Entertaining Children

Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Played before

Chapter 187 Played before

The meaning of this sentence is obviously that Xiao Yao, a Chinese teenager, has more musical talents and musical literacy than Bill Justin, the most popular teenager musical genius in the United States.

Although James Waco also thinks Xiao Yao’s performance is very good, but after hearing Keith say that American teenagers are not as good as Chinese teenagers, James, who is also a young American, is still a little unhappy.

James is not good at refuting Keith’s words directly. On the one hand, it is Keith’s identity and age. It is very inappropriate for him to question and refute casually on this occasion. What’s more important is that James is not a music professional. Even if he is questioning and rebutting, he can’t say anything substantive. In order to save the face of some American teenagers, James decided to open his eyes to Xiao Yao, a Chinese kid from China, in other ways.

“Kees and Ron, now the recording is over, are there any plans next?” James said to Keith and Ron, who were listening to the results of the recording with a monitor headset each.

“Well… we need to do some post-processing on the song we just recorded.” Keith replied.

Thinking about it, Keith said to the band members on one side: “Your work is complete, you can go. After the post-production is completed, I will send a copy to Yang. Is it okay for you?”

“Okay,” Xiao Yao nodded in thanks, “Thank you, Keith.”

“No thanks, remember what you promised me.” Keith reminded with a smile.

“What did you promise him?” Samien said nervously.

“I promised Keith, our band will give them a warm-up performance for “Daydream” at the Los Angeles concert before Christmas.” Xiao Yao explained, “I’m sorry that everyone made this decision without approval. , But I think this is a rare and good opportunity, so I agree to it. I hope you have no opinion on this.”

“Oh.” Samien said with a relaxed expression.

“Of course there is no problem.” Dean, Mike and George said excitedly. Give them a warm-up performance at the “Daydream” concert, which is the opportunity they dream of as a student band.

“Okay, we’re going to work. You young people go and play by yourself.” Ron also hurriedly said, “This is Los Angeles. There are so many fun places.”

“Yeah, Yang has been here for three months, and has always been in Calabasas. Except for the first day, I haven’t been to Los Angeles,” Dean also patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder. Anyway, today is the weekend, we might as well have a good time in Los Angeles before going back.”

“OK, let’s go shopping in Los Angeles, and then I will go back with you.” Xiao Yao nodded and said.

“Kees, I will go back directly with my friends later, and save the trouble you will arrange a car to send me. Please say goodbye to Betty for me.” Xiao Yao said to Keith Craig again.

“Well, contact me later.” Keith waved his hand.

Farewell to Keith and Ron, and the band members leave Keith’s recording studio. Before everyone could discuss where to go, James Waco chased him out.

“Hey, where are you going?” James stopped the band members and said, “Don’t tell me to go to places like the Avenue of Stars, Disney, Universal Studios. Those are tourist attractions, are you not so tacky? ”

“So you have a good recommendation?” Xiao Yao looked at James a little strangely.

“Yes,” James nodded, “I will take you to see what the coolest young people in Los Angeles are playing right now.”

“That is a new sport, it should be regarded as a kind of extreme sport. It has only been about two years since its appearance. It has just begun to be popular among young people in major cities in the world. It is very trendy.” James continued Introduced, “It happens to be an event this afternoon. I know the location. Why don’t I take you to an eye-opener.”

“Yang? What do you think?” The rest of the band turned their attention to Xiao Yao. After all, the four of them grew up in Calabasas, next to Los Angeles. They have all been to the famous attractions in Los Angeles, this time mainly to accompany Xiao Yao.

“I am more interested in what James said.” Xiao Yao smiled. Although he has stayed in Calabasas for the past three months, he had been to Los Angeles when he was taking pictures with Chen Xuan everywhere, and he had already visited those famous attractions.

“But we have six people and only one car.” Samien frowned in embarrassment. A car is full of five people, but six people are too crowded. James and Xiao Yao came in Keith’s car, but he didn’t see him driving over.

“I borrowed Ron’s car.” James raised the car key in Yang’s hand. “Anyway, he and Keith have to do music for a long time, so I don’t need a car for the time being.” It turns out that James came out better than the band members. It was late because he went to borrow a car from Ron.

“OK, let’s go. You lead the way, we follow you.” With that, the five members of the band squeezed into a car in a tacit understanding.

James didn’t care about it, got into Ron’s car and drove to the destination.

After arriving at the destination, Dean and the others looked at the place in front of them strangely after getting off the bus.

“Isn’t it about extreme sports? How did you get to the residential area?” Dean asked James with an excited smile. “By the way, I didn’t expect Los Angeles to have such a residential area.”

They are currently located in a slightly old residential area, most of which are buildings with one or two floors and no more than three floors. However, unlike middle-class residential areas, which are mostly single-family houses, most of these buildings are connected to each other. At the same time, especially in the open space in front of the building, in addition to the lawn, there are undulating stairs, slopes and railings. Many low walls that are used as partitions and ladder handrails also create a lot of narrow or wide passages.

