Entertaining Children

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 New member of the band

Chapter 176 New member of the band

On the third day of school, the captain of the school’s basketball team was beaten. Xiao Yao’s appearance at Xiqiao High School was a bit too high-profile. At the same time, this is also detrimental to Xiao Yao’s integration into Xiqiao Middle School’s high school life.

Joy is a kind of student in school that resembles a school bully. Xiao Yao beat him, many students actually clapped their hands and cheered in their hearts, but because Xiao Yao showed too much force and didn’t know much about him from China, ordinary students didn’t dare to overdo it for a while. He approaches.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao already has Dean, a close partner, so he is not alone in the school.

Although it was Joey who provoked first, but there were open fights, and the school had to deal with it accordingly after knowing it. Xiao Yao beating Joey was in full view of the dining area, and it spread quickly among students, and the school would naturally not be unaware of it, so Xiao Yao also had to bear certain consequences.

Xiao Yao has always made his moves very well. Although Joey was finally taken to the school’s infirmary by two of his companions, there were no fractures, no internal bleeding, and no damage to internal organs except for skin injuries. In addition, it was Joey who acted first, so he told Xiao Yao. The punishment was not serious, but he was fined to stay in court for three consecutive days.

The school also notified Xiao Yao’s temporary parent, Mrs. Smith, so in addition to being detained at school, Xiao Yao was also to be punished at Smith’s house. After Dean and Samien explained the details of the matter to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith did not give Xiao Yao a more serious punishment, but only fined him for three days. This kind of punishment is almost negligible for Xiao Yao, who doesn’t like to go out at night. More, it just shows Mrs. Smith’s attitude towards this matter.

As for the school’s punishment, detention is much gentler and more acceptable than the usual punishment in the previous life. The punishment is reviewed in front of the whole school. The detentions of Huaxia School are mostly delayed by teachers or individual tutoring for students with poor grades, while detentions in the United States are mostly a punishment for students who make mistakes, and there is very little teaching content. In his previous life, Xiao Yao, who has seen many American school detention scenes in American film and television dramas, happens to have a lot of curiosity about the unique punishment method of American school detention. He wanted to experience it and feel it.

The fighting incident did not have much impact on Xiao Yao, but for the Smith brothers and sisters who are relatively close to Xiao Yao, the impact was relatively large, even though the impact occurred more than two months after the incident. of.

“Young, at the school celebration next week, our band will have a live performance. Haven’t you always wanted to see our band’s performance? Don’t miss it.” After the last get out of class this morning, Dean side Walking outside, he excitedly said to Xiao Yao beside him.

“Really? I am looking forward to it.” Xiao Yao smiled, “In the past two months, you have refused me to see your band rehearsal several times. I am very curious about your performance.”

“That’s to give you a surprise. It’s boring to let you see in advance. Besides, there is no good-looking live performance during rehearsal.” Dean also smiled.

The two turned their heads and said as they walked, they soon left the classroom and came to the corridor outside. But as soon as they left the corridor, they were blocked by a few people. Among the few people who blocked them, standing in the front was the basketball captain Joey who had been beaten by Xiao Yao.

Since being beaten by Xiao Yao, Joey has not come to trouble Xiao Yao for more than two months, and even rarely appears in front of Xiao Yao. So Dean and Xiao Yao both felt a little strange when Joey suddenly appeared in the way.

“Joy, what do you want to do? Want to fight again? Haven’t been beaten enough by Yang last time?” Dean asked, looking at Joey. With Xiao Yao by his side, Dean is not as nervous as before facing Joey.

The anger on Joey’s face flashed away, and he squeezed his fist but released it quickly. Raising his hands, Joey smiled and said, “Hey, don’t tell me to be so violent, I’m just passing by.” With that, Joey turned sideways, looking like he was giving way to Dean and Xiao Yao. The road in the corridor actually showed a person behind him.

“Nick, why are you here?” Dean looked at the humanity in front of him. Xiao Yao looked at the man. It was obvious that he was also a student of this school. He was a little taller than himself, about one meter and eighteen, and he was a thin white teenager with blond curly hair and a thin body.

“Dean, I’m here to tell you that I want to quit the band.” The white boy named Nick said to Dean in embarrassment.

“Why?” Dean was anxious, “You are the only guitar player in our band. And we will have a performance at the school celebration next week.”

“Because Joey said that if I quit the band, he would recommend me to join the school basketball team.” Nick whispered, “You know, joining the school basketball team has always been my dream.”

“Isn’t it your dream to be a band?” Dean looked at Nick loudly, “Besides, with your body, what can you do to join the basketball team? Do you specialize in handing drinks and towels?”

“Wow, this is really hurtful, but it seems to be true.” Joey whistled from the side and smiled.

“The band is just my dream, but the basketball team is not only my dream, but also my father’s dream. He also graduated from West Bridge and used to be the main player of the basketball team here, but now I can’t even sit on the bench of the basketball team. Come on, I don’t want to let him down, at least give him some comfort.” Nick continued to whisper, “I’m sorry.”

“You are so mean!” Dean turned his head and glared at Joey.

