Entertaining Children

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 coward

Chapter 181 Coward

“Okay, Yang! Not a young man.” Seeing Xiao Yao’s childish movements of taller than her height, Betty rolled her beautiful eyes helplessly.

“I still remember how you played the piano in the western restaurant and the keyboard on the Eva show. I didn’t expect that in addition to the piano, your guitar is also great!” Betty continued to praise Xiao Yao.

“Although the piano is known as the king of musical instruments, I think the guitar is the most popular musical instrument for young people.” Xiao Yao smiled. “It’s just that it was too small back then. No matter the size or the size of the palm, it is not suitable for playing guitar. ”

“Is it the favorite instrument of all young people, or yours?” It seems that every time they meet, Betty and Xiao Yao like to play the young pun.

“I think it belongs to all young people.” Xiao Yao replied.

“Why?” Betty asked.

“Because it is convenient to perform in front of girls.” Xiao Yao introduced, “At least on the campus of China, a boy carrying a guitar to the dormitory of his favorite girl to play guitar and sing is a very popular way of showing love. The success rate is very high. High.”

“Really?” Betty was curious.

“Of course,” Xiao Yao shrugged with a smile, “but the premise is that the boy’s guitar must be very good. If it is bad, it will be smashed away by all kinds of things thrown down by the girls in the dormitory building. .”

“Haha,” Betty brain filled the scene that Xiao Yao said, and said with a smile: “That scene must be very interesting.”

“But that must not be you.” Betty continued, “If you use this method to confess to the girl you like, the girl will not be able to refuse. By the way, do you have a girlfriend?”

“No.” Xiao Yao answered without hesitation this time.

Seeing Betty’s somewhat surprised gaze, Xiao Yao complained in his heart: “I’m only seventeen. Why do everyone think that I should have a girlfriend? Not to mention that in the past life experience, the number of middle school students who have seen falling in love are few. Even in this world, there are not many people in the class who are in love at the moment, less than one-third of them, don’t Chen Mingfei and Ma Peng still have girlfriends?”

With a glimpse of his eyes, the band partners behind Xiao Yao had already packed up the instruments on the stage and stood aside waiting for Xiao Yao. Betty felt that it was not the time for long talks, so she said to Xiao Yao, “I am very happy. See you again and come to my house this weekend. Keith was very curious about you back then and always wanted to see you. It’s rare that you are now in the United States and playing on a team. I think you two will have a lot to talk about. ”

“Your home?” Xiao Yao repeated somewhat surprised.

“Yes,” Betty nodded. “My home is on Beverly Hills. Since you are an exchange student at Westbridge Middle School, you should live in Calabasas? Calabasas is not far from Beverly Hills. It takes less than an hour to drive.”

“Well, I will go.” Xiao Yao agreed with a smile.

After Betty and Xiao Yao exchanged contact information, they bid farewell and left. Xiao Yao tidyed up his guitar and returned to the band members waiting aside.

“Is that Betty Belet?” Seeing Xiao Yao coming back, Dean couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yao first.

“Yes.” Xiao Yao nodded.

“What did she ask you to say?” George asked, “Her husband is the daydream lead singer Keith Craig. Is she fancying your song and wants to buy it for her husband?” Obviously, when they were waiting, they had already discussed it.

“No, we just met again by accident, just chatting casually.” Xiao Yao shook his head.

“Oh…what?!” Dean nodded first, “Oh”, and then he reacted and shouted: “Meet you again? You knew Betty Betty before? How come? When?”

“I met when I went to New York seven years ago. As for how I met, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you when I have a chance.” Xiao Yao pointed to the packed musical instrument and said, “Now we should put the musical instrument away first. Go back and think about how to celebrate the complete success of our first performance.”

Hearing Xiao Yao say this, everyone’s joy in the success of the performance overwhelmed the curiosity about how Xiao Yao met Betty Belet. At Xiao Yao’s call, everyone returned the packed musical instruments back to the instrument room, thinking about how to celebrate.

When it comes to celebration, the first thing that comes to mind is wine. When it comes to wine, Xiao Yao feels that being in the United States is not as good as being in China. When he graduated from junior high school, he and a group of friends were almost drunk when they ran to karaoke. However, in the United States, the law not only stipulates that the legal minimum drinking age is 21 years old, but also prohibits any wine-selling places such as bars and shops from selling alcohol to young people under the age of 21. Therefore, even if the band members who were so excited by the success of the performance wanted to drink and celebrate illegally, there was no way to buy wine for a while.

Without alcohol, everyone can only substitute non-alcoholic beverages when celebrating. For Xiao Yao, it seems that it is not so enjoyable.

After a passionate performance in the afternoon, Xiao Yao, who had returned to Smith’s house after celebrating, had calmed down, and people also felt exhausted.

Returned to his room and threw himself on the bed. Xiao Yao, who just wanted to get a good night’s sleep, failed to do so, because Dean followed his back foot as soon as he went upstairs to the room.