“This kind of sport is played in this kind of place.” James explained with a smile: “It is not like an extreme sport like skateboarding or cycling. It is originally a sport based on the scenes of daily urban life.”

“Look,” James pointed to a group of people running and walking in the building, “There are no established rules and movements, just running, jumping, and leaping these simple exercises, but you can give full play to your imagination and use your own uniqueness. It’s a way to overcome these obstacles in front of you. This is a sport art that relies on your physical stamina and physical fitness to quickly, effectively and reliably navigate any known and unknown environment. Isn’t it cool?”

Looking at the group of people crossing obstacles with all kinds of incredible movements, fast, smooth, and very flexible, both novel and very ornamental, they nodded involuntarily.

“By the way, this sport is called…” James finally introduced the name of the sport.

“Parkour!” A voice took James’ words.

James looked back in surprise and found that it was Xiao Yao, the Chinese kid he wanted to bring to the world. At this time, Xiao Yao crossed his fingers, turned his palms forward and stretched his arms, and when he moved his neck left and right at the same time, he could still hear a slight “crack” sound.

“Do you know?” James looked at Xiao Yao incredulously.

“Of course, I also played it when I was in China.” Xiao Yao answered with a smile.

After a brief movement of his body, Xiao Yao took off his coat on his upper body and said to James: “It’s been a long time since I ran. Now that I see it, I want to run and watch. Those people shouldn’t mind my joining. ?”

“Of course, this is a very open event, anyone can join in and play.” James replied subconsciously. Then he reacted and asked: “Are you sure you can play? Look at their movements. This movement is quite dangerous. The terrain of this place today is also more complicated. It is not recommended for those with no or little experience. People participate rashly.”

“Yeah, it is indeed dangerous to look at. Let’s just take a look around. You still don’t take risks.” Mike and George also said with some worry, “We also warm up “Daydreams” before Christmas. The task of the performance, if you get injured, break a bone or something, it may affect the performance at that time.”

“Control the art of sports in any known and unknown environment. Who said that? It’s a good summary.” Xiao Yao praised in his heart, then smiled and comforted Mike and George, “Don’t worry, I am not reckless. People. I really have experience in playing this and have the ability to control the danger correctly and minimize it.”

“I believe in Young!” Dean stood up and said, “Young always knows what he is doing.”

Samien also had some worries on her face, but she looked like she wanted to say nothing, and in the end she didn’t say anything.

Throwing his coat into the car that Samien drove, Xiao Yao walked slowly to the side of the building complex and randomly chose a starting point.

Taking a few deep breaths, adjusting his breathing, Xiao Yao crouched and rushed out.

The first obstacle in front of    was a low wall about one meter high and used as a partition. Xiao Yao lowered his center of gravity, raised his arms, and jumped forward. With both hands supported on the wall, the body rises upwards, the feet are in front of the body, and the knees and abdomen are bent. Press down with both hands at the same time. When the body reaches the top of the obstacle, move both hands back, and let the body slide forward naturally through inertia, and then briskly crossed the low wall.

“King Kong Jump!” James yelled softly.

Xiao Yao wanted to play parkour, and the rest of the band watched. James believes that his skills are relatively poor, and he did not run with Xiao Yao when he was still in the basic practice stage. Instead, he stood with other members of the band and watched Xiao Yao run.

A few people in the band turned their heads and looked at James, and instantly understood that it was James who called Xiao Yao’s name. It can be seen from this that Xiao Yao really has a lot of experience in playing this.

Monkey jumping, cat climbing, pushing up the wall, grabbing the railing side by side, grabbing the wall side by side, etc. were made while Xiao Yao was running, and they also popped out of James’ mouth one by one. . Especially for many front, back and side somersaults that Xiao Yao’s dazzling skills usually join during leaping or crossing, James was already too surprised to close his mouth.

In addition to the gorgeous and beautiful movements, Xiao Yao ran very smooth and fast throughout, so those young people who were already running were surpassed by Xiao Yao one by one.

Xiao Yao’s actions like this naturally attracted everyone’s attention. Even many people who were running, after seeing Xiao Yao surpassing himself with various difficult movements, unconsciously stopped and watched Xiao Yao intently. Run away.

Since    is running, it naturally moves in position. It is impossible for the band and James to stand in the same position to watch Xiao Yao’s full run, so they also had to run with Xiao Yao. It’s just that Xiao Yao is running in various cool ways to cross obstacles, and they are constantly moving their positions according to Xiao Yao’s running route.

Their run naturally attracted the attention of others. Several people in the band were strange faces, and everyone didn’t care much. James Waco often hung out with them, parkour enthusiasts. Everyone was familiar with him, so they came up and asked him. Xiao Yao.

“Jim, do you know that guy?”

“Jimmy, I just saw you guys come together. Where did you find such a great guy?”

(End of this chapter)

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