“Why? Do you want to fight?” Joey smiled and looked at angry Dean. “Last time, I asked Huaxia Boy to single out, so I didn’t ask anyone to help. If you want to fight with me, I’ll accompany you. But if If Huaxia kid helps you, I won’t stop my teammates again.” As he said, Joey looked at Xiao Yao provocatively.

With Joey, there are a total of four basketball teams standing in front of Dean. Dean felt that even if Nick didn’t help each other in a conflict, he would be tough enough to deal with a basketball player. Although Xiao Yao was great, Dean couldn’t guarantee that Xiao Yao could handle it one-on-three or one-on-four. Last time it was Joey who acted first, but Xiao Yao only fought back and was fined in detention. This time, if he did the first thing on his side, the school’s punishment would definitely be more serious, not to mention the fact that he could not be beaten. He didn’t want to put Xiao Yao on the back of a bigger punishment because of himself.

Therefore, Dean suppressed his anger and looked back at Nick and said, “Nick, can’t you think about it again?”

“I’m sorry.” Nick said sorry again, turned around and walked away.

“I look forward to your band’s performance at the school celebration,” Joey walked to Dean and smiled, “If your band still exists.”

“Sami will be unhappy if you do this.” Dean looked at Joey.

“So what?” Joey shrugged. “Do you think she will look at me after I was ashamed in front of her last time? There are so many beautiful girls in school, and it’s not just your sister. “After that, Joey led his teammates laughing and walked away.

Watching Joey leave, Dean quickly took out his mobile phone and edited a text message “Urgently, Nick is leaving the band. Let’s meet in the instrument room and discuss how to deal with it.” The text message was sent to other band members. After sending it out, Dean ran to the instrument room.

Xiao Yao, who didn’t say a word during the whole process, saw Dean sent a text message and ran away, and could only follow.

The band encountered a crisis and was almost over. Dean no longer avoided Xiao Yao, and took Xiao Yao all the way to the school’s instrument room, where they rehearsed during extracurricular activities.

It didn’t take long for the band members George, Mike and Samien to arrive one after another, and even Samien’s three best friends who were not members of the band also came.

Seeing that the band members arrive together, Dean will tell everyone what Nick has just said to quit the band and why.

“It’s too much, Joey is really mean.”

“Nick is an idiot. He knew that Joey was using him to beat the band. He really listened to Joey.”

Before the band members spoke, some of Samien’s best friends who had listened to the incident first condemned Joey and Nick.

“Nick did this for his reasons.” George said, “Besides, in the whole band, Nick was not as good as the three of us. It is understandable to choose to give up the band at this time.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about others, but think about what the band will do. Next week is the school celebration performance. Without a guitarist, how can we perform?” Samien started.

“Of course I will find another guitarist to join the band.” Dean said, “Do you know who else in the school has good guitar talks?”

“I know a few who can play guitar.” Mike said, “but I don’t know their level. Even if they play as well as Nick, although I think that is unlikely. Even if it is, even if he is willing to join. , But only one week, what can he and our cooperation be like? I don’t want us to act like a disaster in front of everyone at the school celebration and become the laughing stock of the whole school.”

“How do you know if you don’t try?” Dean said without giving up. “Everyone tells everyone the names of people who know how to play the guitar. Everyone finds them separately, and then this week everyone stepped up rehearsals to catch up with the school celebration performance. We don’t ask for a great performance at the school celebration, as long as we can cope with it, it’s not a disaster.”

“I know that Dante, who is in eleventh grade, can play guitar, but I don’t know if he will be willing to join the band. I will go to him and try it.” George said first.

“I know that Meyer will be in tenth grade, but this guy seems to have only learned guitar for a year. I am afraid that his level is not very good. I will go to him and listen to how he plays first.” Mike also said.

“There must be some who can play guitar in the twelfth grade, but I don’t know. Please check with Jenna and others later.” Samien continued.

“I know the one who can play the guitar is… it’s Yang!” Dean saw that everyone expressed their support for their proposal, so naturally they should not fall behind. But thinking of someone who can play the guitar, Dean suddenly remembered that Xiao Yao once said that he could play the guitar and asked him if the band was recruiting. Therefore, Xiao Yao’s name blurted out of his mouth.

Seeing everyone looking at him in surprise, Dean patted his forehead, “Right, where’s Young? He came with me just now.”

Just as everyone was wondering, a guitar sound suddenly sounded in the corner of the instrument room. Everyone followed the sound, and saw Xiao Yao holding an electric guitar plugged in, playing his fingers on the guitar strings skillfully and quickly, and a dazzling guitar melody with a fast rhythm came out of the speaker.

After a cool guitar solo, Xiao Yao stopped, smiled and looked at the people who looked at him in a little astonishment and said: “I heard that your band lacks a guitarist?”

“Oh my goodness, I played it just now? I think it’s much better than Nick.” George patted the Mike beside him. Nick is considered to be the best guitar player among the people they know, otherwise he wouldn’t find someone they are not familiar with and close to join the band.

“Do you think? As long as you are not an idiot, you can hear it.” Dean glanced at George, then walked to Xiao Yao, gave Xiao Yao a big hug through the guitar, and said happily: “Welcome to join!”

(End of this chapter)

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