didn’t alert anyone. It wasn’t long before she saw movement. 

She dropped to the ground, two figures patrolling just ahead. They were wearing the same armor as the guards that had been at the school gate, the same armor she’d seen a couple of times standing around the grounds and inside the walls of the castle, but this was the first time she’d seen any of them move an inch. They walked perfectly in sync, making almost no sound as they moved, which is why she’d gotten dangerously close before noticing them. 

Fortunately, they hadn’t seemed to notice her either, as they made their way past Elaina with no indication they’d seen or heard anything amiss, allowing her to get back up and brush herself off. Not that brushing herself off did much, as she was already covered in dirt from her tumble earlier. She sprinted off towards the school again, her pussy tingling with excitement. No no, not now!

She couldn’t ignore it anymore. In the forest, she’d just been running, focused only on the time it took to get back to her dorm unnoticed. But now she was out of cover, on the grounds of the school, lit by far too much moonlight to be safe from view, streaking across the lawn in only her underwear, tits bouncing wildly. There were at least some people out here that could see her up close, and even more could see her if they just thought to look out their windows at the right moment. 

She began heaving as she ran, not from exhaustion, but from frustration. She wanted, needed to touch herself again, but she knew she couldn’t, and that only made it worse, made her crave it even more. Her mind clouded by desire, she almost missed the second pair of figures she was rapidly approaching. 

She’d reached the outside fences of the gardens in front of the school and managed to duck behind one of the bushes before she’d gotten too close. Two people were standing right in front of the path that lead to the school entrance, but they weren’t guards this time. They were students, just like her, a boy and a girl nonchalantly hanging around outside past curfew. 

“I can’t believe we got stuck with this job tonight. I wanted to fuck with some freshers,” the boy said. 

Stuck with a job? That meant they were out here for a reason. 

“Fuck with them, or fuck them?” the girl replied. Elaina noticed that they each had the same golden pin stuck there jackets.

“Oh shut up,” the boy replied, laughing and shaking his head. “You’re the pervert here.”

“Listen, all I’m saying is that if there really is a cute freshman girl trying to sneak back in wearing nothing but lingerie like that Ferris boy said, I’ll enjoy the view as we escort her back to the office.” Elaina could barely believe it. Waine Ferris had actually ratted her out to fucking hall monitors.

“The pictures weren’t enough for you?” Oh gods, they’ve already been showing the pictures to people? Elaina bit her lip, trying to think about anything but her pulsing groin.

“Oh, they were nice, but the real thing still can’t be beat.” The girl grinned. “Plus, getting to order her around sounds fun.”

The guy laughed again. “Oh please, you’re starting to sound like the boss.”

Well, shit. The two weren’t moving, just standing around, guarding the only entrance Elaina knew how to get inside from. There would surely be other ways in, but she had no idea where they were, and they were likely guarded too. She had to get past these two, now, and hope that they were guarding only the path to the main entrance, with the entrance itself unguarded.

It was night, blessedly, but the two were standing in between crystal light lanterns, so there was no hope of walking up under cover of darkness. If she got any closer, they’d spot her for sure. She could’ve tried going over into the gardens that flanked the path to the school themselves, but that would involve both going through multiple bushes and climbing a fence made entirely of vertical metal bars, so that was out.


The word echoed in her head. It wasn’t her thought, not her conscious thought anyway. Could she really do that? It was possible she could bind up one of the two students in front of her, maybe both. No, even if it was possible to do it to both of them, she couldn’t attack them like that. 

But that wasn’t all she could do with her aspect. She didn’t restrain people the same way Waine controlled people. In the cave, talking to the System, she had created rope, materialized it from thin air. And when she was done, the rope had disappeared. Elaina focused on the class she’d been granted. There was a more defined awareness of what she could do with [Restraint] now, having used it once. She had an idea, an idea that might work if she could manage to pull it off. 

But she was too far away. Maybe with just rope she could manage this distance, or maybe with more practice, but rope wasn’t enough right now. What she needed would take more of her power than she had at this range, and she still couldn’t move from her hiding spot without risking being seen. 

There was one more thing she could try though.

Dropping to her knees, she dipped her hand into her underwear, slowly rubbing herself. She was only meters away from these people, and every little movement she made was a movement that could catch their eye, every sound she made a possible alarm for them go investigate. With her free hand she tucked her key into her bra strap then covered her mouth. She wanted to play with her tits, but she was a loud masturbator, and she had to muffle herself to stop any of her moans from being audible. She didn’t want to, but she had to.

Every small stroke of her clit pulsed pleasure through her body, every moan she choked off a denial of pleasure in equal respects. The sensation, the denial, each bounced off of each other in her body, too much to handle for long. She kept her thumb stroking the outside while the stuck two fingers in, making slightly more and more noise as she got faster and faster. They could turn on a whim, see her at any time. That would be humiliating.

