Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 2. I apologize in advance, so don’t hate me

"Kien. Fuck you."

"You've grown cuter in the six years since I've last seen you, Xue."

Xuelan was almost positive that her demonized ex-boyfriend was bullshitting. She had hardly grown at all since she was sixteen, and if anything, his eyes were broken. The 24-year-old was well aware of the fact that her face was totally mediocre. She had acne, freckles, and glasses, and she wore her bangs so long in high school that they almost covered her eyes. In short, she was sort of a bookish nerd who tried too hard in school and was unpopular with both sexes.

In fact, her insecurity about her body was one of the main reasons she found solace on the Internet. Even though it was the complete opposite of her real-life personality, flirting with digital strangers made her feel loved and attractive. Lonely fat men were stupidly easy to please, and she could practically feel their lust for her through the computer monitor. Even when she felt particularly down and worthless, she took some kind of weird comfort in the idea that at least somebody found her naked body worth masturbating over. Afterwards, she'd inevitably end up crying herself to sleep, which ocurred on a regular basis.

Summarily, Xuelan did not have a particularly fruitful dating life in college. Aside from her high school fiasco, none of her relationships ever lasted more than one or two months. She had a number of one-night-stands, but none of her partners wanted a more serious relationship, which only served to destroy her fragile sense of self-esteem even further.

"You're a liar and a creep, Kien. A pervert. And a stalker. What the fuck is this, by the way? Abducting me? To be a sex slave? Seriously?!"

Xuelan's words were barbed, and she intensionally lashed out with the most vicious things that she could think of. The young women had overheard a tiny gist of the conversation earlier, and she was naturally upset, even though she didn't understand everything. Her wrists chafed uselessly against the impossibly strong rope-like material, so she could only resort to trying to hurt her ex-boyfriend's feelings in any way possible.

"You're a fucking pedophile! I was fifteen when you sent me sex toys in the mail!"

It was unclear what Xuelan was trying to accomplish, but the anger was blatantly apparent in her eyes.

The demon suddenly laughed.

"You've gotten so fiery." He seemed entirely unbothered. "I kind of like it. You used to be so shy, Xue."

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Oh you know, the ordinary stuff. I shot some people. Then I died. Ended up in hell. Somehow became a sex demon."

Kien suddenly fondled Xuelan's exposed breasts, as if to prove a point.

The young woman grimaced and tried to crane her neck around to face her ex-boyfriend properly. Unfortunately, their positions made this maneuver physically impossible, since she was basically trussed up in his lap with his arms wrapped around her like a big spoon. He kissed the nape of her neck while his hands drifted and slid over the soft curves of her body like a gliding serpent.

There was a distressed look in Xuelan's eyes, and she seemed shell-shocked.

Emotionally, she was horribly conflicted. She was starting to remember the three years that she spent dating Kien in high school, but their relationship had been entirely virtual across international boundaries. They had basically never even touched or held hands. Admittedly, she had spent many nights sexually fantasizing about him, but it was never supposed to be like this.

Kien was gentle and funny. Even though he was a gangster, he had a real soft spot for heartwarming things. From time to time he could get really scary and firm, and he wasn't somebody to mess around with when he was serious, but Xuelan had always believed that he wouldn't really harm her. He generally seemed to respect her boundaries and listen to her opinions, although he could get a bit frighteningly obsessive on the rare occasion.

...But that was back when she still liked him...

This... this was just like getting one of her teenage dreams thoroughly ravaged and destroyed.

There was an abrupt painful twist of her nipples, and his opposite hand started to explore the folds of her vulva.

Xuelan cried out, her bound limbs stopping her from mounting any kind of effective resistance. Her shoulders were trembling.

"Kien. Stop. No. I don't want this."

The demon ignored her protests, and in fact he seemed to pull even harder on her sensitive nibs.

Two fingers slid into her tight front canal.

He whispered softly into her ear.

"They told me that I'll need to fuck lots of ladies in order to be strong enough to fight."

He plunged even deeper, and the tip of his fingers bottomed out against her cervix.

"But I don't have much of an interest for raping random strangers down here, you know? It doesn't turn me on."

Kien brushed his thumb over Xuelan's swollen clitoris, grazing it ever so slightly.

The girl's pale skin had a feverish rosy blush, and her entire body was shaking uncontrollably. She had stopped breathing some time ago, as if she was afraid that entire soul would escape if a single noise slipped out of her mouth. Her eyes were tightly squeezed shut.

Xuelan suddenly felt his fangs sinking down on her neck.

"Ah!" She gasped suddenly as her eyes snapped open.

But then the fiery sensation immediately vanished. His whispering breath danced outside of her ear, nibbling occasionally on her cartilage.

"It's a godsend that I was able to snatch a piece of you from Earth. I'm unbelievably relieved. I don't know what I would have done if the summoning ritual failed."

Kien's fingers curled up in a come-hither motion. They dived in once more for a good measure, and then rapidly withdrew from her hole while dragging out a long trail of sticky sexual fluids.

"So don't hate me, okay? I apologize in advance. I'm sorry. But I want to live."

He lifted the girl ever so slightly and aligned his engorged cock with her lower crevice. The head of his erection poked right against the opening of her lips. Xuelan could almost feel the tip sliding into her sopping wet pussy, but it was stopped purely by the fact that her ring of muscle hadn't quite spread enough to accommodate his entire girth all at once.

Xuelan whimpered quietly with a look of vacant despair in her eyes.

Then, he thrusted hard with no regrets.


For those of you who can't speak Chinese, Xue is pronounced "Shu-reh".

A brief public service announcement: "No means no" and "Yes means yes". If someone says that they don't want to have sex, that means stop. Period. Don't try to read your partner's mind or delude yourself into thinking that reverse psychology must be going on. The only exception to this rule is if you have an explicit BDSM-like arrangement with your partner with clear safewords established.

This fiction has non-con/dub-con elements (otherwise known as "rape fantasies"), but obviously is not an endorsement of the real thing.

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