Entertaining Children

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Invite to join

Chapter 127 Invitation to join

“I want to introduce you to everyone. This is Sun Tingting, my sister, follow me to see your dance practice.” Xiao Yao introduced Sun Tingting to Chen Chen Chengxi and the members of the dance troupe.

“Hello everyone.” Sun Tingting said generously.

“Sister?” Everyone looked at Sun Tingting. She was more than 1.6 meters tall, and she looked almost as tall as Cheng Xi, and she was very delicate and beautiful.

“Little sister, how old are you?” Cheng Xi asked Sun Tingting. Xiao Yao is still dissatisfied with sixteen, how young is this girl and grow so tall?

“She is three months older than me, and she is sixteen.” Xiao Yao helped Sun Tingting answer Cheng Xi.

“She is three months older than you, and then she is your sister?” Cheng Xi shook her head and opened her eyes wide and said, “Is it because I didn’t wake up or you didn’t wake up?”

“You guys didn’t wake up,” Sun Tingting explained with a smile, “Brother Xiao Yao is more sensible than me. I have called his brother since I was a child. He and I are not based on age.”

Although the five friends had made an appointment and would not call each other’s nicknames when outsiders were present, Xiao Yao always shivered a bit when he heard Sun Tingting’s name “Brother Xiao Yao”, and he couldn’t help but think of it. Zhao Ling’er in the previous fairy sword was called Li Xiaoyao.

“Since childhood? childhood sweetheart.” Chen Chen laughed and joked, “No wonder it is called sister, love sister? It’s rare to get tired of being together during the summer vacation, and you can’t bear to separate before you come to play?”

When Chen Chen said this, Sun Tingting’s face immediately blushed. Xiao Yao saw that Sun Tingting was a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly said, “What are you talking about? Tingting is a violinist I specially invited. She did a great job when I made the background music yesterday. She came to see your performance today. Is it worthy of her hard work yesterday?”

“Background music? Did you really make it overnight?” Chen Chen’s attention was successfully diverted, “Let’s listen first.”

“Okay, everyone will come and listen first.” Xiao Yao said, walked to the audio equipment on the wall and took out a USB flash drive and inserted it in. The musical sound of music came out from the speaker.

The drums and keyboard sounds processed by the electronic sound began, and then as soon as the sound of the violin joined in, everyone in the rehearsal room heard a numb scalp.

A piece of music that lasted for four minutes was finished quickly. After everyone listened, the reaction was unexpectedly intense.

“This song…cow!”

“Holy crap!”

“This is the first time I heard this kind of music!”

Xiao Yao clapped his hands, pressed down everyone’s screams, and said: “This is the background music for the dance I designed yesterday. Let’s practice in accordance with the rhythm of this music. I brought a DV today. Record today’s rehearsal. If the effect is good enough, I think you can take this dance video and send it to my parents’ studio. I think the chance of getting an interview should be even greater.”

“OK, let’s try it with the music.” Cheng Xi and Chen Chen were also eager to try, and began to gather everyone to prepare.

Through Xiao Yao’s explanation and demonstration yesterday, everyone has a basic understanding of the entire dance designed by Xiao Yao. The music sounded again, and everyone began to step on the music.

In the dance designed by Xiao Yao based on the appearance of “boutit” in the previous life, Chen Chen and Cheng Xi are well-deserved heroes and heroines, but this is also a group dance, and other members of the entire team also have their own positions. Therefore, Xiao Yao naturally assumed the role of director and conductor throughout the dance rehearsal.

“Stop! Cheng Xi, your rhythm is messed up, your steps are wrong.”

“Chen Chen! Your hands are not straight when you lift them up. Are you used to hip-hop? Your arms are always bent.”

“Li Zhifeng, you are slower than others when you get up. Don’t think that you are a group dancer. People will not see you behind!”

Xiao Yao’s voice rang from time to time in the rehearsal room.

“Damn, how do I feel that this kid is like the boss of our entire team.” While resting, Li Zhifeng muttered to Chen Chen with some dissatisfaction.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Xiao Yao is here to help us. Besides, he said that everyone’s mistakes he just said are correct.” Chen Chen stabbed him in the elbow.

“You said he is a second-generation star, and he has spent so much time in our dance troupe these past two days. What did he do?” Li Zhifeng asked Chen Chen in a puzzled way.

“Playing.” Chen Chen smiled, “Don’t think that those so-called second generations are all dudes. From the beginning of their birth, the environment and resources they have are not comparable to those of ordinary people like us. So if they work hard and have no major flaws in their character, the talents of those excellent guys are not what we can imagine. You should not be fooled by the second generations of waste materials reported in the news media, these people , It’s not all that way.”

Chen Chen pointed to Xiao Yao, and then said: “This guy is amazing. I checked some information after I went back last night. Xiao Siqi’s son is indeed less than sixteen years old, and he was on TV when he was five years old. He can play a musical instrument very easily. At that time, he was called a genius child, some simply called him an evildoer. Whether it is age or appearance, he should be the guy in front of us. This is why people can one night Just come up with an accompaniment music.