And because of that, her plan was working. [Humiliation Factor] was engaged, boosting her aspect’s power as she became more and more embarrassed. She didn’t have the full bonus yet, and she could tell she would need more than just the full bonus to pull off what she needed to. Slowly, carefully, she took her right hand off her mouth and reached into her bra. She knew what she needed to do for the maximum bonus.

She teased her breast with one hand as she pumped inside of herself with the other, grabbing the metal key and rubbing it across her nipples. Cold. She didn’t know cold could feel so good. The girl student that Elaina was trying to sneak past turned to speak to the boy, turning towards Elaina. 

Everything welled up inside of her, finally exploding in a wave of ecstasy. As her mouth opened to moan she moved to the second part of her plan, activating [Personal Restraint], freezing her entire body, mouth and vocal chords included, as she silently came. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, the shaking of her body against her will. Only her voluntary movements were restrained, meaning her orgasm had free reign as she sat their on her knees, one hand down her panties, one in her bra, and her tongue sticking out like a panting dog, only a stone’s throw from two oblivious people. The girl student was looking her direction, looking right over her. Even a slight glance down would reveal her. 

[Humiliation Factor] was capped out. With the full bonus from that and the bonus from [Personal Restraint] as well, Elaina’s aspect was at the strongest it could possibly be. She leaned into that too, activating [Restraint]. She didn’t summon rope this time though, she summoned chains, on the far side of the two students in front of her, right inside the bushes, right next to the metal fence. She had just enough energy, just enough mana to do one last thing. Still frozen herself, she willed the chain to move, slithering through the bushes and scraping across the metal bars of the fence.

Both of the student watch members turned the other way at the sound. “What was that?” the boy asked?

“Hey,” the girl replied, running away from Elaina. “It might be that girl!” 

Despite his earlier teasing of his colleague, the boy also seemed intrigued by the idea. “Wait for me!” he shouted, running off into the bushes as well. Elaina dropped both her skill and her aspect, hoping the chains she made would fade like the rope before. She didn’t fall this time, having readied herself by bracing on her knees. 

She pushed herself up, arms shaking. They weren’t shaking from effort, just the effects her orgasm still coursing through her. She sprinted through the gate that had been guarded just moments before, leaving the students who were hoping to catch a glimpse of her behind.

And once her shaking stopped, sprint she did. She’d been pacing herself before, and doing a great job apparently, but now she was near flying, faster than she’d ever run, faster than she thought she could run. She was out of sight of the two students behind her in no time, at at the main entrance shortly after. Blessedly, it was both unguarded and open. Not fully, but open enough for one half naked girl to get through. 

Elaina made her way through the door and immediately regretted it. She was in the main hall of course, surrounded by dozens of Endrin automatons. She should have been more cautious, but her mind was still a fog of horniness. She’d already came twice tonight, but that last encounter had been too much, and now she was caught.

Or she would have been, if the automatons had seemed to notice her at all. It was a ton of them, more than she’d ever seen at once, in varying shapes and sizes, some smaller with brooms and dustpans working their way on the floor and rug, and some much taller with dusters cleaning off portrait frames and candelabras near the ceiling, all ignoring her. 

Elaina tiptoed through the crowd, wary that she might set them off, but no such thing occurred. One did actually seem to notice her as she walked by, but if it did it only moved out of the way to let her pass. They seemed mindless, like the only thing they could do was clean. Maybe the System wasn’t really like them after all.

She couldn’t believe her luck. She’d made it back, thought she had been screwed once more, and was saved purely based on how dumb the automatons were. They couldn’t speak anyway, so even if they did recognize her, she was fine. Letting out a deep sigh, Elaina began moving forward. She couldn’t sprint with the mass of cleaners in her way, but a brisk walk was slow enough to move by without bumping into them.

Gods, I can’t wait to get back to my room. It had been an eventful day, and she was ready to send it off with one last bang. Her roommate, who she’d still yet to meet, would be there too. Any luck and she’d be asleep again, giving a chance for Elaina to do a repeat of the night before. That hadn’t been nearly as fun as the two goes she’d had already, but it would still make a good nightcap. Horny thoughts dancing in her brain, Elaina let out a yelp as someone grabbed her wrist from behind.

Elaina turned around. Girl, beautiful girl. She wasn’t the girl from before, this one being much taller than both her and Elaina, who was already an inch or so above average height. She had short brown hair and deep brown eyes, and her face sported a smirk that rivaled any that Elaina had ever seen. She was also wearing the same golden pin the student guards from before were wearing, which Elaina could now see read “ENF Watch”.

“Alright, Streaker, you’re coming with me.”

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