Entertaining Children

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Goddess in my mind

Chapter 144 The Goddess in the Mind

With a bow from Xiao Yao, the song performance ended, and the main light of the studio turned on again.

Host Li Hai took a tablet in his hand and walked onto the stage again from the side. Before speaking to Xiao Yao, Li Hai first drew the audience’s attention to the group of children behind Xiao Yao: “First of all, I want to thank these lovely children and thank you for the wonderful performance.”

Accompanied by Li Hai’s words, the audience in the audience also responded with warm applause to the children. Xiao Yao also stepped aside from the middle of the stage and walked to the side position where Li Hai was. He showed the seven children unobstructed to the audience, and bowed slightly to thank the children.

When the children left the stage with applause, Li Hai took Xiao Yao back to the middle of the stage before speaking to Xiao Yao: “Thank you also Xiao Yao for your wonderful performance just now.”

After Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, Li Hai said to the audience: “Let us welcome the male **** of this issue-Xiao Yao to our show.”

As Li Hai’s voice fell, the applause and cheers that were suppressed for a long time from the audience broke out.

Xiao Yao held up the microphone slightly shyly and greeted the audience: “Hello everyone, this is Xiao Yao, I am very happy to be here for this show.”

Since Xiao Yao did not attend the Feitian Award presentation ceremony at the end of last year, it is calculated that Xiao Yao officially appeared in the public after more than half a year. The last time he appeared on TV, it was the same time as “The Waves” Interviews.

In more than half a year, Xiao Yao’s height jumped a few centimeters up again, and it looked like he was almost 1.8 meters tall. Although standing next to Li Hai seems to be half a head shorter, it can still give people a slender figure and the feeling of being in the breeze when Li Hai looks at him alone. In addition, his appearance is also quite good, whether it is acting or singing, although there are not many works, but the grades can be obtained, and he is also worthy of the title of male god. Therefore, when he said hello, cheers and screams immediately rang out from the audience.

Because it is a recorded program, it will be broadcast on TV after post-editing, so when recording, the requirements and restrictions on the length of the program are not so strict. For this reason, the program team also arranged for Li Hai to have a few words with the male **** guest after the male **** guest appeared on the show at the beginning of the show to add some material for post-production.

When the cheers and screams subsided, Li Hai did not let Xiao Yao sit down immediately, but chatted with Xiao Yao on the stage: “I want to ask everyone on the scene, just now you and the children Is the song you performed a new song written by you?”

“Yes.” Xiao Yao nodded with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Yao nodding his head to confirm, Li Hai continued: “I remember that the original song you released last was the “thelazysong” in a Weibo video that was played and sung in a paralyzed posture. That is a song that makes you feel too lazy. It’s a song, but today’s song is not only nice, but also very positive. It is a joyful and inspirational song, which can give people a positive feeling. The two songs are very different in their mentality.”

“That song was recorded on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. During the holidays, people are of course lazy. Now that school is starting, although there is fun to come here to participate in the show, it can be regarded as work, of course, you should be more active. When do you have what kind of mentality, what kind of mentality to write what kind of song?” Xiao Yao laughed.

“It makes sense. If you have a holiday mentality, you should have a working attitude when you work.” Li Hai nodded, apparently agreeing with Xiao Yao’s statement, and then added: “I guess the designers who are preparing for the background. I must have been very happy when I heard the second sentence of the song you just now, “whynotdesigner, beadreamer”. May I ask, what is the name of this song? Was it written specifically for our show?”

“This song is called “BeWhatYouWannaBe”. It may not be considered that the entire song was written specifically for this show, but writing this song is definitely related to this show. But the lyrics you just mentioned are because That’s how this program is written.” Xiao Yao replied.

The real name of the song “BeWhatYouWannaBe” is the abbreviated version of “BWhatUWannaB”, and another popular name is “Peerless”, which is a song sung by a Swedish singer Darin Zanyar in the past.

When Xiao Yao moved it here, he only changed one place, and that was one word in the lyrics of the second sentence. The original lyrics are “whynotpresident, beadreamer”, because Huaxia does not have the profession of a president, so this word is inappropriate. Since this show is about designers, Xiao Yao simply changed president to designer. Since the pronunciation of the English words of the four professions in the first sentence of the lyrics all end with the pronunciation of “?”, the dreamer at the end of the second sentence also ends with the pronunciation of “?”. Xiao Yao changed the president to the designer that also ends with “?”, which also makes this passage more rhyme.

However, there are many English words that end with “?” and also represent occupations. It is not because of participating in this program. Xiao Yao really doesn’t necessarily think of the word designer, so Xiao Yao said that at least the lyrics of the second sentence were written for this program. of.

“Well, even if it’s just one of the lyrics, it is an honor for our show.” Li Hai smiled and asked a question that was asked in the previous show: “In your mind, what kind of woman can be called Is it a goddess?”

This question was also asked by Li Hae last week, the guest of the male god, Park Zhixian. At that time, Park Zhixian answered an American **** female star who was a smash hit in the 1950s and 1960s. It not only showed his appreciation level, but also did not offend anyone on the scene. A goddess. Now this question is thrown at Xiao Yao again, and everyone is also looking forward to how this little male **** who is less than seventeen years old will answer.

“My mother!” Xiao Yao did not hesitate, and then immediately added: “Both of them!”

Xiao Yao’s life experience is no longer a secret. When Xiao Yao answered the first sentence, everyone still wondered whether Xiao Yao said Chen Zilin or Ye Jiaying, but Xiao Yao would immediately make up for it.