Let’s talk about this dance. Our dance troupe has been established for more than a year. Don’t tell Cheng Xi and I to get it out. I didn’t even think about it. Also, when you see him coming yesterday, each of us introduced him to him only once. Afterwards, except for me and Cheng Xi, you didn’t have much direct communication with him, but he was able to call out each of you accurately just now. name. Regardless of his young age, he is really capable. ”

Li Zhifeng looked at Chen Chen with some surprise, and then joked: “Brother Chen, you praise him so much, so just get him in as the boss.”

What Li Zhifeng was talking about was ironic, but Chen Chen didn’t expect Chen Chen to say: “I thought, this dance troupe was originally composed of two relatively independent parts. Neither I nor Cheng Xi could truly be the leader of the entire team. Cheng Xi and I also talked about it yesterday. If he is willing to come in, Cheng Xi and I are really willing to let him be the master, but I’m afraid that people will look down on our little dance troupe.

Don’t look at him soaking up with us these past two days. We estimate that this is just a whim, and he has the idea of ​​combining academic style and hip-hop in his mind. I want to see the effect. To put it bluntly, we are just a tool for him to realize his inner thoughts. ”

“Tools? Then we still cooperate with him like this?” Li Zhifeng was puzzled.

“What’s wrong with a tool? Being a tool is also a kind of value.” Chen Chen looked at him and said: “He is just for fun, but our dance troupe can really benefit from it. When this dance gets bigger, it creates a new one. It’s hard to imagine the effect of the dance style of the dance if it can become popular. Even if the dance is choreographed by him, the name of our dance company can’t be erased. It’s easy for him to become famous as a second-generation star. But we are different, or why should we rush to apply for the dance team in Xiao Siqi’s studio?”

Li Zhifeng nodded his head, completely figured it out, and let go of that little psychological rejection of Xiao Yao.

After resting for ten minutes, Xiao Yao called everyone to continue practicing. Probably it was Cheng Xi who had done the same ideological work to the players as Chen Chen did. After hearing Xiao Yao’s greetings, everyone got up very cooperatively.

I practiced until more than five o’clock in the afternoon. A group of people were exhausted from the practice, and Xiao Yao was already dry to talk. At this time, the whole dance finally had a basic look in Xiao Yao’s eyes. Xiao Yao only announced that today’s practice is over. He took over the DV from Sun Tingting, and put the last overall rehearsal situation directly on the DV itself. Put it on the small screen for everyone to see.

The effect of DV shooting is average in terms of clarity and sound effects, but the video of the last practice still shocked everyone. The look in Xiao Yao’s eyes was finally completely convinced.

“Leave all your emails to me. After I go back, I will post this video to each of you. Everyone will take a closer look at night to find your own problems. The day after tomorrow will be my parents. The deadline for the studio to receive the recommended video of the dance troupe has been reached. We will strive for two days to complete the dance completely. Don’t delay the application of the dance troupe to the studio’s supporting dancer team.” Xiao Yao announced to everyone.

“OK, no problem,” Chen Chen responded first, “Everyone in the team has their mailboxes in the hands of Cheng Xi and I. After we go back, Cheng Xi and I will send it to you.” Then Chen Chen said to the members of the dance troupe. : “We have seen the effect of the semi-finished product just now. Everyone has worked hard in the past two days. We must have taken this dance down.”

“Good! No problem.” Everyone naturally responded and said yes.

“Then I’ll be here today, I’ll go back with Tingting if I’m fine.” Xiao Yao said goodbye.

“Wait a minute,” Chen Chen and Cheng Xi winked at each other, and finally Cheng Xi said, “Xiao Yao, we want to invite you to join our dance troupe, how about?”

“Me?” Xiao Yao pointed to his nose in surprise, and then smiled: “First, I don’t know how to dance. I think I am not qualified to join your dance troupe. Second, even if I join you. For the dance company, when you apply for the dance team of my parents’ studio, apart from the qualifications we have already obtained, it is impossible for us to get any additional care. Our family members are still very principled. Third, the two of you captains, while faculty style, while laughing and joking on the streets, it seems not appropriate for me to follow anyone when I came in.”

“None of this is a problem,” Cheng Xi said, “First, did you say that you wanted to learn to dance with me yesterday? Of course we know that your dance level is not very good now, but we didn’t say that you would let you as soon as you came in. Come on stage with us, and you can learn after you join the group. Everyone here can guide you.

Second, we didn’t want to let you join the dance troupe to walk the back door. If you have concerns in this regard, the matter of you joining us, we promise not to mention it with anyone in your parents’ studio before the result of the application. Regardless of whether this time can be successful or not, we all hope that you will be one of us.

Third, after you come in, we hope that you will take on a role similar to an art director in the team, helping us choreograph and score the music. I think you play so professionally with the camera. You should have some ideas about fashion, right? If you have the ability to design the stage and costumes, you can try it. Of the two groups of us, you can’t talk about who you’re following. You can find whoever you want to learn, and play with whoever you want to play with. Of course, what we hope most is that you have more of this kind of skills. The combination of the two styles of dance brought us all to play together. ”

(End of this chapter)

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