Entertaining Children

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Bastard rice

Chapter 170

After all, it takes almost a whole year to study and live abroad. Although the candidates for exchange students are determined by the school, they can only be carried out if the parents and the students themselves are willing.

If it is placed on other students, naturally there will be no problem. For such an opportunity to go to a high school in the United States for a year, the average student would squeeze his head and want to grab it. But if it’s on a young star who is already well-known in the entertainment circle, that’s not necessarily the case.

It takes only one year to go to the United States. Will it affect his acting career that he has already debuted? Moreover, it is much easier for a family like Xiao Yao to go to the United States than other ordinary students. It is a rare opportunity in the eyes of others, maybe they are not rare at all?

Of course, guessing is meaningless. Since the school’s first choice is Xiao Yao, it is natural to tell Xiao Yao and his parents the news first, and then check their responses before making a decision. In case Xiao Yao and his family refuse, it is not too late for them to consider other candidates. .

The final result is naturally that Xiao Yao agreed to the school’s assignment and agreed to go to West Bridge High School in Calabasas City, USA as an international exchange student at Yanjing No. 2 Middle School for one year. And the reason why Xiao Yao agreed to go to the United States as an international exchange student, apart from the fact that he went to a high school in the United States to study for a year, which was a certain attraction for Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao was also affected by another incident. . But that thing is not a good thing.

The so-called “illegal meal” is a fan of extreme behavior and crazy style among the fans of celebrities. In order to satisfy their own desires, they like to track, peep, and secretly photograph the private lives of celebrities and undisclosed itineraries and jobs, harass their favorite celebrities, and affect the private lives of them and the celebrities’ families.

For Xiao Yao, the term “illegal meal” has been heard in previous lives, but has not seen it before. He only knows that it originated in the most popular period of ballet in the 19th century, and it is found in almost every country in modern times, and it seems that Korea has the most. But what he never expected was that in this world, he would actually catch one in the school classroom.

The junior high school that Xiao Yao attended was exposed in his own program and Chen Mingfei’s post. In addition, Xiao Yao’s participation in the Olympiad National Team training has also been reported by the media, so it is not difficult for someone to find out that Xiao Yao’s high school and junior high school are the same as the junior high school in Yanjing City No. 2 Middle School.

It’s not that no one has thought of blocking Xiaoyao at the gate of Xiaoyao School, but in China, the school gate of elementary and middle schools is definitely the most congested section of the road during the school days and there is no one. At the peak of school and after school, a large group of students rushed into and out of the scene, making the illegitimate meals of those who are not parents of students discouraged. It is the wish of every Chinese parent to hope that your child will become a dragon. If it is to block Xiao Yao and affect the students in the school to go to and from school, no matter what star or fan you are, you don’t need to say anything from the school. Perhaps angry parents will beat you A meal.

The management of the school is relatively strict. Parents are not allowed to pick up and drop off their children into the school, and entry into the school during school hours must be strictly registered. These relatively strict management measures of the Second Middle School are also a very important reason why Xiao Yao can stay in this school with peace of mind after becoming famous.

But no matter how strict management measures are, there are times when the fanaticism has not been blocked.

It was one morning at the end of May, when Xiao Yao’s class was in physical education. Ma Peng accidentally slapped his foot while playing basketball. After going to the infirmary for an examination, he found that there was nothing serious, so he went back to the classroom very depressed.

Naturally, the door of the classroom will not be locked during physical education class. When Ma Peng returned to the classroom, he was a little surprised to find that the classroom, which should have been empty, had a strange figure busy at Xiao Yao’s desk.

“Classmate, what are you doing?” Although Ma Peng only saw a back view, he judged that he should be a classmate of his school from the white shirt and dark blue knee-length skirt wearing the same style as the school uniform.

“Huh?” Ma Peng’s sudden voice frightened the other party. The figure stood up in a panic and turned to look at Ma Peng.

“Classmate, what class are you in? Did you go to the wrong classroom?” Ma Peng also saw the girl’s face. This is a girl who looks about twenty years old, with half-length hair combed in two braids and placed in front of his left and right shoulders, and the end hangs on his chest. It looks pretty good, so Ma Peng has a very kind attitude towards her. .

“I…” The girl hesitated a bit, and the expression on her face became tense.

Seeing the other party behaving like this, Ma Peng also began to wonder. As the girl tilted her head unconsciously, the hair hanging above her left chest moved away. Ma Peng keenly discovered that the left chest of her white shirt on her upper body was not embroidered with the school emblem like a school uniform, and the girl was holding a roll in her hands behind her back.

“You are not a student of our school, who are you? What are you doing? What are you holding?” Ma Peng’s eyes sharpened. Could there be thieves in the classroom?

“I’m not a student of this school,” the girl seemed to have finally calmed down. Although she was still a little nervous, she finally said, “I am Xiao Yao’s assistant. Xiao Yao has a song to be scored in advance today, but he doesn’t Carefully bring the music to the school. After his father contacted him, he asked me to pick it up in his desk bag, and then sent it to his father.” The girl raised her hand and rolled it into a roll. A blank sheet of paper, ready to leave after taking a step.