“Oh, why?” Li Hai continued to ask.

Li Hai’s original intention was to make Xiao Yao praise his two mothers, using adjectives such as beautiful, sexy, intellectual, kind, and hardworking, and then he could use these words to put Xiao Yao’s mind in mind The goddess expands to a certain type, and even connects with a certain goddess behind. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yao would not follow the routine at all. His answer was surprisingly simple: “Because I don’t have a girlfriend yet!”

“Puff ” There was a burst of laughter in the audience, then the screams rang out again, and even some bold female audience shouted: “Xiao Yao, I will be your girlfriend!”

Li Hai on the stage was also amused by Xiao Yao’s answer, and at the same time his playfulness was hooked. Li Hai pointed to the loudest female audience in the first row and said, “Do you want to be a goddess or a girlfriend?”

“I want it all!” The female audience was both real and generous, shouting and replied.

“Who doesn’t want? I’m a girl, and I want too.” Li Hai glared at the female audience with a smug smile, and turned back to look at Xiao Yao with the face of the female audience: “This one is like this. , Do you think about it?”

Because the female audience is sitting in the first row, Xiao Yao can easily see her appearance. A young girl in her twenties looks pretty, but Xiao Yao wouldn’t really answer this kind of question in public.

Xiao Yao rolled his eyes and looked at Li Haidao speechlessly: “Am I going to the wrong studio? Did I go to the recording site of “Peach Blossom Blooming”?”

“Peach Blossom Blooming” is a well-known TV dating show on Donghai TV. What Xiao Yao said was not only a clever solution to this question that he didn’t want to answer positively, but also a reminder to Li Hai not to run too far, and by the way, he also helped to advertise another program of Donghai TV. Xiao Yao thought that he was already enough to give face, and the other party shouldn’t ask any more questions.

“Well, I suddenly thought of your age, not an adult. Although there are a lot of boyfriends and girlfriends in your teens now, we should not encourage premature love on TV shows.” Li Hai rounded up his words. Come back, continue to the next flow of the show.

Li Hai handed Xiao Yao the tablet he was holding on stage for the second time, and continued: “You know that there are one million virtual currency on it and you are assigned to five designers and goddess models. On his work, right?”

Seeing Xiao Yao nodded and said he knew this rule, Li Hai smiled and asked: “Could you please tell me what you know about the five designers and the five goddesses? Which group of designers and goddess team do you have the most work? look forward to?”

“The five goddesses are all big stars, so naturally they are very familiar.” Xiao Yao talked with Li Hai on stage for a while, and he no longer had the shyness and nervousness that had just come on stage, and replied freely, “Five Designs The teacher also understands a little bit, but he doesn’t have any preference for their styles. When the time comes, look at the works and come up with the amount of virtual currency.”

“You are not in the fashion industry, and it is normal to be unfamiliar with designers, but since you said that the five goddesses are all big stars, are there any of them that you particularly like, or can be regarded as your idols? “Li Hai unknowingly started digging holes for Xiao Yao.

But Xiao Yao is not really a teenager. Faced with this kind of problem, Xiao Yao would naturally not jump into the pit.

“I admire all five of them in the same way. I will bid purely by looking at the works, and will not be biased because of my preferences for the model.” Xiao Yao smiled and said, “My idols are all my family members. My grandfather, I Dad, my mother, they are all my idols in different aspects.”

“Speaking of this, reveal a little secret,” Xiao Yao paused deliberately, and then said, “Actually, when I was considering right or wrong and agreed to be a guest on this show, I first asked my mother if he had come to this show. Is it one of the five goddesses? If she comes, I won’t come.”

“Why?” Li Hai asked very cooperatively.

“Because if my mother is one of the five goddesses, and I am a guest, no matter what my mother and their group of works look like, I will definitely vote for my mother a million. I know that it would not be difficult to do that. Appropriate, it’s not fair to the other four groups of designers and goddesses, but I still can’t help but do that, so I just don’t come. Because my mother didn’t come, I agreed to come, so at least I can do it. Look at the bids for the works, and be fair.” Xiao Yao publicly said again what he had said to Xiao Siqi.

“Hearing you say that, I believe that the goddess you just said in your mind is your two mothers.” Li Hai sighed, “I remember when you were a kid in “Where Are You Going Dad”, there was a “very father crazy”. Title, now it seems that your support for your mother is not low.”

“Of course! Family, don’t you just want to support each other?” Xiao Yao said without embarrassment.

“Okay, let’s talk a lot. Now we will start the clothing display and bidding link. First, please take Xiao Yao to the seat of the fashion jury.” Li Hai stretched out his hand and guided Xiao Yao to the front of the stage. The direction to the right. There are three seats there. There are already a man and a woman, two young men and women in their thirties, and there is one vacant seat that is obviously Xiao Yao’s seat.

“Right,” Li Hai added when he saw Xiao Yao walking towards his seat, “Xiaoyao and Lazy Songs are very popular now. We won’t see the original version of Xiaoyao here, right?”

“Are you making a request?” Xiao Yao turned around and looked at Li Haidao in a deliberately puzzled way, “Is it necessary for me to finish recording this episode? It’s not impossible.”

“Of course not.” Li Hai quickly waved his hand. He was making fun of him, but he didn’t expect Xiao Yao to actually plan to play Xiaoyao in full view. Even if Xiao Yao could disregard his image as a male god, would he still want the image of the show?

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(End of this chapter)

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