“Young, I want to learn to write songs, can you teach me?” Xiao Yao, who heard a knock on the door and opened the door to let Dean, thought that Dean was here to gossip how he knew Betty, but he didn’t expect Dean to speak. Just made such a request.

“Today I felt that it is the right way to play on a team and have your own music. So I thought, if you can write songs, why can’t I?” Dean said with a confident expression.

“Since you want to learn, of course I can teach you some basic rules and methods,” Xiao Yao said while looking at Dean. “But creating this kind of thing depends on inspiration and talent. Can you write a song? , Or whether the song you wrote is good or bad, but it’s all up to you.”

“Of course, I understand this.” Dean nodded to express his understanding, “I thought I couldn’t do it before, but now I want to try it.”

“Well, in that case, you will come to my room when you go home in the evening, and I will teach you. But forget it tonight, I am tired and need to rest now.” Xiao Yao nodded and agreed.

“No problem, then I won’t disturb you.” Seeing Xiao Yao agree to come down, Dean simply stood up and said goodbye.

At breakfast on the second day, Mrs. Smith, who knew that the performance was very successful, first expressed to the children apologize for not being able to come to the scene yesterday due to work reasons, and then congratulated the three young people and praised them greatly. They talked about it.

Mrs. Smith’s congratulations and compliments made the three people start a new day with a very happy mood. After arriving at school, the band members also clearly felt that everyone’s attitude towards them was completely different. They seemed a little obscured before, and they seemed to have become star students in the whole school overnight. Wherever I went, my classmates greeted them enthusiastically and praised their great performance yesterday.

For the other members of the band, yesterday’s performance on the school anniversary was a good influence on them, but for Xiao Yao, he still has some remaining problems that need to be resolved.

Because the previous week’s rehearsal was all in the evening, Xiao Yao’s part-time job in the “buy more” supermarket was also absent for a few days. Xiao Yao explained the situation with his boss, Mr. Johnson, and asked his colleagues to help shift the shift. Now that the performance is over, he will have to spend longer working hours this week to make up for what he owed.

The original working hours were from 8 to 10 in the evening, but this week Xiaoyao’s working hours were from 7 to 10:30 in the evening. But Xiao Yao, who worked until ten o’clock for the first time, encountered an unexpected incident.

After ten o’clock in the evening, there are almost no customers in the supermarket. This time is also the main time period for the tally staff to prepare for the next day’s sale.

Pushing a supermarket shopping cart full of commodities, Xiao Yao put the commodities on the shelves with empty spaces one by one. The job is not difficult, it is just a little boring mechanically.

“Stop! Catch them!” Just as Xiao Yao squatted boringly on the ground to load the goods on the bottom shelf, he suddenly heard a girl shouting from the end of the aisle in the middle of the shelf.

Xiao Yao turned his head and saw that three black youths in their twenties were carrying bags and running towards him with a nervous expression on their faces. And behind them, it seems to be… Kim?

Xiao Yao stood up with a look of astonishment, just blocking the front of the three black youths. A black young man with a headscarf running in the front saw Xiao Yao who was in the way. He took a knife from his pocket as he ran and shouted to Xiao Yao, “Get out of the way!”

Xiao Yao, who still had an expression of astonishment on his face, raised his hands when he saw it, and then… a shelf that was close to his side, gave way to the middle of the shelf for the three black youths who had fled.

The black youth led by    showed a trace of triumph. As a result, just after running out of the aisle between the shelves, he was tripped over by a supermarket shopping cart that rushed in diagonally. Not only did the knife in his hand fall and flew out, but he also tripped the two companions who followed him.

Next, several tall supermarket employees ran over and pressed the three people who had fallen on the ground to subdue them.

“Jin, what’s the matter?” A white brawny employee in his thirties, headed by a black young man, raised his head to look at Jin who was running over and asked. All of them rushed over when they heard Jin’s shout, and he pushed the shopping cart that was blocking the road.

“They are thieves who stole the supermarket stuff.” Jin replied, panting. “I called them when I saw them stuffing the supermarket stuff into clothes and bags. But they turned their heads and ran when they saw me. I confirmed that they must have stolen something, so I ran and chased it.”

“Good job!” The strong white man exaggerated Jin, and then said to some scared female cashiers behind the cash register: “Call the police and let the police handle it.” Then, he twisted the black young man’s arm behind him. , Pulled him up, and said to the black youth: “Go, before the police come, go to our lounge and stay!”

Watching a few tall white colleagues take the thieves away, Jin, who was breathing well, finally relaxed. Then she thought of Xiao Yao, who had been stopped in front of a few thieves in the passage just now, took the initiative to give way to the thieves.

Unexpectedly, this cool guy who looks very sunny and plays in a party would take the initiative to give way to the thief when he met the thief. Jin was very dissatisfied and glanced at Xiao Yao, who was standing aside, and had put his hands down, and cried a little angrily: “Coward !”

Because some things need to be dealt with, there will be only one shift in the next three to five days, and two shifts will be resumed on the 8th or the 10th

(End of this chapter)

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