Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 16. How do you stop a 50-ton bulldozer?

Xuelan was disoriented.

Her head was spinning and the other slave was screaming in the background.


Why did Kien start fucking her? There was no reason for this at all.

In fact, he was still touching her, and his hands were somehow latched around her hips. Xuelan felt him entering her pussy from behind, pounding her so amazingly hard it was completely sublime, although she was in too much of a daze to really process everything. It felt really nice, and her brain was a white fog of liquid pleasure. Xuelan was vaguely aware that noises were coming out of her mouth, although she had no idea what she was saying.

She was... probably begging him to fuck her to pieces... or something else lecherous and perverted... she honestly had no idea.

But it didn't matter, right? Since it felt good?

But... how exactly had things ended up in this state?


There was a creepy unsettling feeling in her mind.

Xuelan turned her head, and she could faintly see from her low vantage point on the floor that other slave girl was sobbing and shrieking while simultaneously gang-banged by five incubi with a variety of different twisted fetishes. Embarrassingly, her first naive thought that it looked kind of fun. However, reality gradually crept up on her, and Xuelan slowly remembered that this wasn't just one of her hardcore wet fantasies that she sometimes masturbated to underneath her comfy blankets in bed.


In fact, that girl was genuinely suffering.

She was bleeding from her loins, and a trail of bright blood ran down her thighs. They had forced their way into her anus without lubricating her, and the entire group of them had raped her so hard that they had torn her rectum. None of the incubi seemed to care, and in fact they looked giddy with excitement. Each of the five demons were simultaneously having their own way with the poor slave; one was trying to flog the girl with a barbed whip, another was dripping hot wax... there was so much going on at once that Xuelan couldn't believe that it was physically possible for one person to experience so many thing at once.

Thinking more carefully, just one incubus was probably more than enough for a single ordinary human girl to handle.

Xuelan was only being fucked by Kien (who probably wasn't even trying his hardest...), and already her brain felt like it had turned to mush.

What kind of nightmarish horror would it be to handle five sex demons at a time...?


Xuelan suddenly felt sick.

This was so wrong.

She suddenly wanted Kien to stop, but she had no idea how to get him to pull out. Her ex-boyfriend was currently like a bulldozer that would topple anything in its path to achieve its goal, and he was basically running her over with 50 metric tons of uncontrollable demonic sex-lust. How exactly do you stop a 50-ton bulldozer?

Well... ordinarily, you just don't.

Xuelan actually tried hitting him (which did nothing except hurt her own hand), she tried shouting at him (he just covered her mouth), and she even tried to kick him in the balls (unfortunately shielded by a force field), which all turned out to be fruitless endeavors. 

In the end, she could only lay there like a dead fish hoping that he'd eventually realize that she stopped moving, which incidentally only took a whole ten minutes.

Ten minutes, or equivalently, 600 seconds.

One Mississippi...

Two Mississippi...

Three Mississippi...


One-Hundred Mississippi...

Two-Hundred Mississippi...


It was a frustratingly long time!

Eventually, Kien gave a loud groan and shot a bucketload of cum inside her.

After that, he finally seemed to return to his senses.

The first thing he said was a complete mood-killer.

("Hey Xue, I leveled up!")


Xuelan wanted to go bang her head on something and question all her life decisions.

+ + +

("So in case you didn't notice, I gave you the ability to see in the dark. Also you can use telepathy with me now!")

("Um, thanks... Kien.")

...The incubus still hadn't stopped slow-fucking her even though he was 'done'...

What a truly hopeless pervert...

("Although the telepathy ability is redundant because I can read your mind anyways.")

Wait, what?!

("Hm? I own all of you, you know? This means I own your thoughts too!")

("Get the fuck out of my head, Kien!")

("Don't worry, Xue. I only peak inside your thoughts occasionally. Not all the time.")

Only occasionally...


Kien had rudely angled and thrusted his dick up against Xuelan's A-Spot deep inside her vagina.


("It's so fun to tease you.")

("You have the mental maturity of a teenager... I don't understand how you can act so different on the outside!")

("Hm... Did you like being my slave? To me, it sounded like you had a lot of fun. Let's do it a whole lot more.")

Xuelan tried to elbow her ex-boyfriend again.

("Damn, Kien! Can you be serious for a second? That girl! The one being gang-banged right now. Is she going to be okay?")

The slave girl's muffled screams were still wailing miserably in the background.

("I don't know.")

("What do you mean, you don't know?!")

("I mean what I say. I simply don't know. She might die, or she might not.")

("What the fuck?")

("Slave girls die all the time.")

("I thought you said we were basically immortal.")

("You are. Humans are effectively immortal in Hell. But you don't regenerate without healing magic. Sometimes, it costs more to fix a slave than to buy a new one, so their half-living remains get dumped down a big dark pit for the rest of eternity.")

("How the fuck is that okay?!")

("It's not okay.")

Nonsensical tears suddenly started welling up in Xuelan's eyes again.


Why was everything so messed up like this?

What had any of these victims done to deserve any of this horrible fate?

Why wasn't anyone doing something about this?

Why didn't they lift a finger as passive bystanders?

Why were they helplessly watching it unfold right in front of their eyes?

("No, that's wrong, Xue.")

Kien suddenly interrupted her train of thought.

The 24-year-old girl froze on the ground as his steady and calm voice echoed in her head.

("Think carefully. Are you a victim, or are you an accomplice?")

There was a pause.

Xuelan's eyes briefly made contact with Kien's.

They were interrupted by an explosion several cars up ahead on the train.


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