“Wait!” Ma Peng took a step forward, stopped in front of the girl, and said: “Xiao Yao said that he is an ordinary student in school, and he will never bring the entertainment industry to school. I don’t believe he will call the assistant to the school. Show me what you are holding.”

“No,” the girl took a step back, and immediately said nervously: “This is a new song that Xiao Yao hasn’t released yet. It can’t be revealed in advance and can’t be shown to you. Get out of the way. The recording studio is waiting for the score to be recorded, you Don’t delay me from delivering the score.”

“Huh, you can’t let me watch it. Xiao Yao is just below, and I tell him to come up and see for himself.” As he said, Ma Peng walked to the railing at the door of the classroom and shouted at the group of people playing basketball below: “Xiao Haruka! Come up!”

Because the basketball court for physical education in their class was under their teaching building, Ma Peng’s voice immediately stopped the few people playing basketball below and looked up.

“Ma Peng called me, I’ll go up and have a look.” Xiao Yao greeted several companions who were playing together.

“Without you, we are not equal in number and we are not good at playing. Let’s go up and see what Ma Peng is doing. It’s not that he, the sports committee member, couldn’t play the ball and he deliberately didn’t let us play well.” The man smiled.

There are no specific teaching tasks in high school physical education classes, mainly to improve and ensure the physical fitness of students. For the students with better physical fitness, the physical education teacher is going to play their favorite sports, and for those with poor physical fitness, the physical education teacher is staring at them running laps on the playground, so Xiao Yao plays basketball. There are no teachers at all, even if they go back to the classroom to study directly.

Hearing Ma Peng’s shout, the faces of the girls in the classroom were suddenly ashes. She didn’t expect that as a star, Xiao Yao’s classmates didn’t believe that his assistant would show up at the school, and that his relationship with classmates turned out to be like this, so she just yelled. Is this still a star?

Ma Peng’s tall figure of nearly 1.9 meters blocked the door, and the girl had nowhere to run, so she stood helplessly in the classroom.

Soon, Xiao Yao and a few companions came to the door of the classroom.

“Ma Peng, why did you call me to come up?” Xiao Yao looked at Ma Peng who was blocking the door of the classroom and said, “Why are you blocking the door of the classroom? Go in and say something if you have something to do.”

“Wait,” Ma Peng gave Xiao Yao a hand and pointed to the girl standing in the classroom. “The girl said it was your assistant and helped you get the score.”

“My assistant is a man, besides, I haven’t written nor sang recently. What music score do I use?” Xiao Yao looked at Ma Peng’s fingers suspiciously, and saw a strange girl dressed up like a high school student in the classroom. .

“Who are you? Why are you running to my school to pretend to be my assistant?” Xiao Yao looked at the girl with some discomfort.

“Hello Xiao Yao, my name is Fang Dihui, and I am your fan.” The girl was not so nervous when she saw Xiao Yao, she walked to Xiao Yao and said excitedly.

“Hello, but this is a school, not a place to chase stars. If you mix into the school like this, it will affect the study and life of my classmates and me.” Xiao Yao frowned. He also found that the girls’ clothes were very similar to the school uniforms, and they were obviously mixed in.

“I also wanted to look at you more.” Fang still began to coquettishly said.

“This kind of behavior is very bad, please don’t do it anymore. Now, please…wait, what are you holding?” Xiao Yao scanned the paper scroll in the girl’s hand.

“Oh, give me some of your test papers.” Fang still looked at Xiao Yao and said.

“Did you give it to her?” Xiao Yao turned his eyes to look at Ma Peng. Xiao Yao’s academic performance is good. After each exam, his test papers are occasionally borrowed by better-connected students, so some of his previous test papers are from Ma Peng.

“No, she was standing next to your seat when I came in. I guess she turned it out from your desk.” Ma Peng shook his head.

“Wow, this is an illegitimate meal!” Some boys nearby exclaimed.

Xiao Yao’s face changed when he heard Ma Peng’s answer. Sternly, he said to the girl who was still in front of him: “Your behavior is already a theft. Please return the test paper to me.”

“I don’t,” Fang still raised his head, “As a fan, what is it to take a few test papers for idols, if it weren’t for your good grades, I wouldn’t need it.”

Xiao Yao almost laughed angrily, and again the other party still said with a serious look: “Please respect yourself, return the things to me, and then leave, don’t do this kind of thing again in the future.”

“I won’t, what can you do with me?” Fang still looked at Xiao Yao unscrupulously.

“Xiaohu, please go to the security department, saying that our class has caught a thief, let them come to deal with it, and let them call the police by the way.” Xiao Yao calmly said to Shi Xiaohu next to him.

“Do you dare?” Fang still changed his face finally, and said sharply to Xiao Yao: “Where is there a celebrity who calls the police to catch fans? Are you not afraid that I will preach out to make you lose followers?”

(End of this chapter)

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