Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 32. Low tide

When Kien finally returned, it was low tide.

He found Xuelan completely unconscious and tied bizarrely to a rock near the sea. The shadowy bondage was haphazard and erratic, as if someone had taken a massive tangle of black rope and wrapped it around a boulder randomly with crazy knots and frantic kinks every few inches. The visual effect was a lot like a helpless insect encased in an enormous spider web. The black shadows were essentially an impenetrable cage.

Although the incubus wasn't entirely clear about what had happened here, he knew at first glance that the girl was somehow responsible for all this.

Based on the small number of leftover tentacles that were trapped and still wiggling underneath the meshwork of shadows, Kien could only assume that Xuelan had been attacked by a large number of sea monsters. The bulk of the tentacle swarm had apparently retreated back into the ocean along with the receding tide, but Kien was immediately relieved that the girl seemed to be unharmed... well at least, mostly.

He limped over to the rock.

The girl had apparently squeezed by with a close call.

He had never considered using the bondage rope as some kind of defensive cocoon. That said, instantly mummifying oneself in restrictive bondage would hardly be the first split-second reaction of any ordinary person. It was probably pure coincidence that Xuelan happened to be a masochist, and it was even more fortunate that the girl had the quick thinking to try something so unusual and bizarre. 

Kien hesitantly brought his hand to the tangle of black shadows.

He touched it gently, and slowly unraveled the rope with a mental command.

Technically, as Xuelan's Master, he still held total power over his ex-girlfriend. It was a trivial for him to override the girl's control of the 【 Shadow Cloth 】,  and he could even revoke her abilities if he wanted to. However, he tried to hold back his impulsive urges to go on a reckless rampage, and he forced himself to respect Xuelan's autonomy.

Part of the reason why he had broken up with her in the first place was to verbalize his own commitment.

If he didn't announce out loud that Xuelan was no longer his slave, Kien feared that he would swept up by his destructive desires, and instead devolve into the mindless sex demon that exploited the girl like a dirty object. He cared for Xuelan too much to subject her to the uncensored atrocities of his sick imagination, especially when her emotional state was so fragile.

Even if Xuelan claimed she was hardcore with "no limits", Kien knew that she was being incredibly naive. The girl was extremely vanilla in comparison to a majority of the twisted freaks in Hell. She mainly only had mild BDSM fetishes such as bondage, spanking, and non-con. Before coming to Hell, she didn't even have that much of an interest in anal. Kien was sure that the girl would completely shatter if exposed to the more gruesome fetishes, such as amputation, scat, vore, or worse. The innocent girl simply had no idea how horrible it could get, and she was probably blissfully unaware of the most disturbing nightmares.

He needed to protect her...

...from others... but also himself.

Especially when he was in a foul and gloomy mood.

Kien wordlessly unwound the shadows from Xuelan's cocoon.

A few sporadic tentacle monsters slipped out from the rope prison, and the incubus rapidly snatched them before they could scramble away in the sand. He quickly put the monsters inside his 【 Inventory 】 since they were probably edible. Xuelan had gone through a lot of effort to obtain food. Even if she had snared them inadvertently while wildly spinning rope in her half-unconscious state, she had technically succeeded at catching her own dinner.

The black-haired girl had really tried her very best.

He had to give her credit for that, at least.

His eyes narrowed.

+ + +

Xuelan slowly stirred awake to a vague awareness that Kien was holding her.

He was carrying her!

Even though she was only barely conscious and badly abused after a grueling session of tentacle rape, her spirit instantly felt giddy and light. She practically melted into the feeling of being held by her ex-boyfriend. It was a simple action, but this basic expression of intimacy was nearly everything that she desired. It assuaged the aching feeling in her heart like an ice pack soothing a burn, and she wanted to drown herself in the addictive warmth of his arms.

Suddenly, everything was completely okay again.


Xuelan tried to hug the incubus across the torso.

However, the sex demon incubus promptly made everything difficult.

When he noticed that the girl had finally revived from her half-dead state, Kien dodged those clingy arms, and he immediately set Xuelan down on the ground.

"Seems like you're awake," he said apathetically. "So you don't need me to carry you anymore."

He unceremoniously walked off on the beach.

Xuelan was left behind on the sand.

"Kien... you..."

She struggled to get up, but then slipped.

Tears started building at her eyes.

She just wanted a hug after everything she went through.

Why couldn't he understand?

Why did he have to come back and then immediately leave again?

"Kien, come back!"

Xuelan stumbled to her feet, immediately wincing because her joints felt weird and feeble. The tug-of-war between the tentacles likely overextended many of her limbs, and her body was still reeling from the aftereffects of extreme constriction. Once again, she had likely suffocated to death, and she had been unconscious in a vegetative state while tied to the rock for the entire afternoon. 

The sex demon had a callous look in his golden eyes.

"We aren't in a relationship," he said coldly.

"But we don't need to be in a relationship to..."

Xuelan abruptly froze mid-sentence.

She suddenly realized that Kien was severely injured.

His face was smeared with blood, and his ear was completely torn off. It looked like he had been mauled by a bear, and there was a heavy limp to his gait. It was difficult to determine exactly how he was injured, especially since the demon's face was completely expressionless, but there was probably something wrong with his hips and legs. Some of his joints were bent the wrong way, and he probably had a series of broken bones. If anything, it was already remarkable that he had even been carrying her in the first place.

"You're hurt." Xuelan whispered.


"Let me heal you. Just give me a second, and I can sit on your dick and then—"


Kien pushed the girl away.


"We're not in a relationship."

"Kien, you're being ridiculous. I don't even care if—"

Empty air suddenly came out of Xuelan's mouth.

She struggled to formulate words, but then she realized that she had been 【 Silenced 】. No matter how she tried to move air past her vocal cords, she couldn't produce a sound. There was just the faint noise of her wispy breath. Evidently, Kien did not want to hear her talk, and he even used his abilities to forcibly shut her up.

Xuelan spun her head around in exasperation, but then she noticed the dark brooding look in the incubus's eyes.

He was in a very bad mood.

A very, very, bad mood.

"Stay away from me," he almost snarled. 

Xuelan went quiet.

She could tell that he had a bad day. 

His 'hunt' had likely gone very poorly. Just like her, he was badly beaten up and defeated.

"If you want your voice back, go somewhere else." Kien growled.

Tears flowed freely from Xuelan's eyes.

She wanted to tell him that she loved him.

She wanted to hold him and touch him.

She wanted him to know that she was so relieved that at least he came back alive.

She didn't want him to be far away and distant.

Xuelan hesitantly reached out with her hand. Telepathy also seemed to be blocked, so she touched his shoulder, trying to convey all of her wordless thoughts with a single action. Even if she couldn't speak, she hoped that she could somehow express everything that she wanted to say.

Kien immediately spun around and struck the girl across the face.

She fell to the ground with a bright red palm mark glaring on her cheek.

Her messy black hair cascaded to the ground like the sagging branches of a willow tree, her hot tears dripping to the sand.


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